"Everyone misunderstood. I have explained it just now. Now that the collection room has just been established and there is not even a complete working regulation. Even if I let you in now, what can you do? Do you know how to do it?

Standing there foolishly arguing with each other, slobbering that you didn't do anything serious, is this the original intention of you coming here? "

Everyone was a little shaken by what he said.

"I don't need too many people for the time being, otherwise it will add to the chaos. I will lead people to come up with a charter first... If you think the charter itself is inappropriate, everyone will communicate with you at that time, and you can adjust it if it is unreasonable. How about it?"

In the end, other students were still persuaded by Jiang Buku, and only a hundred students were led into the front hall by Jiang Buku.

He casually pointed to the empty hall, and said: "There is nothing here now, but it is only temporary. Tomorrow, experts from the construction institute will come to collect data and design according to our actual needs, including the production of all objects and Installation, plan to get it all done in 20 days...

At that time, you can bring up any ideas. I only plan to open the front hall for the time being, and then open the other halls one by one when the scale increases in the future.So don't look at the space is quite large now, it will be very compact when it is divided into several areas. "

He invited everyone to find a place to sit, briefly introduced the situation, and said, "Now let's get down to business."

He walked to a pile of documents and pulled out a thick one. These documents were tied together with cotton rope, and they were heavy and heavy to lift.

Under the cotton rope was a piece of white paper, on which three large characters, Mantis Fist, were written with a brush.

He untied the cotton rope and handed the materials to the students.

"You have to take a look at it as you pass it on. You don't need to be very careful, just get a general idea."

Everyone watched while listening to Jiang Buku's introduction.

"The printed materials at the bottom were collected and organized by the school from the Internet after the sky change.

The scanned copies above were provided by those martial arts practitioners, and they have evolved and played a role in the process of spreading, and they have been divided into various genres.

The mimeographed materials above are also the largest in number, and they are the detailed materials after the real practice of our school's martial arts instructors and students.

The last one is the brand-new perception and understanding of those who have awakened their cultivation bases. If you do not have enough cultivation bases, you don’t need to worry about it. "

After roughly introducing it, he continued after everyone passed on the information and roughly understood the outline of the information:

"It is obviously unreasonable to use such a thick book as an introductory practice book for others. Just now, there are millions of words here, and there will be more practitioners in the future. Is it necessary to continue to increase?

We are going to do subtraction now, extract useful information, and discard everything else. "

After seeing the real thing and listening to Jiang Buku's introduction, everyone really understood the nature of the work they were about to participate in.

A little excited, but also a little dignified.

This is really legislation for future generations, not to mention the right of authorship after it is completed, the experience and sense of accomplishment gained from participating in this matter alone is enough to make people full of passion.

But on the other hand, they were full of anxiety.

This is a law for future generations, and later people will point to their revised exercises and classics to practice, if... What if they misunderstand their children?

In the final analysis, I still have some distrust of my own abilities.

Jiang Buku comforted him instead:

"These materials are full of [-]% water, I believe that with your strength, you can easily pull out [-]% of them.

Of the remaining [-]%, after mutual discussion, at least [-]% can be squeezed out.

The remaining [-]% is really not sure, so don’t force it. Besides your school there are so many instructors, you can ask them for advice. In the end, there is still a little bit of water that can’t be squeezed out, so don’t force it. I will continue to confirm it in the future that is.

Isn't this also an interesting inheritance, we have solved many problems for future generations, but we have also left them new problems, and they have made new progress when answering our questions..."

In the end, he encouraged everyone: "We try our best to do our best, but we don't have to pursue perfection. This is not realistic."

"Okay, I've done the job!"

"And I!"

"Count me in too!"

There are 100 people entering the hall, and at this moment, all of them raised their hands to join.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Buku said loudly: "Okay, then let's start with this "Mantis Fist" and practice our hands first."

"I've made it clear what to do specifically, and let's talk about the rules of work.

I really believe in everyone's ability, but people must have their own cognitive limitations, and even make some sloppy and low-level mistakes.

Therefore, my idea is to take ten people as a group, and each group will start from these original materials and re-learn a set of practice exercises. One hundred of you will be divided into ten groups, and finally you will get ten sets of exercises. Get rid of the chaff and save the chaff. "

Everyone discussed it and felt that this method is good, and it avoids the hidden dangers of personal subjectivity or omissions to the greatest extent.

If there are no major flaws in the actual operation of this process, Jiang Buku will attract more students to do this coolie full of honor.

Not only this session, but every session in the future will have opportunities.

Even if all the traditional martial arts have been compiled into new books of exercises, they can still start from the original materials and specifically find faults.

In this mode, the students of each class turn into countless phantoms that appear and disappear, and the exercises and classics in the library become the main body. Under the care of countless phantoms of students, the exercises and classics grow and evolve little by little.

What's more, let these best students of Yanxia work for free, not only will they not complain, but they will be full of fighting spirit.

And his ginger is not bitter, he just needs to put his hands in his arms, walk around and stop.

Fifteen days later, the principal's office.

Ou Ziyuan, Zhai Shutong, Yan Hong, and Zhou Tashan, like the Four King Kong, sat in a row, staring at Jiang Buku who came in with a thin booklet.

Jiang Buku placed the booklet on the table in front of the four of them.

Ou Ziyuan said to Yan Hong, "Give him an interrogation."

Long before the change of heaven, Yan Hong had been practicing Chuanwu for decades, visiting famous masters, basically he had seen and even practiced Chuanwu with a little bit of fame.

Decades of accumulation exploded as the sky changed. Although he was young, he was the first person in Liuyi College to awaken and break through.

If you want to say who is the most qualified to be the final reviewer, it is really none other than him.

Yan Hong held the booklet in his hand.

After carefully looking at the cover for a while, the three characters of Mantis Boxing are in neat italics, without any ingenuity at all.

But under the text, there is a human figure outlined in a white line. The legs are half-bent and unyielding, and the hands are slightly raised and stretched forward, ready to greet you. Adding the waist, back, chest, head and neck, it is really a living creature. The human-shaped praying mantis that wants to pounce on prey has both god and shape.

Yan Hong stared at this simple sketch for a long time, and said, "Who drew this painting? Not to mention anything else, I can give nine points to this painting alone!"

Jiang Buku said: "A girl volunteered to draw it. She said that her painting skills were not so good before. After practicing, she has improved her control over her body, and her hands can accurately present the picture in her mind through strokes and lines. "

Yan Hong nodded, opened the cover, and read the text carefully.

Title page:

"Although mantis boxing is a pictorial boxing, it focuses on meaning rather than form. The ancient sages took the movement and stillness of mantis catching cicadas, took their demeanor, endowed it with the principles of yin and yang, hardness and softness, virtual reality, and applied the methods of up and down, left and right, front and back, advance and retreat. Both long and short, hard and soft, alternating up and down, connecting inside and outside, hooking, chopping and sliding, continuous strokes and strikes, forming a chain of movements, stretching like a bow, and shrinking like a ball."

Yan Hong read it several times, the more he thought about it, the more subtle he felt.

Brainwashed by various film and television works, he had a strange obsession with the secret books of martial arts when he was young, but when he really found the secret books of martial arts, he was very headache.

But this version, with a few words, has exhausted the essence of Tanglangquan.

"This is the general outline of boxing?"

Jiang Buku nodded and said: "Our attitude is to convey accurate information in as concise a language as possible. Every exercise must first have a general outline, which is not only for practitioners to accurately understand the characteristics of a exercise, but also for The keynote is set by the Re-Cultivation Law, and any material content that contradicts it will be directly eliminated."

After hearing this, Yan Hong asked with interest: "Then what if the content itself proves to be valuable in practice?"

Jiang Buku said:

"It should also be removed from the main text of the exercises and put into the sub-book of exercises, together with the conclusions that we have not completely resolved or cannot accurately judge, as an extension and supplement, it can be regarded as an extracurricular exercise for them.

Moreover, I will tell them directly that the original exercises are not absolute authority, and they are welcome to knock us down at any time. "

Having said that, Jiang Buku smiled to himself.

Yan Hong smiled and said, "It's a little tricky... But it's also a way."

Then, he continued to review the following content.

His biggest feeling is that both pictures and texts are rich.

Millions of words of information were refined into 278 moves.

The 278 movements are divided into four categories, raising, practicing, fighting, and killing.

Each move is accompanied by a concise text description.

While Yan Hong looked carefully, Jiang Buku narrated: "In the classification of martial arts, in addition to the four methods of cultivating and killing, there is also a performance method, which is dedicated to performance. We feel that it is unnecessary to keep it, so it has been deleted. "

There are four actions per page, one paper has two sides, and the 278 style is only 35 pages, which is indeed very thin.

Yan Hong read it neither too fast nor too slowly, and it took him more than an hour to finish it.

Holding the thin booklet with his hand, he shook it in his hand and said:

"It's really thin enough. It's not easy to compress millions of words into this size, and I haven't seen any mistakes. However, you are still playing tricks, you put eight pictures on a piece of paper, I am practicing You can get the general idea at a glance, but for those beginners, do you let them hold a magnifying glass to think about the moves?


I suggest that the two methods of fighting and killing do not need to be separated. Looking at all the martial arts, the overlap between the two is very high, but one has scruples when making moves, and the strength should be restrained, and the moves should be decent. Scruples, do everything possible.

Now that we are rebuilding the exercises, we don't need to think about these, and just combine them into one, which should save dozens of movements.

There is no need to separate the two methods of raising and practicing, and they can be combined directly, which can save dozens of them. "

Jiang Buku kept nodding his head yes.

In the end, Yan Hong said: "In this way, the moves of this exercise can be compressed to less than 150... Well, I still think it's a bit too many. Many moves are very similar, so they can be further simplified."

Jiang Bu wryly smiled and said, "If they do it right once this year, how can they mobilize the enthusiasm of the newcomers?"

Yan Hong was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, pointing at Jiang Buku and said: "You are really a trickster."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The last question, this newly revised boxing manual stopped before the awakening breakthrough, and the content after that is not covered at all. How do you think about it?"

Jiang Buku said: "We have indeed received a lot of insight sharing from practitioners who have awakened and made breakthroughs, but from the perspective of big data analysis, the amount of information is far from enough. Before that, the data was detailed enough and there were enough practitioners. , Therefore, my idea is to only sort out this part for the time being, and the practice method after awakening will not start until we have collected more sufficient information."

Yan Hong was lost in thought.

Jiang Buku said: "Don't worry about the linking of the exercises. We have also reserved an advanced interface in this basic exercise. Now this is the elementary version, and the later version will be called the advanced version. It can also be called the inferior exercise. , top-grade exercises, they all have the same meaning anyway.”

Yan Hong thought for a while, and then said:

"Although there is still a lot of room for improvement, the idea is clear...Moreover, the initial results of the model you proposed will be rougher than we expected, but it is more vital.

If things go on like this, every exercise book in the library is the crystallization of countless people's hard work and wisdom, which is more stable and more vital than the results created by one or two geniuses.

What's more, every student of our Liuyi College is the most talented group of contemporaries. "

Having said that, he nodded to Ou Ziyuan and said, "Principal, I think there is nothing wrong with this model."

Since he has already spoken affirmatively, others naturally have no problem.

They all agreed.

Finally, Ou Ziyuan told Jiang Buku another thing.

"From what you're saying, the subsequent revision of the exercises needs more data from the awakened ones. I happen to have some good news related to this.

The upper limit for our school to accommodate students is about [-] people. As the current situation changes, we have been adjusting our enrollment strategy because of this limitation.

With the spread of the elementary practice system across the country, we no longer start with basic training, but select the best students from this system to study further.

Our previous enrollment strategy was three times a year, with 4000 students each time. The school accommodated three classes of students at the same time, and graduated in one year. We always kept the number of students to the upper limit that our school can bear.

Three to 4000 people are recruited at a time, which seems to be a lot, but it can be distributed across the country. On average, less than two people in each inhabited city have the opportunity for further study, which is obviously unreasonable.

Now, with the increase in the number of awakened people, the experience and understanding of various aspects are becoming more and more perfect.After communication, we have reached a consensus with all parties.

Now that the elementary practice system has been fully rolled out and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, we have decided to build a medium practice system nationwide, with more than 2000 cities inhabited, and with the original provincial capital or hub as the core, we will build two to three hundred secondary practice schools to absorb Excellent students from the surrounding cities live in agglomeration to go to further study. "

Speaking of this, he smiled wryly at Jiang Bu: "The students of our Liuyi College will all be awakened practitioners. For you, this is also a great benefit."

Jiang Buku thought about it. This is an inevitable trend. Liuyi College keeps delegating its own experience of exploration and improvement, and continues to increase the thickness and width of the tower base. Liuyi College will also be continuously promoted.

And when all the college's students become awakened, or even the best among the awakened, the level of the collection room will inevitably rise.

But he also thought of a real problem that was at hand.

"Students at the awakened level will not be able to be cultivated until two or three years at the earliest. Isn't our school in a window period during this period, and there are no new students?"

Ou Ziyuan smiled and said:

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