Jiang Buku was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, and went back to the staff dormitory to move all his personal belongings to the room on the side of the apse after going around a few times alone.

Except for going out to eat in the cafeteria, he stays inside.

Three days later, a plan finally took shape in his pen.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

New calendar 3 years, June 6th.

In the principal's office of Liuyi College, several principals got together for a rare occasion.

Vice-principal Yan Hong, third-in-command teaching director Zhou Tashan, and Professor Zhai Shutong who took over the work of the scientific research group carefully circulated a handwritten copy.

Ou Ziyuan sat there sternly, with his crutch standing between his legs, firmly supporting his hands. He looked around with a relaxed expression.

After the three of them had read it carefully, he asked, "How is it? Do you have any comments?"

Professor Zhai was the first to say: "I don't have a deep experience in the cultivation itself, but I just judge from the feeling that it should be feasible."

Yan Hong then spoke, concise and to the point.


Zhou Tashan finally said: "It is feasible, but it is feasible, but in this way, it will be very different from the model of the collection room we originally envisioned."

Ou Ziyuan made a decision and said, "Since it's feasible, let's make it so. As for the difference from our original idea, it's not a big deal. To be honest, we can only say that our thinking is not as broad as that of young people."

Soon, Jiang Buku got a reply.

In the afternoon, he got on the No. 201 bus at the school gate.

Although the power of the vehicle has been completely replaced by a steam engine, no obvious changes can be seen from the appearance.

If we really want to talk about changes, the bus compartments have become bigger and can accommodate more people.

Since the beginning of the new calendar, various settlements have gradually relaxed travel restrictions. Except for the strict procedures required to travel between different settlements, travel within the same city has become very free.This decree quickly restored the vitality of the cities.

Due to many considerations, private cars have completely become a thing of the past, and people now have only three options for traveling, bus, bicycle, and walking.

Although travel has been relaxed for two or three years, the number of times Jiang Buku left school is very few.

He saw that everything around him was very novel. The surrounding building pattern had no more than six floors, and most of them were below three floors. It not only had the traditional charm of hot summer, but also had a more scientific and reasonable overall planning and layout under the guidance of modern concepts.

The costumes of passers-by also return to the hot summer tradition intentionally or unintentionally, and have more visual beauty brought by modern design.

Because of the changes in the world, people's physical fitness has improved. Most of the urbanites who were originally in a sub-healthy state revealed a healthy and vigorous complexion on their faces, and they walked with agility and strength.

Everyone has some shadow of martial arts practice.

The bus passed a square, and saw a large group of middle-aged and elderly people practicing the basic routines of Wu Qin Xi under the guidance of several young men and women.

This is obviously the busiest business district around. With a casual glance, you can see all kinds of shop signs for martial arts training classes.

[Baji Health Hall], including education and meeting, will not refund ten times!

【Wuqin Changchun Pavilion】, let you easily master the secret of longevity!

[Li's beauty and shaping], our museum focuses on the field of women, and establishes a new benchmark for women's aesthetics!

[Rongji Healing Diseases and Strengthening the Foundation], formulate a private practice plan, and regain a healthy and energetic life!


Jiang Buku was a little dumbfounded. He remembered that the last time he left school, people still had distress and reluctance to the old times on their faces. He was also worried about people's ability to adapt to the new life. He didn't expect that his worries were completely in vain. People are already like this. Eagerly and proactively embraced the new life.

The bus passed a few more stops, and the driver rang the bell and shouted: "The telegraph office is here, the telegraph office is here."

As soon as he got off the car, Jiang Buku heard a slight explosion in the distance.

However, both the passers-by and the passengers in the car were very calm, and they didn't even give them a look.

Entering the lobby of the telegraph office, there are more than a dozen counter windows lined up in twos and threes.

Jiang Buku casually lined up behind a counter, and soon arrived at him.

The young saleswoman smiled and asked, "Sir, are you sending a telegram?"


She handed him a pen and paper and said, "Please write down the content of the telegram you want to send and the name and address of the recipient."

Jiang Buku took the pen and paper, and directly wrote the typed manuscript on the form.

[The school builds the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, I am a sweeper, I can recruit some assistants, this opportunity is rare, if you want to come quickly.Ginger is not bitter. 】

Then, Jiang Buku wrote down three addresses.

The recipients are Yan Hao, Yu Peng, and Huang Rong.

Handed it to the woman and said, "Send a copy of this content to these three places."


The woman responded, took the form and looked at it, and said: "Sir, each telegram is [-] yuan, and the total of three telegrams is [-] yuan."

Officially entered the job as a security captain, with a monthly salary of 3000, school food and housing, and no other consumption, so Jiang Buku has a lot of savings.But when I heard the price she quoted, I was still a little shocked. The price was too high, ten yuan a word.

Even though he thought so in his heart, he still carefully counted ten big bills to her.

After receiving the money and getting change, she opened a brick-thick reference book, and her fingers moved like elves between the pages. She quickly found the six-digit numbers corresponding to the three addresses, and carefully wrote them behind the three recipients. .

When he was done, he passed the form through the window behind him.

After finishing, he smiled wryly at Jiang Bu: "Sir, it's done for you, you can go back and wait for a reply, if there is no reply within three days, you can come to me and ask why."

Jiang Buku nodded, and gave up his seat to the people waiting in line behind.

He didn't leave immediately, and entered another hall through the side door.

There is a thick layer of bulletproof glass between the hall and the counter. There are several telegraphers sitting behind the counter. In the machine, after multiple transformations, the information is finally transmitted to the distant place.

At this moment, a ray of blue electric light suddenly shot out from a telegraph machine.


The telegraph simply blew itself up.

Although the sound was loud, the power of the explosion was not too great, and at most it was stronger than the explosion of a mobile phone.

The transmitter through the bullet-proof glass did not change his face and replaced the deformed long-handle button with a new one. Just beside the explosion telegraph, a staff member in explosion-proof suit appeared and quickly cleaned the explosion site. A new telegraph was put in place, and the contact surface between the long handle key and the telegraph was adjusted.

He then turned on the power switch and turned to leave.

Skillful and agile in action, without sloppiness.

Taking the opportunity to drink some water, he got up and did two chest-expanding exercises, and the telegrapher who stretched his waist continued to work.

With such an attitude, if the electronic disaster has a spirit, how embarrassing it is!

From getting off the car to now, two telegraphs have been bombed in less than an hour. With this frequency, how many bombs will be bombed in a day?

After the on-the-spot investigation, Jiang Buku felt that the charges were very reasonable, and even some discounts were too much.

This hall is open to the public, the purpose is to quell people's doubts about the high fees.

The efficiency of the telegraph office was very high. On the morning of the 17th, Jiang Buku received three replies.

After seeing it, Jiang Buku sighed with some regret.

Since everyone's mobile phones were blown up, the contact with each other was cut off.

Originally, everyone was so ambitious that they made an appointment to reunite at Liuyi College.

It's a pity that everyone is not that kind of talented person. Even if they got the "insider information" to start training in advance, they only barely entered the local practice academy, and did not get the opportunity to further their studies at Liuyi Academy.

The three of them were very envious of Jiang Buku's fortune, and were very moved by his proposal, but unfortunately, they all rejected his invitation.

For more than three years, they have all taken root in their new homes, and their lives are on the right track again. They are all married and have children, and as the first batch of practitioners in the area, they are developing well. I really don't want to make any more fuss, I just want to spend the rest of my life in my new home.

In fact, before sending out the telegram, he already had some predictions in his mind, but he sent a letter to inquire because of the rare opportunity.

"Then let's hire more part-time assistants, since I don't need to pay them anyway."

Jiang Bugong had already had an alternative plan in mind, which did not affect the progress of the work.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before the new calendar, the students of Liuyi College were all trainees, and most of the students were outstanding talents from departments directly under the government.

Every month, a large number of new students enter, and a large number of them are eliminated. After many eliminations, the best ones are transferred to the first-year class to receive longer-term and more systematic education.

With the settlement of cities and the establishment of comprehensive training systems within various institutions and departments, school year classes have officially become the mainstream, and only the best and top students in the same period are recruited, and short-term refresher training has become a dispensable supplement Program.

Liuyi College now enrolls students in the National Elementary Practice College three times a year.

Considering that there is still an urgent shortage of excellent practitioners across the country, and that the current cultivation system is still in its infancy, the best instructors teach sincerely and without any secrets, and the best students work hard to learn. The education received in the Elementary Practice Academy, within a year, the students can suck the contents of the instructor's stomach clean.

Therefore, students in the school year class now have one year from admission to graduation, without any holidays, and have one day of free time every half a month to deal with personal affairs.

Coupled with the ethos left by the first few batches of students, the new students have also inherited this military ethos, subconsciously demanding themselves with the style of the army.

It is less free and romantic than in the past in universities, and it is a little more orderly and serious.

Apart from practicing and studying, there is almost no entertainment in their daily life, and they do not allow time to be wasted.

But in the afternoon of this day, people gathered in front of the bulletin board at the entrance of the cafeteria.


"Classic Forever"

If the hot summer civilization is as bright as a galaxy, every classic handed down from ancient times to the present is the stars that light up the galaxy.

As the ages change and the era changes, the value of martial arts is becoming more and more obvious, but the ancient martial arts is no longer able to help us go further.

There is no way ahead, and countless people today need to explore and develop, focusing on the practice of classics, and illuminating future generations for thousands of years. This is the mission that our generation must undertake.

Today, the school library has collected a large amount of information, and I want to re-edit the classics of martial arts practice. How can I let you miss such an important event? Everyone is from all over the world. The best practitioners, if you are interested, please go to the library to report. Xiang Shengju.

Note: In order to boost morale, each re-edited martial arts classic, and the students who have contributed up to the standard, have the right to author the author, spread the world, and illuminate future generations.

——The administrator of the collection room: Jiang Buku


Early the next morning, when Jiang Buku opened the door of the front hall of the collection room, he was shocked.

Outside the gate, there was darkness, and countless people stood there silently.

At this moment, they all looked at him in unison, with a burning light flashing in their eyes.

Jiang Buku thought about it, and he must be tempted to come to report and become a free labor for him to drive, but he didn't expect so many to come.

He glanced roughly left and right, and really couldn't count how many people there were.

"You all came here after reading the flyer I posted at the entrance of the cafeteria?"

As soon as he said these words, countless people opened their mouths to speak out, but in Jiang Buku's ears, there was a low hum that shook the eardrums, and nothing else could be heard.

He stood on the steps and quickly stretched out his hand to press it. Seeing his movements, the noise of the crowd gradually died down.

When everyone was completely quiet, he said:

"I want to review. I made a mistake. I didn't expect so many people to come. For the time being, I don't need so many people...

Don't worry, everyone has a chance. This is a long-term undertaking, and it cannot be completed in three to five days. It's just that we have just started here, and everything has to be started from scratch. With so many of you coming here, you can do everything no...

Follow my instructions, the graduating class stays, and everyone else leaves. "

More than half of the students who came excitedly left in dismay.

Jiang Buku looked at the remaining number of people and found that there were still too many people. He said, "Have you had a comprehensive physical examination at the end of May? The top [-] people will stay, and the rest will leave."

Now, many people are not convinced. Unlike those students who left, if they lose this opportunity, they really lost it. Naturally, they are not reconciled to such a famous opportunity slipping away from under their noses.

"It's not fair. A good physical test result and a high theoretical level are two different things!"

"That's right, it's unreasonable to use physical test scores as the selection criteria!"

"I doubt the authority of the classics sorted out in this way, and the foothold is not solid..."


Jiang Buku made his eyelids twitch wildly, and after a long time, he calmed down and explained:

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