At this moment, he used 12 points of effort to control himself not to swell.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Jiang Buku, who was full of expectations, was personally led by the old principal Ou to a large building.

Its location is quite remote, adjacent to the ancient buildings borrowed by the laboratory that day, few people come here on weekdays, enjoying a large area of ​​quiet green shade alone.

Just because it is adjacent to a real ancient building, it has more ancient charm than other buildings in the school. The spacious atmosphere reveals the tranquility of the dust, with cornices and corners, blue bricks and black tiles.

The overall pattern is that the center is the main hall with the largest area, and the four sides are four auxiliary halls connected by corridors and verandas.

With just one glance, Jiang Buku's heart was captured.

The atmosphere is yet quiet, both entering and leaving the world.

Inexplicably, it fits his state of mind very well.

But when Jiang Buku followed Lao Ou into the main hall, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Nine thick log columns with an average height of more than 20 meters are painted with sandalwood paint and stand in three vertical and three horizontal positions, supporting a huge space with a length and width of more than 50 meters and a total area of ​​two to three thousand square meters.

Other than that, no more.

Nothing at all.

Empty and empty.

" this the collection room you mentioned?"

The old principal Ou grinned, and said: "Yes, this is here. From now on, you will be the chief person in charge of the collection room of Yanxia's No. [-] practice school, Yimu."

Seeing the empty venue, Jiang Buku really wanted to accuse the old headmaster of being dishonest and tricking the students with words.

But now, under the simple words of the old headmaster, he couldn't control his temptation again.

Then, the old principal took Jiang Buku to the side hall which was closer to the way he came from.

The auxiliary hall has a rectangular shape, and its area and height are smaller than that of the main hall. The area of ​​the hall is about a thousand square meters.

At this moment, in a corner of the hall, bundles of packaged materials were piled up, exuding a very familiar smell to Jiang Buku.

He tried hard to recall, and finally remembered that when he was very young, the teacher often printed test papers for them by himself with a simple hand-operated mimeograph machine. It was this smell. Apart from the special smell, another feeling was the test paper It is very dirty to make, and a set of test papers is basically made of first-hand ink.

He reached out and wiped the handwriting on the packaged materials, and his fingertips were stained with black ink.

These packaged materials are stacked and rowed, which is very spectacular.

Old Principal Ou said:

"The library plan was included in the overall consideration of the school at the beginning of the school's establishment, and such a large building was built solely for this purpose when it was rebuilt.

It's just that it wasn't an urgent task at the time. Moreover, I just wanted to be anxious and had no experience. Even if I did it, my eyes would be blackened.

Therefore, if we really want to build a collection room, we have to wait for the school to have enough experience, background and vision. "

He took Jiang Buku through the rows of materials, and introduced as he walked:

"We took the collection room as a long-term key project from the very beginning, so we paid great attention to the collection and arrangement of various materials from the very beginning.

At that time, the electric energy was not crazy, and the big data of the computer network was very convenient. Regardless of whether it was true or false, we found and printed all the information related to martial arts and cultivation that we could find on the Internet, and saved it on paper.

Later, we searched for martial arts practitioners across the country. Except for legendary figures like Principal Yan who have real abilities, other martial arts practitioners, in addition to looking at whether he has real abilities, are also based on our various channels. Collect and sort out the practice information according to the map.

For example, Principal Yan himself is an expert in Bajiquan and Wu Qinxi, so when we screen other martial arts practitioners, if they are of the same level, we will be more inclined to let those martial arts practitioners who have no intersection with his practice come.

The purpose is to collect the most diverse data in the shortest possible time.

Of course, with the rapid accumulation of school experience, we can undertake greater teaching and training tasks. As long as martial arts masters reach a certain level, they will come here to receive more systematic and comprehensive training. This is also the process of our data collection.

Through such actual verification, we will eliminate the false and save the true information collected on the Internet, and then verify it with the actual situation. "

While talking, he pointed to the mimeographed materials that occupy the largest area:

"These martial arts materials are real kung fu that has been verified by at least one martial arts master. We have detailed analysis records for those with two or three or even more people who have achieved success in cultivation.

Later, with the participation of tens of thousands of students, coupled with a large number of exchanges and collisions of thinking, coupled with the impact of changes in the sky, the strength of the instructors has rapidly improved, which has helped us further improve the practice of martial arts. Experience record, all here. "

As he spoke, he pointed to another pile of information: "This is after everyone's awakening and breakthrough, their understanding of practice has improved in an all-round way, and they have reorganized the achievements of Chuanwu practice."

Having said that, he looked at Jiang Buku and said, "Oh, you have also awakened and made a breakthrough. First, stabilize yourself for a month or two, get a good understanding, review your past practice in an all-round way, and write it into a summary report. If there is Any good ideas, good ideas, are also added."

Jiang Buku resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and the old principal Ou continued:

"These are the basic materials produced by the research team in cooperation with the instructors. If you pile them up here and call this a collection room, then this collection room will be of no value.

The work of the collection room is to simplify the complicated information, summarize these detailed information into a book of practice exercises, and update it in time according to the new information provided by the research team and the instructor group.

These detailed experience and information are also simplified as much as possible, but the true meaning must be kept intact, as a supplementary manual for a certain practice. "

After listening to the old principal's narration, Jiang Buku was already pale.

But the old principal continued: "I have consulted with Principal Yan, for practitioners of your level, this is not difficult, and it is not for you to create out of thin air, but to simplify and compress the existing information, just like giving You have a bunch of arithmetic formulas for elementary school students, and you extract a nine-nine multiplication table, which can understand everything, and it is not difficult to change everything."

Jiang Bu painstakingly complained, but you always put it lightly.

If it's so easy, why isn't anyone doing it?

"The only trouble is that it takes a lot of time and patience. I think you have an advantage in this regard compared to others."

Having said that, he looked at Jiang Buku and said seriously:

"From the very beginning, I had great expectations for the collection room.

First of all, relying on Liuyi College, it has the best scientific research and practice platform in Yanxia. It should be the source of all advanced cultivation methods, which can be replicated and promoted to the whole country;

Secondly, after the collection room is on the right track, it must be open to the teachers and students of the whole school. I hope that it will be a place where they can gain a lot and benefit a lot, and a place where they can think, be inspired, and get inspiration;

In the end, as long as the hot summer is not extinguished and the imperial capital is still there, the collection room will continue. What we are doing now is to light up this first ray of light so that it will not be extinguished. "

Jiang Buku smiled wryly and said, "Principal, I'm a little bit excited by what you said, and I wish I could turn into a superhuman and do it right away, but..."

He pointed to the data that could be measured in tons, and said, "But if you want me to sort these out by myself, it will have to wait until the year of the monkey."

Ou Ziyuan thumped his crutches heavily, and pretended to be annoyed: "Do you think I'm an idiot? You are the person in charge of the collection room, and you don't have to do everything yourself, but you are in charge. You first come up with a plan by yourself, and when you come up with it, everyone discusses it together, and if it suits you, work on it, and if it doesn’t suit you, brainstorm and give you some advice."

Jiang Buku thought for a while, as if he was understanding what he meant, and after a long time, he asked slowly, "Any method will do?"

"As long as it's reasonable, as long as you can convince us," Ou Ziyuan said.

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Without hesitation, Jiang Buku accepted the matter.

Then, he changed the subject and asked something irrelevant: "Principal, I want to ask you something. At that time, no matter whether it was true or not, you pulled out all the materials related to martial arts and cultivation from the Internet. It should be a foresight. The response to a certain situation... what about other aspects?"

"What aspects?" Ou Ziyuan asked.

Jiang Buku thought for a while and said:

"It's mainly three things.

First of all, all the myths and legends that belong to our Yanxia civilization since Pangu opened the world, including the immortal genealogy supplemented and perfected by later generations, the three Qings and six emperors, the city god of the underworld, the prehistoric, the gods, the journey to the west, and the journey to the east. These myths and legends are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. ;

The second is the works of the sages of the past dynasties, especially the "Book of Changes", "Tao Te Ching", "Nan Hua Jing", "Huang Ting Jing" and other Taoist classics;

Finally, there are the life stories and writings of practitioners in the past dynasties, such as Zhang Daoling, Ge Hong, Yuan Tiangang, Lu Dongbin, Chen Tuan, Wang Chongyang, Zhang Sanfeng... I just listed a few of the most well-known ones. is an astronomical figure. "

Having said that, his face was calm, but he asked with great anxiety in his heart: "Are all these contents collected and preserved?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ou Ziyuan was a little astonished, and asked, "Are these things... very important?"

"Uh... Didn't you say that with the awakening and breakthrough of everyone's cultivation base, Chuanwu has also broken through its own limits, and has the shadow of extraordinary skills? What kind of development of these Chuanwu skills depends to a large extent on us. I just thought that we might get some inspiration from ancient myths, classics, and practice records of sages." Jiang Buku said.

Ou Ziyuan looked suspicious: "It's really that simple?"

Under his probing eyes, Jiang Buku said: "Okay, okay, I have some ideas, and they are all unverified rumors."

Ou Ziyuan stretched his hands straight forward, folded them on the top of the crutches, and said, "Let's listen."

Jiang Buku had an illusion, but in an instant, the cheerful and friendly old man suddenly turned into a dignified and solemn boss.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva quietly.

"The evolution path of the holy sword of Daxizhou Temple is very special. At a glance, it is also a kind of practice, but it is not the same thing as our practice.

I don't know how other people interpret this, my idea is that consciousness interferes with reality. "

"Consciousness interferes with reality?" Ou Ziyuan whispered to himself.

"If you look at it from this perspective, it is far from the Great West Continent that takes this way as the evolution direction in the world, and several other forces formed by faith have more or less signs of this.

The reason why the effect is not as remarkable as Daxizhou, I guess it has little to do with Daxizhou's declared personal faith piety or the amazing power of the God of Light, and has more to do with the number of believers.

Because the number of people who believe in the God of Light in the world far exceeds the number of people who believe in other religions, this is the fundamental reason.

There is an example to further prove that there are several small countries in the Yuan continent, and they all believe in a witch god named Usangma. He takes the rainforest as his home, and the poisonous snakes and beasts in the rainforest, as well as other dangerous horrors, all listen to him. The ministries of orders.They firmly believe that as long as they become followers of Usangma, they will be protected by him, and their ability to survive in the terrifying rainforest will be far superior to ordinary people.

After the change of the sky, many countries in the world are threatened by the rainforest. After the gunpowder weapons failed, these countries were forced to move away as a whole. Only those small countries did not migrate out but lived a good life, and some small tribes integrated into the world. After they converted to Usangma, their living pressure also dropped significantly. "

Ou Ziyuan frowned and fell into deep thought.

"Early before the sky changes, human beings had various conjectures about consciousness and reality, such as Gaia consciousness. This view believes that there is a consciousness body composed of all life on the planet..."

When he said this, Ou Ziyuan's eyes suddenly froze.

Jiang Buku didn't seem to realize it, and continued:

"Another example is the famous Mandela effect. People who don't know each other from all over the world will jointly form some erroneous cognitions. They think that the dead are not dead, that the place that exists is actually a fiction, and that the event that happened has happened. Actually never happened...

There is also such an experiment, where a group of people are given a photo of a fictional character and some fictional information, and they will collectively make up their brains and endow them with complete soul humanity, and then, a strange phenomenon similar to the Mandela effect will occur, those People who have not participated in the experiment at all will subconsciously feel that this person exists, and other personalities, deeds, and biography are similar to the fictional and perfect content.

It has thus been claimed that faith and gods are the ultimate state of this experimentation.

Of course, before the sky changed, this was all a niche thinking, and more people accused it of being ridiculous. I used to think of it as an interesting story, but now, more and more examples are gradually changing my mind... Didn't the official also say that the existing cognitive constraints should be thrown away? "

Ou Ziyuan said in a deep voice: "Do you think these fictional characters of human consciousness may appear in reality?"

Jiang Buku shook his head and said, "I don't know if they will appear, I just feel that they and humans are interacting stronger. As for whether they will change from reality to reality, I really don't know."

These words came from the heart, at least, when he was reborn and returned in the previous life, this hadn't happened yet.

But it is also true that consciousness and reality interfere with each other.

If we say that the Yanxia people at that time regretted one thing the most, it was that during the chaotic period at the beginning of the change, no one rescued and collected those precious materials. Already very incomplete, fragmented, only a few words.

Because Yanxia's inheritance is too vast, full of cows, as numerous as stars in the sky.

Before the sky changes, the world has already entered the era of information and big data. All precious documents are entered into computers for preservation. When the electronic disaster strikes, these important inheritances that carry the civilization of Yanxia are instantly annihilated;

However, the number of paper versions of documents is very small, and they are stored in different places, scattered all over the world, and they are not concentrated. After years of catastrophe and chaos, most of them have been permanently damaged and lost.

No matter how difficult it is to replenish one's own roots, this is not only a lack of inheritance, but also a real weakening of the stamina and potential of the entire Yanxia system.

When human beings realize the cause and effect of it later, I don't know how many people in Yanxia are beating their chests and feet in pain.

On the contrary, those monotheistic beliefs are best preserved, because of their small content and simple main line, they can be basically restored by word of mouth from believers.

Thinking of this, Jiang Buku couldn't help but said: "If the officials didn't consider this aspect before, there is still time to do it now."

Because of his reminder, the government is prepared for the arrival of electronic disasters, and the weather has not changed for a long time, and even the Internet has not been completely cut off, and everything is still in time to be rescued. In addition, the hot summer in this world is orderly, and paper documents should be It has been well preserved, and those relevant scholars and even Taoists are still alive. As long as the government is willing to promote this matter, it will definitely be able to avoid the painful situation in the previous life.

Ou Ziyuan retracted his hands slightly inward, relaxing his tense body.

Facing Jiang Buku's earnest gaze, he shook his head slightly and said: "After the change in the sky, the high-level officials have promoted many things. One of them is the establishment of a civilized rescue committee to protect all the achievements of the hot summer civilization. The most important It is to collect all the documents and materials completely, followed by all kinds of antique cultural relics and relics.

Except for relics and ruins, which can only be protected or sealed up in situ due to their characteristics, those antique cultural relics are mass-replicated and dispersedly preserved with the best technology. "

Having said that, he looked at Jiang Buku with a relaxed smile and said:

"This is true of antique cultural relics, let alone those documents. Although I did not specifically participate in this work, the things you mentioned must be among them, and there are definitely a lot of them.

Because according to our vision, each settlement is likely to shoulder the heavy responsibility of restarting civilization alone, so each settlement must have at least one complete set of documents. "

Speaking of this, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes, and he murmured:

"That's right, although the initial positioning of Liuyi College was to explore and study the way of human evolution, and now we are on the right track on this way, but who said we can't be a comprehensive university?

Even if it's not a comprehensive university that focuses on cultivation, practitioners still need to study. Otherwise, how could we teach a group of illiterate people with muscle bumps! "

Having said that, he patted Jiang Buku on the shoulder excitedly, and said, "You reminded me that I'm going to build another large library and put a whole set of documents in it... I'm leaving, you should think about a plan carefully Report it to me."

After all, he walked away quickly without looking back.

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