After half a day of understanding, Jiang Buku understood even more that this security team was just a decoration.

Even part of the purpose is to complete the school's employment indicators.

Thinking about it, Liuyi College has tens of thousands of practitioners at any time, so there is no need for the protection of a security team with a best score of 2 in the physical test.

However, this is exactly what Jiang Bupa wanted. He didn't really come back to be a security guard, but he just used this identity to stay in school for a long time.

He then selected a down-to-earth member from among the dozen or so security members, promoted him to be his deputy, and asked him to manage the daily work of the security team on his behalf.

He himself is naturally focused on cultivation.

Becoming a full-time employee of the school, he has gained more freedom, and he can contact different classes at will. His strength has surpassed most of the martial arts instructors, and no one will feel that his appearance hinders teaching.

And it is also convenient for him to update his "excuse light" object at any time.

Although the talent improved each time is very small, but after a long time, you can still feel a little difference.

Time goes by like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, the new year is coming to an end.

The global order has now begun to stabilize.

For the people of Yanxia, ​​apart from the unpredictable weather and day and night changes, this is an extremely peaceful and peaceful year.

They miss their former home, but they have completely gotten used to and accepted their new home and new life.

Personal electronic products have gradually disappeared from people's lives.

Especially mobile phones, either blown up, or malfunctioned and broken, very few survived this year, not one in a hundred.

Whether it blows up or breaks, it is completely lost. There is no new one to buy, and no place to repair it.

Patients with deep Internet addiction must not face this cruel reality.

And their performance once again confirms a sentence: people only have blessings they can't enjoy, and there are no sins they can't bear.

Except for a very few people, others have successfully quit Internet addiction, although the process is difficult.

In addition to meeting basic lighting needs and news broadcasting, electrical energy has completely disappeared from ordinary people's vision.

The school does not have holiday regulations yet.

The new calendar is formulated according to the traditional Yanxia calendar. According to tradition, today is New Year's Eve.

Last year was fine, no one thought about it that way, but this year, the whole country is celebrating.

Although the technological civilization has been lost and too many convenient technological products have been lost, people still have to celebrate for the rest of their lives, for their new home, for a new life, and for a better tomorrow.

This is a very strong Spring Festival.

All the teachers and students of Liuyi College, including Jiang Buku and the staff, had a lively Spring Festival together.

Since Jiang Buku became the security captain, the old principal Ou didn't make contact with Jiang Buku on purpose, and occasionally met Jiang Buku in the school, and he just nodded with a smile.

In the second year of the new calendar, the new pattern of Yanxia has been completely stabilized, and people have fully adapted to the new life.

The international environment has further stabilized, but behind this stability is the reshuffling of the global landscape.

Before the change of heaven, there were more than 200 countries recognized internationally, but now the number of countries is less than [-].

Most of the disappearances are small countries, or there are several or even a dozen small countries adjacent to each other to keep warm and tide over the difficulties together. These countries basically have the same culture or belief, and are of the same color, forming a loose alliance in critical moments Overall it's easy.

There are also some small countries that have disappeared, which have either actively or passively integrated into neighboring powers. As long as there is nothing too excessive, the international community also acquiesces to this phenomenon.

A small country cannot save itself by itself, with a small population, a small land, limited resource output, material reserves, and food reserves are very limited. The citizens themselves have no confidence and want to seek refuge abroad. The flow of people crossing the border, sporadic crossing the border is endless.

There are also some remote small countries surrounded by high mountains and dense forests, even island countries. They can best appreciate the increasingly powerful natural power, and they are also migrating out as a whole after suffering some hardships.

For a small country, this is a catastrophe, but for a big country above a regional power, it is a feast.

In this regard, Yanxia is the most restrained. With 23 billion people and tens of millions of square kilometers of land, it is not uncommon at all.

But Yanxia's great reputation is there, whether it is before or after the sky change, the surrounding small countries must look up to it, and its behavior style is the most magnanimous and open-minded of a big country.

Therefore, although Yanxia never took the initiative to open his mouth, when the neighboring small countries had to make a choice, they always took Yanxia as the first, or even the only choice.

Jiang Buku didn't understand the specific negotiation process of the high-level officials. He only knew that in Yanxia's latest list of settlements, new settlements appeared from time to time, and most of them were outside the original border.Every time it will be accompanied by the linkage of more than 2000 other settlements, some will move out and some will move in.

And in Liuyi College, the most intuitive feeling is that among the new students, you can often see some faces of foreign races. You can see the difference between him and the Yanxia people.

However, their attitudes are all very low. While practicing hard, they are also learning everything about Yan Xia, and they are very active in self-reform.

In addition, the biggest event in the second year of the new calendar is that starting from June, internal combustion engines and gunpowder weapons have become unstable, and the probability of failure and explosion is many times greater than that of electronic products.

Because of the psychological preparation, it did not cause too much substantial damage, but it still caused a critical blow to the hearts of all human beings.

The marks of modern civilization are further erased from people's lives.

The world further becomes stranger.

Replace the internal combustion engine with a steam engine, replace gunpowder weapons with various strong bows and crossbows strengthened with the limit of modern theory, and there are also various injectors such as air bombs, flames/cold fog/venomous/strong acid, or hand-throwing bombs, plus In fact, with the improvement of the practice system, the use of various cold weapons has also been revived again, and the combat ability of a single body has increased unabated compared to before the sky change.

After mutation and evolution, more and more ferocious and violent beasts have gradually increased their intrusions on humans. However, except for a very few areas, humans still have an overwhelming advantage in the confrontation with beasts.

For the people in Yanxia, ​​the happiest thing is that the new crops have been verified, and next year they can be promoted on a large scale, and a very small number of them can even be promoted nationwide. Finally, they see the dawn of the end of the rationing system.

The international situation is changing, and the domestic situation is also changing day by day. If you don't go out for three days, you will feel out of touch with the world.

Jiang Buku lives in a corner of the school, occasionally looking up at the turbulent situation and the changing world, his heart is like an ancient well.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In a remote jungle.

Jiang Buku wore a short coat of coarse cloth and took a deep breath. He remained in place, but his inner muscles and bones had quietly changed, making just the right adjustments.

Then, he leaned forward and slammed into a big tree thicker than a bucket.


When his shoulder collided with the big tree, the big tree made a cracking sound and was directly broken by him.

Then, he leaned to the left and leaned his back against another big tree. The speed didn't seem fast, but the big tree was still unbearable, and it broke with a crisp sound.

Then, like a violent bear having fun in the cornfield, he bumped his shoulders, leaned his back, pushed his hands, and broke down a dozen big trees one after another in a very casual way, and then he stopped panting heavily and sweating profusely down.

He let out a breath slowly, looked at the silver-haired old man standing next to him with a stick, and asked with a smile: "Old principal, what do you think of my current level?"

Compared with three years ago, Ou Ziyuan was much older. Since last year, he has been living a semi-retired life.

Both research and practice teaching have been on the right track. Apart from carrying the title of headmaster, he basically no longer interferes with other affairs.

Jiang Buku can often meet him. The captain of the security team gets along well with the old principal. Those who have just joined the job will be a little curious. Understood.

After that unprecedented huge migration, it is really not easy to maintain such a fate.

The old headmaster said: "It's a bit too relaxed. It's improved a lot compared to before. It doesn't seem like a pure cultivation...Are you awakened too?"

Jiang Buku nodded and said, "I just woke up two days ago."

The old principal nodded and said:

"At the end of last year, Principal Yan, Instructor Zhou, and some other extremely talented instructors had a huge breakthrough.

After testing, the data of various indicators has been greatly improved, and some indicators have even increased by two or three times.

Chuanwu is no longer like Chuanwu, on the contrary, it really has the taste of extraordinary skills like film and television works.

Since the beginning of this year, there have been news from the garrison troops in various settlements that more than a dozen students from the first school year class have broken through this barrier.

When they returned to their respective units, they not only practiced uninterruptedly, but also often participated in various actual combat missions. It stands to reason that they are already close to the optimal growth curve in theory.

I estimated based on your performance in the class back then, I thought you would have to wait a while before you could break through, but I still underestimated you, haha. "

At the end, he couldn't help laughing.

Not only was he not annoyed by his misjudgment, but he was extremely happy.

Then, he asked curiously: "In addition to the leapfrog improvement of various physical indicators in the cultivation base breakthrough, there will also be a special ability awakening that is exclusive to the individual, the frost flame shock wave, which is very magical. What ability did you awaken? can not tell?"

Jiang Buku said: "My ability is not so obvious, I call it 'implosion', which means that at the moment of contact with the target, the strength in the body can be instantly transmitted to the inside of the target, and it will explode instantly at the weak point, causing Normal damage.

The cost of using this ability is the exhaustion of stamina.Physique and strength have always been my strengths, but even so, I can use it more than a dozen times in a row before being exhausted. "

Ou Ziyuan twisted his beard with a smile and said, "Not bad."

"You haven't said it yet, what level am I now?" Jiang Buku still didn't forget the original question.

Ou Ziyuan shook his head and said with a smile:

"Your strength should be able to rank among the top [-] in our country for the time being. However, don't be complacent. According to our estimates, within this year, most of the students in the first and second year classes will complete breakthroughs. By next year , there will be more breakthroughs.

The original set of physical measurement standards is of little significance to you. The research team is discussing the establishment of a new standard. These days, some people from abroad have crossed this boundary. Formulate an international standard that is universal across the world, and don't create a different set of standards and artificially set up communication barriers.

This proposal has been recognized by more and more people. The general framework has been finalized. The strength is divided by the letters ABCD of Atlantis. Now everyone is discussing the evaluation criteria for each level. "

Jiang Buku was very surprised, this was another phenomenon that did not exist in his previous life, he instinctively frowned and said: "The number of awakened people in our country is now overwhelmingly dominant, plus those who have been helped by us to spread martial arts as their foundation Xiaoguo, why do you still use the letters of Daxizhou as the grade standard?"

Ou Ziyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Because it is indeed the most recognized in the world, and that is the fact."

Jiang Bu painstakingly shook his head, thinking of the general trend in the future, this international standard will only work for the time being, so he will not continue this topic.

The two walked slowly along the forest path.

Ou Ziyuan said: "In the blink of an eye, more than three years have passed, and the school is completely on the right track.

With the large-scale breakthroughs of instructors and students, the path of spiritual evolution has been completely opened up.

Although we have not yet fully proved the superiority of this path compared to other paths, the higher authorities have firmly established their beliefs and will not waver, and will implement this path more comprehensively across the country. "

Ginger is not bitter and silent.

The path of evolution is not only a path of practice, let alone a path of martial arts.

The Alpha Empire has developed a gene evolution injection, and the Shaluo Kingdom insists on the extreme experience of life and death, allowing life to find its own way out in desperation; the method of Daxizhou, whether it is the Holy Church or the Holy Sword Organization, in the eyes of outsiders, is to constantly carry out self-improvement. Paralysis, self-hypnosis, but they are really effective, who to ask for reason.

One party accuses the other party of relying too much on external objects, without really digging and understanding the human body itself, which will inevitably bury many hidden dangers;

Others countered that they would not use their brains and scientific thinking. Although technology is obsolete, scientific thinking will never be outdated, because when technology is frustrated for a while, it will return to the state of primitive people, and life is in vain!

Everyone has a different path, each has its own persistence, and no one can convince the other.

Since the path of martial arts evolution is feasible, Yan Xia will naturally persevere to the end.

In hot summer, there are more than 20 billion people in the country, and everyone can get in touch with spiritual practice, but if each person has an injection, digging three feet into the world will not find so many resources.

The evolutionary route of Daxizhou is obviously related to the belief in the God of Light that they have been indoctrinated by the people around them since their birth, and this is something that others cannot learn.

Further refinement, the evolutionary path of each country and each nation is closely related to their collective consciousness and collective beliefs.

The road of Yanxia can only be sought from within, and others can only be used as reference, and cannot become the mainstream, otherwise, it will be self-defeating.

Not only Jiang Buku knows this truth, but more and more people are also realizing it.

In the past, in the thinking of high-level people, martial arts was only one of many options, and other options were also tried at the same time, such as borrowing from various advanced schools and technologies from abroad, or starting from the perspective of pure scientific research like the Alpha Empire , choose whichever works better.

But now, martial arts practice has become the absolute backbone, and other methods are only auxiliary attached to the backbone.

Ou Ziyuan, who was walking slowly ahead, suddenly stopped and looked at Jiang Buku seriously.

Jiang Buku was a little hairy from his stare, and asked, "Principal, what's the matter?"

A childlike cunning suddenly flashed in Ou Ziyuan's eyes, and he asked, "Do you know what the scariest job is?"

"What?" Jiang Buku asked confusedly.

Ou Ziyuan answered the wrong question: "I want to change jobs for you."

"Ah? What job?" Jiang Buku was stunned by the old principal.

"The administrator of the collection room." Ou Ziyuan gave the answer directly without selling his official position.

Ginger is not bitter but looks confused.

"As more and more instructors and students make breakthroughs, and their strength surpasses the original scope of martial arts, the instructors of martial arts are better than the integrity of inheritance, and they have turned the thinking and vision of martial arts from previous generations into real practice. The depth is constantly being developed;

While young students live in the modern society with the explosion of technological information, all kinds of scientific theories that break through the conventional thinking, as well as various film and television games that they come into contact with, let them broaden their thinking and not be bound by their predecessors. The real miraculous skills and unique skills have expanded the breadth of martial arts.

These are extremely valuable treasures, whether they are beneficial or seem a bit too far-fetched to be put into practice, we have to collect them.

The collection room is a place dedicated to collecting, keeping and organizing these things. "

Speaking of this, he looked at Jiang Buku whose eyes were already shining, and asked with a smile, "How about it, do you want to do this job?"

Jiang Buku nodded hastily: "Just do it, that's what I'll do."

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