Changes in the global structure and future trends, what should we do with countries and regions that are disappearing or being subverted?

Human beings are overwhelmed with self-care now. Shouldn't we also take a consistent attitude towards those wild beasts that are also undergoing super evolution and the wanton expansion of the jungle?

The climate is disordered, and there is no difference between day and night. Our country's crop production has dropped by [-]%. Now it is all supported by food reserves. I think everyone is in the same situation. Immediately finding mutated and high-quality new crops is an urgent matter for every country. Alright, this matter can be resolved quickly and best by uniting global forces. Shall we take this opportunity to discuss a charter? "

September 1th in the new calendar.

Visits and exchanges have entered a new stage.

Scholars from all over the world no longer give lectures, and do not mix with the students. They are invited by the scholar elites of Yanxia to visit the imperial capital together and discuss various practical issues together.

Everyone speaks freely without presupposing a scope, and they can say whatever comes to mind. As long as a certain question is raised, they can enjoy on-site dissection and analysis by a group of top scholars in the world. Social class.

Even certain careerists and extremists within the Alpha Empire took advantage of the turmoil to spread from the country to the entire New World, and were mercilessly singled out for an in-depth anatomical analysis.

In front of this topic, the scholars of the Alpha Empire remained silent throughout the entire process, without saying a word.

This exchange lasted for a full ten days. Everyone diagnosed many problems, solved some of them, and reached a consensus on many things related to the common interests of human beings around the world. However, there are still more problems that have not been resolved until the end. The only result is being pointed out and exposed to everyone's sight.

This does not affect the great significance of this academic exchange.

It is universally recognized that the international visiting delegation to the hot summer from January 1st to January 1th in the new calendar is the beginning of a new international order that can quickly stabilize and the world enters a new era.

While the scholars communicated frankly, students from various countries also had in-depth exchanges with the outstanding students of the [-]-year class.

At the very beginning, everyone was very civilized and wanted to convince their opponents with their own excellence and deeper heritage, but soon everyone discovered that they were not in the same channel at all.

Yanxia students talk about their minds and nature, the inner and outer universes, the unity of man and nature, the so-called evolutionary way is to constantly fit with nature, pursue the great way, the way is infinite, so the road of evolution is infinite;

The students of Ivy College talk about gene mutation, DNA double helix, chromosomes, universal cells, cancer cells, and immortal cells;

The Lord's glory and mercy from the church, the Lord is omnipotent, the Lord is omniscient, silently pray to the Lord, visualize the Lord, deepen the faith in the Lord into the soul, and naturally become stronger;

The holy sword also believes in the Lord, but they say that there is no need to bother the Lord with ordinary people's affairs, as long as they walk, sit, lie down and follow the Lord's teachings, they will become stronger, humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice... If you can gather all the virtues in one body, That is the saint of the world, invincible in the world.

Those who came from small countries and small places were only stunned the whole time, and didn't even dare to open their mouths, taking out the shabby things that their families had worked so hard to sum up to make a fool of themselves.

The result of talking loudly is that no one can convince anyone.

Those who came from the polar training camp couldn't speak well. Most of these people's old professions were killer agents and mercenaries. Everyone's eyes were focused on them, with anticipation, as if they were saying "what about you, what about you".

Everyone in the polar training camp looked at a young man with the temperament of a polar lone wolf. The young man opened his mouth and said, "Let's fight."

Everyone followed suit and nodded their heads one after another.

With a smile on his face and evil in his heart, he vowed to use actions to win back the words that he did not win.

As a poor student, Jiang Buku, who can only observe and study from the outside, smiled all the way, and was extremely happy.

Generally speaking, the performance of the Yanxia students is the best, with the highest winning rate, but other big countries also have their own characteristics and bright spots.

Moreover, Yanxia's high winning rate is not because her own theory has defeated other theories, but because Yanxia's systematic training is the earliest, and everyone has more time to grow.

This is the victory of the general environment, not the victory of martial arts, and it is not the credit of the unity of man and nature, the inner and outer universes that the students boasted.

After watching a few episodes carefully, Jiang Buku lost interest.

One by one blows so hard that in a real fight, you still have to punch to the flesh, you come and go.

On the contrary, those young talents who came from small countries and places without systematic training and "taught themselves" are even more dazzling.

Their fighting styles are either elegant and majestic, nimble and fierce, or eccentric and full of ingenuity... Watching them fight on the field, it seems to see some kung fu superstars coming out of the screen.

In terms of appearance and appreciation alone, they are the number one.

What made the yellow-skinned and dark-eyed Yanxia students even more ashamed was that it was not them who showed the Yanxia kung fu to the extreme, but these international friends with dark skin, brown skin, coffee skin, gray skin, and white skin.

Whenever they appear on stage, all Yanxia students will give the warmest applause and cheers.

Even if the Yanxia students who were fighting against them clearly saw the flaws, such as they were doing various shows in the air, they would resist the urge to step forward and kick the opponent away, and they would come and go with each other seriously.

They can't destroy their beautiful imagination of hot summer kung fu.

The instructors watching from a distance are also whispering and communicating.

Yan Hong confessed: "Although these children are of different races, they really admire Yanxia. If you send an instructor team to teach them, you can point out their current shortcomings and flaws and help them make up for them. But don't deny that they are here. above pay."

After the students discussed and exchanged ideas, with the approval of the old principal Ou, the Chuanwu instructors also took these foreign students to experience Chuanwu practice.

Generally speaking, this international visit is successful and complete. Whether it is a visiting scholar with the purpose of academic exchange or a student who broadens their horizons, they have gained a lot and will return with a full reward.

Only those who came to Yanxia with other goals in mind, but failed to achieve anything. From the beginning to the end, they didn't even go out of the gate of Liuyi College.As for the confidential places like the school's research team, they couldn't get close at all.

On January 1th of the new calendar, these foreign friends were all watched by Zheng Xun and sent to the plane.

The number of planes taking off is more than when they came, and almost all small country organizations have reached an agreement with Yanxia, ​​and Yanxia's martial arts instructor group will help them build a complete training system as soon as possible.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the delegation left, Liuyi College, which had been in trouble for half a month, returned to normal teaching order.

This international exchange has basically no impact on the teachers and students of the college.

However, if one raises one's vision from the academy and looks at Yanxia's overall situation, the impact will be extremely significant.

The overall domestic situation has stabilized, and the next work is mainly to spend more time and efforts to deepen the foundation under the current framework.The current situation, which is still somewhat superficial, will really be deeply rooted, and the mood of the Chinese people will be further stabilized and changed.

Since the beginning of the sky change, countries all over the world have withdrawn from the muddy waters of the international situation by coincidence. They have neither the intention nor the power, and they are all cultivating their internal strength. Yanxia is the first "inner strength".

In Yanxia's own plan, she should also look abroad, exert a positive influence on the bad international environment, and directly help those countries that need help.

This is Yanxia's unique vision, and Yanxia is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

But the difficult part is that Yanxia can't take the initiative to take this step. Yanxia is too outstanding in this climate change. I don't know how many suffering people are envious and jealous. All kinds of conspiracy theories about Yanxia are spread on the Internet. Disseminated around the world.

If Yan Xia took the initiative to step forward, this well-intentioned act would likely lead to bad consequences.

This visit group is a wonderful opportunity, whether it is to fight the autumn wind, raise difficulties, or worry about the current bad international environment, as long as someone raises a topic, Yan Xia will actively respond.

In the eyes of others, this is the demeanor of a big country in Yanxia, ​​generous, not fussing over the details, respecting the representatives of each country, taking any questions they raise seriously, and being able to help is absolutely unambiguous, and immediately give a helping hand, such as following them The returned Chuanwu Instructor Corps showed unparalleled efficiency.

Other affairs also unfolded rapidly after this time, such as the food crisis related to the problem of feeding everyone in the world.

Originally, a large number of plants could not adapt to the new world and were eliminated and extinct, and the crops domesticated by humans were the hardest hit areas. Some people put forward the view that because of human long-term care, compared with wild plants, their inherent survival desire weaker.

Yanxia voluntarily announced its own data, more than 80.00% of the crops could not be planted, and 15.00% of the input-output ratio was too low to be worthless.

However, it is not all good news. More than a dozen crops have mutated and evolved, and eight types have been found from the wild that can be used as substitutes for vegetables or even staple foods.

Yan Xia said that these discoveries can be shared with the world.

Following Yanxia, ​​the Shaluo Kingdom announced its position, and most of its land is extremely cold and dangerous, desolate and uninhabited, but its vast territory has also provided more than a dozen crops to share with the world.

Then there are those small countries where the military instructors are stationed in the hot summer. Limited by the size of the country, they can only provide two or three new crops at most, but they can't stand the large number.

Soon, there were hundreds of new crops in this globally shared "crop bank".Fruits, vegetables, and staple foods are very complete.

Seeing this situation, the Alpha Empire, Great Western Continent, and other major power organizations no longer pretended to be dead, and shared their own achievements and discoveries.

In the feeling of the people of Yanxia, ​​since the end of this international visit, there are suddenly many new and interesting things in the Yanxia news every night, and there are big moves every now and then.

What made Yanxia most joyful was a series of events at the end of January.

Because of the unique geographical features, the source continent has the largest desert grassland and rainforest on the planet, and the diversity of life species is more concentrated here. Therefore, those civilized people who sit in the office and drink coffee have given the source continent the protection of the planet's species diversity. important task.

In short, it means that the natural ecology cannot be artificially destroyed, industrialization is not allowed, and even large-scale deforestation and land reclamation are not allowed.

To protect the last homeland of those lovely creatures, human beings have taken away too much, and we cannot let them lose their last paradise.

Because of this, the Yuan Continent has indeed become a paradise for life, and the only people who suffer are human beings.

Before, they never made any statement on this, and seemed to acquiesce in the heavy responsibility entrusted to them by the international community.

On January 1, several countries in the Yuan mainland that were still tribal at heart finally expressed their stance to the international community. After the sky change, animals and plants have evolved and grown wildly. All human lives are facing the threat of mutant animals. All human lands are being destroyed. Rapidly expanding rainforest grassland erosion.

From the moment the statement is issued, they will take all measures to save themselves.

The so-called all methods are really unscrupulous, including but not limited to exterminating all dangerous creatures with the attitude of facing a national war, and using flames or highly toxic pesticides to stop their momentum in the rapidly expanding rainforest and grassland.

Shortly after those small countries issued the statement that day, all countries in the mainland expressed their support.

Then, it exploded.

Whether it is the Alpha Empire or the Great West Continent, those people who are protesting, marching and gathering every day seem to have found a common goal at once.

They are saddened by this irresponsible, barbaric act without global awareness of all countries on the mainland, and strongly urge their countries to intervene to stop it.

In order to attract more people to join, those blond, blue-eyed, well-groomed women did not hesitate to fight in a vacuum. From Atlantis to the New World, they inexplicably created the largest wave of flesh in history.

All the people in Yanxia were dumbfounded, feeling the same confusion that foreigners had when they saw people in Yanxia.

We really live in the same world, the same planet?

At this moment, just as at that moment.

Jiang Buku was convinced that there was no such thing in his previous life, and the living people were all trying to survive, so how could they be so carefree.

"The source of this matter is actually me."

This discovery made Jiang Buku dumbfounded.

Before the official start of the new calendar, the school went through another round of elimination, and the first class members of the school year were finally fixed at 700 people.

Starting from the new calendar, those students who are finally eliminated through layer upon layer will enter the class of the second academic year.

For Jiang Buku, without new classmates joining, without a source of living water, his talent is fixed at the current state.

The only way to improve yourself is to practice step by step.

However, even if he can get in close contact with the students in the second year class, his talent will improve very little.

Because in his special vision, the life aura of new students is similar to that of veteran students, which means that everyone's talent level is similar.

"The most is to replace the last dozen of the new students with the best dozen of the new students. The talent will be improved, but it is very small and of little significance."

From the perspective of human beings, the body changes in the past six months can be called violent, but from the perspective of the planet, it is extremely smooth and gentle. If the overall talent of human beings is to reach a higher level, we still need to wait. limit.

For the students in the school year class, the biggest feeling is that their growth has really entered the plateau period.

Every little bit of progress requires long-term practice and unremitting persistence.

For them, the meaning of being in the school year class is also diminishing day by day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

New calendar year 1 April.

The number of students in the second academic year class has also reached 800.

According to the school's regulations, the first batch of 700 students will also usher in a large-scale elimination.

However, due to the special status of the students, everyone applied to leave school collectively after the last comprehensive physical examination.

Because the military had communicated in advance, the school was naturally accommodating.

As for Jiang Buku's physical test results this time, he was already on the elimination list.

The first school year class ushered in the graduation of all members at the end of April in the first year of the new calendar.

The school also issued official graduation certificates to all students.

The other students immediately packed up their personal belongings and left the school.

Jiang Buku moved from the student dormitory to the staff dormitory, and the accommodation conditions were upgraded from a quadruple room to a single room.

On May 5, Jiang Buku went to the administrative building to report alone with his identity file.

"It's really a very meaningful day."

Not only him, but other people he saw along the way were more or less sentimental because of the arrival of this "anniversary of the change of heaven".

"Hi teacher, my name is Jiang Buku."

"Ah, Xiao Jiang, come here, please sit down.

I read your file, you are the real veteran of our school, I was only transferred this year.

We have also discussed your arrangement, you should go back to the security team. You are a top student at Imperial University and a talented practitioner who has undergone complete training, so the security team will give you full responsibility.

...Ah, you don't need to worry about the research team. The school is not responsible for the security work there. Your main job is to prevent outsiders from breaking in and disturbing the order of the school, and to prevent students from fighting in private... This possibility is actually very small , the students are already under the control of their instructors.

So your duty is very light. "

The report went very smoothly. In the afternoon of the same day, he put on his security uniform again and formally integrated into the security team.

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