Before the official lecture, he first confessed his starting point of thinking and the foundation of his intention.

Even if the world becomes unknowable, he still firmly regards the knowable as the fulcrum, and what he will say later must be based on this.

If you want to understand the following content, the listener must reach a consensus with him at this step.

That's why he wants to make this emphasis.

"There are also many people who believe that the sky change can be explained, and have done complex thinking exercises for this, killing many brain cells. What I don't agree with is that they imagined the mechanism behind it too complicated. There is a reason for the disappearance of the sun, there is also a reason for the disappearance of the Milky Way, there is a reason for the change of day and night without the sun and stars, there is also a reason for the disorder of day and night in the four seasons, there is a reason for the failure of mushroom bombs, there is also a reason for the accelerated decay of concrete buildings and other technological products, and there is a reason for the change of electronic products. There is also a reason for the instability..."

Speaking of this, he made a gesture of breaking down and scratching his head, and said: "If there is really a will behind this change of heaven, then he must be a deranged psychopath. Isn't he tired? Isn't he troublesome? !"

Sitting among the students, Jiang Buku, who was unremarkable, had a weird look on his face, and said, boss, the first step in your research is to rule out the correct answers.

"My first step was to simplify. In the end, I put together the causes of all abnormalities. I called it [X factor]. After that, all my work was no longer exhausting to explain each abnormal phenomenon. , but to study the nature of [X Factor], my job is to keep making conjectures, and then keep using changes in reality to falsify them.”

"What I want to share with you today is the most reasonable conjecture I have found so far, which can explain all current phenomena.

I generalize the characteristics of [X Factor] as a micro killer.The history of human development is also the history of the expansion of the boundaries of human cognition...

Because of the sudden addition of [X Factor], the originally stable model was messed up. All kinds of anomalous disasters since the sky change can be simply understood as the loss of the micro level. Moreover, it can be seen that its influence has changed from small to large... ..."

Then, he used a large number of calculations to support his conjecture, and the calculation results were completely consistent with the actual results that had already been formed.

One or two can be said to be ignorant, but so far all abnormal phenomena can be deduced using his simple model, which makes people have to marvel.

In the end, he was even more astonishing.

"Now it is the loss of electrical energy, and the next step is the loss of the molecular level. This will not be less of a blow to all mankind than the current electronic disaster.

First, all internal combustion engines will become a new source of danger, because the fuel that drives them will become super unstable, spontaneously ignite, or suddenly lose control while operating.

Second, all guns and weapons involving gunpowder will also be abolished. They will spontaneously ignite and explode, out of control and malfunction, and are more dangerous than all kinds of oil. "

Jiang Buku was dumbfounded.

Although he can be sure that Professor Wilson's [X Factor] is too wishful thinking, he also told the truth, there is a deranged psychotic will interfering.

If he knew the truth, his faith would definitely collapse completely.But there is no way, the world is so unreasonable.

But what is amazing is that from a wrong starting point, he actually predicted a correct future.

It won't be too long, next year, the world will go to the step he predicted.

A dark-skinned guy who couldn't see his facial features in broad daylight stood up excitedly, and said, "Professor, are we humans going to return to the state of primitive tribes soon?"

Professor Wilson shook his head and said: "According to my speculation, the influence of [X Factor] will stay at the molecular level, and it will be difficult to continue to float up. The internal combustion engine can't be used, but the steam engine can still be used. Moreover, we have more advanced ideas and mechanical principles. , craft materials are far from comparable to the steam age, so we should still be able to keep human civilization in the industrial age.”

"But how to deal with the weapons?" The black guy didn't feel relaxed, but became more excited. Seeing many people looking at him, he was a little nervous. He looked at his team leader, a black middle-aged man whose facial features could not be seen clearly by outsiders, But he saw the look of encouragement and support. He calmed down and reorganized his words.

"Professor, my country is called Bambia. It is said to be a country, but it is actually a big tribe. You may not be familiar with Bambia, but you must know the Benguo Rainforest, the Eta Prairie, and the Sago Desert. They The combined area exceeds 2000 million square kilometers. Everyone in the Blue Stars knows how terrifying they are. Our country and several other unfortunate countries are living between them.

Since the sky has changed, we have clearly felt that their terror is getting stronger day by day. Some lions are bigger than bulls, mutated forest pythons, giant elephants, iron-clad rhinoceros... We have not been defeated just because we still have Guns, if gunpowder weapons fail, we..."

Having said this, the black guy's voice choked up and remained silent.

Professor Wilson was silent for a moment before saying: "I originally wanted to say that even if gunpowder weapons fail, because of more advanced concepts, we can completely create crossbows and air guns that are as powerful as ordinary guns. However, for you , My suggestion is, move as soon as possible."


The black guy had question marks on his face, and he wanted to scold his mother a little bit.

I ask you for help, you tell me this.

Finally, he sat down disconsolately.

Professor Wilson was silent for a while, and then said: "As an aside, for small and weak countries, it is unrealistic to expect international assistance in the current situation. Everyone is inseparable. The only way for you is to save yourself. It is best The best way is to gather the weak to become strong, and those national forces that are obviously unable to fight against this natural change alone, it is best to think of a way to act early, as for possible troubles and hidden dangers in the future... let’s wait until we live.”

He briefly mentioned a few sentences, then brought the topic back, and made many detailed supplements on the final state he envisioned.

With his description, a future picture became clearer and clearer in everyone's minds.

The world's technological upper limit is locked, and it can only be powered by steam. However, more advanced mechanical material technology and design concepts have barely allowed humans to retain some "decency".

There are still planes, airships, trains, and ships that conquer the sky, land, and ocean. Computers are no longer available. Fortunately, there are difference engines and analysis engines. People have more vigorous postures and stronger bodies. is becoming more and more ferocious.

Warriors travel around the world with powerful hand crossbows and mechanical compressed air cannons to protect the peace and tranquility of the world.

As Professor Wilson painted more and more finely on the scroll, not only Jiang Buku's face became more and more weird, but many people looked like they were suffering from internal injuries.

An ignorant guy suddenly said loudly: "Professor, what you are talking about is called steampunk."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Professor Wilson's lecture ended with laughter.

Affected by him, scholars from other groups also took out their own private goods to share with everyone.

The eyes of all the teachers and students in the school were opened, even Jiang Buku listened with gusto.

Unexpectedly, these scholars’ fantasies also have a good appearance. Compared with fantasy works, they still have a rigorous argumentation process, which can explain existing phenomena and make reasonable predictions about future developments.

The steampunk style where the upper limit of technology is locked; the cyberpunk style where technology turns to another path and is more closely integrated with super-evolved new humans; the dark medieval style where technology completely disappears; technology becomes an alternative evil and unknowable world. The style of Cthulhu, where everything gradually becomes mysterious and unknowable; the style of epic heroes or magical witches, with the death of technology and the liberation of individual power...

Strange and dazzling.

The most important thing is that they use simple and beautiful new physics formulas to build a solid skeleton for these worlds, which are more convincing than the fictional worlds created by fantasy writers.

People have to sigh that smart people can dazzle people in everything they do.

However, all of this rigorous and reasonable is based on an assumption.

You have to agree with his first assumption, and everything that follows can be established, which is also the basis for everyone's communication.

This is also impossible. Human beings do not have any solid evidence clues to this global change. The crucial first step can only be made up by brain.

The academic exchange meeting turned into a carnival of brain holes.

The lecture was held for two full days, and scholars from all over the world showed off to their heart's content.

Finally, Professor Wilson turned his head to look at Ou Ziyuan, who was happily watching the play, and said, "Everyone has shared their own experiences, so the host has nothing to say?"

Ou Ziyuan quickly waved his hand and said, "No, compared to everyone, I feel that my thinking is too rigid and rigid, and I am far less insightful than you."

Professor Wilson looked at him suspiciously: "This sounds like a compliment, but why do I feel that the taste is very wrong?"

Ou Ziyuan hurriedly said: "You are overthinking, I am reflecting on my old age and not being open-minded enough."

Professor Wilson didn't let him go, stared at him and said:

"Those who engage in intelligence and politics all believe that Yan Xia knows something, otherwise it is impossible to step on the timing so accurately every time, and hardly suffer any substantial damage in this catastrophe, which is unique in the world .

Not only my country, but other countries have this kind of thinking more or less. "

Ou Ziyuan put away his smile, stared at him and asked, "Professor Wilson, do you think so too?"

Professor Wilson shook his head and said:

"It doesn't matter what I think, I only care about whether this exchange is really rewarding, and it can't really make us go for nothing.

Not to mention other things, Yanxia's series of responses after the sky change ensured the country's order and people's lives to the greatest extent.

Putting aside the disputes between countries and politicians, even with the most basic conscience and humanitarian concerns, you should share something. "

Ou Ziyuan really had nothing to say when he said that Da Qiufeng was so upright and righteous.

In the end, he had no choice but to walk up to the main podium under the eyes of Tang Seng's meat, making his finale appearance.

He laughed at himself and said: "After listening to everyone's speeches, my biggest feeling is to feel ashamed of my poor imagination."

Looking at the expectant eyes, he said:

"Don't expect to hear from me the insightful speeches of those scholars who gave lectures before. I know that my ability is limited, and I have never tried to explore the ultimate mechanism behind this change in the sky, nor predict the future direction of the world... …Because our country has set the tone from the very beginning, and everyone knows it, prepare for the worst.

Instead of predicting what will happen tomorrow, I, each of us, will do our best for the current situation, and we will accept it no matter what tomorrow will be.

As for the mysterious ultimate mechanism, of course we will study it, but not now. When the situation stabilizes, maybe we can start a big discussion with 23 billion people in the country, and even everyone in the world can participate. "

His words stunned the expectant international visiting scholars.

The eyes of scholars from all major countries, including Professor Wilson, showed obvious disappointment. Regardless of whether Yanxia had private goods or not, Ou Ziyuan's statement in public was to completely block this direction.

But the scholars from the small country delegations were all thoughtful and inspired.

Ou Ziyuan's next speech made their eyes shine even more.

"Now all mankind is undergoing an unprecedented change. This is not something that one country or one nation can solve. All mankind should work together to tide over the difficulties.

In practice, I have a vast land and many people in hot summer, and I have summed up some useful experiences than everyone else. If you like it, we can share it with you.

There are two main aspects to these experiences.

One is from civilized society to the present special period, from official to private structural adjustment, and various problems, thinking and solutions encountered in the reconstruction of new homes. Because everyone's national conditions, customs and geography are different, it is impossible to copy them as they are, but this is what I think It can also be a useful reference for everyone, or get some inspiration from it.

In the second aspect, the changes brought about by the sky this time are not all disasters. The evolutionary shackles in the living body disappeared, and many human beings showed extraordinary growth. The advantage of passing on martial arts..."


At this moment, a brown-colored scholar sitting not far from the main podium, with a lean body and a somewhat joyful face, uttered a strange cry, and put his hands half-clenched into fists in front of his chest. Seeing everyone looking at him, He also deliberately put on a very arrogant posture, scraping the tip of his nose with the back of his left thumb.

His simple strange cry and pose made everyone have a classic image of a kung fu superstar who promoted Yan Xia's martial arts to the world.

Other foreigners seemed to be suddenly triggered by this memory, some whistled, some cheered, some clapped.

The brown scholar said to Ou Ziyuan: "Yanxia Kung Fu, I know this, I have admired it since I was a child, if I couldn't get away, I would have come to Yanxia Shaolin Temple to become a monk and retreat."

Not to mention how many flaws his words contained, he continued without realizing it: "Have you finally decided to teach us Yanxia Kung Fu without reservation?"

It seems that in his cognition, Yanxia Kungfu has always been very good. In the past, due to various reasons, the real Kungfu was banned from spreading, and now the ban is lifted for international friends.

Ou Ziyuan was at a loss for words for a moment, and he instinctively wanted to correct what the other party said, but for a moment he didn't know where to start.

Under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of expectant eyes, he finally nodded and said: "Yes, I hope this can help everyone."


Most of the members of the international delegation showed sincere smiles and applauded eagerly.

For my luck, for the generosity of Yanxia.

From the bottom of their hearts, they felt that this trip was worthwhile.

But there are also some "international friends" who look at the excited and cheering companions around them, and they are not interested, but at this time, no one cares about them.

"Is it a full set of martial arts cheats?"

"Are there any restrictions?"

"I'm really sorry. Most people in our country are illiterate, and they don't know much about the Yanxia culture. We can't practice it if we take it back, and we may even go crazy!"


All the people in Yanxia including Ou Ziyuan were very surprised. They didn't expect that more than half of these international friends were fanatics of Yanxia Kungfu.

Well, it can also be heard from some people that some hobbies are cultivated after the change of heaven.

Firstly, Yanxia after the sky change has become a global benchmark, and every move has attracted global attention. Secondly, the shackles of human evolution have been opened, and many people's physical fitness is growing by leaps and bounds, but no one teaches them how to use these powers correctly. It's a hot topic, a random search on the Internet, and a large number of popular science and film and television works about hot summer kung fu opened a new door for them.

They use this as a teacher to practice, control, and grow.

Therefore, at this moment, I heard that I can learn the "authentic true biography" from Yanxia's official mouth, which makes me so excited.

After vaguely understanding the context, all Yanxia people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ou Ziyuan, who originally wanted to explain something, also gave up. What's more, he used his own logic to understand his words accurately, so why should he talk too much.

Finally, he also solved a doubt that everyone is most concerned about.

"Of course you only want cheat books. If you're worried that you'll miss out on learning, we can also provide some instructors for guidance. You can communicate with Minister Zheng of the Foreign Affairs Department about the specific sharing methods."

Until he stepped down, he didn't say a word about any research findings about this sky change. Although he bluntly said that Yan Xia doesn't care about it now, they won't be so stupid as to really believe that Yan Xia has nothing about it.

This kind of hiding is obviously against the purpose of this academic exchange, but most of the international friends are very satisfied, and even think that Yanxia is very authentic, and flying over half the planet at such an important moment is not just listening to a group of people gossiping.

Yanxia is very real, not playing with falsehoods, and directly benefiting, this is called the demeanor of a great country.

Thinking of this in his heart, he glanced at the other big countries that provoked this international exchange intentionally or unintentionally, and curled his lips secretly.

The twenty-fourth chapter is full of rewards

At the end of the two-day lecture, Shaluoguo scholars were the first to be impatient.

"If you like this kind of lecture, let's save it for private communication.

It's rare for everyone to get together so neatly, and everyone is also a talented person in the academic world, so let's communicate more practically.

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