Ou Ziyuan stared at him seriously for a while, and then said: "In that case, let's settle this matter."

"Principal, what will you do with me next? Will I leave school?"

Ou Ziyuan said: "First of all, you don't need to participate in this international visiting group. Afterwards, you don't have to immediately leave the school year class, just wait for the first elimination to be eliminated naturally.

You don't need to leave school either. Compared with the outside world, the school is more closed and simple, which is beneficial for you to lurk. You were originally a member of the security team, so it's good for you to return to your old job when the time comes.

For the lurkers, there is an extremely important problem to be solved. People want to lurk, but they can practice but they cannot fall behind.This is a difficult problem for other lurkers to solve. You have the convenience of Liuyi College, so of course you have to hold on tightly and never let go. "

I thought so too, Jiang Buku was delighted.

The more he felt, the more he felt that this arrangement was too suitable for him. According to his plan, if he wanted to save the world, he had to go to the late stage. If he died before the day of the world's extinction, it would be a real tragedy.

He only knows the general trend, not the details.Not to mention that the current world has undergone earth-shaking changes. If he follows the strategy in his memory, the greatest possibility is to kill himself.

As for his cheating, it is a typical example that when you meet the strong, you become strong, and when you meet the weak, you become weak. Now the changes in the world have just begun, and the new human beings who are truly extraordinary and evil have not yet been born.He was powerless even if he wanted to work hard.

Waiting quietly, waiting for development, holding back until the late stage, this is the correct way.

Then, the old principal Ou explained a few more words, and waved Jiang Buku to leave.

After Jiang Buku left, he took out a stack of documents from the drawer.

On the top layer is a paper titled "On the Feasibility Analysis of Thinking Fingerprints".

This is a game made by an old friend before Tianchang. The first thing this person studied was linguistics. Any language can be mastered in a short while, and he is a real IQ monster.Later, he changed to study philosophy, and then dabbled in hundreds of schools of thought. Mathematics, physics, psychology, and even artificial intelligence are all experts.

He had dealt with the criminal investigation department for a period of time and developed an intelligent handwriting recognition system.This kind of recognition is so abnormal that even if you write with your left hand, hold it in your mouth, or deliberately scribble, as long as the person who left the handwriting is yourself, the intelligent recognition system can find you out from the vast crowd.

Inspired by this, he opened his mind and thought, if there is no handwriting left, but only a specially processed speech or printed text, can this be used to trace the person who said this sentence? ?

In his theory, this is perfectly feasible.Simply put, all languages ​​and characters are the expression of a person's thoughts, and a person's thoughts are more unique than the external characteristics of fingerprints and irises.

As long as the expresser's thinking mode can be reversed through language and writing, the expresser can basically be locked in.

The logic chain is so clear.

However, the reason why this article became a game is that although its logic is clear, it cannot achieve this ideal state with the current artificial intelligence.

First of all, too short and stylized text has no meaning, such as a "hello" greeting, or an ancient poem and prose, nothing can be deduced in reverse.

Secondly, in reality, artificial intelligence has an extremely shallow understanding of human thinking patterns.

It is impossible to lock uniqueness through this "two-way pinching" method in theory.

However, it is not without practicality.

At least it will help them narrow the lock down.

Those of them who have seen "Spoiler Post" have never given up their pursuit of its source.

First of all, this must have been done by Yanxia people. Secondly, this person will not be too old, but he will not be too young. He cannot be a member of the system, nor is he a social person who dropped out of school. Hand of male college student with deep love.

Continue to pursue, the scope will be further narrowed.

These old guys who have read the original text of "Spoiler Post" and have their necks buried in the soil all have a tacit understanding to further manually investigate among the people they come into contact with.

Ou Ziyuan has not only lived in Liuyi College for the past six months, but has been to many places, including dozens of settlements.

On a form he wrote many names by hand.Some names have question marks next to them, and some have a few underlines... This has almost become a form of entertainment in his spare time. It is a good way to kill time by thinking about and checking each one.

At this moment, he took out a box of matches, pulled out a brushed matchstick and burned it. The flame burned through the corner of the document, and gradually burned bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

Looking at the pile of ashes, Ou Ziyuan felt relieved, with a relaxed smile on his face.Even if catastrophe is imminent in the next moment, he can pass away with a smile on his face.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the conversation with Mr. Ou, the next day, the school year class organized a comprehensive physical examination, not to eliminate personnel, but to select the best students for the upcoming international visiting group.

In the end, the school selected the best [-] students from the [-] students in the school year class as student representatives. No matter what tricks the international visiting group will eventually make with the students, they will handle it.

Regarding the school's arrangement, the four hundred students who failed the selection had nothing to say, who made themselves really not good enough.

Not surprisingly, Jiang Buku was also among the losers.

All the students and instructors who pay more attention to him are a little curious, but thinking that he has always been serious about his subjects and has obvious shortcomings, while the school's physical examination has more comprehensive and comprehensive considerations, he agrees with this from the bottom of his heart.

After all, even the parties involved agree with this selection and ranking, and others also agree with the authoritative test results psychologically, and no one will jump out and say that it is unreasonable.

Naturally, it will follow suit.

On January 1st of the new calendar, at 1:[-] a.m., at the Imperial Capital Airport.

The originally spacious and grand Imperial Capital Airport has been refurbished, shrinking and simplifying a lot.

All concrete buildings, including runways, are replaced with other materials. Fortunately, natural asphalt mixed with natural aggregates will not summon the "maliciousness" of the world.

Not far from the plane parking lot, sixty double-decker buses lined up neatly in three rows, which was magnificent.

There were more than a dozen extended black commercial vehicles parked in front of the [-] buses. A group of men and women in suits and leather shoes waited quietly. Zheng Xun stood in the center of the front row with a solemn face.


An unattractive middle-aged man on the left whispered.

The weather is beautiful, although the temperature is a bit harsh, it is daytime anyway.

In the sky in the distance, dozens of black spots rapidly grew in size, and accompanied by a low hum, dozens of planes of different sizes and markings landed one after another.

Looking at this "All Nations Lineup", Zheng Xun and others were not surprised.They have known for a long time that these planes of different sizes that took off from all over the world made an air formation before entering the hot summer airspace, showing the huge lineup and the formality of this trip.

"It's putting pressure on us."

Among the waiting crowd, someone explained the opponent's tricks in one sentence.

When the planes stopped at the berth one by one, the cabin door opened, and the school emblem with the school emblem surrounded by green vines forming a planet was spray-painted on both sides of the large plane in the front, and nearly a hundred people came out in a file.

The dozen or so people who walked in the front, male and female, of different ages, had an obvious scholarly temperament, which seemed to be emphasizing that we are indeed here for academic exchanges.

Yanxia people are somewhat blind to foreigners, but as long as they report their names, anyone who has a little knowledge of the academic world will know that they are all bigwigs at the forefront of academics. A frequent visitor to various top academic journals that he loves and hates.

And behind these dozen or so scholars, followed by more than thirty young men and women, who have been looking around curiously since they got off the plane, and they can clearly see the student spirit on them.

There were less than 50 scholars and students in total, and nearly 50 people followed them. Some of them unabashedly revealed a strong and powerful aura, and some looked extremely ordinary, very ordinary.

The unremarkable middle-aged man on Zheng Xun's left hand whispered again: "These people come from various sources, including instructors, people from the Alpha Empire military, and people from intelligence agencies."


In addition to military hegemony and financial hegemony, the Alpha Empire also has cultural hegemony that is more obscure and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.In the film and television works they export to the world, their intelligence agents are almost inhuman existence, flying into the sky, escaping from the ground, and saving the planet are all commonplace. Even if they retire, even if they are seventy or eighty, they can easily penetrate the world.

Zheng Xun was obviously poisoned, so he immediately became vigilant when he heard the words, and said: "Help me keep an eye on them, even if they use a few sheets of toilet paper to go to the toilet, don't miss them....I want to ensure that the whole interview goes smoothly. I'm not worried, I'm just afraid that these people will cause trouble. Since the higher-ups have specially transferred you to cooperate with me, my only hope for you is to give me control of this area."

The middle-aged man had a strange expression on his face, and he really wanted to tell him that the agents of the Alpha Empire and the agents in film and television works are two different species, there is no need to treat them as scourges, it is good not to underestimate their opponents, but not to overestimate them either.

However, seeing the seriousness on Zheng Xun's face, the middle-aged man choked on everything, nodded and said, "Okay, I will fully cooperate with you."

People on other planes also got off one after another.

There are more than 90 people in the Daxizhou Holy Church, and more than 50 people in the Holy Sword Organization. In addition to the combination of scholars, students, and instructors, military agents, they also played tricks. There are ten people in the Holy Church, and there are six people in the Holy Sword. Wear priestly robes.

The priest's robe of the church is pure white, the collar and cuffs are trimmed with light gold like sunlight, and the left and right sides of the chest are embroidered with a crown pattern, and in his hand is a scepter that is very handy for beating dogs.

The main body of the priest's gown of the Holy Sword, which was established separately by the Wrangell Kingdom, is still pure white, without light gold trim, and wears a silver cross holy sword pendant.

Not only that, each of them wore a long dark red scarf around their necks, hanging from the left and right sides of their chests to their knees. The long dark red scarves fluttered and swayed as they walked, giving them the feeling of walking out of a fashion show.

The missionaries on both sides kept their eyes on each other and were clearly different from each other, showing off their respective splendor wantonly.

The airport was turned into a fashion show by them, competing with each other.

Zheng Xun and the others were stunned, and the solemn Zheng Xun couldn't help complaining: "Why did they send missionaries here? Don't they want to come to me to preach in Yanxia? Or do they want to teach us what is fashion in the new era?"

In contrast, the Shaluo State team is much more normal. There are more than 70 people in the team, and there are less than ten scholars. Most of them are instructors and students, and there are also people from the military and intelligence agencies. They are either capable or shrewd. I'm tough" and "I'm professional" are all written on my face.

In addition, there are more than a dozen teams that Zheng Xun and the others also took a serious look at.

Five religion-based organizations constitute organizations, two of which do not have the influence of the God of Light on the planet, but are also world religions, and the other three are also capable of affecting hundreds of millions of people, or millions of square kilometers of land regional religion.

Then there is the organization established by the six regional powers and neighboring small countries.

He didn't care much about the other [-] or so organizations. Apart from helping the international visiting group gain momentum, showing his sense of presence, and taking advantage of the generous and friendly host, he had no other purpose.

It can be seen from their personnel composition that a few scholars who pretend to be fakes lead a group of instructors and students, plus one or two official representatives who look like I'm here to fish for fish.

No matter what you think in your heart, when these people get off the plane one after another and walk towards Zheng Xun and others, Zheng Xun and others also strode forward to meet them. No matter whether they are from a big force or a small group, there are at least two representatives of Yanxia with them. Communicate cordially.

And Zheng Xun went directly to the Alpha Empire delegation, and shook hands with those university students one by one.

Half an hour later, everyone got into the arranged bus.And the leader of each organization was arranged in the commercial vehicle.

Dozens of vehicles lined up in a long line, and soon left the airport and entered the city.

People from all over the world have temporarily put aside the purpose of this trip and looked at Yanxia Imperial Capital curiously through the car windows.

Before the sky changed, the world had already entered into integration.Yanxia is a country of miracles in the new era. Most of the members of this international delegation have been to the Yanxia Imperial Capital, either for tourism, business, or academic exchanges. Moreover, the network information is so developed that no one knows about the Yanxia Imperial Capital. It is unfamiliar, and many of the landmark buildings can be named more than a dozen casually.

The high-rise buildings that represent modern civilization have all disappeared, and they have become the traditional wooden and stone buildings with ancient style and charm, which are seamlessly integrated with those ancient buildings, giving them a different kind of beauty.

The roads are spacious and flat. Because of the official decree, there are very few cars and private cars on the road, and people have special buses for travel.

Although after a world-sensational migration, the imperial capital still has a large population, pedestrians come and go in a hurry, their eyes are bright, their faces are bright, and their expressions are peaceful. Sexual malaise.

Seeing this, all foreigners feel complicated, thinking about their own country and people's living conditions.

Do we really live in the same world?

Some people are extreme and even instinctively have a kind of jealousy, but when they think that Yanxia has hardly suffered any losses, the huge population, the terrifying centripetal force, and the mess in their own country, all thoughts are lightened.

Zheng Xun sat in the same car with several university scholars from the Alpha Empire.

An old man said with a weird accent: "Mr Zheng, after finishing the academic exchange, I want to revisit the imperial capital, is that okay?"

Zheng Xun said with a smile: "Of course, Mr. Wilson, as long as you want, we can arrange it at any time, but I don't know if your schedule allows it."

International flights have long been suspended, and individual actions must cooperate with group arrangements.

Wilson said with a smile: "I only do academic exchanges, and I don't participate in other things, so I have plenty of personal time."

Another Alpha Imperial scholar next to him also expressed his opinion: "Count me in, I don't even know if I can come to the imperial capital again."

"I'll go as well."

"Plus me."

Other scholars in the car also expressed their opinions one after another.

Zheng Xun was thoughtful, and these scholars seemed to be deliberately disassociated from another group of people.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The new calendar year, the second day of the first month.

In the morning, nearly [-] students sat cross-legged on the playground.

Before all the trainees were nearly a thousand instructors and trained martial arts practitioners.

In the area closest to the high platform, there are hundreds of researchers from the research team.

Next to them, there are a total of 1423 foreign guests in this delegation, which can be regarded as a huge lineup.Although the purpose of half of them is not pure, but under Yan Xia's concern, they can't go anywhere, they can only act together with the team.

At this moment, the old principal Ou said on the high platform:

"Professor Wilson's attitude is very eager, and he wants to lead by example, so that all scholars can let go of other thoughts and take this rare opportunity to have a sincere exchange.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the school yesterday, he told me that he wanted to give a lecture and share some of his research experience over the past six months.I agreed, but the auditorium of our school is too small to accommodate too many people, so I can only wrong everyone, especially Professor Wilson, to give lectures in such a crude place. "

Then, he gave up the podium to the foreign old man next to him.

The old man flipped through a stack of scripts in his hand, curled his mouth and shrugged his shoulders, rolled his eyes, got a bit of the spirit of a master of comedy in the silent film era, and said in a weird hot summer language: "Do you know what is the most troublesome thing for me now? There is no projection, no computer, no PPT, such lectures have no soul. If I speak dryly and you listen dryly, I have no confidence in how effective it will be in the end.”

Having said that, he whistled and said, "However, this is also an interesting challenge, let's all try it."

"I believe that everyone has deeply realized the difference between today's world and the past, and every thoughtful person will think about the reasons behind this.

There are many people who claim to have found the reason. I have roughly summed it up. Some people say the reason is very complicated, or other than themselves, no one really understands what the reason he said is, and there are more Some people attribute this reason to the Lord they believe in, or other ghosts and ghosts, fooling me with mystery and unknowability.

Having personally experienced this change, my faith has been shaken, and I am not completely sure that there is really no such possibility.

Please allow an old man's stubbornness. Although my faith has been shaken, I still decide to hold him tightly until I enter the grave.

I admit that there are too many unknowns in the world, but I firmly believe that human beings can use wisdom and rationality to constantly break through obstacles.

Now unknowable, impossible forever unknowable. "

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