Therefore, in addition to the daily routine of practice, he either practiced some extra items for himself alone, or walked around the new campus, and rarely participated in group activities with a strong military atmosphere.

The school is such a big place, and I go around a lot, and I can always meet acquaintances.

For example, the old principal Ou Ziyuan, he met several times, greeted him, he always responded with a smile, and asked him carefully about his study and life.

But what happened this time? He greeted him in the morning. He smiled and stared at him for a while, then put his hands behind his back and walked slowly towards the research area.

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

what is this?

Jiang Buku was full of question marks, but looking at the old man who was walking slowly ahead and could easily be knocked down with a single punch, he had no other emotions at all, and followed him obediently.

After passing the gate security office of the research team, we bypassed the individual laboratories one by one.


A familiar explosion came from the side and rear, and Jiang Buku turned his head to see that a laboratory had collapsed halfway, and electric sparks flashed wildly.

A huge shell of a certain equipment was blown into the sky, and with a bang, it fell to the ground far away.

Then, he opened the door of the undestroyed other half of the laboratory, and a few figures in fireproof suits sprang out, holding foam fire extinguishing agent in their hands, and sprayed all the fire sources. Soon, all open flames were extinguished. was extinguished.

Mr. Ou, who was walking slowly with his hands behind his back, didn't turn his head back from the beginning to the end, and urged: "Come with me, I don't need your help over there."

Jiang Buku turned around and continued to follow behind Mr. Ou.

Looking at the fire-fighting behaviors of those researchers who are more skilled than firefighters, you can imagine how many times they have dealt with it before they can practice this proficiency.

During this period of time, one or two explosions occurred here every day. At first, the students were shocked, but now they can ignore it as if they had never heard of it.

Just like school street lights will explode from time to time, the biggest reaction of teachers and students is to glance over and see, "Oh, another one exploded", and then do what to do.

As long as there are no accidents and no one is hurt, it's really nothing to be surprised about.

Mr. Ou took Jiang Buku to his office and asked him to sit where he wanted.

He also personally poured Jiang Buku a glass of water. Jiang Buku couldn't stand this, so he quickly got up and took it with both hands, and said in a daze, "Old principal, just tell me if you have anything to do."

Mr. Ou waved his hand: "Sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

He put his elbows on the desk, clasped his hands together naturally, and said: "After this month is over, it will be a new calendar soon. After negotiations between the foreign affairs department and the international visiting group, the time for them to arrive at our school is set at January 1st of the new calendar year.

This is not only the first day of the new year in our traditional festival, but also the first day of the new calendar, which has a lot of symbolic meaning. We also use this reason to delay their arrival until then, otherwise, they may have arrived by now. "

Jiang Buku listened carefully, but he was still puzzled.

Why do you keep telling me these things?

"The purpose of this international delegation is not pure. The rest has nothing to do with you, and you don't need to worry about it. However, one thing is certain, they will definitely send people to find out the bottom line of you students."

Speaking of this, Mr. Ou finally revealed the answer to the mystery, saying: "You don't want to get involved in these things."


Jiang Buku was stunned, he thought of countless possibilities, but he never thought that Mr. Ou called him here specially to tell him about it.

Could it be that he was afraid that his performance would be too bad and he would lose the dignity of Liuyi Academy?

Impossible, because of his special ability, he can "bond" with the best hundred people in the school year class to become friends, so that his talent can always be maintained at the average level of the outstanding hundred people, and as the school year class has more and more people, There are more and more excellent people appearing, so his talent has been growing slowly. In addition, he can add points to his growing talent. His actual performance is completely able to squeeze into the top [-].

Now there are five hundred students in the school year class, all of them are geniuses who have been eliminated more than four times. He can always maintain the top [-] level in such a group of geniuses, which is not bad at all.

Afraid of performing too well?It doesn't make sense, there are at least 20 students who are better than him in front of him.

Why did Mr. Ou want to exhort him so deliberately to a student who is not good at performance?

Is there something special about yourself that deserves special exhortation?

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Buku is a clever one.

Ou Lao saw Jiang Buku's doubts, his eyes turned deep, and he said solemnly:

"Because of some special reasons, we are not optimistic about the future situation of this world and prepare for the worst, which is what we have always implemented.

We have dispersed 23 billion people into more than 2000 settlements, and each settlement can achieve basic self-sufficiency.

What do you think the purpose of this is?Is it just to better face the current changing situation? "

Before Jiang Buku could answer, he shook his head and said:

"No, if we are only dealing with the current situation, we don't need to do this at all. This time the general mobilization seems to have done a good job, but it has consumed all of Yan Xia's accumulation of hundreds of years, and has also overdrawn the official credit accumulated for hundreds of years. Except that no one died, Everyone broke their homes once. Is such a high price just to deal with the current situation?"

"Prepare for the worst. The worst plan we have made is that unless Shenzhou sinks suddenly, as long as more than 2000 settlements scattered over tens of millions of square kilometers are not wiped out, as long as one settlement survives , the fire of our civilization will not be extinguished. More than 2000 settlements are more than 2000 flames that can immediately restart civilization."

Jiang Buku was greatly shocked.

He originally thought he had seen the official layout clearly. After all, he was the one who posted the spoiler post, so it was naturally clear to find the reason from the result.

But now he realized that he had far underestimated the meaning behind this action.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is the restart plan, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, each settlement shoulders the important task of restarting civilization on its own.

If this situation really happens, the road to restart must be extremely difficult, so we have formulated the guardian plan, and they will take on the important task of guarding the safe restart of civilization.

Millions of armed forces have been scattered into various settlements. The country has built a large number of practice schools and a wave of practice. The overall strength of each settlement is improving, and more and more outstanding practitioners have been excavated. They are all of us. The guardian of civilization, so that each settlement has the strength to face any danger, this is the core of the guardian plan. "

"But if you think about it carefully, this is still not safe. The guardians are indeed strong and will continue to become stronger, but they are all exposed to the sun. They are very easy to be targeted and subverted. The intervention of foreign forces, The conspiracy of internal careerists breeds and disintegrates from the inside. This is inevitable, not to mention there are more darker and weirder possibilities.

So we made another lurker plan.

Just like those ancestors lurking on the secret front a hundred years ago, the only duty of the lurkers is to lurk, hide themselves well, protect themselves well, be unknown, and be ordinary.Only when the worst situation comes, can they take action and use their best efforts to protect the restart of civilization. "

Since then, Jiang Buku has fully understood Ou Lao's intentions, but there is a strong desire to complain in his heart.

Restart plan, Guardian plan, Lurker plan... How many plans have you guys made?

If one is not safe, make two, and if two are not safe, add one.

If the lurker plan is not safe, is there a new plan?

This is almost inevitable.

Yanxia once humbly called herself a rabbit to show that she was harmless, and the cute rabbit three caves, isn't it best at digging holes to avoid danger.

If you want to destroy this rabbit, it may not be enough to light Shenzhou Luchen, the whole planet needs to explode on the spot.

He really wanted to tell Mr. Ou, don't worry too much, the situation won't reach that point.

"You always want to choose me as a lurker?" Jiang Buku said.

Ou Lao nodded and said:

"Since confirming this plan, we have also improved the selection criteria.

First of all, this person's heart must be upright. On this point, I am very assured of you.

Secondly, one must be young enough, both in terms of brain and spiritual talent must be good enough.This is valuable and meaningful. "

Hearing this, Jiang Buku hurriedly said: "My talent is not that great, right? In our school year class, there are at least 50 to [-] people who are better than me, and as new students join, there are still more outstanding people. More."

He looked unsure of his talent.

"It seems that you still lack some self-knowledge about yourself." Mr. Ou smiled, and repeated the example of "fish turning into a bird" he told Zheng Xun before, saying: "Indeed, as far as individuals are concerned, you They are all confused, do not understand the deeper mechanism behind this change, and can only draw some specious conclusions from the most superficial changes, but the data will not be faked."

Jiang Buku immediately asked, "What do the data show?"

His face was full of curiosity, but his heart was extremely apprehensive.

Ou Lao's answer made him secretly heave a sigh of relief.

"We collected such a huge amount of data, there are so many discoveries, far more than what we published.

For example, we can already conclude that the rapid growth and transformation reflected in you, to some extent, can only be regarded as an appetizer, and it is far from the time for real transformation.

We collectively call your current stage the 'incubation period'. The real transformation is when you break your shell. "

Jiang Buku was taken aback, he really didn't expect Ou Lao and the others to be able to research to this extent, through massive physical measurement data and complex mathematical calculations, they could predict the evolutionary trend many years later.

This was something he had never experienced in his previous life. At that time, the human order was completely rebuilt from the dilapidated. Years of chaos and disorder have inherited all the dark side of human beings, while most of the wisdom and knowledge that belonged to human beings have been lost. There is no such ability at all.

Moreover, human beings at that time did not have the support of massive physical measurement data during this most critical transition period, and they did not have the basis for making this prediction at all.

Ou Lao continued: "After more than half a year of data collection, we can basically predict which people's talents can support them through the 'incubation period', and how far they can go after passing through. We also have a rough expectation. Because we The data we have is still too basic, and the further prospects are still unclear.”

"Some people have the most special performance. Although they have not revealed any clues now, they will transform into strange abilities similar to those in film and television works in the future, and become superpowers in reality."

Having said that, he looked at Jiang Buku seriously and said:

"And what's special about you is that in the beginning, all of us didn't realize that you were special!

Based on the analysis of the physical test data collected from you in June, you will not be able to survive two rounds of elimination; based on your physical test data in July, it is not enough to support you to reach your current height. Not only have you survived five rounds of elimination to enter the school year The class, even in the school year class that is full of elites, can still rank among the top [-] in terms of comprehensive scores.

That's very special. "

Hearing this, Jiang Buku's heart was beating non-stop.He really didn't expect that the hastily established research team could be so perverted. Except for failing to analyze his cheat, the analysis of other situations was not bad.

"They didn't make a mathematical model for each student. The more perfect the data collection, the more transparent these students are in their eyes, and there is no privacy at all."

Thinking of this, Jiang Buku felt his scalp go numb.

Going on like this, it is entirely possible that one day I will analyze that I have a cheat, and that the operation mechanism of the cheat can be deciphered in every possible way!

Such a situation is not a good thing for both sides.

He is confident that no matter how many plans they have made and how much insurance they have set up, he will be the last safety barrier, provided that they cannot be exposed.

Otherwise, not only would one's own safety be unpredictable, but the entire hot summer and the entire planet would be backlashed by fate.How much profit you get from yourself now will be doubled back in the future.

"Liuyi College is very beneficial to my growth, but if it brings about greater disasters, then I can only abandon it."

For the first time, Jiang Buku had the thought of leaving.

If this situation cannot be improved, even with the bait of "lurker", he will choose to leave.

However, before that, let's listen to Mr. Ou's words.

Ou Lao continued: "After analyzing and analyzing, everyone came to the conclusion that you are as special as those who may hatch supernatural powers in the future. What makes you special is that it is difficult for others to discover your specialness, including the last one. Advanced testing equipment."

Jiang Buku was taken aback for a moment, and then his face became a little weird.

Is the brain hole of the researchers so clear that they forcibly fabricated a supernatural ability for themselves.

"Not to mention other things, your ability is naturally suitable for serving the lurker's job." Ou Ziyuan said with emotion.

"Old Ou, I..." Jiang Buku was about to take the opportunity to say something.

Ou Ziyuan continued:

"We select the lurkers, and there are other requirements. The social relationship should be as pure and simple as possible, and there should be no complicated social circle. This is beneficial in the current environment. With the great changes of 23 billion people, we can easily make them A person, or even a group of people, disappears.

You are an orphan, which is another advantage.If you become a lurker, I will personally take action to clean up all the traces you left in Liuyi College, including the physical measurement data you left behind. "

"Then what is my identity, a transparent person, a living ghost?" From Ou Lao's words, Jiang Buku heard some information that moved him, but brought him new confusion.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ou Ziyuan said: "You are still Jiang Buku, a student of Imperial Capital University. Because you are an orphan, you were lucky enough to stay in the big migration after the sky change. You joined the security team. You were lucky to be the first student during the trial operation of Liuyi College. A group of students, because of their good talents, survived several eliminations and entered the year class to practice, but were eventually eliminated due to lack of qualifications."

Old General Ou read through the script that he had drawn up, and Jiang Buku, who had originally decided to leave, found that he was tempted.

"Is it that easy?" Jiang Buku whispered.

"It's so easy for me. These are your experiences. I just need to do a good job of your physical test data in the first few months, and the last few physical test data are not good enough. No one can find out through these physical test data. Your uniqueness, that's enough."

"Besides, even if some instructors and students have a special impression of you now, what about one year later, ten years later, two or 30 years later? Whether you can still remember you is a problem. Our plan is not for the present Serving, but laying out for the future."

The last trace of doubt in Jiang Buku's mind was also dispelled.

"Principal, I will follow your arrangement!"

Ou Ziyuan laughed and said: "Just now I saw that you were very reluctant, why are you willing now? Don't worry, it's not enough if you are willing, I haven't finished talking yet.

Your temperament, age, talent, background and background are all good candidates.

But there is the most important point, the lurker must be calm and not be moved by foreign objects such as fame, fortune and honor. Young people gain supernatural powers, and even become superpowers in film and television works, superheroes, able to hold back Do you have the ambition to make a big career, can you resist showing off your abilities? Even if you were originally worthy of any woman, but because of the restrictions of your status as a lurker, you have to succumb to the restrictions of your status.

Can you stand all this? "

Jiang Buku looked relaxed, as if he didn't think what Ou Ziyuan said was such a difficult choice.

"Don't worry, you don't need to endure at all. I will only feel peaceful away from these things. What I want to do most is to be an otaku."

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