11 month 20 day.

The ten famous universities of the Alpha Empire took the lead and combined more than a dozen internationally renowned life science research institutes to jointly establish the Ivy Academy, which combined academic research and the important task of cultivating super-evolved new humans.


Shaluo has the largest number of training bases for mercenaries, killers, and secret agents in the world. Any military organization with some reputation in the world has the experience of training in a training base in Shaluo. This has almost become a special diploma resume. .

Among them, the most prestigious is the polar training camp.

11 month 25 day.

Shaluo Kingdom announced that it will use national power to rectify all training bases and improve the system, headed by the polar training camp, aimed at cultivating super fighters in the new era!


Great Western Continent, the civilization background is not inferior to Yanxia, ​​there was a grand epic of the gods before, and now the belief in the God of Light spreads all over the world. It is also the birthplace of modern civilization, and the "ancestral land" of all New World countries including the Alpha Empire.

The entire Great Western Continent is only about the size of Yanxia, ​​but it is home to more than a dozen developed and powerful countries. Among them are the global hegemons before the Alpha Empire, the previous and previous global hegemons, and some challenged the world with the power of a single country, setting off many times. The superpower of the war of annihilation...

Although they all appear to be old-fashioned now, no country dares to ignore the profoundness of its foundation.

On November 11th, the nations of Great Western Continent, who were constantly quarreling and having different opinions, finally reached a consensus to let Guangming Sacred Land take the lead in establishing the Holy Church, with its headquarters located in Guangming Sacred Land.

Yanxia, ​​who had been silent before, finally expressed her opinion. This is not only because of the common strength of Daxizhou, but also because of Daxizhou's ambitions.

In its official announcement, it emphasized that all the churches of the God of Light all over the world are its offline, and they have the obligation to send excellent human beings to the holy churches to please the gods.

"Although we don't interfere with personal beliefs, if you insist on this point of view, we can only regretfully close all the churches of the God of Light in China."

Not to mention the official statement of dissatisfaction, many netizens risked their lives and couldn't help complaining online.

"Live in a dream? You claim that I have to listen?"

"I'm really living in a dream, isn't it because my ancestors have been rich for a few years, and they are dragged as if they are superior to others in front of the whole world."

"Our ancestors were thousands of years old, and we have never seen anyone so dizzy."

"Those who are more than a few years old are called nouveau riche. As far as this virtue is concerned, everyone is considerate."

"Where is this? Didn't you see it on the Internet before? Some people took advantage of the changes in the sky to spread rumors, saying that the sun and even the entire Milky Way were taken over by the God of Light. The reason is that we didn't believe him and made him angry. "


Not only Yanxia, ​​but also the Alpha Empire and the Shaluo Kingdom who also believe in the God of Light have also expressed their attitudes clearly.

Impossible, put away your delusions!

Therefore, the day after the declaration, on November 11, the Holy Church had to come forward to patch up what was said yesterday.

"God loves the world, and we care for every human being on this planet. Our original intention is to give small countries one more choice. It is a loss for all human beings to delay outstanding talents. If you have the ability to cultivate yourself, that is of course a good thing. .”

That shameless face made people disgusting.

On December 12st, Daxizhou, which had just joined hands to show off in front of the world, had a moth, the former global overlord of the Alpha Empire, and now the Kingdom of Wrangell, who was living with the original younger brother, suddenly announced its withdrawal from the Holy Church organization. A new organization called "Holy Sword" was formed, also under the guise of the God of Light. The so-called Holy Sword is the sword holder of God in the world.

This magical operation has blinded people all over the world. Netizens spoke one after another, praising him as the originator of the shit-stirring world. He has been imitated and never surpassed.

Not to mention the wrangling within Daxizhou, throughout December, other parts of the world were inspired to set up similar organizations.

Those who have religious origins will use this as a link to form a powerful organization;

Or take a geographically adjacent powerful country as the core, and the surrounding small countries become shareholders and attach themselves to form a powerful organization;

There are also organizations formed by partnerships of several small countries. Although they do not have the power to compete globally, they will still become an important force that cannot be ignored in a certain region on a certain continent.

Those who are eligible to be recorded by Yanxia News and leave traces in the hearts of teachers and students of Liuyi College cannot escape these three routines.

As for other small countries entertaining themselves behind closed doors, even some local forces that don't even have national qualifications and use temporary chaos to make some momentum are not even qualified to be recorded in the news.To win this honor, there is still a long way to go.

At the end of December, a piece of news spread to every corner of Yanxia.

The old era is definitely gone, no matter what stands in the way, a new era has arrived.

In order to let everyone understand this more deeply, Yanxia officials decided to put an end to the old era.

Yanxia’s solution is to change the Yuan, abandon the current calendar, and celebrate New Year’s Eve this year according to Yanxia’s traditional calendar.

One year in the new calendar, two years in the new calendar, one hundred years and one thousand years...

There are endless feelings in everyone's heart, but no words in the world can describe them.

During this period of time, every Yanxia countryman is as sensitive as a poet, and his inexplicable thoughts will be immersed in some grand propositions.

Such as the individual and the group, and civilization, and history, and the future, and the world universe...

The teachers and students of Liuyi College did not immerse themselves in this poetic mood for a long time. A news came from the official foreign affairs department.

Led by the Alpha Empire's Ivy Academy, the "academic organization" formed on the planet in the past two months, including the polar training camp in the Shaluo Kingdom, the Holy Church and the Holy Sword in Daxizhou, jointly signed an official visit to the Yanxia official Apply to visit and study at Liuyi College in the name of academic exchange.

The attitude is very gentle, really like a group of eager to learn who want to come to the teacher's home to learn from the piety.

For this kind of request, the Yanxia official cannot refuse.

I just passed the news to Liuyi College, and came along with an order.

【Graceful, careful】

This seemingly contradictory sentence has its own interpretation in the mind of a wise man.

"The visitor is not good."

"The wolf is coming."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liuyi College, the reception office of the research group.

Zheng Xun sat alone in the guest seat, waiting quietly.

Since the change of sky, the Yanxia officials have shown great courage and made fundamental adjustments to the entire Yanxia, ​​and all Yanxia people can clearly see the changes brought about.

And within the official, adjustments have become even greater.

Many departments, institutions, and projects that were important before the sky change, and even considered to be related to the national destiny, some have been abolished, some have been merged, and some have been temporarily retained, but the importance is far from what it used to be. There are also many new ones. Departments, institutions, and projects were urgently established.

This is a big change in organizational structure.

The second is the big change in personnel. In view of the situation predicted in the "Spoiler Post" and the actual situation summarized from the big data in the past six months, the official is accelerating the adjustment of personnel in all management positions.The core purpose is only one, to support younger and stronger people to the top and achieve a smooth transition.

Zheng Xun was originally the person in charge of the website management of the Counselor Research Institute. After the sky change, everything he experienced can be summed up in one sentence, that is, he is constantly being burdened by higher leaders.

In just seven or eight months, he handled more and more miscellaneous affairs than he used to be the person in charge of website management. During such training, he also achieved extraordinary growth. Now, he is the head of the foreign affairs department. The first deputy, said to be a deputy, all daily affairs are handled by him, and only the big boss will come forward to deal with major incidents. By the way, he will treat it as a case and teach him unreservedly.

As early as his first day in the job, the big boss made it very clear that he would be given a few months of learning and adaptation at most, and he would have to shoulder all the responsibilities of the foreign affairs department.

Zheng Xun didn't feel that he was on the way to the top, he only felt that Wan Jun was burdened with a heavy burden, and he was afraid that he would fail the great trust of his predecessors.

He waited in the office for a while, and Ou Ziyuan walked in with a middle-aged man.

He smiled and introduced to Zheng Xun: "Xiao Zheng, let me introduce you. This is Professor Zhai Shutong Zhai. Now he is basically in charge of the research team. All affairs are presided over by him.”

Zheng Xun understood that this is the successor Ou Lao chose for him.

He stood up and bowed to greet him: "Professor Zhai."

Professor Zhai nodded in response.

"Don't be so polite, you will have more time to deal with each other in the future." Ou Ziyuan suddenly laughed: "Before, our Liuyi College had been retreating and playing single-player, and now everyone with a little bit of ability is here to join in the fun. This visit is just the beginning. There will be more moths in the future."

Then, he asked sternly: "You know how hard you are being whipped by Lao Xu now, and you still have to find time to come here. Is there something wrong?"

Zheng Xun said: "It's still about the exchange and visiting group. Although there are instructions, I still feel a little uneasy. Mr. Xu doesn't care about such a large-scale official visit, and leave it to me to take care of it... I just thought about it." I came to you to do some research in advance, so I can have a bottom line in my heart."

Hearing this, Ou Ziyuan smiled, and said to Professor Zhai beside him, "Tell Minister Zheng the plan we have discussed, and ask him to give us a pulse."

Zheng Xun didn't even dare to call Ou Ziyuan Minister Zheng.

Professor Zhai cleared his throat and said:

"After introspection and sorting out, we divided the value of Liuyi College into three levels.

On the bright side, it is also the outermost layer, which is the team of thousands of students and hundreds of professional instructors trained after more than half a year of construction.

At this level, our attitude is to show off generously. Whether it is the exchange between students or the exchange between instructors, whether it is literary or military, there is no need to hide it. We will continue to communicate whatever they want.

The middle layer is a set of training programs that we have summed up and extracted. Facts have proved that as long as you master this set of methods, you can immediately build a shelf of a practice academy from scratch. "

Hearing this, Zheng Xun narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is this plan applicable to other countries?"

Professor Zhai curled his mouth and said, "Applicable. It's just that because of cultural differences, it takes a lot of time for foreigners to understand the basics. Moreover, it needs to be personally guided by the instructors who have received our training... This is all after the actual experience of the relevant departments. verified."

Zheng Xun nodded thoughtfully.

Professor Zhai said: "Of course this plan is of great value, but it is not the core asset of our college. As long as we master the method, we can produce countless sets in an instant. Moreover, under the continuous research of the research team, the plan itself is constantly being optimized. Grow up, don't worry about being backlashed by others.

According to our speculation, most of the international missions this time are for this purpose.

Our opinion is that it is not impossible to communicate, and we can even fully authorize them to use it. Of course, it is not free.Everyone is worrying about how to get benefits, so as to squeeze out more oil and water, but everyone is engaged in scientific research and has no talent for negotiating. It's just right that Minister Zheng is here, so let's just leave this matter to you, it's yours in the first place major. "

When it came to the end, Professor Zhai's eyes on Zheng Xun changed, and he was kind and kind, even flattering.

Zheng Xun was amused in his heart, he did not expect this trip to the academy to have such a harvest.

Professor Zhai finally said:

"And the core value of our college is the huge data collected since June. There are a large number of students' complete data from the beginning of practice to the present, which can completely restore their growth trajectory after the sky change;

Then there is the data that we have retained after screening a wider range of people. We not only have the data of the imperial capital, but also the data collected during the enrollment of elementary practice colleges in more than 2000 settlements across the country, all of which are aggregated to us.

I can guarantee that there is no other company on this planet with such a large amount of data records, and it is the only one.

Minister Zheng knows better than me the situation abroad. Including the Alpha Empire, there is no stable environment for them to collect the data of their citizens. Even if they collect some data, the absolute number is not on the same order of magnitude as ours.

Even if they stabilize the domestic order in the future, they will permanently lose the possibility of obtaining these data from their own citizens. "

Zheng Xun's eyes gradually became serious, and he asked, "Are these data really so important?"

He used to think he understood the value of these physical measurement data, but now, he realized that he seemed to have far underestimated the weight of these data.

Ou Ziyuan said:

"The basis of all our research results comes from these data. Otherwise, everything is a castle in the air, and everything is a false imagination.

The complete data shows that the sky changed on May 5st, and from May 1th, a special influence has acted on all living beings, including human beings.From June onwards, the impact began to become severe, with the rapid extinction of unadapted species and the rapid birth of new species.

This active period lasted until October, and then, this activity began to decline slowly. Up to now, the special influence is still there, but it has stabilized and entered a new stage.

All life that has lived from the beginning of the sky change to the present has experienced complex changes at the cellular level that are more thrilling than riding a roller coaster. To use an inappropriate metaphor, this change is comparable to a fish swimming in water growing wings and turning into a bird.

Other countries can only know the result of the fish turning into a bird, but only we have clearly recorded the detailed process of the fish turning into a bird.

Although we are far from being able to fully understand the meaning of each data, as long as there are these data, there is hope, and they don't even have this hope. "

Zheng Xun really understood, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

"According to the existing clues, we know that this visit was proposed by the Ivy Academy of the Alpha Empire. In order to increase the momentum and put pressure on us, they brought the Holy Church and Holy Sword Organization of Daxizhou, and the polar region of Shaluo Kingdom. The training camp also sniffed and pulled other organizations to join.

With the background of the Alpha Empire and Daxizhou, it is impossible to covet our training plan, even if we offer it to others, we may not necessarily want it.

In other words, their purpose from the beginning was to aim at the data in our hands. "

Ou Ziyuan nodded and said: "We can be generous with other things, but only on this point, we can't be too cautious. If necessary, it's okay to mark them one by one like thieves. I predict what will happen in the future No, anyway, so far, I am determined not to let these data leak out."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Buku felt a little inexplicable.

With the end of the elimination at the end of December, another 200 students from the advanced advanced training class were transferred to the first-year class. Adding the 200 students transferred at the end of November, there are now 500 students in the first-year class.

With the beginning of a new month, another [-] new students came to receive "cleaning".

Now this January is very special, because according to the official announcement, after the hot summer and Spring Festival, the new calendar will be used to record the year, and the current calendar will be abandoned.

Even with the students in the school year who have been with him the longest, Jiang Buku is still emotionally alienated from them.

During the practice exchange, I can also communicate sincerely and exchange greetings, but I no longer have the friendship with the other three roommates in Imperial University.

There is a huge difference between myself and their origins. So far, all the students in the school year except him are from the military and police forces. In their perception, the experience of coming to Liuyi College to study is more like A special kind of training, never forgetting the military style.

Jiang Buku has no objection to this, but his casualness as a college student seems a bit out of place. In order to maintain the overall good appearance, they will deliberately avoid mixing him as an "impurity".

Another one, Jiang Buku also knew in the communication with them that although Liuyi College has set the cycle of the school year class very long, it will be the basic class composition of Liuyi College's regular teaching in the future.But as far as these people are concerned, the orders of their troops obviously have priority over the plans of the academy.

According to them, when Liuyi Academy is really on the right track, they will return to their respective troops. These troops have absorbed all the experience of Liuyi Academy and established a systematic and standardized training system earlier than the settlements. Worry about being buried.The reason why they didn't leave now was because the Liuyi College itself hadn't fully got on the right track, and they didn't forget the well diggers, and they couldn't do the immoral thing of going to the house and pulling the ladder.

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