In fact, for a long time, all researchers have started a de-electrified lifestyle.

Even if it is necessary to carry out equipment maintenance and debugging, it is still operated by special personnel wearing explosion-proof suits. "

Finally, he advised everyone: "Go back, you don't need to worry about it here, but you, you must be careful when using mobile phones, or try not to use them if you can."

Fortunately, it's class time now. According to the school's regulations, neither instructors nor students are allowed to carry their mobile phones with them at this time.

"Ah, could my phone be blown up too?" Someone screamed, turned around and ran away.

When the others were reminded, their faces changed drastically, and they all turned around and ran in another direction.

After the sky changes, apart from the random timing, the biggest change is that all human beings are growing and evolving rapidly.Although there are an astonishing number of people who die of distortion every day because they cannot keep up with the overall evolution of human beings, more and more people still cheer for this change from the bottom of their hearts.

The dazed fear that covered the hearts of all human beings at the beginning of the sky change has long since disappeared.

Although most countries and human beings in the world are still in chaos, this situation does not come from changes in the sky, but the dissatisfaction accumulated in the hearts of all walks of life in various countries was released violently through this opportunity.

Even though crimes and crimes occur frequently, civilization and order are impacted, and countless human beings die silently every day, the source of all this is not a change in the sky, but human beings themselves.

Half a year has passed, and with the strong adaptability of human beings, they have even gradually gotten used to the current state.

But on November 11st, human beings will once again be brought back to the panic of unpredictable changes in the sky.

From a global perspective, there have been more than a hundred disappearances and major safety accidents in large technological products such as airplanes, ships, and trains.

Other explosions such as mobile phones, computers, televisions, refrigerators, and air conditioners are too numerous to enumerate. All electronic equipment has become a source of danger, causing serious injuries and death, or causing fires and stampedes.

Yanxia had been prepared for a long time, and there were no major safety accidents, but there were still countless accidents that happened to individuals and families.

Although when the new home was being rebuilt, the government was very "slack" in the city's power supply on the grounds that the infrastructure was more time-consuming. Household appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines could not be used at all, and each family could only use no more than two Electric lamps are used for lighting.

Moreover, the location of the design is very remote, as long as it is not intentionally approached in front of the lamp when it fails, even if it explodes, it will not hurt much.

On the other hand, officials often release their doubts about electronic products to the outside world, which is the limit of what they can do.

However, technological products and network information have become an extremely important part of modern life.

Even if the sun disappears, even if the planet is likely to have left the original universe, even if there is panic and anxiety, checking the news with a mobile phone every day, paying attention to domestic and foreign developments, and watching jokes that make people laugh... are still indispensable in people's lives process.

Although the mobile phone is just a simple technological product, people rely so heavily on it psychologically that it is difficult to give up.

It is also because of the existence of mobile phones and the Internet that after the initial panic, people's emotions can gradually return to peace.

There is really no better way to appease or paralyze people's hearts than this.

And now, the phone itself has become a source of danger.

There are 23 billion people in the country, and each of them carries a bomb that is likely to explode in the next moment.

Although on November 11, the number of people killed or injured due to such an accident was not too many, the turmoil caused by it affected everyone, and the impact on the soul was worse than the disappearance of the sun.


"This is probably the last time I will chat with everyone in the group. My dad is waiting by the side and is about to confiscate and destroy it." Yan Hao said.

"Me too. We had a high-voltage electricity tower blow up today, and a quarter of the city was cut off. But this is a good thing. The other side of the city didn't have a power cut, but I don't know what electric appliance blew up and caused a fire. It burned ten times in a row. A few houses." Yu Peng said.

"I haven't had anyone to confiscate my mobile phone yet, but I don't dare to use it anymore. Today I witnessed with my own eyes a person who was nearly killed by a mobile phone that exploded in his arms. Now I am desperately chatting with you. I just smashed it myself." Huang Rong said angrily.

"Without the mobile phone network, I feel that the hope of life has been lost by half."

"In the future, it will be difficult to learn about news outside the settlement, and it will be difficult to maintain the relationship between friends and relatives scattered in other settlements."

"Everyone, let's practice hard. We were all lucky enough to be admitted to the local practice college. We don't want to be blind in the future. This is the only way I can see."

We chatted for a few more words, although we were reluctant to part with each other, but the end was unavoidable.

Jiang Buku finally spoke:

"According to my observation, the damage and explosion of mobile phones and other electronic equipment is a random event, not an inevitable event. It can be regarded as an inevitable event in a large group, but it is not as big as imagined when it is placed on an individual;

Second, judging from the information disclosed on the Internet at home and abroad, the absolute power of a mobile phone explosion is not great. As long as it is one meter away from the mobile phone, it is difficult to cause serious injury. The window of external changes still has reserved value.

My suggestion is that if there are multiple mobile phones in a family, you might as well turn off all other mobile phones, or take out the batteries, and only use one as a medium for obtaining external information.Although certain external risks will be paid, people's anxiety more often comes from changes in the outside world without their own ignorance. "

After all, he sent a photo to the group, looking very strange.

The mobile phone is placed in an empty corner, and the video image in the mobile phone is transmitted to the glass lens on the other side of the corner through a simple "periscope" made of several lenses.

"If you deal with it like me, the safety is guaranteed. Even if the phone explodes, no one will be hurt. To operate it, you only need to stretch out one hand. Even if you are unlucky and it blows up at that time, at most, your hand will be half crippled. Not a big problem."

The three roommates who had sadly bid farewell to the mobile network at the last moment quickly came to life.

"Good idea, I'm going to get one now."

"My dad was waiting to confiscate my mobile phone, and now he is already making a periscope. However, the mobile phone still has to be confiscated. In the future, our family can only share one mobile phone, and it cannot be used for playing with it. It is specially used for the family. People understand how things are changing."

"Old Jiang, you're also weak, why didn't you say it earlier if you had a good idea, it made me cry for a long time."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In this era, nine and a half out of ten people are Internet addicts.

It has become an indispensable part of life to take out your mobile phone to swipe when you have nothing to do.

When all electrical appliances including mobile phones are no longer safe, everyone is making difficult choices between life and playing with mobile phones.

But it only took a short time for various methods and tricks to be found out and published on the Internet.

There are several most popular methods, which have been praised and supported by many fans.

Using the principle of periscope, through the continuous mirror reflection of light, people and mobile phones are dislocated, even if the mobile phone explodes, it will not damage people. The advantage is the highest safety, and the disadvantage is that it is not easy to operate.

Hold a piece of bulletproof glass and play with the mobile phone around the sides of the bulletproof glass with both hands. The advantage is that it is extremely easy to operate. The disadvantage is that bulletproof glass is a scarce material and it is extremely difficult to obtain. If the mobile phone explodes, your hands will definitely be destroyed, and the most serious possibility is that your hands will be disabled.

Use a non-degradable plastic bag to make a layer of water curtain to redo the buffer between the mobile phone and people. Even if it explodes, it can reduce some damage. The advantage is that it is easy to obtain and easy to operate the mobile phone. Well, moreover, the lack of protection is more of a psychological comfort. Once it explodes, not only will the hands be useless, but the face and five sense organs will also face great risks.

In addition, there are more weird methods, all of which are brainstormed by foreign netizens. Rather than looking for tricks, it is more like playing tricks to death.

And from the various reply visits and clicks that almost exploded on various network platforms, you can see how many people are playing with mobile phones at this moment.

The next day, Yanxia officials urgently promulgated a decree.

From the moment the decree was promulgated, the household power supply problem that was previously vague and procrastinated and not resolved for the people of the country no longer became a problem.

The official power supply only provides basic lighting and is completely incompatible with other household appliances.

Moreover, the government will organize personnel to conduct safety hazard investigations on the lighting and electricity consumption of each household. Even if a light bulb explodes, there will be no greater accidents.

Secondly, there is the problem of mobile phones that everyone cannot do without.Officials do not compel the confiscation of personal mobile phones, but every family must show a safe usage plan to ensure that they will not cause harm to themselves and those around them.

You can’t charge your mobile phone at home either. Each community will set up a designated area. Individuals are qualified to charge with a charging ticket, and the mobile phone can be charged under the supervision of a special person. If it breaks down or even explodes, no compensation will be given.

In addition, officials have also summarized some information based on this electronic disaster covering the world.

First of all, the electric energy itself becomes unstable, and there is a certain chance of "convulsion".

Secondly, the more intermediate links there are, the greater the probability of accidents.

After more than 200 years of development and evolution, electric energy has already formed a huge and complex system.

From power generation to transmission, across thousands of mountains and thousands of miles, into every populated place, and then spread deep into every household like a spider web.

From the beginning to the end, there are countless links.

When the electrical energy itself becomes unstable, this complex system becomes very fragile.

Moreover, the electronic disasters that have occurred have shown that when the electric energy "ventures" in a certain place, the probability of "ventures" in the surroundings and upstream and downstream of the power supply line will increase greatly.

Therefore, the Yanxia official made a major decision to abandon the nationwide power supply network built by the whole country.

Each population settlement is equipped with a power supply base to solve local lighting problems.

Minimize other unnecessary power consumption scenarios as much as possible.

All the necessary means of transportation, including airplanes, ships and trains, have all been retrofitted, and no electricity is used where possible.

In the end, it was found that, except for communication and radar, other functions can be discarded, including lighting.

As for the communication and radar equipment that had to be kept, all the basic models with the least power consumption were used. Even if it exploded, it would not cause much damage. It is enough to prepare a few more sets and prepare explosion-proof isolation in advance.

Just as individuals cannot get rid of their dependence on mobile phones, it is impossible for the country to give up electricity. Even if one day they have to give up due to poor security, everyone will do everything possible to delay this time.

Some people have predicted on the Internet that when electricity is completely withdrawn from people's lives, the world will return to the "island state" before the great voyages, and the distance between people and countries will be infinitely widened.

People's scope of activities and field of vision will become smaller and smaller, and the modern civilization that claims to have eliminated ignorance will quickly regress. In less than three generations, the descendants of ordinary people will become ignorant and ignorant. If modern people can live to At that time, I would never believe that this was my son and grandson.

Not to mention any troubles abroad because of this, all Yanxia people seem to have matured a lot overnight.

There are more heavy things between the brows, and the behavior and actions suddenly lose the lightness and looseness unique to many modern people, and they are more practical and closer to the earth.

Yanxia people's emphasis on blood inheritance is deeply rooted in their bones. People who have been stimulated have climbed out of the small pit of "not being able to play with mobile phones", and have fallen into a bigger and more difficult solution, but they must go all out, even if In the big pit that must be solved even if you risk your life.

The long-term impact is temporarily invisible, but in the short term, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and the order of all settlements has not been greatly impacted.

And for Chinese people who don't want to be blind and are overly sensitive to changes in the general situation, it seems that if they miss some important information, they will lose a right to survive compared to others.

The official response has been very positive.

Every community has a leisure plaza. In every plaza, at [-]:[-] p.m., there are projectors to announce and release various major domestic and foreign consultations prepared by professionals one by one.

No advertisements, no entertainment programs, just the most boring news, 70.00% are words, 20.00% are a few pictures to accompany the words, and the remaining [-]% are small videos.

A year ago, such a boring thing could not attract anyone, but now, after get off work, it has become the most pleasant enjoyment to move a small horse to the square to listen to the news. Tea, then placed in the Chu River Han area, surrounded by children chasing and crying, women gossiping and gossiping... Time seems to go back decades in an instant.

At this moment, the brightest and most prosperous scene of civilization has become a dream that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Watching current affairs news for two hours in the school playground every night has also become a regular arrangement of Liuyi College.

And because of the particularity of Liuyi College, except for Jiang Buku, all the students are regarded as members of the system, so compared to the ones for the public, this is a special edition, and there are fewer things that are popular in foreign countries and domestic ones. There are more in-depth reports on projects.

It can be seen that although chaos is still the mainstream, after half a year of "purification", the new order has gradually taken shape.

Even if these new orders are built on the basis of "the strong prey on the weak, and the strong are respected".

In half a year at most, a new world pattern will be formed.

As for the previous life in Jiang Buku's memory, it took a full ten years to restore order.

In the reorganized world, there is no one out of ten people, and everything is beyond recognition.

Although there are still hundreds of millions of people disappearing silently in this world, compared to that situation, it is much better.

11 month 15 day.

A piece of news attracted the attention of all the teachers and students of Liuyi College.

"The chaos in the Alpha Empire has intensified. A large number of slums have become the source of riots. A large number of middle-class and ethnic minorities have been looted on a large scale, and these victims soon became the source of new riots.

The chaos has not only spread throughout the entire empire, but has even spread to neighboring countries, and the entire New World has signs of being involved in this riot.

There are signs that such an orderly chaos, there is a dark force to indulge. "

And what is meaningful is that just behind this news is another news about the Alpha Empire.

"For nearly 200 years, the Ivy League, composed of ten top schools in the Alpha Empire, has cultivated a large number of top masters in various fields, political leaders, and business giants.

There are signs that the Ivy League is brewing a grand plan. Let's wait and see what happens next. "

Hearing this news, the teachers and students of Liuyi College were all vigilant.

An inexplicable intuition made them feel terrified, vigilant, and faintly excited when they saw a natural enemy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Whether willing or unwilling, active or passive, all countries and regions around the world have started a massive "de-electrification" campaign.

Because of Yanxia proofreading, everyone did not go to the end.Some very basic and very important parts have been retained.

In the past, everyone took the convenience of communication and being able to know the world while sitting at home as a matter of course. When everyone realized that it was not as natural as they thought, they cherished it even more.

Prior to this, the energy of all countries was on sorting out and rectifying the internal affairs, but the efficiency was high and low. In some countries, the situation became worse than it was at the beginning after half a year, and the hot summer only took half a year, but it has changed the world and recreated the world. .

And starting from November, although countries still have to focus most of their energy at home, they will also focus part of their energy on foreign countries and look at the world.

It's like holding a precious experience coupon that is about to expire, showing enthusiasm and positivity far beyond normal.

The attitudes are still rare and friendly and harmonious, and there are open or secret agreements between countries being brewed and reached every day.

They are all laying the groundwork for the arrival of the "post-planet era".

The teachers and students of Liuyi College did not pay attention to the shadow of swords and swords hidden in the gentle atmosphere that they worked hard to create. Their attention outside of practice has been completely occupied by other news.


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