In addition, the Shaluo Kingdom has also launched an action to re-shine its fatherly iron will to the surrounding countries, and its tough and brutal methods are not inferior to the Alpha Empire.

In addition, the population is second only to Yanxia, ​​and the ancient Vatican Kingdom, which believes in the God of Destruction, has also carried out its will to several surrounding countries.

The countries that believe in the God of Hope are also united more closely to deal with this wave of global reorganization.

In the "Six Days Newspaper" in the ninth year of the new calendar, the new international order after global reorganization was announced.

In Liuyi College, in the exchange area of ​​the collection room, a group of students had a heated debate on this topic.

"It's really a centipede that is dead but not stiff. The Alpha Empire has obviously been very lazy in recent years, with slow response, low efficiency, and even contradictory decisions. There is no clear governance idea at all.

But this wave of reorganization still allowed him to eat the biggest piece of fat. The entire New World has really become his back garden. It is more than 4000 million square kilometers of land, and his family accounts for nearly one-third of the world's land. one! "A student couldn't hide his envy.

"Hey, it's not dead but not stiff. It can only be said that he is lucky to have such a large piece of land next to him. Put that place next to us and see if he can win so much." A student said.

Yet another student raised a definite objection.

"What's the use of big land? In the current situation, more land only means greater responsibility and pressure. Guyangzhou occupies a large area per capita. What's the result? The total population of the New World is only more than 9 million and less than one billion. So Can they hold the big territory?

When it comes to strength, population comes first!Yanxia itself has more than 20 billion people, and the countries included in our custody this time are all densely populated. Our camp has added nearly one billion people, and more than one-third of the world's population will act under our baton .

Our strength has obviously surpassed the Alpha Empire. "

Another student sang a different tune: "You say that our strength surpasses the Alpha Empire, but I agree, but the population is by no means the only criterion for determining the new international order. The ancient Vatican Kingdom has a population of more than one billion, and the surrounding countries are also included in the influence." With a total population of close to 20 billion, you can’t say that the strength of the Alpha Empire is not even comparable to that of the Vatican Kingdom.”

"Well, we still need to consider comprehensively..."

While everyone was having a heated discussion, a loud whistle sounded from a distance, and then a piercing and loud whistle sounded from the school square.

Soon, sharp whistles sounded from all over the imperial capital.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looking at each other, as if they were asking what was the reason for such a big commotion.

Then, one of them suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Emergency mobilization order!"

After saying this, he ran out.

The others looked at each other in astonishment, and ran towards the library room. The originally bustling library room soon became deserted. Only a [-]-year-old library manager sat quietly in the communication area holding a newspaper. corner.

The ninth year of the new calendar, the 30th day of the first month.

Throughout Yanxia, ​​and even the surrounding countries that have accepted Yanxia's guidance and carried out standardized reorganization, every human-inhabited city has sounded a whistle that can almost pierce the eardrums.

After the initial chaos, the people of Yanxia, ​​who had enjoyed a comfortable life for nearly ten years, quickly adjusted their mentality and entered a state of all-out war.

In contrast, the surrounding countries all seem a little at a loss when faced with this level of mobilization orders, their hearts are in a mess, and their actions are disordered and chaotic.

But fortunately, Yanxia had expected this earlier, and sent a sufficient number of "instructors" to go deep into the various cities where they lived, and arranged and instructed them how to act.

Not only within Yanxia's sphere of influence, but all over the world, whether it is the Alpha Empire circle that occupies the entire New World, or the Shaluo Kingdom influence circle, the Daxizhou influence circle, the Vatican Ancient Kingdom influence circle, the God of Hope belief circle, and even the power circles of the countries in the Yuan Continent , all issued similar general mobilization orders.

Now that all human beings have already felt the threat from the jungle and wilderness, and there are real tragedies in Guyangzhou, it is naturally impossible for human beings to wait for the beast tide to steadily brew on all continents, and they must take the initiative to attack.

It is not the actions of one or two countries, but the joint action of all civilized countries in the world to resolutely sweep and clear the hidden dangers in the wilderness. Those fools who lack a root string and still shout at this time to live in peace with all creatures have passively shut up Shut up or even shut up permanently.

Normally, their naysayers can indirectly prove the diversity and inclusiveness of human civilization. Naturally, such noise cannot be tolerated at this time.

In Jiang Buku's field of vision, he saw a soaring flame rising from the imperial capital, and even more flames rising from the four sides of the earth, converging in the sky, piercing into the area shrouded by the wild and wild inspiration of heaven and earth.

If his perspective can rise to a higher dimension, he can see that everywhere in the world, wherever there is human civilization, there are magnificent flames rising.

If the will of the planet has a clearer spiritual intelligence, you will be amazed and curious, why it was so boiling and violent in an instant when it was quiet and stable a moment ago.

However, it originally seemed to occupy a larger area of ​​the planet, and had achieved remarkable results in Ancient Oceania before. The wildness full of violence and aggression is now very passive.

It wasn't until the "Nails of Civilization" that suddenly erupted from all over the world pierced into the body that it had an instinctive reaction.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Everyone, don't be confused. I can understand your feelings, but the way to contribute is not only to go out into the wild. You stay in the stable rear of the city and ensure that the combatants have sufficient logistics and materials in all aspects. This is also of great significance.

Food, medicine, weapons, and even clothes, gloves and leather boots are long-term and large-scale needs. Although we have some reserves, the reserves are far from enough to support the upcoming massive consumption. Everything depends on you, please! "A woman held a paper tube trumpet to appease the agitated crowd.


"You may not know that in the evaluation of our community neighborhood committee, your strength is F+ level...according to the current evaluation method of cultivation base, those of us who have not studied in professional practice schools have only been exposed to Chuanwu in private training classes at most. Practitioners are all rated as F-level, and F+ are the best among ordinary people. You hold these sticks, and you will be responsible for the security and defense of our community and nearby streets in the future. Serve with sticks!"

An elderly lady with a cuff on her arm puts one hand on her hip, and gestures with the other hand, her spirit of pointing the country is vividly displayed on the paper.

In front of her was another group of aunts and uncles who liked to gather in squares and parks to practice various martial arts. There were tall and short, male and female. Great tendon.


"How's your strength?...Oh, it's already E+. You are all students of elementary practice colleges? You haven't been in contact with practice... for less than two years? This is about to awaken! It seems that you don't even need to go to secondary practice colleges report, you can go directly to Liuyi College.

No, no, no matter how talented you are, your job is to protect this farmland from being destroyed. I warn you, don't act without authorization, I will make your classmates stare at you. "

A man in camouflage uniform was giving lectures to a group of [-]-year-old and fifteen-year-old boys, and assigned them an important task of defending the farmland. However, a stubborn and resolute boy was ungrateful and wanted to go deeper into the jungle to fight monsters. The man in uniform refused without hesitation, and tied a lot of chains to him so that he could not easily leave his current position.


As soon as the mobilization order of the highest standard was issued, the whole people entered a state of wartime.

This is another general mobilization no less than the mass migration of the whole people ten years ago. Everyone has a task, and everyone has something to do.

Not only did everyone not panic, but they were eager to try. After ten years of sharpening their swords, how could they not be excited when it finally came to the day of starting the battle.

There are 1000 students in Liuyi College and [-] to [-] instructors. Not only have they left the school, but they have also left the imperial capital and come to a wilderness twenty kilometers away from the imperial capital. .

Yan Hong found a shady place to rest, and asked Jiang Buku to drink tea with him. Now that the school can really chat with him, Jiang Buku is the only one left, and he does not shy away from contacting Jiang Buku. closeness shown.

In the distance, the chief instructor Tang Hao was lecturing everyone loudly.

"From today until the end of the mobilization order, our Liuyi Academy will become a mobile school. Your daily training and practice will be changed to field combat missions.

The worst of you have D-level strength, most of them are D+ level, and some outstanding students who are about to graduate have broken through to C-level.

As for the wild beasts, most of their individual strengths are at the E and F levels, very few at the D level, and even rarer at the C level. So far, few have been found in the whole country.

And, you have brains, they have no brains.

In terms of strength, you have an absolute crushing advantage, the only problem is the quantity.

However, I believe that no matter how they can be born, they must follow the most basic laws of nature. They cannot be created out of thin air. No matter how many they are, they are not infinite, they are limited, and we can kill them all! "

"You used to practice bare-handed kung fu, and you were lacking in killing methods. In the future, you will come into contact with more weapons and equipment to increase your killing methods.

In the future, when you go out into the field for actual combat, you will form a team of ten students plus one instructor. Now that everyone has little experience in actual combat in the wilderness, you should not act alone for the time being, let alone act alone.

Although the strength is sufficient, you should not take it lightly, and you must make sufficient preparations every time you go out..."

Yan Hong squinted his eyes and watched from afar, and asked, "Why didn't you continue to stay in the collection room? I have never seen a young man like you, and you don't go out, and you are bored in the house all day long."

Jiang Buku said: "I want to see the strength of these students with my own eyes...their strength is much stronger than ours at that time, and I am not sure."

Hearing the words, Yan Hong also said with emotion: "Yes, it's really fast. The division of strength levels was not so clear before, but I know that even the best students, when they graduate and leave school, there is a gap between them and me. It is also very big, and now, those outstanding students are already on the same level as me when they graduate, and they are still so young, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future. In five years, they may surpass me now."

Speaking of this, he sighed and said, "I'm considered C+ now, and I seem to be only one step away from B-level, but I can't pass it in this life... My road has come to an end, and now my physical function is declining, I don't know. A few more years to live."

Ginger is not bitter and silent.

The current set of strength standards that are currently used around the world is still very strict. F-level is the current level of ordinary people. If it is expressed by the physical test data that has been implemented for a period of time before, it means that all data indicators are within 2 people, and the data indicators are in 2. Those between -5 are E-level. Compared with F-level, most of them have received professional evolution guidance. If they reach this level spontaneously without any training, they are people with extraordinary talents.

D-level is the state after awakening. Compared with E-level, there is a huge improvement in strength, and, basically, the same ability will be awakened.

In addition to an obvious overall improvement in strength, C-level practitioners have begun to truly function in the present world. However, the limitations are very large. Taking the Yanxia practice system as an example, C-level practitioners can truly realize "inner vision" and Control the state of a certain muscle, blood vessel, and meridian in the body to make the practice more efficient and perfect.

Yan Hong is at the C+ level, which means that his grasp of himself has reached the peak, but that's all.

At the B-level level, no one has reached this level in the public information of various countries, and it is still at the pure theoretical stage for the time being.

At this stage, the direction of evolution will diverge.

On the soul side of consciousness, consciousness further affects the present world, can act on others, and can act on external objects. In this way, various magical abilities can be evolved, such as charm and hypnosis, mind control, object control, and unpredictable.

On the side of the flesh and blood physique, the strength of the physique is further improved, and the power of fists and feet will be transformed. It can cause damage to the enemy without contact.

No matter which direction, the strength will be qualitatively improved.

Jiang Buku feels that he has reached B-level, but it is not complete. Now he can barely be regarded as B-level. Although he can strike a powerful palm from several meters away, the implosion ability still needs to be released through contact. He thought, wait until Only by being able to release the implosion ability from a distance of several meters can he truly stand at the B-level level.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Under the arrangement of the instructors, 1000 trainees were integrated into [-] or [-] action teams. Each instructor led a team. According to the different strengths of each team, the teams were properly deployed, and ten teams formed an independent action team.

Liuyi College has always maintained a strong military style, so the efficiency in this regard is very fast.

It didn't take long for 120 action teams to form a team and confirm their respective action directions and cooperation with each other.

In addition to more than a hundred students and ten instructors in each independent action team, there is also a soldier in a jungle camouflage uniform, who is instructing everyone on some basic experience and equipment for wilderness survival.

Yan Hong got up, and said to Jiang Buku, "Let's go and have a look."

The two chose a team nearby.

Jiang Buku looked at the soldier in camouflage uniform who was lecturing, and felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The soldier lectured the crowd:

"Your instructors cheered you up, but I want to pour some cold water on you. Of course, your strength is stronger than those wild animals, but the danger in the jungle is also real.

It is far more dangerous than the wild jungle recorded in the book. You can’t even use yesterday’s experience as a basis, because the species in the jungle are evolving and mutating every moment. It is very likely that the harmless creature yesterday can cause harm to you today. fatal injury.

Although we are also equipped with a lot of detoxification and healing potions, but this can only deal with general situations.Highly poisonous, strong acid, hallucinogenic, gland fluid, spray, pollen, lethal gas, rancid, germs, spores... all kinds of strange things, there is always one that can kill you.

We once escorted a group of two scholars into a King Snake Crypt, and extracted hundreds of harmful substances from its glands. There are also five or six kinds of life-threatening ones, and that was two years ago. If it can survive until now, even if it is really a B-level powerhouse, it will be difficult to withstand it. "

Speaking of this, he said solemnly:

"So, even if it is easy for you to win, even if the wild animals are weak, you must not take it lightly. As long as you are in the wild, you must always be alert to the threat of death in the next moment.

When fighting, don't think about trying your hand. No matter how weak the prey is, it may bite you back before it dies. You must be as decisive as a lion fighting a rabbit. "

Having said that, he paced to several big boxes next to him and introduced them one by one:

"This set of camouflage is not only convenient for you to operate stealthily in the jungle. It has a soft but tough inner lining. Although it is light, the defense is not weak, especially the sharp minions bite, which can provide effective protection. The air permeability is very good. But it can effectively prevent some inexplicable things from penetrating into the skin without knowing it.

This helmet can be temporarily used as a gas mask to protect the entire head. If it is in extreme danger, it can completely isolate the outside air. It stores oxygen for you to use for one hour.

These boots are also specially made, which can effectively prevent leeches, poisonous insects, vine thorns, putrefaction, and other messy things from affecting your state. "

Then, he picked up a crossbow and said: "As a long-range weapon, it is also very powerful, and it is small and easy to carry, and it will not affect the combat action when it is fixed on the arm."

"Of course, its most important role is this."

As he spoke, he took out a special arrow, put it in the machine slot, pulled the trigger, and an arrow shot out, piercing the crown of a nearly 20-meter-high tree more than 30 meters away.

Between the arrow and the crossbow, there is a thin long line connected.

The long line shrunk violently, and the man in camouflage instantly rose from the ground, like a bird, and soon stood on the canopy of the nearly 20-meter-high tree more than 30 meters away.

Then he jumped down, and his figure fell more than ten meters. When he reached the middle of the big tree, he kicked on the trunk with his feet, and the momentum of falling turned into a force of lateral movement. In the end, he lightly landed on the original standing position.

Finally, he pressed a button on the crossbow, and the arrow that had penetrated so deeply into the tree trunk shrank sharply and returned to his hand again.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and gently grasped the crossbow bolt that had been pulled back by the violently contracted long line, and inserted it back into his waist.

At this moment, the eyes of the surrounding students looking at him have become fiery. He patted the crossbow and said with a smile: "In addition to being used as a long-range weapon, its biggest function is to launch ziplines, and the built-in mechanism can be retracted quickly. The cable is made of a mutated spider silk, which can easily pull hundreds of kilograms of weight, if you can skillfully control this thing, in the jungle, you will all be smaller Spider-Man."

When he mentioned Spider-Man, the students did not express anything in particular. He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled bitterly in his heart. When the sky changed, these students were only eight or nine years old, and they didn't remember many things at all. Everything after the sky change is more familiar to them. Those of them who have experienced the bombing of the complete information age, their thinking is too different from theirs.

This is not bad. When the children born after the sky change grow up, the gap in thinking will be even greater.

He threw away the unnecessary emotion in his mind and continued to introduce the next item.

A large rattan basket contained hundreds of hand bombs slightly bigger than a baby's fist.

"The basic principle of our field operations is that the battles that can be solved with external objects should not be fought by ourselves, and the battles that can be solved remotely should not be fought in close combat.

Most of the wild animals we encounter are not too strong individually, and they win by numbers. Although they are weak, they all have some unique skills. Try to kill them before they get close.

It is full of rancid oil, which is not only extremely flammable, but also difficult to extinguish once it is ignited, and it is also extremely sticky, corrosive, and permeable. Once attached to an animal, it can cause great harm to it.

The high-pressure gas is restrained in an internal area through an ingenious design. Pull out the safety plug before throwing it out. It will explode when it encounters an impact. The burning rot oil will spread with the shock wave, and will form a special flame splash within a diameter of four meters. , and cause continuous damage to the target. "

Having said that, he took out a rotten oil grenade and threw it at a bare boulder more than ten meters away.


The rotten oil hand-throwing bomb hit the stone, and there was an explosion, and little flames attached to the viscous rotten oil, covering the surroundings like a goddess scattering flowers.

With the impact point as the center, a regular fire circle with a radius of two meters is formed.A little bit of rancid oil is almost evenly distributed in this range, and the ignition point will never extinguish the flame.

The most frightening thing is that the hard rock covered by rotten oil actually showed signs of depression.

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