High temperature, shock waves, strong radiation, dust clouds... This natural disaster directly caused hundreds of millions of deaths and injuries, and the indirect death toll is even more difficult to count. What's more serious is that mushroom technology is the ticket for superpowers. All the superpowers implemented "precision strikes", which not only paralyzed all the superpowers and caused civil strife, but also caused tens of billions of people around the world to lose their backbone, kicking off the prelude to global chaos.

2. The collapse of modern science has further affected the present world. After the mushroom natural disaster, the electronic disaster began half a year later.

All charged creations, ranging from airplanes, ships, high-speed trains, to computers, mobile phones, lights and other household electronic equipment, will be randomly damaged or even randomly exploded, because the underlying rules of the planet are no longer the laws of physics, but the will of the planet. If there is a convulsion, all laws have to be sidelined.

Mushroom natural disasters have caused human beings to lose order, while electronic disasters have caused human beings to lose communication, network, and light.

3. All flammable and explosive man-made objects will become more and more unstable after two years, and the chances of self-ignition and self-explosion will increase greatly. With modern guns, it is easier to kill yourself than to kill the enemy.

[-]. Losing the original Tianyu, the will of the newly awakened planet is chaotic and the timing is out of order.Ice and snow on the equator, day and night in winter and summer, are all possible.

From May 5st to 1th the world will be in darkness, which will fuel global panic and chaos, followed by a decade long period of chronological disarray, which will not return until the will of the planet is freed from the chaos of its birth Stablize.

[-]. We must always keep in mind that the planet is alive and is no longer a dead thing.

It is possible for rivers to divert, forests to expand, and rock mass around tunnels to "heal" themselves, cutting off traffic.

As the will of the planet gradually gets rid of chaos, He will share all kinds of insights with every living being on the planet, human beings, all animals, and plants, will all achieve super-evolution and super-growth in front of this unbiased heaven and earth inspiration.

This is a powerful medicine. Taking humans as an example, they may obtain super-evolution, or they may die quickly due to distortion. Those who are healthy and determined are more likely to obtain super-evolution.


5 month 1 day.

Hot summer time 15:00.

The sun disappears for nine and 10 minutes, and people all over the world know that this is not a solar eclipse.

Panic, despair, everyone wants to find an answer but can't find it, all kinds of rumors about the end of the world are flying everywhere, and all countries have given up their efforts to contain the spread of panic through the Internet.

At this time, a special secret order was sent from the center of the empire, reaching hundreds of secret places in the country.

In the darkness, giant steel birds came and went in and out of these places, and each of them flew into the sky carrying huge mushrooms that could destroy the world.

According to the different places of distribution, some go to the Gobi desert, some go to the isolated islands in the deep sea, and all the big mushrooms are transported to places inaccessible by the fastest speed.

Not only that, all high-tech scientific research projects have been stopped, and all scientific research personnel have been evacuated.

Professional troops entered the field, and all kinds of large-scale supercomputers, super-large server arrays, and various cutting-edge equipment that consume a lot of energy were all powered off and dispersed.

Such rough handling will not only lose a large amount of data, but also cause the accuracy of the equipment to decrease or even be damaged.

Such a large-scale operation cannot be concealed at all.

Many people have photographed the scene of hordes of large planes passing over the city. Although the sun is still not visible in the sky, the lights of the city are enough to illuminate the sky.

They posted the photos they took on the Internet to let more people know.

"What does the center know about such a big operation?"

"Come out and say something, even if the planet is going to be destroyed, please come out and say something."

"I don't want to be kept in the dark, I don't even understand death!"


The people who were just scurrying around like headless chickens and could only spread panic on the Internet and in reality seemed to smell a special smell, and rushed over in unison.

Even people from abroad have come over the wall to pay attention to the progress.

The other superpowers are known before the public. Mushroom bombs are the most sensitive nerve among major powers. Even if the world is changing drastically now, the news that the empire will transfer all the mushroom bombs by air still shakes the world.

They questioned in a more formal, harsher manner.

What are you going to do, do you want to start a world war?

Do you know anything about this change?

Hurry up and explain the situation!

More and more small countries are also involved. Although the tone is more tactful, the purpose is the same, and they want an explanation.

The empire's response was also quick.

[At 15:30 in hot summer time, an emergency press conference was held in the Great Hall of the Imperial Capital. The time is short and the situation is urgent, so we cannot inform you one by one. Representatives of various groups at home and abroad are requested to contact the relevant departments.In addition, the press conference will be broadcast simultaneously on the global network. ——Imperial News Office]


"The reaction is fast." Jiang Buku was amazed at the reaction speed of the central nervous system.

Although the post is only a thousand words short, it is the result of countless deaths, decades or even hundreds of years for all human beings to sum up.He thought very clearly that this thing is useless in his hands, only in the hands of the empire can it truly shake the world.

Jiang Buku asked about the situation of several roommates. Yan Hao and his group, who traveled around the imperial capital with their high school classmates, were currently stranded in a scenic spot more than 20 kilometers away from the school.Yu Peng accompanied his girlfriend to the shopping mall, Huang Rong accompanied his girlfriend in the hotel, and now they are all stranded there, unable to come back, and they are all waiting for the upcoming emergency press conference.

At this moment, everyone at home and abroad is waiting.

Chapter 3 Prepare for the worst

Hot summer time 15:30.

Tens of billions of people around the world are watching this emergency press conference through their mobile phones.As long as they are in the imperial capital and are qualified to enter the venue, all domestic and foreign media will be present, set up long guns and short cannons, and aim at the speech platform.

A well-known spokesperson appeared on the stage. Before he could speak, the representative of the Alpha Empire stood up and asked, "The disappearance of the sun has caused the whole world to panic. May I ask how you explain this?"

The spokesperson had a serious face since he appeared on the stage, but now he was speechless.

This picture is simultaneously transmitted to the mobile phones of tens of billions of people around the world.

In an instant, there was a lot of curses in different Mandarin languages ​​from different regions.


"Stupid, what kind of shit is this?"

"If the hot summer can really make the sun disappear, this idiot would not dare to ask like that!"


After waiting for a while, the spokesperson spread his hands and said, "It seems that I don't need to explain this matter."

The representative of the Alpha Empire did not give up and continued: "As far as we know, you are transferring dangerous weapons distributed throughout the country to sea areas and border areas. At such a sensitive moment, your actions are not adding fuel to the fire. May I ask what your intentions are!"

"That's exactly why we took the initiative to hold this emergency press conference." The spokesperson's expression became serious, and his eyes seemed to meet tens of billions of people through the void.

"Everyone, please prepare for the worst."

No matter the representatives of the countries present or everyone in front of the mobile phone and computer, there are question marks on their faces. Could it be that the empire held this emergency press conference to pour cold water on everyone?

The spokesperson answered irrelevant questions, the representative of the Alpha Empire was a little dazed, and a representative of the Internet said: "Can you be more specific?"

The spokesperson said:

"With the existing technology, we have been unable to observe the traces of all stars including our own stars. Our country also sent communication requests to all extraterrestrial probes at the first time, but all of them failed. Any astronomical knowledge we know I can't explain this phenomenon, so I can only let go of my imagination. In the end, I came up with two conjectures.

The first conjecture is that our planet is still on the original orbit, which is a malicious joke played by some unknown civilization or high-dimensional life, completely covering our sky and isolating us from the universe;

The second conjecture is that our planet has left the original universe and arrived at a completely unknown place. "

As soon as he said this, the audience was in an uproar, and the whole world was in an uproar.

This is the first official statement, acknowledging that something is wrong with the planet, shattering the last bit of luck in everyone's hearts, and letting them face the truth.

The representative of the Alpha Empire retorted even more excitedly: "The entire sky was covered by aliens? The planet left the original universe with long legs? Is this your answer? Absurd! Absurd!"

Another news representative couldn't help but said: "My physics knowledge is not very good, but as far as I know, the reason why our planet is in this state is closely related to its environment. The balance of the world will be broken, the magnetic poles will change, the plate will move, and volcanic eruptions will occur. Any slight change in any physical constant will cause catastrophic consequences. How can it be as mild as it is now."

The speaker pressed his hands to comfort him.

"Everyone, don't get excited. I've already said that this is just our conjecture. If you have different ideas, of course it's okay.

We cannot use any existing theories to explain this change, so we must jump out and look at the world with a new perspective, even if it seems absurd at first glance, it is possible to re-understand the world. "

The human cognitive system is no longer reliable or trustworthy.

This is simply to smash the three views of tens of billions of people around the world, and countless people are excited.

The spokesperson did not wait for anyone to continue to ask questions: "This is not an academic seminar. If there are any issues to discuss in this regard, we can arrange another time. This topic will not be extended here."

"What I want to talk about is the attitude of our country, no matter what the situation is, regardless of the process, we only talk about the result, which is nothing more than three situations: good, bad, neither good nor bad.

It is possible that the planet will return to normal immediately, everyone will have a false alarm, and even get great benefits.

And our attitude is to prepare for the worst! "

At this point in his words, no matter the representatives from various countries at the scene, domestic and foreign journalists, or people watching the live broadcast from all over the world, they all understood the meaning of this, and all fell into a dead silence. .

"Prepare for the worst and do our best. As long as the world is not destroyed in an instant, we will do our best to save ourselves.

The first step is to eliminate the hidden dangers around you.

Some scholars pointed out that since physical knowledge is no longer reliable, is modern science based on it still reliable?Are all kinds of technological creations still reliable?

The first thing we thought of was the Mushroom Technology. With its power, as long as there is a little bit of trouble, all human beings will be plunged into a situation beyond redemption. "

The representative of Shaluo Kingdom, a giant man who looks like a bear, said: "Is your reaction a bit extreme? You have a few large planes carrying mushroom bombs that are less than [-] kilometers away from the border of our country!"

The mushroom bomb storage capacity of the Shaluo Kingdom is second only to the Alpha Empire, which is the basic guarantee of its status as a great power. Abolishing all the mushroom bombs in the country is as ridiculous as "the hands may become cancerous, so cut off the hands first".

The spokesperson said: "We are only moving temporarily. If there is a hidden danger, we will destroy it in a unified manner. If there is no problem, we will make another plan. We also appeal here. For the safety of all mankind, please other major countries treat this matter carefully and do a good job in advance. prevention."

Everyone is silent, is this an overreaction?

Few of them took this call to heart, and the corner of the Alpha Empire representative's mouth rose, and he even sneered.

He felt that he had seen through the opponent's trick.

The spokesperson ignored the reactions of the representatives of various countries, stared at the camera, and said sincerely to the people all over the world: "There are also various electronic products, including mobile phones, computers and other household appliances. Primitive society, but I hope you will be more vigilant when using it."

"Let's talk about our country's arrangements. We don't know when this catastrophe will pass, whether it will continue to worsen, or whether new situations will emerge, but we still follow the principle of preparing for the worst. We assume that it will last for a long time. Work and life will be affected, and our country is preparing to launch an unprecedented general mobilization to deal with it."

A foreign journalist questioned: "Is it mobilization targeting large cities and densely populated areas? According to the data released by your country at the beginning of the year, your current population has exceeded 23 billion, right?"

The implication is that such a huge population and such a vast territory, how could it be possible to take care of it.

For the first time, the spokesman showed a confident and proud smile. He said, "The population cannot mobilize the whole country? Hehe." He looked like he didn't even bother to refute.

The spokesperson's eyes seemed to pass through the space, and he looked at the more than 20 billion people on this land, and the corner of his mouth smiled with confidence.

"My compatriots, this is an unprecedented challenge, but it is also an unprecedented opportunity. Who can say that this is not the beginning of a new era?

At this time, what we need most is unity, order, trust, and confidence. Let go of hesitation and fear and face it bravely. Not only will we not fall, but we will usher in a more brilliant future! "

Chapter 4 Two worlds inside and outside

Putting down the phone, Jiang Buku felt relaxed.

At this time, a few dazzling lights came on outside the window, and the engine hummed powerfully. The tweeter played a sentence repeatedly: "Attention all students in school, please pay attention to all students in school, please go to Huimin Supermarket immediately Gather in the square, please go to the square in front of Huimin Supermarket to gather immediately!"

Upon hearing the assembly order, the students in each dormitory immediately gathered in the square in front of the supermarket.

Several soldiers were commanding the entire team, and all the students who had undergone military training when they entered school quickly completed their formation.

At the entrance of the supermarket, an armored vehicle, two armed police vehicles, and two police vehicles were parked, and several soldiers with guns stood guard at the entrance of the supermarket.

When everyone finished forming the team, a middle-aged man with a majestic face, wearing a straight military uniform, said loudly: "Students, because of the May Day holiday, many leaders of your school are outside and cannot come back in time. If the situation is urgent, I will directly report to you. You read this emergency decree."

The middle-aged man in military uniform took out a document and read aloud:

"From now on, all armed forces including the garrison, armed police, public security police, and firefighters in various places will take protecting the safety of people's lives and property and maintaining social order and stability as their top priority.

From now on, schools, hospitals, supermarkets, farmer's markets, shopping malls, pedestrian streets, residential areas, factories and enterprises and other crowded places must be guarded by armed forces to cooperate with their own security forces to strictly prevent all looting and prevent All the riots, beatings, stampedes and bloodshed happened.

If there are offenders, they will be given a stern warning once and shot dead on the spot twice. If the circumstances are serious, they can be executed directly without warning. "

When he read out "kill on the spot, execute directly", his eyes swept over everyone, as if a bullet was actually shot between the eyebrows of everyone.

The middle-aged man in military uniform put away the documents, his stern attitude slightly restrained, and said:

"There are always some lunatics who are afraid of chaos and want to make trouble, but our power is limited, many prison guards have to change jobs, and there is no prison for them to live in. Our attitude towards such people is to kill them on the spot.

This is our attitude towards people in society. You are all college students with ideas and morals.

The request to you is very simple, don't run around. Before the new instructions are issued, you will be active in the school. We have sent people to the school's supermarkets, hospitals, and cafeterias. You don't have to worry about your daily life.

What I want to emphasize is that you must abide by the order and don't spread rumors. When you go shopping in the supermarket, you can only buy food for one person or two days at most. Other daily necessities, such as toothpaste and soap, are limited to one piece per person. "

Jiang Buku among the crowd discovered an interesting phenomenon.

For individuals, the background of this sky change is too grand, and the students feel a sense of confusion and emptiness that they are not even qualified to put in panic.

But as the middle-aged man put forward specific requirements, restricting travel and purchases, these trivial matters of daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, instead made everyone's minds come alive, and everyone's anxiety focused on one specific thing.

More and more eyes were aimed at the inside of the supermarket, as if they were thinking about the target to attack.

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