"Starting from Global Crossing" Author: Allergic to Electricity


In 2025, Blue Star will cross.

After 360 years, Jiang Buku returned to the Blue Star Crossing and shouldered the heavy responsibility of saving the world.

After some thought, he went into hiding after sending a "spoiler sticker" to the relevant authorities.

With 60 years left before the end of the world, Jiang Buku, who has lived in seclusion for [-] years, stood up excitedly: "It's time to act!"

300 years in hiding

Chapter 1 Planet Crossing

5 month 1 day.

Imperial University.

Jiang Buku was the only one left in the dormitory, and the others, either made an appointment with high school classmates to cycle around the imperial capital, or accompanied his girlfriend to the world of two, and he stayed in the dormitory alone.

In the middle of the day, he woke up suddenly.

"After 360 years, the planet will be destroyed? Want me to save the world?!"

Drenched in sweat, he looked around the bedroom and told himself that this was just a strange dream.

Even so, he couldn't help but recall.

Originally, the dream was full of details, as if the whole life was vivid in his mind, but as he recalled, those details quickly faded away, and in the end, all he could remember was a simple outline.

"It's really a dream." Jiang Buku laughed at himself with a little disappointment.

At this moment, the bright bedroom was suddenly dark, because the sun hanging in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the world was instantly shrouded in darkness.

Shouts came from upstairs and downstairs.

"There is a solar eclipse today, is there any mistake!"

"Why is there no report in the news at all?"


Jiang Buku suddenly jumped up from the bed, turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, rushed out of the dormitory, and ran towards the school supermarket.

At this moment, the salespersons of the supermarket ran to the door to look up at the vision in the sky.

In everyone's consciousness, this was a solar eclipse, and the only thing that surprised them was that it was not mentioned in the news.

Jiang Buku pushed the shopping cart, throwing things into the cart as soon as he saw them. Bags of instant noodles, ham sausages, and biscuits, each of which was in huge quantities, and they were all the lowest priced ones.In the end, he also chose two large candles and ten lighters.

When paying, the cashier looked at him strangely, but Jiang Buku didn't explain.

"204 dollars."

Jiang Buku, who has always been budget-conscious, pays directly with his card.

"I'll use the cart, and I'll return it later." Jiang Buku said.

The clerk looked at the goods piled up in the cart and nodded in agreement.

Soon, Jiang Buku came back with an empty cart, and started shopping again.

There is still [-] remaining in the card, which is all his living expenses for this semester, and he will calculate and calculate every time he pays.But now he just wants to max out this card as soon as possible.


On this day, 13:29 in hot summer time.

The world is plunged into darkness.

Ordinary people thought it was a solar eclipse.

All institutions with astronomical observations and the heads of governments of various countries have fallen into an unprecedented panic.

The sun disappears, the moon disappears, the galaxy disappears, and the sky is just pure darkness.

The superpowers, who were originally wary of each other and guarded against each other, asked each other cautiously, but found nothing.

All kinds of conjectures have been put forward and denied again and again.

The basis of human cognition has been denied.

A sense of powerlessness and hopelessness began to spread among the most powerful and intelligent minds in the world.


Jiang Buku cleared the balance in the card as quickly as possible, in exchange for various supplies that piled up less than half of the dormitory.

In the bathroom, he filled all the utensils that can hold water.

Today, most people went out to play, and not many people stayed in the dormitory building, and they were all paying attention to the solar eclipse. Except for the cashier in the supermarket, no one noticed Jiang Buku's abnormality.

After finishing these, Jiang Buku locked the bedroom door.

Looking through the mobile phone information, it is no surprise that Moments and hot searches have been swiped by the solar eclipse event.

As local total solar eclipse events were reported from all over the country, and even the areas where the daytime was originally in the world, everyone gradually realized that something was wrong.

It is impossible for a solar eclipse to cover half the planet at the same time.This is the most basic common sense.

More and more people realize this.

Jiang Buku knew that if it continued, it would lead to a global panic.

He tried his best to recall the "dream" just now, and he forgot many details, but he still remembered many key and significant turning point events.

Outside the dormitory, more and more people have discovered the problem, and everyone wants a definite answer.

It's like a depressive volcano, and there are countless such volcanoes brewing all over the world.

After sorting it out, Jiang Buku suddenly opened his eyes, opened his notebook, created a new file, and began to code with his fingers flying like flying fingers.

Twenty minutes later, an article with more than a thousand words appeared.

As an orphan, although the school has a lot of scholarships and living allowances, how to make money is still a problem he has to face. With an impure purpose, Jiang Buku has taught himself hacking skills for a while, but his talent is limited. He had never successfully hacked into any legitimate institution, but the experience at least taught him how to deliver letters anonymously.

With some extra means, he can keep himself safe.


Counselor Research Institute, Yanxia's top think tank.

Zheng Xun is the person in charge of the organization's website management. Since the "solar eclipse incident", this unpopular website has exploded, and there have been more and more inquiries from all over the country and even the world.

Although the workload has increased sharply, Zheng Xun strictly ordered his subordinates not to miss even a bit of seemingly useless information.

He knows the seriousness of this matter better than ordinary people, not only to shake the country, but also to the extent of shaking the "ball".

He didn't know the reason behind it, and he could only hope in this method of finding a needle in a haystack, not letting go of any possible clues.

He looked up one by one, opening and closing them constantly.

At this time, an article called "Spoiler Post" was clicked by him.

"Global travel, human civilization is at stake."

The first sentence that came into his head made him wonder if this was some crazy raving from a cult organization.

But soon, he was shocked and stood up abruptly.

He said to the young man with messy hair next to him, "Xiao Fan, find out who the sender is."

Jiwotou Xiaofan tapped his fingers on the keyboard for a while, and after 30 seconds, he spread his hands and said: "I can't find it. From the perspective of technique, this is a rookie. Of course, it may be a deliberate disguise, but he borrowed a foreign server. It blew up after he sent it."

On his computer screen, a picture appeared.

In a room where rows of servers are neatly displayed, the flashing lights present a cool technological aesthetic. Suddenly, the light of a server starts to flash randomly.A blue arc flash burst out from the server, and suddenly exploded, leaving no bones left, and the electric fire ran wildly. Soon, all the servers in the room were destroyed.

The screen ends.

The messy-haired youth said: "This is the picture taken by the camera before it was damaged."

Zheng Xun took a deep breath, reported an extremely short code, and said: "You choose the backup server of our research institute, and try to respond with this code."

The young man with random hair listened to the order, his fingers flew like flying, but he didn't stop talking: "This is a meaningless and illogical gibberish."

As he hit the Enter key, the code started to run, and the real-time picture of the backup server he selected was displayed on the other computer screen.

The lights that were normally running suddenly flashed randomly, and then a blue arc flash burst out from within, and bang, the server exploded, smashing to pieces.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all." The messy-haired youth murmured as if his three views were broken.

Zheng Xun ignored him, printed out the document, and sternly ordered to the others in the room: "Wash out all the information on this document on the Internet."

Then, he picked up the still warm file and ran out.


After half an hour.

In an office, more than 20 people gathered here, and the atmosphere was very depressing. Here, Yan Xia's smartest and most loyal brains are all here.

Most of them, in the eyes of those who know a lot about academics, are inhuman existences regarded as gods.

And those who are unknown and unknown are the giants who are willing to hide their names and have dedicated their lives in a certain field, and they can truly be remembered in history.

Zheng Xun, as the first witness to this incident, sat in a corner on one side.

Everyone read the document in front of them.

The one sitting at the top, an old man over ninety years old, spoke in a strong dialect: "Have you finished reading it all, do you have any suggestions?"

A [-]-year-old man hesitated: "The content of this post has not yet been determined whether it is true or not, and the verification of a single piece of code is not enough to convince people. Is it a bit unreasonable to make so many fundamental decisions under such circumstances?" inappropriate?"

The ninety-year-old man clapped the case and said:

"Mother-in-law, there is no time for you to slowly verify the truth at this juncture, move first and then talk.

The sun has disappeared, and the Milky Way has disappeared, so what are you talking about shaking the foundation, let's keep the foundation first!

I have already prepared the report, you only need to attach your name, if there is anything wrong, no matter how big the blame, I will bear it first.

We have to race against time now, time is precious, not a second can be wasted! "

"Okay, I second."



Passed unanimously.

Who is present here is not a national scholar who is dedicated to the country and is full of sincerity. Since he has made up his mind, he is naturally not afraid of any criticism.


Jiang Buku sent out this post that could affect Yanxia, ​​and even the direction of the entire planet, and he completely deleted the original post from the computer.

Since then, he has had nothing to do with the matter.

Chapter 2 Great Powers in Action

"Spoiler Post"

Traveling across the globe, human civilization is at stake.

In order to prove that I am not alarmist, you can use this code to attack any server in the world to verify the authenticity.If the verification is successful, please believe that the foundation of human cognition is no longer reliable, the foundation of physics has been shaken, and the building of modern science is collapsing.

Travel across the world and enter a new and unknown universe. Fortunately, the will of the planet is awakened at the same time.

It is precisely because of this that the planet that left the original star system and the original universe did not undergo a violent catastrophe, which caught human beings by surprise.

The newly awakened Blue Star has a chaotic will, no ego, only instinct, and the planet will generally maintain the original mode of inertial rotation.But the influence after the foundation is shaken will gradually spread to the present world.

[-]. The will of the planet will convulse intermittently. Please be prepared for all the theorems to suddenly fail.

1. The higher the achievement, the easier it is to collapse.This will also lead to the first global disaster faced by human beings after the global crossing-the mushroom natural disaster.


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