The middle-aged man in military uniform finally said:

"Many of your classmates are traveling abroad, and some scenic spots are relatively remote, and the official forces have not been able to intervene. I hope you can pass the news here to them as soon as possible to avoid causing chaos.

Then tell them, don't rush back, don't run around, find a place with a lot of people and gather nearby, we will make a unified arrangement. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the neat formation fell into disarray instantly, and everyone rushed to the supermarket in a swarm.

A young brother armed with live ammunition at the door loudly ordered: "Line up, line up, orderly shopping!"

Everyone lined up honestly to enter the arena.

Seeing that everyone around him disappeared in an instant, Jiang Buku took out his mobile phone, and while sending messages to the class group and the dormitory group, he walked slowly towards the dormitory.

He just bought more than 2000 yuan of goods, and he didn't want to show up in the supermarket. Although he couldn't be convicted, he didn't want to leave marks in the hearts of these soldiers and policemen because of this.

The middle-aged man in military uniform saw a boy earnestly fulfilling his request and sending messages to each group of friends, and nodded in satisfaction.

He looked at the students who lined up neatly at the door waiting for shopping, and said to a man in police uniform next to him:

"Students are very sensible, so we don't need so many people, I will take half of them away, and you can just keep two police cars here.

When you organize the school security later, the order in the school will not be chaotic. I am more worried that criminals from outside the school will attack the campus. You must be prepared for this. "

The man in police uniform nodded: "I know."

Soon, the armored vehicle left with two armed police vehicles, leaving only two police vehicles as a deterrent.


"We have gathered nearly a thousand people here. There are elderly people in their 80s and [-]s, as well as newborn babies. Everyone gathers on a platform halfway up the mountain in the scenic spot. But no one dared to leave the platform to save people, people were panicked, and the scene was very chaotic...

There are four shirtless tattooed society people bluffing and proclaiming the end of the world, and the scene is messed up by them...

We decided to subdue them and shut them up before the official forces intervened... We succeeded, those people looked fierce, but they actually cooked very well, haha...

There are troops coming, as well as firefighters from the scenic area. They are already organizing their manpower to go deep into the forest area to rescue those who are alone...

Well, let's not talk about it, there are policies to be announced here. "

Looking at the message from Yan Hao, Jiang Buku was a little dumbfounded. He originally thought that he was in the worst situation, trapped in a scenic spot far away from the city with seven other high school classmates, but unexpectedly made him a civilian hero.

And Yu Peng Huangrong, who was in the shopping mall and hotel, was also in good condition. Although he also experienced a brief period of chaos, now armed forces have appeared to maintain order.

And through the class group, Jiang Buku learned that even for students who went to remote mountainous areas for fun, two forest policemen appeared to take them out of the forest area and temporarily resettle them with local residents.

From small to large, these small things converge into rivers and seas. What a huge mobilization is behind this, and what a firm determination is behind it. This practical action appeases the panicked citizens. Well, since the sun disappeared, the officials have not even come out to say a word, but there has been a massive action here.

Is this the same planet?

The mentality of the Chinese people has also changed several times.

At first, I mistakenly thought that a solar eclipse was happening, and it was interesting; then, I gradually realized that this eclipse was not a solar eclipse, and like everyone in the world, I was flustered and confused; then, the official came out to express their position and fully understood the current situation;

In the end, it was the actions after the official statement, which reassured them, and at the same time another thought gradually emerged from the bottom of their hearts, "The sun disappeared for a few hours, and there was no other movement except for the darkness. What's scary, you should eat , You should sleep, you can’t feel at ease if the doomsday doesn’t come.”

People have to go on living and their days go on.

Thinking through this, he became more open-minded.

What people fear most is not death, but the humility and powerlessness in the face of death.

Now, in a large group of more than two billion people, if you use your strength to one place, and your heart to one place, you will not be afraid.

In foreign countries, the situation is further deteriorating.

Chapter 5 The sun rises into the sky, global linkage

Although the status of the Alpha Empire has been repeatedly challenged by the hot summer in recent years, it is still the most technologically advanced country on the planet.

And Area 101 is where the country's most cutting-edge achievements are concentrated.

The exploration of the most cutting-edge scientific theories, the research of the most lethal weapons, and the exploration of the mysteries of human genes... The "black technology" that ordinary people recognize is neatly displayed here.

The most widely circulated rumor in the world is that the Alpha Empire has intercepted alien spacecraft, dissected aliens in Area 101, and researched various alien technologies... This rumor itself is its highest praise.

It has been more than 18 hours since the sun disappeared, and District 101, which gathers elites from various industries, is a bit exhausted at the moment, and the mood is waning.

At this time, on the roof of a building, several researchers with red eyes came out of a depressing room and lit a cigarette with each other.

The others all bowed their heads and smoked silently. One of them smoked half of a cigarette in one breath, let out a long puff of smoke, and lifted his foot on the fire box next to him.


At this moment, the man leaning against the railing and facing the central area of ​​Area 101 suddenly widened his eyes, opened his mouth with a cigarette in his mouth, and seemed to see something incredible.

The others were puzzled and wanted to turn their heads to look.

Then, no more...

The few of them, together with the cigarette that opened his mouth in surprise but hadn't left his lips, instantly turned into ashes.

At this time, the world is still shrouded in darkness, and there is no hope of the sun rising again.The people of the Alpha Empire saw a sun rising from their land.

The closer to area 101, the more you can feel the domineering and fierceness of this sun.

Wherever it passes, not a single blade of grass grows, and everything is destroyed.

This catastrophe spread across the world at the speed of light.

People who were already suppressed and flustered were completely detonated by this bomb, and riots spread rapidly in all places in the world except the hot summer.

Edmund, FCI director, has been paying attention to domestic and foreign trends since the beginning of the change. When he saw the news that his backyard was blown up from a foreign forum, his first reaction was that someone was fabricating rumors.

But soon, the news flooded him from various channels.

His first feeling was that he was going to explode.

Even so, there are still more and more information pouring in to him.

There is no doubt that the entire area of ​​101 was bombed to the sky, and nothing was left.

Through various information collected from the periphery, the rising sun was divided into three stages in total. At first, a super-large-yield mushroom flick exploded, and then all the mushroom bombs stored in Area 101 participated in this explosion together. In the end, other messy things, or super weapons, or cutting-edge equipment, also participated in this riot, ions, lasers, carcinogens that cannot be dispelled by high-temperature and high-pressure shock waves...

As a result, an unprecedented artificial sun rose into the sky from the land of Alpha. All kinds of black technology and black experiments in Area 101, under the combination of this sun, have undergone some chaotic changes, and that area has completely become a forbidden area for human beings.

Edmund supported the table and stood up. Feeling his beating heart, he asked, "Has the number of casualties been counted?"

"It is certain that all scientific research personnel and garrisons in Area 101 are gone. As for the number of deaths in the surrounding area, it is not yet possible to count. Moreover, high-intensity radiation and various deadly things are rapidly spreading around. We are already organizing emergency evacuation. It's hard to say how effective it is... After all, we are different from the Yanxia system."

In the end, the deputy couldn't help but sigh with emotion, unabashedly envious.

Hot summer?Hot summer!

Edmund was quick-witted and said sharply: "Yan Xia, yes, Yan Xia! They must know something, immediately, immediately ask, must ask something, must ask!"

The deputy directly dialed the phone number of Yan Xia's friendly unit. After three rings, someone answered the phone.

"We already know about Area 101. We destroyed all the mushroom weapons as soon as we got the news. If you ask us for an opinion, then destroy all the remaining ones as soon as possible."

After all, the other side hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, at the presidential palace, the haggard president who had campaigned on a promise to make the empire great again signed his name on a document.

Outside the presidential palace, countless citizens held various signs, or painted various impactful images bare-chested, shouting, cursing, throwing rotten eggs, shoes, stones, and peeing into the presidential palace... They used all means to express their anger.

The Shaluo Kingdom acted earlier than the Alpha Empire. The man dubbed the Great Emperor seems to have always been full of energy. He has never closed his eyes since the moment the sky changed. send one to a place far from the city, and destroy the rest."

After all, he got up and went to the bedroom. Soon, there was thunderous snoring in the bedroom.

The Kingdom of Wrangell, the global overlord before the Alpha Empire, and the King of Ten Thousand Years Standby calmly signed his name.

The quiet palace prevented him from hearing the protests of the angry people. In fact, he didn't care. Having experienced two world wars, he has an unparalleled heart.

In the old revolutionary base, Kieran nationals directly rushed into the presidential palace and forced him to sign documents.


The emergency press conference held by Yanxia yesterday finally planted a seed in everyone's hearts. Although some people speculated at the time that he had ulterior motives, and now they are even more convinced that he has ulterior motives. Finally found a catharsis, all the superpowers had to make the decision to destroy or move to inaccessible places.

In Yanxia's country, since the news of the sun's lift-off in Area 101 came back to the country, this complex organism composed of 23 billion people has started to operate at a faster speed.

A series of emergency decrees were issued one after another.

[Schools are closed, factories are closed, and when the existing materials on the market are purchased, the market will be completely closed and the rationing system will be fully implemented. 】

[There are more than 23 billion citizens in Yanxia. Considering the difference in material reserves, resource distribution, and population density, the official plan is to make a comprehensive adjustment to the population distribution within one month.

In large cities with a population of more than 500 million, migrant workers and those with relatives and children in their hometowns will return to their hometowns to wait for arrangements. If the urban population burden is still too heavy, they will be evacuated to the nearest second- and third-tier cities on a family basis;

All mountainous areas, villages, and towns where the population is too scattered are concentrated in nearby counties and cities, and try to form a large settlement with a population of more than one million. 】

[High-speed rail, airplanes, expressways, rivers, and national highways are completely closed. Officials will make unified arrangements to concentrate all transport capacity and transport them in batches. Scan the QR code below and fill in your information in detail, especially your family situation, address of origin, and current location and other information. 】

[Please actively participate in labor. The basic principle of the rationing system is: more work, more pay, no work, no work, limited reserves will be distributed to more useful people. 】

Chapter 6 All beings under the general trend


Laws and regulations have been promulgated one after another, involving all aspects of people's livelihood, including finance and the Internet. How can anyone care about right and wrong abroad.

Everyone really understands what it means to change the color of the world, which is even more shocking than the disappearance of the sun.

These decrees have disintegrated the foundation of many people and knocked them down to mortals, but at this moment, they are all shocked by the firm determination shown by the officials, and no one dares to jump out and question them.

And those ordinary people have no objection, think carefully, will this do them any harm?

A testimonial from a beating worker became a hot search.

"At the age of 16, I dropped out of school and left home with my parents on my back, packed my bags, and vowed to go to the most prosperous metropolis to create a bright future. My parents scolded and begged me, but I never turned back.

In the past 20 years, nothing has been achieved except not starving to death.The only experience I have is that I have endured many beatings in society, and every time I can quickly adjust my mentality and pose before being beaten, I am so proficient that I feel distressed.

Dreaming back at midnight, I miss my elderly parents more and more, that remote and backward small county town, God knows how much I want to go back...

It's all right now, I don't have to compete with myself anymore, I can go back generously, hug my parents tightly, and tell them loudly, Mom and Dad, my son, I have worked hard for 20 years, and the company is about to ring the bell and go public. However, the official decree directly went bankrupt, and now I can only go home and eat the old.

Just kidding, but since it is the official arrangement for me to go back, you can't ignore my life and death, settle down, arrange work, don't I have to worry about it?

Moreover, a large number of leftover men and women return home, maybe they can take the opportunity to solve the single problem, praise! "

This speech was liked by hundreds of millions of people.

"Handshake... I also went bankrupt with a listed company."

"It's the same bankruptcy as a listed company."

"I also want to go back to my hometown. I've had enough of treating anyone I like in this ruined city."

"Settling down, arranging work, assigning wives, and being generous."

"I'm from Xidupeng County, 32 this year, programmer, single, slightly bald, is there any girl in the same place as me, let's go back together. (Plaid shirt selfie)" [Chasing a Light]

"What a fellow, the little girl is a down-and-out painter who spends her days painting for people on the street. Some literary and artistic young women are hypocritical, and they come and go, dragging them into older leftover women. Now they are going back to their hometown. I don't want to be hypocritical anymore. I want a man, I want to get married, and if I have time, I want to have a baby and become a mother.

Looking at the current trend, it will be very troublesome to communicate between cities in the future. It is best for the mother-in-law and mother-in-law’s family to be in the same place. Both of us are wandering in the magic city. Although you are a bit bald and you are average-looking, I think you are very kind. It seems that people from my hometown should be like you, or else, let’s make do with it (one selfie, one self-portrait) Sister, I’m 35 this year, you don’t think I’m old, do you? "【Jiao'e pulls willow upside down】

The programmer hadn't replied yet, and the other messages went viral.

"Brother, don't hurry up and answer, you have met the rare good thing in ten thousand years, if you miss it, you are not human!"

"Although I am not the son of Peng County, I can be the son-in-law of Peng County. Young lady choose me, choose me, choose me."

"Not old, not old, mature and elegant just right."

After a long time, [Chasing a Light] finally came online again: "Sister Zhang Ning! I am Wang Dong!"

【Jiao'e pulls willow upside down】: "?? You know me?? Are you??"

【Chasing a Light】:

"Do you still remember the canteen in front of the middle school? You, a glutton, would go there to buy some snacks every time after school. You may not know that since you were in junior high school, there was a little boy who secretly admired you.

But when he was in junior high school, you were in high school, and when he was in high school, you went to college, and later found out that you went to Shanghai, and he went to Shanghai despite his family's opposition.

Over the years, family and friends have introduced countless blind dates, but what he can't forget most is still the girl who made him palpitate once a day in his teenage years;

What he regrets the most is that he is too timid and cowardly, and dare not express his feelings boldly; his happiest memory is a time when he lowered his head on the cabinet and did his homework. So close, smiling so beautifully.

He has been chasing her all his life, but he can never catch her, just like chasing a ray of light.At this worst moment, you walked towards me with a smile on your face... I swear, I will respect and love you forever, Senior Sister Zhang Ning. "

[Jiao'e pulls willows upside down] sent the emoji of being struck by lightning: "I said, why are you so kind, it turns out it's you, a brat... Just now my sister was joking, don't take things on the Internet seriously."

[Chasing a Light]: "Zhang Ning, father Zhang Guishan, a math teacher in the county school, and mother Xue Mei, a Chinese teacher in the county school, pass my house to and from get off work. I live in Room 503, Building C, Star Community. I have taken a screenshot of what you just said I sent it to my parents, and they are already on their way to your house to propose marriage.

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