Although the guards inside the Ye family compound were more stringent, there was nothing Chu Fei could do about it. If he wanted to lurk, there was no place he couldn't get in, a supernatural being who was about to enter the seventh level.

The cobblestone path in the Ye family compound was not as clean as expected, and it was slightly muddy. It was obviously that many people stepped on it and it became like this after being eroded by the rain.

Stepping in the muddy water, Chu Fei frowned, the sticky feeling from his feet made him a little uncomfortable.

What made Chu Fei even more annoyed was that he had been walking for a long time, and he still couldn't find which house Rose lived in. In his opinion, most of these houses looked the same, and he couldn't tell them apart.

The entire Ye family compound was extremely quiet, like a tomb, quiet, without a single sound.

Chapter 249

Inadvertently, Chu Fei smelled a rotten smell at the tip of his nose. Following the smell, he saw a few withered trees on both sides of the road not far away.

Perhaps it is because the decaying trees are soaked in the drizzle that they emit this smell. This is not uncommon in the end of the world. Whenever it rains, the place will be filled with this rotten smell.

Some are from zombies, some are from dead plants, and some are from mutated animals. They all taste very similar, and it is difficult for people to distinguish them.

Chu Fei couldn't find anyone, and he didn't know the structure of Ye's compound, so he could only wander around inside.

For someone in a hurry, that's a pretty bad deal.

In any case, the Ye family is considered one of the top families in the origin base, and the mansion is really not small. Chu Fei walked for another quarter of an hour before arriving at the main road from the winding cobblestone path.

The main road of Yejia is connected to the main entrance and leads directly to the hall. There are some unlit magic lamps standing on the side of the road. The drizzle falls on the lampshades, washing away the dust on them, adding a sense of decadence to this weirdness.

If it weren't for the teams of city guards patrolling with flashlights, this place would be more like a dead house.

Chu Fei took a deep breath, only feeling a little troublesome. Being in a supernatural state, he could easily sense that something was wrong with the Ye Family.

In the Ye family, there are not few living people, and most of them are mid-to-high-level supernatural beings. However, what makes Chu Fei a little puzzled is that in the deeper part of the Ye family, there are also some still humanoid blood.

This is not uncommon, even very common, but it is not normal for this kind of thing to appear from the origin base, especially the Ye family.

That represents a zombie, and the blood in the zombie's body is still. Under Chu Fei's supernatural state, it is very obvious and easy to distinguish from a living person.

Coexistence of zombies and living people?This is really an unbelievable thing. Chu Fei was also a little surprised. After thinking for a while, he walked towards the place representing the group of zombies.

After walking for five or six minutes, Chu Fei arrived at the destination. It was a hall with scattered furniture, but judging from the dust on the furniture, no one had been here for a long time.

There was still not a single person in sight, and the entire Ye family compound was extremely quiet, like a tomb.

However, Chu Fei, who was in a supernatural state, could easily find some masters hidden around him. There were about a dozen of them, and their strengths ranged from the fifth level to the sixth level.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Chu Fei didn't care, he picked up a withered tree branch from the ground, and quietly dealt with the people who were on guard in the dark.

After all, it was Youqiu and Ye's family, he didn't kill them, he just knocked out these guards and tied them together. In front of Chu Fei, these five or six high-level abilities didn't resist at all. room for.

As time passed, Chu Fei's limited patience was gradually worn away. At present, it seems that there is definitely a big problem in the Ye family, and there is a strange feeling everywhere.

He didn't want to involve himself in it, and he had even made a decision, if he couldn't find the rose, he would go back home, as if he had never been here.

At this moment, there was a vague smell of blood in the drizzle. Chu Fei's heart moved. Following the smell of blood, he found a secret door behind the bookcase in the hall.

After walking through a dark and cramped tunnel, Chu Fei's eyes suddenly opened up, and he saw a scene that shocked him a little.

This is a rather vast underground world, surrounded by cages made of unknown materials. In the center of the underground hall, there is a small lake, which is filled with crystal clear water, and occasionally there are some strange strange fish. , jumped from the water.

In the center of the small lake, there are some mutated lotus flowers that have not yet bloomed. They are huge in size, with a slight yellow edge on the lotus leaves, which look a bit decadent.

What shocked Chu Fei was that in the prison cage in the underground hall, there were a large number of zombies, whose rank was less than one, and those who were wandering in the cage were a little excited when they saw Chu Fei. In front of the cage, there was a silent roar.

** hit the top of the cage, making a dull sound, but it didn't shake at all. It seemed that nothing could break through them.

On the edge of the lake, some survivors were squatting, arranging pieces of cubed flesh and blood. In the pile of flesh and blood, occasionally some things like palms could be seen, which looked bloody.

"Damn it!" After seeing this cruel picture, Chu Fei let out a low cry in his heart, and immediately became alert.

Seemingly attracted by the sound of the zombies, the survivors who were processing the meat looked suspiciously at the group of rioting corpses, followed the sight of the zombies, and saw Chu Fei standing at the entrance.

The pupils widened in disbelief, panic flickered on everyone's faces, they groped around their waists, took out a few walkie-talkies, and were about to call for support.

Everything happened so fast that Chu Fei had no time to stop it, nor could he hide it.

"and many more."

Although it is underground, the hall is very bright. On the surrounding walls, magic lamps illuminate the place brightly. Just when everyone wanted to report the situation through the walkie-talkie, a clear and pleasant voice sounded and stopped the room. their actions.

The atmosphere was very depressing. In this closed space, all sounds were amplified, everyone's heavy panting, Chu Fei's heartbeat, the sound of water, and the sound of zombies hitting the cage.

Chu Fei raised his head and looked in the direction of the source of the sound. There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth. When he first came in, he realized that the rose that he couldn't find anywhere before was also inside.

However, seeing each other under such circumstances would inevitably be a little embarrassing. Chu Fei felt a little headache and didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Mr. Chu came to visit late at night, don't you know there is something important?" Rose's expression was a little indifferent, but her tone was a little gloomy, and it was easy for Chu Fei to hear a trace of killing intent.

After all, it is not something that can be put on the table. If this news is leaked, it will be very troublesome if it is stronger than the Ye family.

Looking at Rose's delicate and beautiful face, Chu Fei also calmed down at this moment, and with a soft smile, a monstrous aura suddenly erupted from his body.

This aura only lasted for a moment, and then it was restrained by Chu Fei, and the origin base also boiled instantly, and all the supernatural beings were aware of this fleeting aura.

Such a strong man suddenly appeared in the base, which undoubtedly touched everyone's nerves, and they all tried to figure out the intention of this strong man.

2 Fifty Chapter Transactions

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It was also unbelievable that there was also Rose. As a sixth-level high-level ability user, she could naturally feel the incomparably icy breath of Chu Fei.

"I don't know Miss Rose, can you talk to me alone?" Chu Fei said calmly, as if he had never seen this purgatory-like scene before him.

Rose tilted her head, hesitated a little in her heart, and smiled lightly for a moment, "Okay, come with me."

Although it was a bit dangerous, she could only do this. The Ye family's secrets were not easy to reveal, and Chu Fei didn't seem to want to do anything.

With such a powerful supernatural being, Rose doesn't want to have any conflicts with him unless she has to. If this matter can be resolved peacefully, that would be great.

Smiling and nodding, Chu Fei followed Rose's footsteps, walked out of the underground hall, and came to a small room. The furnishings in the room were not luxurious, but they were also very delicate, and all the necessary furniture was available.

Poured a cup of hot tea for Chu Fei, Rose sat across from Chu Fei, folded her two slender white thighs, and said with a smile: "I was really embarrassed before, but I didn't expect Mr. Chu to visit late at night, and I really made Mr. Chu laugh. "

Not knowing why Chu Fei came here, Rose decided to open her mouth to test it out first. After spending so much effort to get in, the other party must have something important.

"What's the joke? I was reckless when I said it, and I didn't say hello in advance. I saw some things that I shouldn't have seen."

After taking a sip of the tea, Chu Fei put down the cup. He kept vigilant all the time. When he entered the room, he checked with the power state, and there was no high-level power user ambushing nearby.

Although the chance of the Ye family turning against him is not very high, but when going out, Chu Fei feels that it is better to be more careful.

"This matter is not a shameful matter, but I still hope that Mr. Chu can help the Ye family keep it a secret. Of course, as a friend, if Mr. Chu has anything, you can also bring it up, and the Ye family will definitely reach out. Help."

Hearing Chu Fei's tentative words, Rose said with a smile, but the smile on her pretty face, it's hard to tell whether it's true or false.

In order to keep this matter from leaking out, even if they paid some price, the Ye family would still accept it. With Rose's right to speak in the Ye family, such a promise could be made.

The two of them smiled knowingly, and neither of them got entangled in this matter. This matter had nothing to do with Chu Fei, and he didn't want to get himself involved.

In the environment of the last days, there are many such things, and he is not a saint, so there is no need to get angry about this matter.

"I don't have much time, so I won't bother you. Let's be honest, I need to raise my military rank. Does Miss Rose have any good suggestions?"

Tapping his knee lightly with his fingers, Chu Fei spoke, saying that it was almost time for the roll call, and it was quite a serious matter to not return home at night on the first day.

"It's not difficult to promote the rank." Rose said, with a thought in the depths of her eyes, as if she was thinking about something: "But there must be a reason, if you rush to force the promotion, I'm afraid it will cause some serious problems. obstruct."

Chu Fei's conditions made Rose guess, deliberately concealing her own strength, infiltrating into the Chengcheng Guards, and thinking of quickly raising her rank, there must be a big problem.

If there is no problem, it is not a troublesome thing to get an official position just by relying on Chu Fei's amazing strength. From this point of view, Chu Fei's identity may not be that simple.

But although she had some thoughts in her heart, Rose didn't show it on her face. This matter should be handled by the senior management of the family. She still didn't want to take the hot potato.

Although this is the base camp of the Ye family, if Chu Fei did it, it wouldn't take much effort to kill Meigui. For her own safety, it can be said that Meigui's desire to survive is extremely strong.

"Oh? Then what should I do?" Chu Fei raised his eyebrows. Since Rose answered this way, there must be a solution to the matter. Therefore, he continued to ask questions following Rose's words.

Although some of his direct descendants have been exposed, it is very unlikely that the Ye family will turn their guns against him. After all, he and the Ye family have no conflicts, and there are even some connections.

After systematically checking the information, Chu Fei is no longer the newcomer who knows nothing about the origin base. He also knows a thing or two about some things about the origin base.

Although they are both the forces of the origin base, the seven major families are not very harmonious. After all, the army and the supernatural force are in the hands of the officials, and the only force they can develop is the city guard.

Although the number of city guards is large, the cake is limited after all. In order to compete for limited resources, the relationship between the several big families can be said to be incompatible, but after all, there are officials on top, so they dare not make too much noise .

The disclosure of the rights of the City Guard Army is actually a means for the authorities to control the base. After all, compared with the other troops, the City Guard Army is not very effective, and its strength is not that high.

Therefore, the position of the city guard in the base of origin has become a weak existence. If it has been kept, the income and expenditure will not be proportional at all, but it still has its own role, but it is indispensable.

In the end, it became what it is today, with the joint management of several families in the base, and a large part of the military expenses of the city guards came from the hands of several families.

At the beginning, the city guards had no salary, and the base provided only food and accommodation. After all, the origin base was very safe, and this group of people was raised for nothing.

However, because of the joining of several big families and the distribution of benefits to the troops under their control, this has caused the current situation, so that many people want to join the city guard army, but they don't want to join the army.

The reason is simple. The welfare of the army is naturally high, but it is a hard job. The reason why people join the army is mostly just a morsel of food, to survive.

As a last resort, the base limited the number of conscriptions of the city guard army, so that the army had an opportunity to develop, and such regulations made the overall quality of the city guard army lower and lower, so that later, those who could enter , Most of them are from some families.

Various reasons have also led to this situation. Now it is extremely difficult for the city guards to make contributions and get mixed ranks.

(End of this chapter)

{Old iron, please remember the new Bayi Chinese website}


Chapter 251 Returning to Base Camp

﹄New Bayi Chinese Website—﹃ Bookmarkable online novel reading website

It can even be said that if there is no relationship, it is quite difficult to get a rank in the city guard army, and it takes a lot of energy and time.

Therefore, Chu Fei had no choice but to take risks and come to Ye's house to look for roses. If Ye's family was willing to make a move, his plan would go much smoother.

"But there are some ways." Rose pondered, and continued: "In this way, there will be an army competition in a few days. You should know about this news, right?"

Frowning, Chu Fei had guessed some of Rose's thoughts, nodded, and replied, "Of course I know about this, what do you mean?"

"As long as you can get a place in the army competition, I can take this opportunity to raise your rank. If so, no one will say anything."

Rose smiled softly. After all, it was also the first day for Chu Fei to join the City Guard Army. The time was too short. If he wanted to improve his rank, this was the quickest way.

"Of course, there are other ways besides this, but it will take some time, it depends on how Mr. Chu chooses."

After finishing speaking, Rose stopped talking, helped Chu Fei continue to serve tea, and kept silent.

Quietly staring at Rose, Chu Fei didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he nodded and said, "Okay, then it's settled like this."

He didn't have much time to spend, so although it was a bit dangerous, it was also the quickest way, but it wasn't that difficult to get a ranking in the military competition.

"Then this matter is over, and I will greet my parents tomorrow." Rose stood up and continued: "The higher the ranking in the military competition, the more room for improvement, I will try my best to arrange it." of."

In fact, she was not very optimistic about Chu Fei. The military competition was held only once every six months, and it was held very grandly. Of course, the intervention of a big family like them was indispensable.

Even if the Qingyun brigade belongs to the Ye family, there are also some pawns inserted by other families in it. It is not an easy task to get a place in the military competition.

Besides, after the army competition in the team has passed, there is still a big army competition to continue. Chu Fei needs to hide his strength, and in the case of a fourth-order supernatural being, he does not have a great advantage.

Moreover, although strength is an important factor in obtaining a ranking, it is not all. The so-called military competition is not as fair as it seems on the surface.

"At the beginning of the military competition, I will try my best to arrange it and communicate with the referee. I can only do this. The rest depends on how you handle it."

Just as Chu Fei was about to leave, Rose suddenly spoke and reminded her, then opened the door and stood silent.

Said this sentence is also considered by Rose. Although the Ye family is one of the seven families of the origin base, in fact, there is a big crisis inside the Ye family, which even affects the status of the entire Ye family.

And Chu Fei's sudden appearance was beyond the expectations of everyone in the Ye family. If such a powerful combat power can be used, it will be a great help to them.

Moreover, so far only the Ye family knows Chu Fei's true strength, and the news that some other families have obtained is that the Ye family has recruited a potential fourth-order fire-type superpower.

Such a lack of information is enough for the Ye family to do a lot of things, but the premise is that Chu Fei will do things according to their plan. If there is any mistake in it, it will be very dangerous.

Fortunately, Chu Fei didn't seem to have discovered anything yet, at least everything was under their control, so they didn't mind giving Chu Fei more benefits.

After all, he is a powerful supernatural being. If he is annoyed, the life of the Ye family may not be very easy.

When there are benefits for both parties to earn, then the use is not considered use, and it becomes a so-called win-win situation. Even if the matter is revealed later, Chu Fei will not say anything.

Without the help of the Ye family, Chu Fei concealed his strength, and it would be extremely difficult for Chu Fei to rely on himself to get into the top ranks of the city guard army, or it would be hopeless at all.

As for the Ye family's idea of ​​using him, Chu Fei didn't know, but he didn't care much about it. As long as he could benefit from it, even if he was used, there was nothing unacceptable.

As a human being, you have to be more realistic. Only what you get is the most important thing, and other vain things are useless.

Everyone is tacit about this.

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