"Okay, I get it, it's getting late, I should go back, if you need anything, come to me anytime." Chu Fei replied lightly, turned around and disappeared on the road.

In the thick night, Rose stood leaning against the door. Seeing that Chu Fei's figure had completely disappeared, she closed the door just now, turned around and walked towards the residence of the Ye Family Patriarch.

After all, the matter of Chu Fei was very important. No one could have imagined that Chu Fei's strength would be so terrifying. As a result, the plan might have to be changed.


It didn't take long for Chu Fei to return to the dormitory. At this time, the evening entertainment had already ended, but not all the people in the dormitory had arrived. The monitor, Yuan Guo, and the deputy monitor, Ji Ding, hadn't returned yet, so he didn't know what he was doing.

Several people in the dormitory were lying on the bed, doing their own things, when they heard Chu Fei come back, they all greeted him.

"Chuning, remember to put out the fire next time when there is no one in the dormitory. It will be very dangerous if you don't." Wang Liping, who was lying on the bed reading a magazine, raised his head and said, his bumpy face was a little gloomy under the reflection of the fire .

"Besides, it's a waste of resources. Coal isn't very cheap." After muttering, Wang Liping moved the pillow to a more comfortable position.

With a faint 'hmm', Chu Fei didn't say anything. He took off his coat and hung it on the hanger beside the bed, then took off his general boots and put them next to the stove.

Although he just came back from the outside, because of the characteristics of Scarlet Moon, his body is relatively dry, but what is depressing is that his boots are completely soaked.

"Don't take off your clothes yet, roll call is coming soon." Seeing Chu Fei going to bed, Li Chen, who was sitting by the stove, said, "It's so strange, what did the squad leader and the deputy squad leader do, and they haven't come back yet."

You must know that the penalty for being late for roll call is very serious. As soldiers in the same class, Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried about the two of them.

"Nu, you're back." Wang Liping closed the magazine, jumped off the bed, curled his lips, and said, "Li Chen, you must have opened your mouth. They came back just after you finished speaking."

Sometimes you really can't explain things like metaphysics, and you have to believe in all kinds of coincidences.

(End of this chapter)

{Old iron, please remember the new Bayi Chinese website}


Chapter 252 The Beginning of the Army Competition

"What are you talking about?" Yuan Guo walked into the dormitory, took off his coat, wringed out the rainwater on it, and asked curiously.

Just when Wang Liping was about to answer, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door, and then several city guards in camouflage uniforms walked in.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, got out of bed, and stood in a row around the stove. The bright red fire drew everyone's shadows long.

"Roll the roll, Yuanguo."



After counting the number of people, the city guards who came to roll the roll closed their notebooks, talked and laughed with Yuan Guo, then turned and walked out.

He naturally saw Yuan Guo and Ji Ding's wet military uniforms, obviously they had just come back from outside, but this was not within his management scope, and he didn't ask too much.

Anyway, everyone is complete during the roll call, and what happened before and after has nothing to do with him.

As the time for the military competition is getting closer, it is not uncommon for many people to go out frequently recently and want to rely on their own relationships for activities.

However, if you go out in the rain, it will always be a little strange.

"Go to sleep, you have to train tomorrow." Yuanguo said softly when he saw the city guard walking away, turned around, changed into a set of underwear, and went to bed.

Everyone responded one after another and came to the bed, but most of them didn't choose to sleep, instead they were doing something.

Looking at Yuanguo thoughtfully, Chu Fei held the crystal nucleus in his hand and entered a shallow cultivation state. Using the crystal nucleus can cultivate, and cultivation can replace sleep. This is not a secret, and everyone naturally knows .


In the next few days, Chu Fei trained during the day and rested at night, and nothing special happened. After a period of contact, Chu Fei became acquainted with some city guards of the same team.

It's just that Chu Fei doesn't like to communicate with people very much on weekdays, and not many people take the initiative to chatter with him.

Soon, the city guards ushered in the long-awaited army competition. When they woke up in the morning, there was a commotion in the dormitory, and everyone was hurriedly preparing for something, looking enthusiastic.

Although relying on their strength, it is very difficult to obtain a ranking in the military competition, but if they perform better, they may be able to gain some benefits from it.

The semi-annual military competition is very grand, and everyone is preparing for it. For some people with background, this is an excellent opportunity for promotion, but for some people without background Said, this is also an opportunity to earn crystal nuclei.

Maybe if you are lucky, not only can you earn some crystal nuclei, but you can also get the attention of some high-level family members to seek better development. ,

Chu Fei jumped off the bed, stretched his muscles and bones, took the clothes transformed by Scarlet Moon from the hanger beside him and put them on, and walked to the stove with great interest, Yuan Guo was talking about some precautions in the military competition .

After all, they are the oldest group of city guards in the origin base, not to mention that they were also a member of the special brigade before the end of the world, and they have a better understanding of the military than others.

Seeing Chu Fei approaching, Yuanguo stopped talking, greeted him, and only continued to talk after receiving Chu Fei's response.

The rules for this military competition have been settled, and they are not much different from the rules of the last time. The content of the assessment includes a series of content such as shooting, fighting, speed, and strength, and it is divided into many areas. The top ten in each area can get Qualified to participate in the All-Army Competition.

And all the content of the assessment is based on the points system. Although there are many items, the ones with the most points are fighting and shooting. If the results of these two items are not good, even if the points of other items are high, the hope of getting a high ranking is very slim. .

As for the content of the whole army competition, Yuan Guo didn't mention it, but only mentioned some assessment systems and precautions in the area.

"For the top ten, we have no hope. Don't think about those things."

When Chu Fei asked, Yuanguo said so. Of course, the assessment items of the whole army competition were not disclosed, and even he was not very clear about it.

While chatting and laughing, it was already time to assemble, a whistle sounded outside, and everyone dressed neatly and walked out of the dormitory.

In the base camp of the City Guard Army, banners can be seen everywhere, military flags are fluttering, and the sun is evenly sprinkled on the entire square. Among them, there are neat rows of phalanxes, with various military ranks on their shoulders, shining under the refraction of the sun. With golden glow.

In the center of the square, there was a temporary rostrum, on which sat officers with frightening military ranks. They were all high-ranking officers of the Qingyun Brigade. The most central position was the captain of the Qingyun Brigade, Liu Wen.

The dense crowd stood under the rostrum, all of them looked solemn, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

Liu Wen slowly stood up from his seat, reached out and pulled off his military uniform, walked steadily to the front of the rostrum, and scanned the several teams below with his eyes like lightning.

Swept by Liu Wen's majestic gaze, the soldiers of the Qingyun Brigade below immediately held their breath, raised their heads, raised their chests, raised their hips, and retracted their stomachs, displaying their military postures to the most standard state.

"Comrades." Liu Wen shouted loudly into the microphone in front of him.Immediately afterwards, all the soldiers below immediately came to a standard stand at attention and saluted.

"Please take a break." The soldiers below returned a standard military salute, Liu Wen looked at the officers and soldiers below majesticly, and said in a deep voice: "Today is a good weather, and it is also the semi-annual military competition of our City Guards. Good day for the convening."

"The rules and regulations of the competition, I don't need to say more here, you should already be very clear. All I want to say is one thing, that is, I wish you all the best in this competition, and win To a result that satisfies yourselves."

As soon as Liu Wen's words fell, a series of neat and clear slogans sounded from below. Chu Fei, who was lowering his head to think about something, was stunned by the sudden slogan, opened his mouth, and looked at his colleagues around him speechlessly.

When he first came here, it seemed that someone had told him the slogan, but he didn't take it seriously, and he didn't remember it. Now, he can only open his mouth and groan, and he doesn't know what he is shouting.

Waving his hand, Liu Wen calmed down the voices of the soldiers. Then, he reached out to take a submachine gun handed over by the guard, pulled the bolt with pride, and immediately tilted the muzzle of the gun to the sky, and shouted to the soldiers below: "The game is about to start, I am here to bless you first, and at the same time help you fire the first shot of this game.


Chapter 253 Changed Rules

After finishing speaking, Liu Wen immediately pulled the trigger and shot a bunch of bullets into the sky.

"Da da da……"

Liu Wen's shuttle, like a signal, blew the following teams to the competition venue set up in advance.

The first round is the shooting competition, 800 meters standard rifle precision shooting, all registered contestants, under the leadership of their squad leaders, hurried to the shooting range.

When they came to the shooting competition venue, everyone was surprised to find that the gun targets in front of them were not lined up a few hundred meters in front of them as usual, but scattered around the shooting range.

Just when everyone was a little confused, the chief examiner of the shooting event walked over slowly, met everyone's puzzled eyes, and said, "As you all imagined, the rules of this competition have changed slightly."

After the sound of the power increase spread to the audience, the examiner pointed to the distant gun target, then pointed around the shooting range, and continued to say to the dense crowd in front of him:

"The requirement for the shooting competition of this military competition is that you will be distributed a pistol and an assault rifle later. You must complete a 30-kilometer long-distance running with a load while shooting. The circumference of this shooting range is 5 kilometers, that is, It is said that when you are shooting, you have to run around the shooting range for 50 laps with a load of 6 kilograms."

Hearing what the chief examiner said, some soldiers who wanted to get a place in the shooting competition immediately frowned, lowered their heads and complained bitterly to their comrades around them.

Everyone has their own strengths, and few people can gain an advantage in all competitions. Therefore, many soldiers choose to focus on training one of them. The shooting competition scores are quite high. Those who focus on this one are natural Not a lot.

However, these soldiers who focus on training generally only pay attention to their own flexibility and eyesight, but seldom focus on physical strength and put a lot of effort into training. Such changed rules are somewhat unfavorable to them.

It seemed that the soldiers had expected such a reaction, and the examiner did not have any surprise on his face, or he simply ignored everyone's reaction.

Immediately afterwards, the chief examiner immediately raised his voice and said loudly to the contestants in front of him: "I will not repeat the next words, please listen carefully."

After being called out by the chief examiner, the contestants, who were discussing a lot below, hurriedly stood upright, with their ears pricked up, waiting quietly for the chief examiner's next words.

Nodding in satisfaction, the chief examiner immediately said to everyone with a cold face: "The rules of this competition are that you must run 10 kilometers before you can shoot with pistols, and then run another 10 kilometers. In addition, put on assault rifles and shoot, and finally, you must take the equipment distributed earlier, run the next 10 kilometers, and return to this place, the sooner you reach the finish line, the more points you will add."

After a pause, the examiner continued to say to them with a slight smile: "I need to remind you that any shooting within the distance will be regarded as a violation and will be immediately disqualified from the competition. In addition, during your running In the process, the target of the assault shooting is a moving target, not a dead target standing there."

Speaking of this, the chief examiner immediately paused, staring at the dark troops in front of him with eyes like lightning, and then shouted loudly: "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Although they knew that the task was extremely difficult, but in the face of the chief examiner's question, the contestants below immediately walked together and let out a loud roar.

"Okay, now go and get the firearms, go to your respective competition positions, and get ready to start." Nodding in satisfaction, the chief examiner gave instructions to the assistant next to him, and led everyone to collect the firearms that had been prepared earlier.

In about 5 minutes, the examiner gave the order to start, and then raised the starting gun in his hand. With a gunshot, the first batch of more than [-] contestants immediately picked up the distributed equipment and headed towards the runway of the shooting range. rush away.

"It's interesting." Looking at the twenty or so contestants in the field, Chu Fei recalled the terms and conditions announced by the chief examiner just now, and immediately said with a playful smile, in a low voice.

Yuan Guo, who was sitting next to Chu Fei, looked at the contestants in his class and couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Chu Fei, and said in a low voice, "This time the rules of the competition have been changed, and the difficulty has increased many times compared to the previous one!"

"Hehe, that's interesting. No matter how good you are at a stationary target, it's still only on paper. In a real battle, the enemy won't stand still and hit you."

Before Chu Fei could reply, Chicken Ding stepped in abruptly, fixed his eyes on the contestants in the field, and immediately expressed another opinion.

Yuanguo was taken aback for a moment, bowed his head in thought for a moment, nodded, looked at the chicken, and said with a serious face: "What you said makes sense, although I don't want to agree, but I can't find a reason to refute it. .”

"Hey, what I said is naturally correct. If the usual training is also changed to this mechanism, when facing a real battle, maybe a few drops of blood will be shed." Unexplained smile, Ji Ding squatted on both sides Next to the person, he took out a cigarette and scattered around.

While the three of them were chatting together, they never noticed that on the other side of the stand, a pair of somewhat gloomy eyes were staring at them.

He stretched out his hand to summon one of his subordinates, the owner of these eyes immediately clung to his ear, and said in a low voice: "A'nan, give my order down, and when we meet the third and second squads, let our people Don't hold back any hands, I want them to quit this game with a broken head."

"Understood. When you told me yesterday, I have already conveyed this order. I also greeted the referee." Nodding to his boss, Anan hurriedly smiled at his own The boss reported in a low voice.

Immediately, Anan bowed and stepped aside, silently mourning in his heart for the people in Class Three and Two. The Pan family and the Ye family have always been at odds, but the main reason why the captain wanted to do this this time was because it was spread throughout the city guards last time. The military thing.

It's just a talented fourth-order fire-type superpower, but they really don't take it seriously.

The owner of those eyes was none other than the person in charge of conscription of the Expeditionary Army, Sha Chuangen, a high-ranking superhuman from the Pan family. Every time he recalled the humiliation he suffered last time, Sha Chuangen couldn't help being furious.

Since the establishment of the origin base, very few people who offended the Pan family dared to appear in the base in such a long time.


Chapter 254 Mutations

However, last time, it was Chu Fei, that yellow-mouthed boy, who aggressively refused his solicitation in front of so many survivors, and almost started fighting with him instead.

In the end, under the protection of Ye Meigui, he swaggered out of the conscription office.On the other hand, it was him who was criticized by some of his usual opponents, overtly and secretly, and his old face was almost lost.

The Ye family is also one of the seven big families, and Ye Meigui's status in the Ye family is much higher than his. Naturally, he dare not take revenge on Ye Meigui. This hatred naturally fell on Chu Fei.

When he found out that Chu Fei had joined the City Guard Army, Sha Chuangen rushed back from outside overnight without hesitation, wanting to settle accounts with Chu Fei, and even put aside the continuous battle outside for the time being.

However, after all, Chu Fei and him had no conflict on the surface, and considering his current unstable position, Sha Chuangen had no choice but to resist his impulse and wait until today.

If it wasn't for his friend, Sha Chuangen really didn't know about the latest news that came two days ago. Chu Fei just joined the City Guard Army and actually signed up for the Army Competition.

Hmph, he really looked like a young man who couldn't hide his sharpness. Sha Chuangen ridiculed in his heart, and immediately started to prepare, and secretly placed himself in the Qingyun brigade, and arranged them all to the same match scene as Chu Fei.

This is really a waste of money, until the Qingyun brigade belongs to the Ye family, it is not as easy as imagined to insert people in. After this incident, all these chess pieces will be useless.

"Hehe, even if I take over all the wealth of the family, I have to abolish you!" Looking at Chu Fei's silhouette gloomyly, Sha Chuangen suddenly showed a hideous smile. He could already imagine how miserable Chu Fei was during the competition. up.

It took him a lot of crystal cores to bribe the referee. With so many people working secretly, it would not be a problem to cripple Chu Fei.

It has to be said that although Sha Chuangen's character is very poor, his way of handling things is also admirable. As long as someone provokes him, it is a very good choice to die in the end, and such a person also scares many people.

At least, before offending him, at least you have to weigh your own weight, whether you can bear the other party's desperate revenge.

However, this time Sha Chuangen chose the wrong target, so how could he offend Chu Fei? In fact, if it wasn't for Ye Meigui that day, Sha Chuangen would have been slaughtered by Chu Fei long ago.

On the shooting range in the competition area, more than [-] special forces soldiers in camouflage uniforms were rushing forward with the distributed equipment on their backs.

A long time has passed, and the opponents of the competition have also changed several batches.

So far, the ones with the highest points are a few special team members that everyone is familiar with. They are the most powerful members of the Qingyun Brigade, and they are all sixth-order advanced abilities.

This is what people expected. In the last military competition, these people were also ranked in the top ten alternately.

Although the rules of this shooting competition have changed, it is within the acceptable range of people to rank in the top ten with their tyrannical strength.

However, what surprised the audience was that a little-known figure currently on the field had a vague meaning of surpassing the past.

The gap between these special forces players in front is not that great, the difference is only a few points, but the young man in the field now has the meaning of surpassing everyone and avoiding the crown.

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