In fact, without Yuanguo saying more, Chu Fei had probably already guessed that there was a lot of voices in front of him, obviously there were many city guards gathered, and the environment was extremely noisy.

Turning the corner, a group of people came to a square, where city guards gathered in groups of three or four, and a platform was set up in the center. Although it was simple, it occupied a large area.

Finding a place at random, Liu Zhi took out a few benches that he carried with him, distributed them, and everyone sat down, chatting with each other.

There were more and more people in the square, and as night gradually fell, lights of various colors came on. Chu Fei was a little surprised, and turned his head to observe carefully.

Like a street lamp, it has a long pole with a square lampshade at the top, in which there is an unknown substance that provides light to everyone.

"This is a magic energy lamp. It is driven by crystal nuclei as the driving force. It is relatively rare, but it is more cost-effective than electricity generation."

Noticing Chu Fei's puzzled expression, Ji Ding leaned forward and explained lightly. Under the light, his face was coated with a bright color.

It's a little strange, Chu Fei is from the Ye family, so he shouldn't be ignorant of the magic lamp. There must be something wrong with it.

Sitting next to Chu Fei, Ji Ding looked calm, but slowly pondered in his heart, maybe there is still a lot to be done about this matter.

"I know, but it's really extravagant for the Qingyun Brigade to use magic lamps for entertainment." Chu Fei glanced at Ji Ding strangely, and said lightly, and took out the almost empty cigarette case from his pocket, Pie with a diced chicken.

He did know that such things as magic lamps were rarely seen in the origin base. Although Chu Fei had heard of them, this was the first time he had seen them in kind.

"Hehe, it's not specifically for entertainment. It's also a place for meetings. It's sometimes used, so I've equipped some." Ji Ding took the cigarette, thanked him, and lit it slowly: "It's just that later Because of these recreational activities, the nature has changed."

Spreading his hands, Chu Fei was about to say something, but was interrupted by a loud noise. Subconsciously, he turned his gaze to the stage, and saw a beautiful woman walking up.

"It's Xiaoqian. This is the most beautiful military beauty of our Qingyun brigade. I didn't expect her to host the show today." When Chu Fei turned his head, Ji Ding also noticed it and said with interest.

A sound that has been expanded by supernatural powers spreads across the square. It is extremely crisp and melodious like an oriole. Although the distance is a bit far and the face cannot be seen clearly, just listening to the sound is already very attractive.

After a standard opening remark, the host announced that the party had officially started, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly became restless.

It's not that the program of the party is so good, it's just some singing and dancing. The reason why the atmosphere in the venue can be ignited is because the actors performing on stage are all young, beautiful, handsome men and women.

"It's tasteless." Chu Fei looked at it for a while, then threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, curled his lips, and said.

"Well, it's tasteless, but many people like it very much." Ding Ji also threw away his cigarette butt, and said with a bored face.

He doesn't like this kind of activity very much. If he didn't want to lead Chu Fei to know the way, he wouldn't follow him. He usually stays in the dormitory to practice at this time, and he doesn't have so much time to waste.

"Hey, how can you say it's boring? Look at that ass, that chest. If it weren't for the crystal nucleus in my pocket, I would have to spend money to make one for fun."

Yuan Guo's face was flushed, like a boiled red-skinned duck, she squeezed over from the side, holding a few cans of beer in her hand, and casually threw a can of beer to the two of them.

Chapter 274

"Hey, squad leader Yuan actually bought you a beer. This is not like your usual stingy character." Ji Ding took it and joked with a smile.

As resources became more and more scarce, although things like beer were not very precious, their value was not low. Moreover, the salary of a squad leader was not that high.

"Hey, it's interesting to watch the show with beer." Yuanguo waved his hand indifferently, and sat next to the chicken and chatted.

The lights on the square were flickering, singing and dancing was peaceful, Chu Fei opened the beer in his hand, took a sip into his mouth, and calmly stared ahead.

In this chaos, he felt a rare kind of peace.

Looking at those chatting and laughing people beside him, Chu Fei always felt a sense of alienation that didn't fit in. This feeling was not new before, especially when it was more lively, this feeling of alienation became deeper.

Even Chu Fei thought about whether all this was a dream, or an illusion created by some boring power.

However, if it is a dream or an illusion, how can it be so real and perfect without any loopholes.

Perfect, scary, real, and scary.

"Park Eun-sung is out, everyone, look!"

"Wow, it's so barren and beautiful, how can it be so beautiful."

"Really, it's so beautiful, it's worth dying for me last time!"


The sudden explosion of noise in the field brought Chu Fei back to his senses, and he glanced lightly at the stage, and saw a figure of peerless beauty.

The real person looks much better than it looks on TV, with bright white teeth, firm skin, light makeup, and a sense of immortality in her beauty.

It's just that, on the exposed skin outside the slightly thin clothes, there are red welts, destroying a little beauty.

Not only Chu Fei, but also many supernatural beings noticed this strangeness. The noise gradually calmed down, and the survivors present all started talking about it.

After all, he is the top star in South Korea, and even the world, with fans all over the world. Among the survivors present, there are naturally some.

But no matter how much they like Park Eun-sung, they didn't respond at all. Now it's not a prosperous time, and the most important thing is to live.

"It's a pity." Ji Ding moved the bench and moved closer to Chu Fei's side. Yuanguo had already left at some point, and the rest of the people were also scattered everywhere.

Who doesn't have a few friends, it doesn't necessarily mean that the class must be crowded together, anyway, it's the break time, no one will care about where you want to go.

"Pu Eun-sung was captured by the team leader. According to the system of the base, it should belong to the team leader. It is said that the team leader is not very polite to women, and many people even rumored that he has abusive tendencies."

While talking, Ji Ding's eyes kept falling on Pu Enxing, but unlike others, Ji Ding's gaze was very deep, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"I thought that only small bases would do this, and the dignified origin base actually has such a rule."

Chu Fei laughed lightly, a little admiring in his heart, but he underestimated the base of origin.

In fact, compared with some other forces, the internal rules of the origin base are more suitable for the end of the world. Such rules are more able to attract some powerful survivors to come.

The rules of each base are gradually formed according to different environments, including the city of sin where Chu Fei is located. Among these rules, it is not easy to distinguish which is better, but it must be the most suitable for your base.

Therefore, few bases will change according to the rules of other places.

For example, if a small team of survivors dislikes that their own rules are not perfect enough and rashly copy the rules and regulations of some large bases, their management may not be as good as it was at the beginning.

"Rules can only restrict the weak. They are the same everywhere, and the origin is just the same. The so-called rules that are shown to others are a joke in the eyes of the strong."

Chu Fei sighed, his tone was a little cold, but what he said was true.

"It's the same for all powerful people, as long as you have enough strength and power, you can ignore any laws."

Chicken Ding nodded, and agreed.

When the strength is not enough, they will abide by the rules as far as they can be tolerated, but as long as they have strength, these so-called... educated upper class people will become the most terrifying demons.

"Too boring, I'm going back." Chu Fei shrugged, stood up, and shook his clothes.

He was used to wearing Scarlet Moon, and this clothes made him very uncomfortable. He planned to change the clothes back when there was no one in the dormitory.

With the concealing function of a deceptive mask, presumably it will not be seen by others.

"Well, you go back first, I still have something to do, and I have to go back after finishing."

Ji Ding responded, separated from Chu Fei, turned around and merged into the crowd.

He did have important things to do, and he came out this time for that matter, but he couldn't find an opportunity before.

Chu Fei twitched the corners of his mouth, walked towards the dormitory without saying anything.

The noise behind him became smaller and smaller. Chu Fei walked through the dark road and came to the door of the dormitory. When he entered, he checked specifically, and there was no one else nearby.

Chu Fei couldn't help but be careless. After all, his identity was too sensitive. If someone found out, it would cause a big disturbance.

It would be okay if Chu Fei knew about it, but if the origin base set up an ambush for him when he was not aware of it, even he might be in danger.

A gust of cold wind blew past, penetrated into his clothes through the collar, and brought a gust of cold air. Chu Fei tightened his clothes, and even with his constitution, he felt a little cold.

Before he knew it, the end of the world had already happened for half a year, and Chu Fei was in a daze. Too many things happened in the past six months.

Originally, he was just a very ordinary person. Even if he got a system with incredible functions, he just wanted to open a small shop quietly.

However, he couldn't help himself, and the discovery of the matter was more and more beyond his imagination. Up to now, he has completely deviated from his original idea.

For him, even most of the supernatural beings in the last days don't know how to survive.

Create forces and fight for world hegemony?

Alone, stepping on blood to survive?

Full of guests, three thousand beauties?

However, if you can't even guarantee your life, how can you expect this extravagantly.

In the final analysis, living is the most important thing, other than that, everything can be given up.

Opening the door of the dormitory, Chu Fei walked into the room with firm eyes.

I have been sick for the past few days, I feel uncomfortable, and my mind is dizzy. I will update it for a few days and wait for the illness to recover.

Chapter 248 The Night's Courtyard

After coming to his bed and sitting down, Chu Fei changed his clothes, checked carefully, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, he took out the backpack that was placed next to the quilt.

The temperature in winter was very cold, and the cold dishes in the backpack had already been covered with a thin layer of frost. Chu Fei blew off some dust on them, and ate them all, suppressing the hunger in his stomach just now.

He wanted to practice for a while, but Chu Fei was not used to the cold bed. In fact, with Chu Fei's strong physique, this bit of cold was nothing, but an instinctive discomfort for an unfamiliar environment.

When I was in the restaurant, it was warm in winter and cool in summer, but it had never been so cold.

Chu Fei muttered in his heart, stood up, lit the stove in the dormitory, and lit a cigarette conveniently.

The red flame rose, and occasionally a few sparks splashed onto Chu Fei's exposed skin, bringing a slight tingling sensation. He squatted next to the stove and fiddled with the coals a few times.

He found a very embarrassing thing. If this matter is not handled well, it may make others suspicious.

Although the deceiving mask can change the energy in his body into other attributes, but this is just an illusion. In the final analysis, the essence of Chu Fei's abilities is blood control, and the effects of some fire-type abilities cannot be used.

To put it bluntly, it is just a form. For example, if Chu Fei is asked to use his supernatural power to start a fire, it is simply impossible.

However, it would be fine if he lived alone, but in the collective dormitory, this problem will be exposed sooner or later. After all, there are many places in life that need flames, and it is impossible for Chu Fei to hide them all the time.

We must find a way to move out of the base camp, but the City Guards clearly stipulate that as long as they are still in the establishment, they must live in the base camp.

Even those officers and generals are no exception. The only difference is that they have changed from dormitories to single-person houses.

After thinking hard for a long time, Chu Fei couldn't find an excuse to live outside. The only way to get rid of the collective dormitory was to improve his military rank. Above the company commander, he could have his own private house.

Company commander, it is easy to say, but without the support of the big family, it is also a very difficult thing, let alone the company commander of Qingyun brigade.

Staring at the red flames in front of him, Chu Fei twirled the half of the cigarette in his hand with deep eyes. He did have some ideas, but the chance of success was not very high, and this matter also had some risks.

There was no choice but to do this, Chu Fei threw away the cigarette in his hand, stood up, and walked out the door. After a while, his figure merged into the night.

The stove that was still burning in the house illuminated the dormitory brightly, and against the background of the night, it looked a little eerie and weird.


The Ye family is one of the few families in the origin base. It is said that the owner of the family has some connections with many high-level officials in the origin base.

As one of the most powerful families, the location of the Ye family is naturally quite superior. The entire family is located in the center of the origin base, and the surrounding security is also quite strict.

There are not many people on the street at night, and it is winter and the weather is cold, so there are even fewer people.

In the night, only teams of patrols with flashlights passed by. Other than that, the streets were empty without a single person.

These patrols are all the most elite city guards in the base, and all the supernatural beings are selected after rigorous selection to guard the Ye family. It can be seen that the Ye family has a strong influence in the city guards force.

Dozens of patrol teams shuttled back and forth, and there were almost no gaps among them. With such a strict defense, it was almost impossible for anyone to break in.

But these are not difficult for Chu Fei. Most of these patrols are third- and fourth-level intermediate abilities. If he wants to sneak in, no one will be able to detect him.

To Chu Fei's dismay, the gloomy sky was actually drizzled at this time. In order not to expose his tracks, he could only lurk in the rain, allowing the rain to soak his body.

The drizzle fell on Chu Fei's ink-like hair like a little hoarfrost. On the houses on both sides of the street, the raindrops slid down the eaves, bringing a crisp sound of water.

Chu Fei took a deep breath, his eyes turned red instantly, and he entered a supernatural state.

He knew that his time was limited, and if he didn't return to the dormitory before the roll call, it would not be easy to explain this matter.

Although the soldiers in the City Guard Army did not restrict the entry and exit of soldiers, and many people chose to go out during the rest time, but when they slept at night, they had to go back as soon as possible.

After waiting for a few minutes, Chu Fei finally found an opportunity, chose the short gap between the two patrols, and swept into the Ye family compound.

It's easy to say, but it's actually very difficult. It only takes a second or two. If you don't have enough speed, you can easily be spotted and surrounded.

The Ye family compound is huge, like a small ancient castle, and it looks a little gloomy in the dark night.

Avoiding the sight of the patrol team, Chu Fei walked around the towering courtyard wall of the Ye family for a few steps. After confirming that it was safe, he tapped his right foot lightly, like a bat soaring into the sky, and quickly passed the wall.

It landed without making a sound, and the patrols inside and outside were on alert as always, and they never expected that someone had already lurked in under their noses.

When he came, Chu Fei used a deception mask to transform the clothes on his body into tight-fitting night clothes. At this time, he blended into the thick night, and it was difficult to distinguish without careful observation.

The drizzle of this matter has become more and more dense, forming a mist in the quiet Ye family courtyard.

Chu Fei wiped the rainwater off his face, and continued walking, directly onto the cobbled road.

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