However, Chu Fei just came to the army today, and the training task was only assigned at noon. After that, the two of them had no contact with each other. Naturally, there would be no reason or condition for cheating.

"800-meter shooting training statistics, zero hits, hit rate, zero percent, comprehensive score, zero points, evaluation, very poor!"

The statistician's cold voice came from the field, and the expression on the tall and thin man's face froze instantly, as if he had heard something incredible.

"Impossible, this is impossible, you are playing me, you are all colluding to play me!" The thin and tall man looked like a madman.With intense disbelief in his eyes, he stared blankly ahead, this result made him unacceptable.

It's not that they can't afford to lose. They lost a lot. If it was a normal duel, they wouldn't say much if they lost. However, today's incident is weird from the inside out.

When he was shooting just now, he was in very good condition. He obviously hit a lot of hits. He even roughly guessed how many points some evaluations would have. Why when it comes to statistics, he can’t count them even after he ordered them!

"Comrade Li Quan, please calm down. If you suspect that the record is false, you can check it yourself. However, please solve your personal problems as soon as possible, so as not to affect everyone's training."

The monitor frowned. Li Quan's undisciplined eyes had already made him very annoyed, although he also felt that this matter was a bit strange.

However, even if there is anything, it has nothing to do with him. It has nothing to do with him. He doesn't want to offend others. In the last days, most people who like to meddle in their own business will not live long.

(End of this chapter)

{Old iron, please remember the new Bayi Chinese website}


244 palm phantom ring

﹄New Bayi Chinese Website—﹃ Bookmarkable online novel reading website

The stern words of the monitor calmed down the tall and thin man. Indeed, the chances of the statisticians broadcasting false data are very small. First of all, the time for the event to happen is too short, and there is no time to prepare in advance.

Secondly, a little inspection of this matter can tell whether it is true or false. If this is true, the rest of the soldiers waiting in line for the test will also find the loopholes.

Once this kind of thing happens, it will shake the morale of the army and destroy the cohesion of the army. Not to mention a small recorder, even the head of the regiment can't afford such a responsibility at all.

"I, I'm applying for a reexamination!" Although he knew that there would be no results, the tall and thin man was still a little unwilling. Even if the hope was slim, he had to see the results with his own eyes, otherwise how could he give up.

With a cold snort, the monitor did not refuse, and waved his hand, asking the statistician to take the tall and thin man to review, but in his heart he was somewhat dissatisfied with the tall and thin man's time-wasting behavior.

The tall and thin man and the statistician trotted to the shooting range 800 meters away, and checked one by one the targets they used for training. There were no traces on them, and they were obviously brand new.

Could it be that he really didn't hit it?

The thin and tall man was a little shaken in his heart, but before, he obviously saw many bullets hit the target with his own eyes, or did he have hallucinations?

However, the fact is here, even if the tall and thin man has doubts in his heart, he can only accept it, turn around and return to the rear team.

"Is there any dissatisfaction with the statistical results?" The monitor asked the tall and thin man with a cold face. It was just an ordinary target shooting training, but so many things could happen.

"No more, I accept." The tall and thin man lowered his head, and his body was a little awkward. In this way, the title of the bottom one in their group was completely confirmed.

Inadvertently, he saw Chu Fei's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile,

He must be playing tricks on this matter, the tall and thin man gritted his teeth, but there was no evidence, so he could only silently turn his head to the side.

"Okay, let's continue training." The monitor gave an order, and the training ground became lively again.

Leaning on the trunk of the dead tree, a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Fei's mouth, which made Tong Zhi, who was cleaning the gun beside him, feel a little cold. He was almost sure that the situation of the two had something to do with Chu Fei.

This is too obvious, it is easy to detect, maybe it is a supernatural ability, or other means, Tong Zhi doesn't know, but he doesn't really want to know, he just thinks he should be more careful in the future, and don't provoke Chu Fei.

Such a cunning person is not something he can easily provoke, maybe one day, he will put himself to death.

"Yes, you are really proficient at sitting up this kind of thing."

The cold system synthesizer sounded, and he was talking with Chu Fei in his heart. He couldn't hear any emotion in the voice alone, but after being separated from the system for so long, Chu Fei could naturally feel that the system was more satisfied.

First, the short and fat man was sprayed with diarrhea spray to make him unable to perform at the training ground, and then he used the phantom ring to create an illusion, so that all the bullets of the thin and tall man fell through. A series of things were connected to achieve this effect.

It cannot be said to be too difficult, but it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. First of all, although the diarrhea spray is colorless and odorless, it is not easy to spray it on people without people being aware of it.

Moreover, the time requirement is also very strict. If it is earlier, the training of the fat and thin group will be postponed. If it is later, the short and fat people will get more points. In that case, winning or losing cannot be determined. up.

However, the first step is often more difficult. As long as there are no accidents at the beginning, the rest is easy to talk about. You only need to use the phantom ring when the tall and thin man enters the field.

Many items seem to have no effect at a glance, but under certain circumstances, their effects cannot be underestimated. For example, the phantom ring that Chu Fei is currently wearing on his finger.

Name: Phantom Ring

Rating: Four-star equipment

Function: create fantasy

Introduction: A prop ring, often used to assist psychotherapy, select a target, guide it for ten seconds, and create a certain phantom for it, the phantom lasts for 5 minutes, it is not easy to be noticed, but there is nothing attack capability.

I have to say, this ring is pretty tasteless, and the restrictions are too great, and it is rarely usable in normal times.

First of all, there is a ten-second guide time, which directly limits its use in battle. Secondly, the phantom created has no attack power, and there is a time limit. In this way, the place where this ring can be used is only Really limited.

However, it's still a bit useful if it's chicken ribs.

With a chuckle, Chu Fei twirled the ring on his finger, which seemed to be made of platinum, shining faintly in the sun.

After the test of a group of members was completed, it was finally Chu Fei's turn. This was already the third test. After this round was completed, it was time for dinner.

They were still in the familiar posture, they were still familiar with the firearms in their hands, and both of them were performing fairly normally. Anyway, for Chu Fei, there were only two states: extraordinary performance and normal performance.

Misfired?It doesn't exist, his marksmanship has no room for improvement, even if he can get caught by a gun, it is already a very big thing for him.

After the test was completed and the results were received, the two waited on the sidelines chatting in every possible way. The rest of the groups also completed one after another. Finally, the statistics came out. Without exception, the duo of pit ratio won the bottom No.1.

Although he won the victory, it was a bit embarrassing after all. Tong Zhi drooped his head from the side, looking downcast. On the other hand, Chu Fei was full of energy. It seemed that he had won No.2 from the bottom, which was still a very extraordinary achievement. .

Looking at the triumphant Chu Fei, the Kengbi duo felt very angry, but they could only admit defeat, stand in front of the team, and accept the criticism from the team leader.

"It's you again, can you fight for your strength, you have always been the last one when you hit me." The head of the regiment just came back from the outside, and when he saw the two of them, his beard trembled a little: "And Huang Sa, you You are obedient, last time I said don't let me see you as the last one, but this time you are doing well, you just dragged Ying Ji over!"

Under the lingering prestige of the head of the group, the two trembled and said nothing, their faces were full of shame, although they were used to being ashamed, but this time, they were more embarrassing than ever before.

(End of this chapter)

{Old iron, please remember the new Bayi Chinese website}


Chapter 245 Park Eun-sung

﹄New Bayi Chinese Website—﹃ Bookmarkable online novel reading website

After cursing for a while, the anger in the leader's heart gradually dissipated. He kicked the two people's buttocks one by one, and said impatiently: "Old rules, everyone votes for punishment at the party, now take the team to dinner !"

After all, power is a very scarce commodity. When it gets dark, all training will be terminated. In order to increase entertainment, the City Guards will hold a party every night to bring everyone together for entertainment.

Of course, if you don't want to participate in the party, you only need to sign your name and then go back to practice. In this regard, the senior officials of the city guards did not give any restrictions.

And many entertainment items were also kept in the party, such as the interesting punishment of each team, the hot dance of some beauties accompanying the army, etc. In short, the night is the most indulgent moment for the city guards.

After all, it is now the end of the world, and the city guard army is not the original organization, most of them are people who joined later, and naturally many of the army's previous habits have been changed.

If you have to compare it with the outside, it can only be said that it is more disciplined and stricter, but in essence, it is no different from some survivor teams.

After explaining everything and reporting on the training process in the afternoon, the team started to move slowly as the team leader announced that they would be taken back. They walked to the entrance of the cafeteria and announced their disbandment.

"Hey, Chu Ning, don't you want to eat?" Yuan Guo was about to eat, but when he saw Chu Fei who turned around and walked back, he couldn't help being a little puzzled, and called out casually.

Although there is no task to do after eating, in order to cultivate the habits of the army personnel, the city guards still stipulated that there is only half an hour for eating. It seems generous, but in fact it is not a lot.

Because the cafeteria is only that size, leaving aside the queuing up for meals, there is not much time left for real meals. Therefore, Yuanguo is in such a hurry. If you go late, the portions of meals will definitely not be enough Very full.

"Ah? Oh, I don't want to eat. You can eat. If you have anything to do, just go to the dormitory and call me." Thinking of the hard-to-swallow food in the cafeteria, Chu Fei became terrified, and quickly refused.

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, as if he was escaping from a beast. Yuanguo was a little curious, looked at Chu Fei's back in a hurry, and muttered something, but no one heard him clearly.


In the dormitory of Class [-] and Class [-], Chu Fei tidied up his bed, half-lyed on the quilt, and called out the system purchase interface in his mind.

Just kidding, he would never go back to touch the messy things in the cafeteria. Anyway, he has a system, so he can eat fresh fruits and vegetables at any time.

However, there is no way to cook here, so he can only eat it raw. This kind of condition is extremely difficult for him.

It is only natural for people to suffer a little from the heavens, and in Chu Fei's heart, he can only use this statement to comfort himself.

Eggplant, no, tomato, this can be mixed with sugar, beans, how can this thing be eaten raw, apple, yes, this can be had, where is the salad dressing, salad dressing...

As he browsed, Chu Fei exchanged various ingredients, and made several cold dishes based on different ingredients.

Cold tomato, apple salad, cold cucumber.

There are a total of three dishes that are not considered dishes, and they were completed in just a moment. Chu Fei took the rice bowl issued by the city guards and devoured them hungrily. He only ate a bowl of rice at noon, and he was already hungry. The chest is attached to the back.

It has to be said that the food produced by the system is delicious, even if it is just three cold dishes, Chu Fei tastes like delicacies from mountains and seas now, but eating cold dishes in the deep winter always feels a little strange.

However, when Chu Fei was halfway through eating, there was a noisy sound outside the door. Chu Fei stopped swallowing immediately, packed up his things, lay down on the bed quickly, and flipped through a magazine.

At the door, Yuanguo and everyone from class [-] and [-] walked in laughingly, saw Chu Fei lying on the bed, and greeted him.

"Hey, who told you to touch my playboy!" Wang Liping glanced at the magazine in Chu Fei's hand, snatched it back quickly, with a complaining expression on his face: "This is a rare edition, I worked hard to get it If you find this one, what if you lose it?"

Startled by Wang Liping, Chu Fei twitched his fingers, subconsciously wanting to make a move, but then he reacted and dissipated the condensed energy in his body.

This is purely a habit, a habit that any survivor in the last days will have, and Wang Liping's action just now is also very dangerous, if it is someone else, it may not be able to hold back the strength in his hand.

"By the way, I didn't see it. You like this one too?" Wang Liping put away the magazine carefully and carefully, put it in front of Chu Fei, and said with a wretched smile: "Then you have a good eye tonight. I heard that when our boss went out, he brought back a star."

Some are not used to moving to the side, Chu Fei glanced at the backpack at hand, and said perfunctorily: "Star, this is strange, I thought they were all dead."

This is true, since the outbreak of the end of the world, Chu Fei has never seen any celebrities appear. These extremely arrogant guys before the end of the world seem to have disappeared without any news.

This is all understandable. After all, the places they often come and go are relatively prosperous places. Once the end of the world breaks out, it is not easy to escape.

Even if they escaped by luck, with their good looks, if they meet some bad luck survivors, they won't end well. Therefore, celebrities have become a scarce crowd now.

"It's a Korean star named Park Eun-sung. I heard it's very famous. I don't follow stars, so I don't know much about it." Shrugging his shoulders, Wang Liping said happily: "But she will perform at night, we can go to see it together. look."

Nodding his head, Chu Fei then perfunctory, but he was not interested in this in his heart.

He has also heard of this Park Eun-sung. She is a very popular film and television star. She has acted in many movies and is beautiful. There has never been any scandal. In the industry, she is known as a jade girl.

When he was extremely bored, Chu Fei also watched a few of her TV series, which were really good, but if he liked them, it would be a long way off.

Even if she is famous, she is just a star. Who will give her face in the last days, and she is not a high-level supernatural being. For Chu Fei, instead of paying attention to this woman, it is better to worry about the unfinished food in his backpack. meals.

Damn it, he ate half of it, but he was interrupted by someone, he couldn't get up and down, Chu Fei was very uncomfortable now, but he couldn't say anything to Yuan Guo and the others.

(End of this chapter)

{Old iron, please remember the new Bayi Chinese website}


2Chapter 16 Party

After all, it is not something that can be blatantly blatant. If someone finds out, it will be quite troublesome. It is difficult to explain the source of food alone.

This is also the bad thing about dormitories. The private space is really too small. If you want to do something, you have to think about it a lot.

"By the way, Chuning, you can go to the party with us in a while. By the way, let's find out the way. We will also hold meetings there in the future."

Everyone chatted for a while, Yuan Guo sat on the bed, opened his mouth suddenly, snuffed out the half-smoked cigarette, and put it on the ashtray beside him.

This is a habit he has developed recently, because the resources that can be obtained from the outside world are getting less and less, and the cigarettes at the base have become a luxury, and the selling price is also very expensive.

And he is just a small squad leader, the salary he can receive every month is not very high, and the amount of smoking has gradually increased.

He has been a smoker for more than 20 years, but now he can only smoke a few cigarettes a week, and only when he is addicted to cigarettes, he will smoke one to satisfy his cravings.

"Okay, then let's go there now." Chu Fei also snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand, and said lightly, looking at the small half of the cigarette left in the ashtray, Yuan Guo couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart.

As expected of someone who has a relationship with a big family, from some small details in life, you can see the luxury that is different from others.

In fact, Chu Fei didn't really want to participate in this party. He still had leftovers to eat, and his stomach wasn't full yet, but Yuanguo said as before, so he couldn't find a reason to refute. .

However, Chu Fei really didn't know the direction of the conference hall, so it's not a bad thing to get acquainted with it. After all, future meetings will be held there.

"Okay, anyway, there is nothing to do now, let's go there together." Yuan Guo stood up and greeted everyone: "Now is the rest time, you can wear casual clothes, and you don't need to queue up."

The veterans all know this kind of thing, and Yuanguo naturally told Chu Fei that as long as the training in the afternoon is completed, the rules in the city guard army will be much looser, which is almost the same as going to and from work.

Anyway, after all, this is the end of the world, and most of the city guards are not professional soldiers. Many of them are joined by ordinary people with awakened abilities. If the management is too strict, many people may not be able to stand it.

Loose and loose, this is the best management method, even some scattered teams except for the seven major troops, the management regulations are more loose, in comparison, other teams are also much more free.

Nodding his head, Chu Fei stood up directly from the bed and walked out with a few people. On the way, Yuan Guo was chatting with everyone, Chu Fei lowered his head, did not speak, and was silently thinking about something in his heart.

"It's just ahead, turn around and we'll be there. At this time, some people should have passed by." Yuan Guo stopped talking, turned around, and smiled at Chu Fei.

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