Suddenly changed the subject, "My mom also read the news last night."

Xu Qian was very calm, she didn't look at Qi Lei, she looked straight at the small forest in No. [-] Middle School.

"she says……"

"What are you talking about? This son-in-law is too ugly to have?"

"Listen to me."

Xu Xiaoqian didn't have the slightest intention of joking, "My mother said that on your terms, I can be specially recruited into Kazakhstan No. [-] Middle School."

Qi Lei: "..."

Xu Qian seemed to be complaining, but also seemed to be stating something, "Actually, I know what she's thinking." She pouted, very dissatisfied, "Pretending to be open-minded, but in fact she is very narrow-minded, worse than my father!"

Qi Lei: "..."

"Huh..." Xu Xiaoqian let out a long breath, "But what can I do? She is my mother, and she is more cunning than me. Moreover, she was cunning once, but gave you such a good opportunity, isn't it just right?"

Qi Lei suddenly smirked, "So, what are you going to say? If you are willing to beg me..."

"No!" Xu Xiaoqian suddenly turned her head and looked directly at Qi Lei, "Don't think about it! It's an opportunity, a very good opportunity, don't give up on it because of anyone!"

Xu Xiaoqian entered the sage mode.

"But don't think that what I said to you is to keep something. We... We haven't reached that point yet. At least we can't do without each other. Besides, I have no right to stop you from flying higher. That is Take advantage of your opportunity."

Qi Lei: "..."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Go to your Harbin No. [-] Middle School obediently, it's closer to the university you want to go to!"

"If, I mean if, if three years from now, we're still like this..."

"Then...see you at university! No matter where you go, I will follow you!!"

"Crack!" To be honest, Qi Lei couldn't help but be speechless at the moment Xu Xiaoqian was so rambunctious.

"You're really good! Why did you meet from No. [-] Middle School and go to University?"

"There's only one month left, and three years in prison?"

I saw Xu Xiaoqian switch from sage mode to Wenqing mode again, "Maybe... this is life."

Qi Lei's teeth hurt a little, "Then what if we're not like what we are now in three years' time?"

"Have you made up your mind to separate the two places? Don't think it's only a three-hour drive from Shangbei to Harbin, but it's still a distance! People's hearts will change!"

When Xu Qian was told by him, she suddenly felt a tingling pain in her heart, her nose was sour, and her eyes were covered with mist.

"Then... let's do it!"

"Spend this summer vacation happily, and then thank each other, what's the matter?"

Qi Lei: "..."

"Student Xu Xiaoqian! As you said, we don't have that kind of relationship... But, no matter what, I'm still a pretty boy, right? Do you want to be so heartless?"

"Qi Lei!" Xu Xiaoqian roared suddenly... "I'm not joking with you! Can you be more serious!"

This is the first quarrel between Xu Xiaoqian and Qi Lei, and it may be the last...

"Do you understand, this is not the time to be impulsive! If you miss this time, you will regret it for the rest of your life!" Afraid that Qi Lei would say something childish again, he suddenly slowed down, "Listen to me once? Don't worry, as long as you don't If you change, I will stay the same, no matter where you go after three years, I will be with you."


Qi Lei suddenly wanted to laugh, and he also suddenly understood why the IQ of men and women in love plummets, because there is indeed dog blood everywhere.

However, I can't bear it, because Xu Qian is definitely not the kind of girl who talks about it...she will definitely do what she says.

"Xu are right, if I miss this time, I may regret it for the rest of my life..."

"Hey!" With a long sigh, he was much more solemn, "Student Xu Naozhi, do you know? Your performance has been really bad recently!"

"Since you knew that I also entered the second middle school, you have become a lot colder, which makes me very upset!"

Xu Xiaoqian turned her head aside, "I didn't!"

Qi Lei didn't care about her, "Originally, I should have told you when school started. At least for this month, some people will cherish it and don't dare to do it again!"

"However, I really can't bear to see you suffer."

Seeing Xu Qian turning her head aside, with a distressed look, "Tell me what?"

Qi Lei took a deep breath: "Don't feel bad, Kazakhstan No. [-] High School's admission call got home early in the morning, and my brother refused."


Xu Xiaoqian turned her head sharply and stared at Qi Lei, her eye circles were still red.

"What did you say?"

I saw Qi Lei spread his hands, "Refused!"

Xu Qian was anxious, "Why? Are you sick?"

Qi Lei, "What's wrong with the best school? Do you think I, a player who failed in all subjects, can take the No. 1 exam? Go back to the bottom, and I'll look for setbacks?"

"Besides, I don't want to go to Qingbei, let alone go to Harvard and Cambridge to suffer that foreign crime. I just want to take the exam in Beiguang. Do I need to go to No. [-] Middle School and be ravaged by all kinds of gods?"

Xu Qian: "..."

At this time, Qi Lei had a smirk on his face, "Anxin! You are too stupid and soft-hearted, I dare not leave you alone."

Xu Qian: "!!!!"

Staring at Qi Lei for a while, he stood up abruptly, "I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

Turned around and left, her face was already red to the ears...

"Asshole! You are a liar! Say it earlier!"

Leaving Qi Lei behind to push the car and chase after him fiercely.

"Xu Xiaoqian, you have to treat me better in the future."




"I gave up Kazakhstan No. [-] High School for you. It's a big sacrifice!"


"You just said that you don't want to go!"


"I said that because I was afraid you would feel guilty."


"Show face, it's quite expensive!"


"Xu Xiaoqian, can you not pretend to be mature in front of me in the future? It's disgusting."


"Qi, Lei! I'll talk to you again today, I'm a puppy!!"


"Wang Wang!"





Chapter 69 Ding: Your mother-in-law and principal have arrived

It was already afternoon when Xu Qian returned home, humming songs all the way back.

"The breeze gently... blows your loose hair..."

Zhang Nan was sitting in the living room, knitting a sweater. When he saw her come back, he didn't ask too much.

After the mother and daughter chatted for a while, Xu Qian bounced back to the room and closed the door, not knowing what she was doing.

Zhang Nan sat alone for a long time, and when it was nearly four o'clock, he finally got up and went outside Xu Qian's door.

Knocked on the door, "Can Mom come in?"

Xu Xiaoqian seemed a little dull, "Come in!"

Zhang Nan is quite strange, what's the matter?Aren't you fine when you come back?

After entering, I found out that I was playing computer.

This was pretended at the beginning of the summer vacation, as a reward for Xu Xiaoqian's high school entrance examination results.

It's just that the Internet fee is a bit expensive, and even the Xu family's conditions are a bit painful.

Taking a closer look, my daughter was fully invested in a post by a netizen who knew he was not a good person just by his screen name.

What's the name of the netizen - ruffian Cai?

The name of the post is - ["First Intimate Contact"]

Well, just looking at the name, it belongs to an eclectic article teaching bad children.

Although Zhang Nan didn't like it, he also respected the child's wishes and didn't directly order it to be turned off, but his vigilance was getting higher and higher.

Qi Lei, who is not simple, now sees such gaudy posts, dangerous!

Unceremoniously sat cross-legged on the bed, "Shall I chat with Mom?"

Although Xu Xiaoqian was a little reluctant, she still turned her gaze back to her mother, "Okay!"

The eye circles are red.

Zhang Nan was even more vigilant, "Why are you still crying?"

Xu Xiaoqian said out of nowhere, "Fate is really abominable, Qingwu Feiyang is so pitiful."


These days, being a mother is not easy. If you don't pay attention, you can't keep up with the rhythm. I thought it was some kind of sad story about spring and autumn, which touched my daughter's heart.

After all, the daughter may not know that the kid named Qi Lei actually gave up the chance to go to Harbin No. [-] High School.

After thinking about it, "When you were in cram school, mom called the boy's home."

Xu Xiaoqian stared at the computer and rolled her eyes, "How is it? Is that guy very happy?"

Zhang Nan didn't pay attention to his daughter's expression, "No, he refused?"


Although Xu Xiaoqian already knew about it, why did she still feel so happy after hearing what her mother said?

Cursed, "Don't talk to him, he's a fool!"

Zhang Nan rolled his eyes, fool?The fool can't get your mother out of it in the first round?

Changing the subject, "What are you doing at night?"

"Go to the night market!"

"To find that little boy?"

Xu Xiaoqian became vigilant, "Mom! What do you want to say?"

Zhang Nan leaned forward, "Tell me about that kid!"

Say it!Xu Xiaoqian is not afraid at all.

He simply turned off the computer, bit his lower lip and pondered for a long time.

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