She regretted it now, as if she didn't need to mobilize the crowd like that.

I don't understand why my silly girl fell in love with him?Maybe it's just a temporary attraction, and it won't last long.

What's more, it's not only not good for such a student to go to Kazakhstan No. [-] Middle School, but it will harm him.

After pondering for a moment, he did not change his mind in the end.

First of all, the words have already been spoken to the daughter, and it is difficult to take them back.

Second, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

In case Xu Qian really can't extricate herself, it's better not to be careless.

Having said that, Zhang Nan called Qi's family according to the phone number on his school record.

In fact, Zhang Nan is also curious, what kind of family can raise such a good literary talent, but also such a serious child?What kind of little boy is that?

What's even more curious is, what's so good about this kid that makes his daughter so fascinated?

"Hi, hello, I'm the director of the admissions office of Harbin No. [-] Middle School."

"Are you Qi Lei's mother?"


On the other end of the phone was Guo Lihua, who was at home on the weekend. After hearing the intention of the other person's visit, Guo Lihua's lips turned white.

special move! ?

Harbin No. [-] Middle School...! ?

Chapter 68

How important is the status of Ha No. [-] Middle School in the hearts of Longjiang people?

Let's put it this way, even if Guo Lihua imagined her son as a flower in her dream, she would not dare to lean in the direction of Ha No. [-] Middle School.

For junior high school students in non-Harbin city, not only ordinary students are out of reach, even Xu Xiaoqian's academic spirit may not be able to control this dream high school.

too far.

It was a top class with an average score of 650 or more. Freshmen who were admitted to Qingbei and famous foreign universities every year had to be counted as "nests".

The craziest quote among the three is:

"If you don't study hard, you can go to Harbin Institute of Technology!"

But this is the reality. If you can't pass the main line there, you are ashamed to say that you came out of the third middle school.

That is where the gods of learning gather.

When Guo Lihua heard the news, she was in a bad mood and couldn't speak anymore.

Zhang Nan on the other side of the phone didn't despise such a gaffe, he was no stranger to it.

No. [-] Middle School has this ability, which makes all the parents lose their composure and makes all Longjiang students go crazy.

To Guo Lihua: "The call today is just to inform the students, and our school will mail the follow-up admission procedures and notices."

"By the way... Is student Qi Lei at home? We want to get to know this child in advance."

"In the!"

Guo Lihua immediately called Qi Lei who was about to go out to answer the phone, "The teacher from Ha No. [-] Middle School is looking for you."

During the period, I still didn't forget to pull on Qi Guojun, and said viciously, "Your son is going to enter Kazakhstan No. [-] Middle School!!"

Qi Guojun was startled, but frowned.

Qi Lei was going to make an appointment with Xu Xiaoqian, but he didn't know what was going on, so he frowned when he heard about Ha No. [-] Middle School.

Anyway, I answered the phone first, "Hello, teacher!"

Zhang Nan at the other end heard it, combined with the image in the news, he felt that he was a well-behaved boy, "Hello, Qi Lei!"

"Did your mother tell you? Your situation meets the special admission requirements of No. [-] Middle School. I hope that your study career in No. [-] Middle School will go to a higher level."

Qi Lei's heart shuddered, his brows furrowed even deeper.

Looking back at my mother, seeing her eyes full of expectations, she pondered for a moment, and suddenly said something that made Zhang Nan vomit blood.

"Teacher, can I choose not to go?"

Guo Lihua was startled, and so was Director Zhang who was opposite.

On the contrary, Qi Guojun's hesitant expression suddenly eased up, and he lightly pressed Guo Lihua's shoulder, which meant to tell her not to lose her temper.

Zhang Nan on the opposite side set off a turbulent sea, and was silent for a long time before asking a question.

"Can you give me a reason? Is it because you don't want to leave Shangbei?"

I almost didn't say it directly, are you going to cling to my daughter?

"Student Qi Lei, I think you should be clear about the status of No.[-] Middle School in Longjiang and in the whole country."

"We have the best educational resources in Longjiang Province, and we also have exchanges with well-known foreign middle schools. We also encourage students to participate in various domestic and international competitions. The opportunities that No. [-] Middle School has are beyond your reach in Shangbei."

What are you kidding?Kazakhstan!got rejected?

Qi Lei first gave his mother a calm look, and then said to the phone: "It's an honor to be recognized by No. [-] Middle School, but..."

"It's like this. No. [-] Middle School is indeed a good school, and I am very yearning for it. But referring to my personal situation, No. [-] Middle School is by no means the best choice."

"Oh?" On the phone, "Why?"

Qi Lei, "The teacher may not be very clear. Apart from my composition and English level, my grades in other subjects are very poor, and I have almost no foundation."

"Also, I don't belong to the kind of people who are particularly gifted academically."

"Entering No. [-] Middle School will not only be a bad thing for No. [-] Middle School's overall grades, but it will also be difficult for me personally to adapt to the learning rhythm of No. [-] Middle School."

"Once the grades fail to keep up with the average level of No. [-] Middle School, it will also be a blow to my personal self-confidence. Are you right?"

Qi Lei's answer was logically clear, so calm that it was frighteningly calm, leaving Zhang Nan speechless.

The first thought in my heart was actually: broken!


After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei didn't make much trouble.

Rejecting the third middle school is not an impulsive move, let alone giving up such a good opportunity for someone.

No matter how big the ass is, how big the hole is, as far as his talent and level are concerned, Shangbei No. [-] Middle School is a bit high, let alone Harbin No. [-] Middle School.

The learning tasks, learning atmosphere, and competitive pressure there are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

When he got there, even a top student would have to bow his head and be a man. Would he still have a way to survive as a scumbag?

Unless he spends all his energy and time on his studies for the next three years, maybe there will be different results.

However, Lao Tzu was born again!In addition to studies, do you have other concerns, may you bet all your energy on studies?

To be honest, just focus on one Shangbei key point, so don't worry about it before it's too late!

The first time I looked at my mother, I opened my mouth and said, "It's done, don't slap me in the face!"

Guo Lihua didn't move, her eyes were full of disappointment.

It wasn't because Qi Lei made his own decisions and missed a great opportunity, but because of herself.

In fact, from the day the news was broadcast, Guo Lihua discovered that her son didn't seem to need her very much.

She really couldn't make decisions for Qi Lei anymore, just by looking at her husband's expression, she could tell that her son's choice was right, and she was really laid off.

Forced to squeeze out a smile, "Mom won't hit you, you can decide your own affairs in the future."

Qi Guojun, on the other hand, smiled brightly, and gave his son a positive look, "Growing up, you have a sense of propriety."

This is in line with Qi Guojun's own character, he is known for his stability.When I heard about Kazakhstan No. [-] Middle School, it was a fairyland with no boundaries, so why did I go there?

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!

Qi Lei: "..."

Wow, I can't adapt to this change?

Am I... completely free from domestic violence?


On the other side, Zhang Nan hung up the phone in a daze, never expecting such a result.

This kid is a bit difficult to deal with!

You know, even the parents lost their composure, but a 16-year-old child is so sober?

What Qi Lei said was correct. Before making this call, Zhang Nan came to the conclusion that even if there is a special move, such a child is not suitable for entering the third middle school.

It doesn't matter how much influence it has on the No. [-] Middle School, but with his good articles, his future achievements are not just a composition or a report copy.

Any composition contest or literary award can offset the difference in his grades and bring honor to the No. [-] Middle School.

On the contrary, it was of no benefit to Qi Lei himself to enter the third middle school.

A student who is seriously biased and has no academic talent will be restrained by the No. [-] Middle School, all pride will be smoothed out, and future development will be restricted instead.

As an admissions teacher, she knows this better than parents.

But, no matter what, it was Kazakhstan No. [-] Middle School!It is also ranked among the top middle schools in the country!

Just let him reject it?How much concentration does this need?

Calm scary!

This made Zhang Nan realize the seriousness of the problem. This little kid is not simple, and his daughter is in danger.

Maybe... a change of strategy?


Xu Xiaoqian waited for Qi Lei who was late, and didn't complain too much.

"Will you walk with me?"

Qi Lei could see that she was depressed, but he didn't know why.

"Okay, where do you want to go?"



Thus, Qi Lei picked up Xu Xiaoqian and started racing all the way in Shangbei City.

Logically speaking, you should choose a place with elegant scenery, or a place with acceptable style, to start a romantic date.

For example, the rice fields outside the city, Xinghua Mountain in the south of the city, or places like Crescent Lake and Lalin River in the west of the city.

However, at this moment they didn't go anywhere, because no matter where they are, they are home, and the supporting scenery is no longer important.

Two people, one car, killed from the north of the city to the south of the city, and wandered from the south of the city to the east of the city.

Along the way, we talked about things that didn't matter what they were, and laughed out loud because we didn't know what they were.

Finally, when Qi Lei was on the verge of cramps, the two finally stopped at the No. [-] Middle School and sat opposite the main entrance, on the edge of the broken building in the development zone.

It is said to be a development zone, but it is actually a market surrounded by a circle of commercial buildings.

Because the developer ran away, the few houses near No. [-] Middle School were only built with three floors.

The two sat side by side, looking at No. [-] Middle School across the road, Xu Xiaoqian suddenly asked: "Qi Lei, have you thought about going to college?"

Qi Lei thought about it seriously, "Thought about it."

"Then do you have a goal?"



"you guess."

"..." Xu Xiaoqian didn't want to guess, gritted her teeth, and nodded heavily for some reason.

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