"Well, it's very smart, very funny, and has a cohesive force that brings everyone around it together."

"Also, the article is well written and the knowledge is profound."

"He likes Yu Guangzhong, and he also knows Wilde, anyway, he is very good!"

Zhang Nan...

Zhang Nan's heart turned cold when he heard that.

It doesn't matter if you praise, the key point is when you praise, can you not have little stars in your eyes?

Fortunately, Zhang Nan has rich experience in fighting, "That's... still a pretty good kid."

Xu Xiaoqian was overjoyed when she heard her mother say that, "Isn't it? It's amazing!"

As everyone knows, Zhang Nan has murderous intentions hidden, "Then there are no shortcomings? You are a girl, and you don't just judge people by their strengths."

"Being friends, the advantage is his upper limit, you may not be able to touch it."

"But the disadvantage is the lower limit of a person, and it will definitely be touched."

Xu Xiaoqian listened carefully and nodded repeatedly.

My mother has always spoken so philosophically, which makes people speechless.

"Disadvantages!? A lot!"

Counting on his fingers, "I'm so thick-skinned! I'm so annoying! I want to strangle him! Childish! Hmm! Very childish!"


Zhang Nanxin said, it's over!It's all over now! !

Silly girl, how can this be a shortcoming?Besides, that kid is still naive?Ha Sanzhong's special moves can be treated calmly in front of him, is he still naive?

Zhang Nan had no choice but to be cautious, and said, "This kid is very good, my daughter is very discerning!"

But I was thinking about countermeasures in my heart, and finally...

"By the way, Qianqian, what do you think about my mother being transferred back to Shangbei?"

Xu Qian raised her eyebrows secretly. When she came, she knew that the old fox would not give up.

After thinking about it, I thought, if I say it's not good, will I not be transferred back?It seems that there are two options, "yes" and "no", but in fact... there is only one.

"Okay, I just go to No. [-] Middle School, so you won't have to run around on weekends!"

"Okay!" Zhang Nan stretched out his palm, "For my daughter, it's settled like this!"

Xu Xiaoqian and her mother clapped hands to celebrate, "Oh!"

Are you going to No. [-] Middle School?Xu Xiaoqian looked forward to it instead.

Mom didn't understand Qi Lei so she was so repulsive. If she went to No. [-] Middle School, maybe she would have seen Qi Lei's excellence?


After five o'clock, Xu Xiaoqian went out with red eyes. After chatting with her mother, she turned on the computer and read a novel for a while.As a result, I was at the point where I was sad, and I couldn't slow it down.

Seeing that she was gone, Zhang Nan called her husband, "Come back early tonight, my daughter's problem is very serious."

"What's more, I remember the old Cheng from the Education Committee said, has the principal Gao of No. [-] Middle School been transferred back to the Education Committee? I've made up my mind that I will be transferred back to Shangbei."

Still the same sentence, for this kind of thing, "blocking" is worse than "sparse". Zhang Nan will not directly oppose his daughter's contact with the boy, it will only be counterproductive.

But keep an eye out!

Now she seriously suspects that that bastard named Qi Lei refused Ha Sanzhong's invitation not only because he was sober, but because he was hiding a more sinister purpose.

Must be vigilant at all times.

"Come back early, let's go to the old Cheng's house. Isn't his family Lele and Qianqian have a good relationship? Please also ask Lele to help us keep an eye on it."

Xu Wenliang on the other end of the phone didn't take it seriously at first, but it was the first time that his wife paid so much attention to it, and he couldn't help but be dignified.

"There is still a short meeting, go back right away!"

Zhang Nan's rank in Harbin No. [-] Middle School belongs to the administrative director, in charge of enrollment and supervision of teachers' discipline.If he was transferred back to Shangbei, it would be more than enough to serve as the principal of No. [-] Middle School.

It's just a pain for Qi Lei, and he still doesn't know that so many people are targeting him as an orthodox scumbag.

Liu Zhuofu, the class teacher, is thinking about him, together with Luo Meili, and the algebra teacher wants to give him a good look.In addition, Xu Xiaoqian's mother is going to be the principal of No. [-] Middle School...

At this moment, Qi Lei was as happy as a sophomore, life was so beautiful, he didn't know what was going on in high school life at all.

That would be... an extremely tragic and wild three years.

When she went out of the stall at night, when she arrived at the night market, Xu Xiaoqian was in a bad mood and was very resentful.

Qi Lei went up to ask and found out that it was because of reading online novels.

It made Qi Lei roll his eyes, Cai Zhiheng's grandson!

I forgot, during 98 and 99, that epoch-making online novel really captivated the hearts of thousands of girls.

To be honest, the children of this age are actually quite poor in terms of literature alone, and there are not as many online novels as the later generations to read.

In addition to the martial arts of Jin Guliang Wen, the boy, the originator of time travel, Master Huang Yi, is not well-known in the inland.

There are a few sets of Japanese comics, but in a small place like Shangbei, most of them have only watched Dragon Ball and Alara.Those who have seen the slam dunk are considered passing, Yuyu Hakusho is already considered a senior manga fan, and Sheng Zidao is quite avant-garde.

There are even fewer books suitable for girls to read.

There is a copy of Yu Xiu's "Flower Season and Rainy Season", "First Intimate Contact" and "Triple Door" are all hits later.

In this era, the most popular among middle school students is a magazine called "Youth and Girl", which is dedicated to looking for ignorant stories and information about asking for pen pals.

If anyone can take out a copy of "Friends", the whole liner will have to read it, and it will be smashed.

After reading it, I still have to scold, "Damn it, not a single story has a happy ending!"

Therefore, "First Intimate Contact" can be so popular, not only because of the beautiful love between ruffian Cai and Qing Wu Feiyang, but also because of the never-before-seen way of making friends online dating, which makes people fascinated.

It can be said bluntly that at least [-]% of the first batch of internet-addicted teenagers in our country are thanks to this novel.

In those days, how many ignorant boys and girls stayed up all night in front of the screen?

Doing nothing, just hang out in various chat rooms and QQ, chatting all day long.

How many people dream of finding their own ruffian Cai or Qingwu Feiyang.

Qi Lei pondered for a long time, it is not possible to go on like this.I went to the book rental store on the street and got Xi Juan's "The Wrong Flower Marries the Right Man", and gave it to Xu Xiaoqian.

"Look at this, brainless Mary Sue!"

Xu Xiaoqian flipped through two pages before throwing it back, "No! I want to see ruffian Cai!"

It made Qi Lei go crazy.

"Just wait, who doesn't know that kind of sour and astringent little net text?"

Xu Xiaoqian glared at him, "Blow it and you will!"

Write a composition, make up a news, Qi Lei is fine.If you want to talk about novels, it's a bit too much, why don't you go to heaven?

She didn't know that Qi Lei really planned to write a novel.It's just that he doesn't have the conditions of Xu Xiaoqian, he can surf the Internet.

Otherwise, with Qi Lei's writing skills, it's really not difficult to write a sour and astringent online novel that fits this era.

Moreover, this is also a part of Qi Lei's "big event" plan, or a stepping stone.


As a Reborn, if you have aspirations, make it happen.

If you love your country, change it in what you are good at.

As I said before, because of the encouragement of his three fathers, Qi Lei also had great ambitions.

It's just that he was a reincarnation of a liberal arts student. In later generations, he was a hotel management major, transferred to an undergraduate degree in international trade, and then transferred to a graduate student in journalism.

He has no technology, neither can he promote heavy industry, nor can he touch high-tech science.He can't follow the idea that technology can change destiny and the world.

Originally, Qi Lei thought that in his previous life, he only knew a little bit of current affairs that the general public knew, but because of the practice of rebirth and anti-anatomy research, he couldn't tell it.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be the case.

As a liberal arts student, he can do as much as a science student.

To use an analogy, Soros is about to attack the Hong Kong dollar in August. This is news that future generations will know, and Qi Lei is even more aware of it.

Not to mention whether Soros is successful or not, and whether the country participates or not, these are all meaningless.

But as an undergraduate student who has studied international trade and capital operation, Qi Lei knew the motives behind Soros' series of attacks on Asian national currencies in 98.

To put it bluntly, this is a long-planned return of capital led by the United States.

After the disintegration of Mao Xiong, during the Cold War, the United States spent huge sums of money to develop a large amount of military electronic information technology and opened it to the civilian population. Military technology began to be directed to the civilian market and transformed into high-tech products.

This allowed Western capital to see the benefits and began to withdraw from Asia on a large scale to invest in local high-tech industries.

It was precisely because Soros saw the sluggish future of Asian countries that he steadily began to harvest the currencies of various countries.

In fact, the accompanying Asian financial crisis was a catastrophic collapse caused by capital withdrawal, excess production capacity, labor surplus, and lack of funds.

The reason why our country did not follow Asia to the funeral in this capital flight depends on a little-known economics god.A real great god-Justin Yifu Lin.

Justin Yifu Lin proposed: 〖We should refer to the direct intervention policy of the Roosevelt period, use our unique inland depth, stimulate growth through national investment, and gradually get rid of dependence on foreign trade. 〗

This not only keeps our country from falling into the quagmire of crisis, but also makes it famous as an infrastructure madman, and directly drives the rapid growth in the next decade or so.

The above endorsements are what happened in 98, even if Qi Lei knew about it, the value is not too great.

Because of the operation of a country and the deduction of countless think tanks, the above has long been understood by the country, and there is no need for a 16-year-old kid to make irresponsible remarks.

But what if we go a little deeper?

For example, this wave of capital repatriation has created the high-tech industry in the United States and made it an important weapon for future generations to restrict our country.

For example, the return of capital has both advantages and disadvantages, which directly led to the kidnapping of the United States by capital, and even the burden of capital 20 years later.

For another example, the return of capital also laid hidden worries for the 08 US subprime mortgage crisis.

How valuable would such information that is meaningless, vague and intangible in the eyes of ordinary people be at the national level?

If the country can predict and plan in advance at a certain node, how much will it deviate from the historical trajectory of future generations?

Although Qi Lei has a petty bourgeois mentality and likes small romances and ditties, but he has been influenced by Mr. Qi since he was a child, so it is impossible not to develop feelings and a sense of responsibility for this country.At least within his power, he can do something.

Therefore, this is the big event that Qi Lei said.

He wouldn't go to become an official for such a big event, but at least it is possible to plan a channel that can speak out and someone is willing to listen to it without affecting himself.

Although there is no Weibo or self-media in this era, Qi Lei can prepare for this and accumulate a little reputation in advance.

When the Internet 2.0 era comes and blogs start to rise, he can speak out without borrowing other people's mouths.

Therefore, the interviews in the provincial TV station, including the planned use of online literature to accumulate some popularity, are all part of Qi Lei's plan.It is a part of him taking advantage of his own advantages accumulated in later generations.

He will step by step, from a little transparent at the age of 16, to being recognized by a small group of people, to being recognized by a large number of people, and then to the first batch of bloggers in the Internet 2.0 era.

At that time, it was when Qi Lei really started to exert his strength.

Don't say anything else, just talk about the subprime mortgage crisis in 08.If he, a megaphone from the future, can attract some attention and make the country or a group of national businessmen deploy a short period of time in advance, how much fallout will it cause?

That is a good opportunity for a large number of Western high-tech companies to be harvested and changed hands, merged and reorganized!

And among them, there are many key technical nodes that seemed inconspicuous at the time, but decades later, they will be stuck in the necks of Chinese people.

If it can be changed, how much energy can be saved in the future?

As for now, Provincial Taiwan is the best tool man.

Even if that Li Chunyan didn't notice Qi Lei, Qi Lei actually planned to have a good relationship with her.

Definitely useful.

As Qi Lei said before, he wants to use his 16-year-old body to enjoy the fleeting time, and use his 40-year-old soul to correct another level of fleeting time.


I am a group of witty people!

Chapter 70 The Fourth Puzzle

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