After a while, the invigilator entered the arena on time, and as usual, he first glanced at Qi Lei with complicated eyes.

Candidates also consciously handed over the exam-related textbooks and exercises to the podium, while Qi Lei tore up several large sheets of manuscript paper that were full of copying, and threw them into the trash can.


Seeing it, Xu Qian was filled with disgust, "Throw it away when you're done using it, don't you have any feelings at all?"

At the beginning of the main exam, there are physics and chemistry papers, with a full score of 120, each accounting for 50%.

Qi Lei got the paper, wrote his name and test number as usual, and then started to do the questions.

Just looking at the first fill-in-the-blank question, I was secretly relieved that he would do it.

Perhaps the two-day review helped, and then the second, third, and seventh questions got stuck.

Just skip it without wasting time.

After about three to ten minutes, Qi Lei actually finished all the small problems.

Among them, the ones that are not sure to be empty are only those seven or eight, which even surprised Qi Lei himself.

Looking at the time, Qi Lei decided to go back and solve the seven or eight small problems. There is still plenty of time, so he will try to see if he can solve it.

In fact, those seven or eight small questions were all difficult for him in terms of question type.

Last night and this morning, he has been picking representative question types to look at, and also trying to solve one or two questions of each question type.

But the time is too short, after all, not all the questions can be taken care of.It's just because of the obstacles caused by strange eyes, Qi Lei thinks he should be able to handle it.

After all, he hasn't forgotten all his high school and university knowledge, and he still has problem-solving thinking and logical ability in science. Give him a little time, and he might not be able to do it.

In this way, Qi Lei spent 20 minutes, and finally cut all obstacles in his way.

This made Qi Lei feel exhilarated, and experienced the joy of learning for the first time in his life.

After sorting out his mood, he officially launched a charge on the big calculation problem. This is the moment to test him.

However, Qi Lei was still not in a hurry to start writing, and quickly scanned all the big calculation problems, picked out the easy ones first, and gave priority to solving them.

These are all points that can be obtained for real, and one point cannot be lost.

After finishing the easy ones, Qi Lei looked at his watch again, there were four or ten minutes left, and there were still eight real problems ahead.

Qi Lei was not nervous because of the time, instead he took a deep breath and felt much more relaxed.

Next, every right one is earned.

Immediately start the calculation of the first question, which is a chemical reaction problem, which is very difficult.

Qi Lei thought hard for a long time before he found a solution to the problem. When he made the last stroke, 10 minutes had passed.

One question only takes 10 minutes, and there are more difficult ones ahead, Qi Lei didn't dare to stop and continued to tackle the problem.

The second question is a physics question, which takes a little less time than the first question and can be completed in 7 minutes.

For the third question, Qi Lei seemed to have found the feeling, and it was done in 5 minutes.

At this time, there were less than 10 minutes left, and there were still five big questions left empty, Qi Lei kept working hard without stopping, but he didn't notice that the broken hair on his forehead had been soaked with sweat, strand by strand.

At this time, Xu Qian next door was looking at Qi Lei with her head tilted. She had already finished the answer, and double-checked it, and she was ready to hand in the paper at any time.

However, the paper-handling king next door is still there!

Looking at the fine beads of sweat on Qi Lei's forehead, Xu Qian squinted her big eyes, very curious.

Why is this guy so weird?Poor study, but not annoying at all.Obviously should feel inferior, but confident everywhere.All in all, a very comfortable boy.

Xu Qian, if there is such a person as a friend, it will definitely not be boring.

It's a pity that they are destined to be people on two trajectories, intersecting for a short time, but gradually drifting away.

Because of family reasons, Xu Qian matured much earlier than other children.She learned early on that there was nothing innocent and straightforward about adolescent friendships.

There is only one criterion for judging friendship in adolescence, which is grades!

In school, good grades will not make friends with poor students.After the exam, two people whose grades are not at the same level will be divided into different schools and different camps no matter how tacitly they understand each other.

Then, it will only go further and further away, becoming more and more unfamiliar.

Just like her third year of junior high school, everyone wrote forever in the yearbook.However, the reality is extremely cruel. For more than half of the students, graduation is a farewell, and they will never meet again.

This is true for all my classmates for three years, let alone only two days in the exam room.

Thinking of this, Xu Qian felt a little lost, neither reconciled nor helpless.

Ringing, ringing, ringing suddenly, the comprehensive science exam is officially over.

Li Yanhong did not hurry to urge the examinees to hand in the papers, but tidied up the podium slowly.

From time to time, his eyes drifted towards Qi Lei, and seeing the sweaty boy finally straighten up with relief, he yelled, "Come on, put down your pens! If you don't hand in the test paper, your test result will be cancelled!"

"About you! Qi Lei, right? It's always your fault, can you spare me some trouble?"

For the invigilator's scolding, Qi Lei repeatedly apologized, but the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.

At the moment when the bell rang, he finally surrendered the last big question.

Standing up to hand in the paper, she looked towards the neighbor, only to find that the carefree Xu Qian seemed a little unhappy, with a gloomy face, not like before.

He asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Didn't play well?"

Xu Qian glared at him, thinking, will this girl not perform well?

Ask back, "What about you? Let's estimate."

Qi Lei bitterly said, "I don't know."

He really didn't know, he was about to finish answering the questions, and didn't have time to check.He really didn't know whether he was right or wrong, and how many points he could get.

"do not know?"

Xu Qian shook her head, thinking that the teasing before the exam had touched Qi Lei's self-esteem, this time she was too embarrassed to report the score.

"Forget it, let's not talk about falling down! Why did you go so long with such shame? Why don't you just study hard?"

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps in a hurry and rushed out of the examination room, which made Qi Lei a little baffled.

"Did I mess with her?"

The English test in the afternoon is Qi Lei's strongest point.But I still didn't dare to be careless. When I got home, I found out the English textbook and started to turn it from beginning to end.

Junior high school English is not difficult, and the test mainly tests the students' vocabulary and basic grammar.

As for the vocabulary, Qi Lei is definitely fine, but the problem also lies in the vocabulary.

Middle school English is British English, while Qi Lei’s TOEFL test is based on the English ability of candidates from non-English-speaking countries in the United States. There are differences between the two in many places.

Regarding this, Qi Lei couldn't help complaining, why didn't he take the IELTS test at that time?Wouldn't this trouble be gone?

The purpose of reading is to find out the difference between the standard words and sentences in the textbook and your own cognition, and minimize mistakes in this area.

However, this speed is not like when physical chemistry, Qi Lei flipped very fast, almost ten lines at a glance.

After a while, he finished reading the first volume of English in the first grade of junior high school.

Tang Yi and Wu Ning also came to report on time, and brought lunch for Qi Lei as usual.

The two brothers saw that he was reading and eating while holding the book, and they were also very interesting, so they left without staying long.

Before the exam, Qi Lei roughly read the six volumes of junior high school English.

Xu Qian stepped into the examination room with the invigilator, returned to normal, with that carefree look again, and even took the initiative to say hello to Qi Lei.

At the beginning of the exam, the listening comprehension is the first. For Qi Lei, it is to give points.

The following questions were answered even more quickly, and with listening comprehension, all of them were completed in less than an hour.

If it can be faster, it is mainly due to the delay in English writing.

He has to be more careful and replace all the content with the vocabulary he learned in junior high school, otherwise he will not only get no points but also deduct points if he uses a bunch of uncommon words.

I didn't rush to hand in the paper, it was already the last subject, there was no point in rushing for time.

Qi Lei marked all the big and small questions that may have memory errors on the draft paper, and then checked and corrected them one by one in detail.

Combined with the memory of just reading the book, make sure that there are no grammatical mistakes.

There was still half an hour before the end of the exam, Qi Lei checked again and again to make sure that he couldn't find any mistakes, got up, handed in the paper, and there was no point in wasting it any longer.

Before leaving the examination room, he bowed to Li Yanhong again and said, "I'm sorry for your inconvenience!"

Li Yanhong watched him walk out of the examination room, her eyes were very complicated, and the meaning of regret was palpable in her words.

She has led students for so many years, and this candidate left a deep impression on her.

And Xu Qian...

Xu Qian stared at her eyes, almost breathing fire.

he's gone?He just left! ?Such as Xu Zhimo's "Farewell to Cambridge" "I wave my sleeves, and I won't take a cloud away"?

You...don't even say hello?

The knuckles of the small fist were white, and he gritted his teeth and stared at the classroom door for a long while.

Does he know what it means to finish this subject?

Parted ways, never see each other again, understand?After using this girl for two days, you didn't even say goodbye! ?

no!Who made you go! ?

Xu Qian suddenly picked up the pen, wrote a phone number on the corner of the draft paper, then tore it off and held it in her hand.

He got up, handed in the paper, and hurriedly chased him out.


Chapter 8 Two Directions

In the last subject, the examinee's heart is already wild.Especially in English, if you don't know it, you really don't know it, and there is nowhere to get it.

Therefore, Qi Lei was not the only one who handed in the papers ahead of time. When he came out, there were already many happy figures in the corridor, and Wu Ning was among them.

However, it's not because he is not good at English, on the contrary, Wu Ning relies on English to get his grades!

Dong Xiuhua was determined to send her son abroad, so she gave Wu Ning English tutoring classes from the first day of junior high school, far surpassing Tang Yi and Qi Lei in this respect.

When the two brothers met, they didn't talk about their grades at all. Wu Ning opened his mouth and said, "The lunatic will be able to go back later, what should we do?"

Qi Lei didn't even think about it, "Let's go, treat you to a popsicle."

Wu Ning immediately beamed with joy, "Brother Shitou is righteous."

The two brothers walked out of the teaching building shoulder to shoulder, and familiar faces came up to say hello from time to time.

Of course, it's not about Qi Lei, it's all about Wu Ning.

This guy has always belonged to the kind of person who is very good at "making things happen", and he is well-known in No. [-] Middle School.

Don't worry about those who are good at studying and those who are poor at learning, those who dance are honest, even if they are not all friends, they can still be familiar with each other.

How about calling him Wu Xiaojian, even a bitch can enjoy it!

Qi Lei purposely went to the bookstore where he read books before, like this kind of business around the school, there is a freezer at the door for cold drink business.

When he came last time, Qi Lei saw a freezer in front of the door.

The boss obviously still remembered Qi Lei, when he first saw him, he felt a little bit in his heart, thinking that this unlucky boy was here to take advantage again.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei took out ten yuan and came over, "We will calculate together later."

But the boss was very happy. If the two young men opened up to cook (eat), ten yuan might not be enough, which was more than he could earn by selling textbooks.

These days, the monthly income of workers in small towns is only about 500 yuan, and a catty of pork ribs is only [-] yuan. A business of [-] yuan is no longer a small sum.

Wu Ning naturally chose the expensive ones, Mei Denggao and Dajiaoban each.

Qi Lei grabbed an "ice bag" and bit off a corner, sucking in the not-so-appetizing flavored soda.

Rather than drinking the taste, it is better to say that the taste is nostalgia.

But among the children who came here in the 90s, who didn't enjoy the coolness with an ice pack in their mouths in the scorching summer?

However, just as the brothers leaned against the freezer and started fighting, they saw a brand new mountain bike suddenly stop in front of them.

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