Tang Yi shook his hand handsomely, "Fuck! Do you eat alone?"

Qi Lei and Wu Ning were both surprised, "Why did you come here?"

The test room for this guy is in No. [-] Middle School, quite far away.

Tang Yi stared, "Brother released it an hour earlier!"

Turned over and got out of the car, threw it to the corner, and then opened the freezer to search.

"Boss, do you have a Coke?" The movement was done in one go, very chic.

The three of them blocked the door of the bookstore, eating and drinking while guarding the freezer, chatting about girls blowing cowhide, like three bums (little hooligans).

But this is youth, full of publicity everywhere.

Of course, if there are two or three more girls, even if it is not a relationship between a man and a woman, but just as close and ambiguous as a brother, it will be enough to be stored in the memory for a few years to drink with wine.

After chatting for a while, Tang Yi proposed to go home, Qi Lei hesitated for a while, but finally agreed.

So, a mountain bike, three young men.

Wu Ning huddled on the girder and had to hunched over the handlebars.

It is the most comfortable for Qi Lei to ride on the back seat.

But Tang Yi suffered a lot, exerting all his breastfeeding strength, he was sandwiched between the two of them, and he had to endure Wu Ning's ridicule.

"Can you ride a bike? Can you be more steady?"

An angry Tang Yi cursed, "Close your anus! How about you come?"


"Fuck! Shitou, can you be more honest? Don't shake so much."

Qi Lei smiled, listened, and suddenly sang loudly: "In my heart... there was once a dream, I want to use singing to make you forget all the pain!"

Wu Ning: "Let us sing, in exchange for your sincere smile..."

Chorus, "I wish your life will be different from now on~"

"Seize every minute of your life..."

"Go all out for the dream in our hearts!"

"How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, no one can succeed casually..."

"Wu Xiaojian, are you a pig? You can't even remember words!"

"My pleasure……"

The three teenagers gradually drifted away.

However, in the shadow of the school gate, what Xu Qian saw was a set of strange pictures:

At the T-junction in front of No. [-] Middle School, a dirty and messy loess road stretches far away, with dilapidated bungalows in sight.

That was Qi Lei's direction to go home!

As for the big boy who made her feel excited, he just dangled in the back seat with an ice pack in his mouth, humming an inarticulate song.

And just in front of Xu Qian, opposite the dirt road, is also a vertical road extending far away.

That is the direction to enter the city. The brand-new asphalt road is straight and wide. The tall buildings rising along the road and the bustling city center in the distance are looming. This is the direction for Xu Qian to go home.

At this moment, she was standing in the shadow of the forest in front of the school gate, looking at Qi Lei who was in a mess in the dust and the asphalt road leading to the bustling, the sad night scene in Qiong Yao's novel seemed to appear in her mind, and she seemed to touch the reality Barbs.

She wanted to call Qi Lei to stop, and waved at him the string of phone numbers connecting each other, but she didn't dare to break the poignant beauty of reality, and let him go away.

Couldn't help but smile wryly, isn't the two people who caught a glimpse just like the two directions at the T-junction, drifting away and predicting a different ending?

Finally, Xu Qian gradually felt relieved, and stopped looking at that figure from behind again.

Cross the dirt road, step onto the tarmac, and stride toward the city.

She and him... are destined to be people from two worlds.

She has an unattainable family background in the eyes of ordinary people, a delicate face, impressive achievements, and a mature mind far beyond her peers.

Therefore, her life is carefully adjusted like a clock.

She will go to the best school, get the best grades, and then go to the best university abroad, aiming at the most promising major, and embark on a life path that ordinary people cannot reach in the future.

Although plain, it is safe enough and enough to make most people jealous.

As for him...

If you don't think about making progress, you will waste your time.That's not personality, it's childishness.

So what?will be false.

If she is also a time traveler, then she will definitely quote a classic quote from a talk show actor in later generations: "So ordinary, but so confident!"

Xu Qian felt that she had grown up a bit and realized a new truth, life is to keep letting go.

And this time, it's just saying goodbye to a 16-year-old kid, so what's there to regret?

Gently tore up the damp phone number and threw it into the trash can.

"Goodbye... I will forget you."

Xu Qian said to herself, saying her final farewell.

It's just that life is like a play, where things come and go, and she is still a pretentious child after all. How can she know whether the next intersection will run in the opposite direction or meet unexpectedly?Is it overlooking the ordinary, or being overlooked by the ordinary?



The mountain bike was finally no longer crooked, Tang Xiaoyi had found the knack of driving the road ahead despite the bumps, and rushed towards home recklessly.

At this time, Qi Lei had completely lost the mentality of a middle-aged soul, and he also realized a truth:

What kind of clothes are you wearing! ? A 16-year-old must have the presumptuousness of a 16-year-old!How many adults occasionally sit in the car and listen to old songs to be foolish, just to relive that era full of memories.

I don't need to recall, I am only 16 years old, if I am not stupid or showy, it is a waste of good time.

So, he and Wu Xiaojian scolded Tang Yi together, "Slow down! Can you slow down?"

The buttocks are numb, and the ice pack has been lost. How embarrassing it is.It was even more unbearable than when he was secretly inspected, but Qi Lei was not embarrassed at all.

When they turned into the alley, the speed of the car dropped sharply, and the two jumped out of the car as if fleeing, and beat Tang Yi hard.

Tang Yi hurriedly accelerated to avoid the siege, smashed the only two-story building in the alley with the front wheel, and threw the car into the yard, "Mom, the exam is over!"

Before Cui Yumin chased him out, he rushed out of the house again like a gust of wind.

The three brothers joined forces and went straight to Qi Lei's house.

Before entering the room, Tang Yi took off the coolest guitar on the wall, hugged it in his arms, put on a rock posture, and strummed the strings.

Qi Lei followed suit and picked a handful, following Tang Yi's tune, staring at the strings for a long time before playing the first note.

Wu Ning used the desk as a drumbeat and was intoxicated by it.

"A pair of opponents that cannot be modified...bringing out warmth is always behind."

Immediately, ghosts cried and gods howled, the sound of magic filled the ears, and the roof of the house trembled accordingly.

The neighbors on the left and right broke into a cold sweat when they heard the movement.It's over, the third year of junior high school is over, and those little bastards are working again.

Right next door to the Qi family, the old lady of the Yang family was knocking sunflower seeds with a middle-aged woman, talking about her family's shortcomings.

Hearing the commotion next door, Mrs. Yang frowned tightly, "I don't study, but I know how to mess around, can I be older?"

The woman laughed, "Why bother? Guo Lihua doesn't take it seriously. Does he really think his family is the same as Tang and Wu's? Let's see, in two years, they will cry."

Old Madam Yang also curled her lips, "Two more years? This year is a hurdle! It's time to go to high school, let's see where his Shishi can pass the exam."

Seeing a figure flash past the door in the alley, it was Cui Yumin who followed Tang Yi into Qi Lei's house.

Mrs. Yang regained her spirits immediately, "Go, go and have a look!"


Chapter 9 Disgusting Neighbors

Cui Yumin's generation was the most lively time when the family planning was implemented. In rural areas, one more child could be born despite the policy, and the urban household registration was basically one child.

Moreover, it is not only a question of having only one child, but also advocates late marriage and late childbearing.

Therefore, when Qi Lei and the others were born, their parents were basically in their twenties.

Especially Tang Chenggang, who joined the army at the age of 16 and has been in the army for 20 years, has to respond to the policies of his family and country. At 28, Jiucai met Cui Yumin, who was a teacher in elementary school, under the introduction of Grandpa Qi Lei, and at 31, Tang Yi.

At that time, Tang Chenggang hadn't changed jobs yet, because Cui Yumin had ample working hours, and the Qi family and the Wu family both had dual careers, so Cui Yumin took care of the three children alone when the three brothers just learned to run.

Later, when Tang Yi was seven years old, Cui Yumin fell ill. Tang Chenggang felt that he owed his wife, and for some other reasons, he took off his military uniform and returned to his hometown.

Cui Yumin took two years of sick leave, and Tang Chenggang also made some achievements after two years of hard work. She simply quit her job and focused on raising her three children at home.

Strictly speaking, Cui's mother is closer than the biological mothers of Qi Lei and Wu Ning.

Just now, Tang Yi fell off his car and ran away. Cui Yumin knew that he must have gone to Qi Lei's house, and chased him with a broom.

Before entering the courtyard, I heard three bastards screaming.

As soon as Cui Yumin rushed in, she knocked viciously on the window sill to make them calm down.

As soon as the three little ones were pushed down by her, the door behind them slammed, and an old lady with her hands behind her back and a middle-aged woman came in knocking sunflower seeds.

The old lady's surname is Yang, she lives next door to Qi Lei's house, and everyone usually calls her Mrs. Yang.

This is not what Mrs. Yang’s family meant. In fact, a considerable number of Northeast people come from Shandong. Although there is no Shandong accent, the “inverted sentences” used by Shandong people are deeply integrated into Northeast dialect.

Old Mrs. Yang, the correct name should be: Mrs. Yang.

As for the middle-aged woman, Cui Yumin also knew it, from the alley behind, from the old Wang's family.

Both of these two families have children who will take the senior high school entrance examination this year.

Still at the gate, old Mrs. Yang yelled, "This is the end of the exam, and you're having fun again? Why can't you stop for a while, can't you just study hard?"

The woman also asked loudly: "Yu Min, how is your little Yi's exam? Where are the two boys, Lao Qi and Lao Wu?"

Cui Yumin frowned, knowing that the visitor was not kind.

It's not that Cui Yumin was born out of nothing, it's all due to reasons.

Grandma Yang's family has Yang Jinwei, and Sister Wang's family also has a girl who is in the third grade of junior high school. They both took the senior high school entrance examination this year, and their grades were better than those of the other three in the house.Moreover, there is still a bit of conflict between the children.

Yang Jinwei had been at odds with Qi Lei and the others since he was a child, fighting all the time.The little girl from the Wang family played with Yang Jinwei, not with Qi Lei and the others.

To put it bluntly, those two kids are together, and these three little bastards are together.

As for matters between children, adults don't get involved, at most they know what's going on.But it's also good for others. Some people like the east and the west, and they can even escalate the children's affairs into a deep hatred between families.

The two houses on the opposite side are like this.

Heart said, this is to show off!

But there is no way, who will let others have the capital to show off?

It's hard to say anything, I turned my head and looked into the room, which means that people have already asked, and they are still elders, so it would be impolite not to answer.

Tang Yi pouted with his mother, and said reluctantly: "It's okay! Anyway, the key line is out of the question, but there is no problem with small bargaining."

Wu Ning also said, "I'm about the same as Tang Yi, and I'm not as good at studying as your Xiaowei."

Wu Ning told Grandma Yang that Yang Jinwei is really good at learning, he's just an animal.

Wu Ning was polite, but what Yang Nai heard was beautiful.

With hands behind their backs, "My eldest grandson is willing to learn!" He curled his lips and looked at the room, "It's not like these few, who are thinking about lifting the roof when they see the sky."

This old lady is a bit mean, and if she mentions her precious grandson, it will be even more irrelevant, no matter how choking it is.

If this is in later generations, we must fight.

But in the 90s, Cui Yumin, a neighbor who lived for decades, used to be a teacher, and she didn't want to get to know an old lady, at most she felt uncomfortable.

Just down the donkey, "That's it!"

Glaring into the room, "Learn from Xiaowei, don't just know how to do it all day long!"

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