It can be regarded as selfishness, making Qi Guojun a temporary staff and working as a warehouse keeper.

When the two entered the courtyard, they first looked at Qi Lei's house.Seeing his son reading there, although he was stunned for a moment, he didn't react too much.

Qi Guojun went directly to the kitchen to prepare dinner, while Guo Lihua went back to his room to change clothes.

Qi Lei wanted to welcome him out, but...

First, in his memory, during this time, his relationship with his parents was not very good.

The rebellious period, plus his grades, made the quarrel very stiff, and the quarrel started within three sentences.

Secondly, if he behaves obediently and sensiblely, according to his mother's short temper, he may not be able to talk about it for a long time!

The top priority now is to review, and everything will wait until the exam is over tomorrow.

After Guo Lihua changed her home clothes, she went to Qi Lei's house as a routine.

At this time, Wu Ning and Tang Yi also woke up, holding books in their hands.

Seeing Guo Lihua is sweeter than Qi Lei, "Godmother, when is the meal? Hungry!"

Guo Lihua smiled, "Wait, I will cook pork ribs for you."

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Tang Yi slapped his lips immediately, "Godmother is better than real mother! My father despises my mother's skills."

Qi Lei felt chills when he heard it, this sentence shouldn't be "So-and-so's craftsmanship...Does even dogs despise it?"

Over there, Tang Xiaoyi was still being obedient, "Godmother, can I call my real mother over? It's pitiful for her to be alone at home."

Guo Lihua smiled even more intensely, "Your father is having a social meeting?"

Tang Yi, "He eats at home on a monthly basis."

While talking, he already ran out and told his mother to go.

Guo Lihua tugged Wu Ning again, "Call your parents over, we haven't had dinner together for a while!"

"Dele!" Wu Ning grinned, "Just wait for what godmother says!"

The three brothers are not only brothers in their current generation, but also family friends in the previous generation.

Qi Lei's grandfather fought together with Wu Ning and Tang Yi's grandfathers from the war years, and it was a fateful friendship.

So as soon as the three brothers were born, this godfather was recognized.

After dismissing Wu Ning and Tang Yi, Guo Lihua didn't leave the house, stood behind Qi Lei and looked at it for a while, thinking, are you really reading?

And Qi Lei was so hot from his mother's stare, he had no choice but to turn around and put out a smiling face, "Mom."

Guo Lihua frowned, "It's okay."

After speaking, I went to the kitchen.

Before going out, there was a sigh.

As if to say, what do you pretend to be now?In the past, I didn't learn at all, but the more I let it learn, the more it will be right with you.

Qi Lei knew what his mother was thinking, and felt very ashamed.

In his previous life, what he was most grateful for was the woman who made him grow up overnight; what he regretted most was that his two brothers passed away early; what he was most sorry for was his parents, who made them worry a lot when they were young.

Continuing to read the questions, Qi Lei was holding back a lot of energy, but this energy couldn't explode right now.It was so suffocating that he couldn't breathe, so he could only bear it.

Qi Guojun is very good at cooking, and he cooked a table full of dishes in a short time.

At this time, Tang Yi's mother, Cui Yumin, and Wu Ning's parents, Wu Lianshan and Dong Xiuhua, also arrived.

The situation of the Wu family is similar to that of the Qi family.

Wu Lianshan is an accountant, and he is well-known in Shangbei. Father Wu is responsible for all the large and small units in the city.And Dong Xiuhua is already the deputy director of the Finance Bureau, in charge of a lot of affairs, with a lot of power.

Both are strong women and weak men.

Only Cui Yumin is a full-time housewife, but Tang Yi's father, Tang Chenggang, is incomparable to most people.

In the words of later generations, he is the richest man in Shangbei, and the largest private enterprise in the city is owned by Tang Yi and his family.

Of course, later Tang Chenggang went astray and set up a firecracker factory with a larger scale and more income.

However, there was an accident and it exploded, involving both Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

The three families live in the same alley, and they want to have a convenient way to travel, and they live like a family.

Of course, no matter how close you are, you are not a family with the same surname. There are always some things to avoid, such as the issue of children going to school.

Coming here for dinner is another important juncture of the senior high school entrance examination, but sitting on the table, he didn't say a word about how the exam was and what to do next.

Those two families all knew that Qi Lei made Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua into trouble, and no one wanted to make trouble for the two parents at this time.

Besides, the child hasn't finished the exam yet, so it's not good for the child now.

So, everyone pretended that this was not the case, and still chatted and laughed about the neighborhood gossip and the trivial matters of the work unit.

But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Qi Lei felt, he could only blame himself for not living up to expectations in his previous life.

My parents are actually very talkative and cheerful, but since I went to junior high school, they talk less and less, and see less and less smiling faces.

To put it bluntly, when adults gather together, the first thing to compare is the children.

Not only the three families, among the neighbors, Qi Lei is also the one who is the least up to date.

It's all caused by myself.

I swear secretly that I will never do it again in this life!

After hastily eating, Qi Lei went into the room to read again until after eleven o'clock.

Guo Lihua came to see it twice, and couldn't help persuading, "It's getting late, why don't you go to sleep?"

I don't even dare to persuasion forcefully, I have to coax and persuade.

Qi Lei closed the book and gave his mother a complicated look, "Okay, listen to me."

Guo Lihua finally showed a smile, held back for a long time, watched Qi Lei go to bed, and finally said before turning off the lights, "Don't worry about it, it's okay if you don't pass the exam."



The next morning, Qi Lei woke up at 05:30, went to the yard to wash his face, and sat down at the desk again.

Guo Lihua heard the movement and came over to watch it in her coat.Seeing his son reading a book so early, his whole body is in a bad mood.

Going back to the house, he woke up Qi Guojun with an elbow, "That house is working hard again! What's going on?"

Qi Guojun stared at his eyes and couldn't figure out the situation for a long time. He finally woke up and said, "Isn't it bad for the child to know the severity? Why are you nervous?"

After speaking, he turned over and wanted to go back to sleep.

Guo Lihua glared at him, obviously dissatisfied with Qi Guojun's perfunctory.

Gritting his teeth and thinking for a long time, he came up with a sentence: "If he can pass the Pugao line, let Cheng Gang find someone to send him to No. [-] Middle School?"

No. [-] Middle School and Experimental High School are the only two key high schools in Shangbei.

Qi Guojun turned his back to her, "Cheng Gang? Then he can let you pay the bargain price? No!"

The life of the Qi family among the three families is the worst. Tang Chenggang is not short of money, and Wu Lianshan also makes a lot of extra money by doing accounts for others. Only the Qi family is dual-employee.

But the two parents don't want to bother others, their lives are their own, and they have to live by themselves.

Qi Guojun thought for a while and said: "Why don't you forget it? Whatever you pass the exam, just forget it!"

"If we entrust someone by ourselves, there will be a lot of favors and money, and the bargaining price is more than 1 yuan. The money is spent here, can we still take over the business of the non-staple food factory?"

Guo Lihua gritted her teeth and didn't speak. She thought about it for a long time and sighed: "Forget it, let's go to where you can take the exam!"

She also understands what Qi Guojun means, no one can say what her son will be like, if he behaved well today, he might mess with you tomorrow.

Even if you go to a key high school, if you still don't study hard, both ends will be delayed.

Tightening her coat tightly, Guo Lihua frowned and muttered, "The non-staple food factory really serves dim sum. If you miss this village, there will be no such shop."

"But..." Glancing at Lord Qi, "The factory will take over, can you figure it out?"

Qi Guojun was silent for a while, but held his breath in his heart.

After a while, "Try it, you have to fight!"

Guo Lihua acquiesced to his statement, yes!After all, you have to fight.

Although they no longer had any hope for Qi Lei's studies, they never stopped worrying.

Thinking that Qi Lei has no chance of being successful academically, what will he do in the future?

Therefore, the couple, who had spent half their lives in the system and received dead wages for half their lives, came up with the idea of ​​doing business.

Don't you want to save some money for Qi Lei in the future?

No, it happened that a non-staple food factory under the grain depot was going to be restructured, that is, it was contracted out and was responsible for its own profits and losses.

The couple thought about taking out the little savings they had saved for half their lives and contracting out the non-staple food factory.At least it's a business, and it should be able to make some money.

Qi Lei still didn't know what his parents were thinking, so he was so absorbed in cramming, he had breakfast at seven o'clock and went straight to the examination room.

In the past two days, all my thoughts have been spent on comprehensive science, which is also a subject that Qi Lei puts high hopes on to improve the score.

Exams are about to begin.


(1) Huang Pizi: The head of the four great beasts in the north, who is incensed in the world, responds to requests, and can enter the realm of land gods.

Chapter 7

I came here a little early today, and there were still 10 minutes before the exam started when I entered the exam room. Most of the candidates hadn't arrived yet, and Xu Qian hadn't come either.

However, as soon as he entered, Qi Lei felt something was wrong.The examinees who were busy with their own affairs hadn't moved their eyes since he entered the door, and they all looked at him directly.

Qi Lei looked a little baffled, he thought his face hadn't been washed!

As soon as she sat down, Xu Qian came in dangling a pencil case.

As a seductive and beautiful girl, she also attracted a lot of attention.

But he is much calmer than Qi Lei, Xu Shi has long been used to it.Came to the seat calmly, glanced at Qi Lei, pretending not to know him.

Qi Lei wasn't in the mood to greet her either, his mind was all on the physics formula.

I memorized it all yesterday, so I need to consolidate it before the exam so that I can be sure.

The examination room was quiet for another five minutes. Suddenly Xu Qian, who was pretending to be reading a book, couldn't hold back anymore. She propped her chin and slowly moved towards Qi Lei.

"How... how did you do in the Chinese test?"

Qi Lei frowned slightly, why did he think of asking this?

"It's not that good, it lasted for 30 points."

Qi Lei was not modest, he only scored more than 20 points to answer based on his own ability.

Although I copied a little bit, but who knows what level this tough little girl is, if she is similar to herself, then the copy is for nothing.

The rest of the reading comprehension and recitation are mediocre, God knows how much.

All in all, it's 30 points.

Of course, it does not count as composition.

As a result, Xu Qian was shocked when she heard it, "30 points!? You can get 150 points for 30 points?"

How can this be a bad study?Simply did not learn.

"You are great!"

"Eh? Eh!"

Qi Lei was not happy anymore, Xu Qian made a lot of noise, the whole examination room was watching him.

"It's not kind to be so mean to a scumbag! Isn't it too shocking?"

As a result, Xu Qian rolled her eyes, "You have a thick skin, don't be afraid! At worst, I will compensate you."

Then, he shrank back with a puzzled face.My heart said, is it so bad?Then what was the name of the invigilator yesterday?

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