〖Just like today, a century-old flood is about to overturn thousands of miles. However, the defense line built by the Chinese sons and daughters with flesh and blood is full of anger and fear! 〗

〖Just to create another miracle, the truth that one person can conquer the sky! 〗

〖this!It is the sons and daughters of China, the unyielding backbone! 〗

〖this!It is the miracle color, the color of China! 〗

〖Come on, my color! 〗

〖Come on, my country! 〗


"it is good!!!"

Li Yanhong was full of praise.

An old teacher who has taught Chinese for more than 20 years was actually excited and sweating profusely.





All the candidates stared blankly at the invigilator, "Okay? What's the matter? Are you going to leave me alone? The exam is over!"

Xu Qian even frowned her snow-white forehead, feeling suspicious: Can that guy be related to "good"?Wouldn't it be for him?What the hell did he write?


And Li Yanhong also knew that she had lost her composure, she cleared her throat in embarrassment, and then she had to be serious again.

Judging from her many years of experience, something might happen to this composition.

In terms of style, the prose set of argumentative essays is novel enough.Structurally impeccable, perfect enough.The wording is also extremely capable and amazing enough.

Especially the sentence: China is not rising, but rejuvenating!

In this era when everyone is talking about the rise of China from top to bottom, he actually did the opposite.

Not rise, but revival!

How much strength and confidence can be conveyed in just one sentence?It is not an exaggeration to say that it is through the back of the paper.

And most importantly, starting from the first sentence, there are almost every sentence of knowledge, and every sentence has allusions.

For example: "If the Chinese fruit is to die, unless all the people in Hunan die!" From Yang Du's "Hunan Youth Song"

"If you don't retreat to foreign enemies, you will never return to Sichuan!" It was the Sichuan army who came out of Sichuan.

"If the country is broken like this, why should I regret it?" From Ji Hongchang's "Sacrifice Poem"

"There are many generous and tragic songs in Yanzhao." It comes from Han Yu.

"Drinking ice for ten years, it's hard to cool your blood!" Liang Qichao's "The Complete Works of Ice Drinking Room".

With Li Yanhong's level, she only knows these few allusions.For the rest, even she couldn't tell the source.

This, this is a blank for a perfect composition!

Thinking of this, Li Yanhong became nervous again, and carefully read the whole composition from beginning to end twice.

No typos, not even punctuation marks.

Li Yanhong felt relieved, that's great!

Can't help but marvel again:

How many years has it been since Shangbei wrote a full-score composition?How many years has there been no full-score composition in the Harbin area?


He casually flipped through Qi Lei's previous test paper, and threw it out again in disgust.

"What the hell? Bai Xia is so good at writing!"

It's even a bit dumbfounding. It's a waste for such a poor student to have such a good writing style.

No way, this is a system that focuses on scores and more on average.If there is any one shortcoming, no matter how strong the others are, it is useless. You will not be able to get into a good middle school, let alone a good university.

Not to mention that apart from this composition, Qi Lei is in a mess.

Although Li Yanhong liked this student very much, judging from his grades, no matter how strong his writing ability was, he was destined to miss out on good educational resources.

The college entrance examination three years later is destined to be mediocre.



While Qi Lei amazed the invigilator with a composition, the No. 17 exam room not far from the No. 14 exam room was 20 minutes away from handing in the paper, but Wu Ning wanted to die.

At this time, Comrade Wu Xiaojian was holding his gold-rimmed glasses, desperately looking at the composition questions and the untouched composition paper.

"Is it really "My..."? How did Qi Shitou get fooled?"

Wu Ning thought he was very unlucky, very unlucky.

Among the three brothers, his academic performance was the best. Even if he failed to pass the entrance examination to a key high school, he was still within the bargaining line.

He played well in the morning, thinking that he might have a chance to go directly to the key line.

As a result, such an outburst came to him in the afternoon.

Just now, when he saw the composition questions, he was completely stupid, Qi Lei was really right! ?

And myself...why didn't I believe my brother once?If you make a draft in advance, even if it is a belly draft, wouldn't it be stable?

Fortunately, there was plenty of time to write the composition, but he was frightened and stunned for a long time. When he came back to his senses, there was only so little time left, and he still had no ideas.

Wu Ning wanted to cry, "What should I do? Qi Shitou, you bastard, but you have hurt me!"

He scolded Qi Lei ten thousand times in his heart.

But what's the use of scolding, the test still has to be tested!The great goal of directly crossing the key line and saving Dad thousands of dollars is still to be achieved!

Quick thinking, serious thinking, and finally decided... It can only be a coincidence.

Gritting his teeth, he wrote on the paper: "My Dad".


"My father is the director of the Education Bureau, he is very busy every day..."

Eloquently portrays a conscientious director's father as an old farmer, who will finish writing before handing in the paper and call it a day.

Well, not bad!Can the marking master give me "father" face?

Wu Xiaojian thought so.

Chapter 6 Disappointment

Qi Lei didn't wait for Wu Ning again.

As for Tang Yi, the examination room was at No. [-] Middle School, which didn't match them.

For Qi Lei, every minute is precious now, the matter between the brothers will be discussed after the exam.

Go home directly, close the door and continue to recite science formulas.

Unfortunately, not long after, Wu Ning and Tang Yi kicked open the iron gate again.

"Qi Shitou! Are you Huang Pizi (1) upper body!?"

Wu Xiaojian began to interrogate right from the beginning, and Tang Yi also looked terrified, "That's so damn accurate! Come on, brother Shitou read to me, my dad will be kind to me tonight and give me a stack of old people's heads."

"Hurry up and read to brother, I will burn incense for you!"

After a buffer at noon, Qi Lei was no longer so excited, let alone crying, and his mind was on his studies.

Speechless: "I'll just say a word, who knew it would be so accurate? Get lost! Do whatever you want!"

Wu Ning is not forgiving.

"Stop it? Fuck!" Wu Ning yelled, "Why don't you stop being firm? If you're a little bit firmer, won't you believe me?"

In the end, Qi Lei didn't respond, but Tang Yi stared blankly at Wu Ning, "You don't believe me?"

Wu Ning froze, "I don't believe it! Do you believe it?"

I saw Tang Yi's sinister smile, "It's not really a letter! It's just that I couldn't hold back on the road, thinking about it, is it a draft?"

Then he said, "But don't say it, it's really useful and saves a lot of trouble!"

Wu Ning almost cried again, pinning his last hope on Qi Lei, "Doesn't Shishi believe it himself?"

"I don't believe it, just like a lunatic, I typed a draft."

"Oh my god!" Wu Ning was in despair.

Completely desperate, why did the three brothers fall because he didn't take advantage of it?

He rushed into the house fiercely, "No, I have to make up for it!"

Grabbed a chemistry book and lay down on the bed, "I must make up for it!"

Tang Yi saw that these two were reading, so he had to keep up.

Entering the room, we huddled together on the same bed with Wu Ning, grabbed Qi Lei's English book and started reading.

Qi Lei ignored them, as long as he didn't make a fuss and didn't delay his review.

In fact, the three brothers belong to the kind who have brains but don't like to learn. If you are a little more serious, your grades will jump up a lot.

Like Tang Yi and Wu Ning, they just listen to it during class, and when they go home, like Qi Lei, they never touch homework, but they can still be at the middle level of the class.

Especially Wu Xiaojian, this guy is sometimes forced by his mother to learn a little bit, and his grades are always the best among the three brothers.

Qi Lei really played like crazy, he didn't study at home, and he didn't study at school, it's just like this.

The room was so quiet, except for the occasional sound of pages being turned.

Reflecting the setting sun, the light and shadow of the grape vines entered the house, creating an indescribable tranquility.

After a while, the sound of snoring came from the bed.

Qi Lei looked back, the two were sound asleep.

I couldn't help laughing, it was really hot for 3 minutes.

Looking away, Qi Lei took out a physics exercise book from the pile of books and read it.

I didn't start writing, I just read but didn't write.

He found that the progress was faster than he expected, and he had almost memorized the formulas and theorems.

In fact, this is not surprising, and it's not that Qi Lei gained some superpowers when he was reborn. Even if he didn't learn many things in junior high school, he still needs to use them in high school, so he has more or less impressions.

So now, Qi Lei can't be regarded as reciting from the beginning, but at most reviewing.

For example [Newton's first law], Qi Lei will definitely not be able to answer it at first.

But open the book and read, "When all objects are not acted on by external forces, they always maintain a state of rest or a state of uniform linear motion."

It's just inertia, it's hard to forget after just watching it once.

Picking up the exercise book, Qi Lei's purpose is not to do the questions, but to familiarize himself with the question types.

For the same reason, it is not very profitable to make questions now, and it is more useful to understand the question types.

Around six o'clock, the sound of motorcycles came from the alley.With the sound of the iron door, Qi Lei looked up and saw that it was the parents who came back.

Qi's father and Qi's mother both work in the grain depot.The difference is that his father, Qi Guojun, is a temporary worker, while his mother, Guo Lihua, is the director of the office.

When Qi Guojun was young, he was in the military art troupe, and was transferred to Shangbei Musical Instrument Factory.

It was a product of mass production in the 70s and 100s. The small Shangbei has a population of less than [-] million in all townships in the city. Not to mention the musical instrument factory, there are not many harmonica players, and it is completely supported by the system.

The first wave of laid-off workers in the 80s was swept away, and Qi Guojun also became a laid-off worker.

Fortunately, Guo Lihua's grain depot is considered a good unit, and he has reached the position of office director through his qualifications.

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