These are all written in previous studies, and they are the most common narratives at first glance.

However, Qi Lei found an intriguing detail, the essay questions did not specify the style.

"With the title "My...", write a composition of more than 600 words..."

My so what! ?But there is no rule that it must be a narrative!

You can write argumentative essays, prose, and even poetry without digressing.

This is interesting, it is a big pit.

You must know that the composition grading will definitely be mixed with the subjective emotions of the teacher who marks the paper.Whether it is the high school entrance examination or the college entrance examination, it is impossible to get a full score in the composition, but it is also impossible to get a zero score.

How many points to give depends on the person who approves the test.

For this composition question, you don’t need to think about it. Most candidates will write it as a narrative, and it must be my grandfather, my mother and other themes.

Invisibly, one of the most common themes was chosen among the narrative, argumentative, prose, and poetry styles.

No matter how good the writing is, it is the same in the eyes of the marking teacher.

The later Qi Lei's essay "My Grandpa" was excellent and impeccable, but it only scored 40 points.

Thinking of getting a higher score, either you are talented and shocking, or you have an innovation in the subject matter that makes people shine.

Thinking of this, Qi Lei came up with a bold idea.

Go for it?Instead of writing grandpa, change to a subject that has a chance to get a higher score?

Let’s be honest, there are risks, and they’re big.If you mess up, you will lose a lot of points!It doesn't fit the mature and stable temperament of my middle-aged soul!

But he is not reconciled to being a salted fish, can he still be called a young man if he is not arrogant?

After pondering for a long time, he drafted again. Finally, Qi Lei wrote the test paper:

""My Homeland"……"

The title requirement is [-] words, and there is no upper limit.

But Qi Lei knows that the length of middle school composition is about 800 words is the best.

It will not make the narrative unclear because it is too short, and it will not disgust the marking teacher who has to read at least hundreds of essays every day because it is too long.

Therefore, this essay in prose form should be no more, no less, just a little more than 800 words.

It begins with an Internet celebrity text that is very recognized by the public in the future, combined with the 98 flood fighting and rescue environment where everyone is united.

Qi Lei felt that he should be able to stand out and win the favor of the marking teacher, right?

It took about 10 minutes to finish the composition.

Looking at the time, only a little more than an hour had passed in the two and a half hours of the exam, Qi Lei did not choose to hand in the paper right away this time, but returned to the reading comprehension and recitation questions.

Fill in the reading comprehension according to the level of your own cognition, and don't miss the recitation questions, even if you make up random things, you don't leave any space.

Still the same sentence, Chinese is the most subjective subject, especially in this era when there is no computer marking and only relying on the teacher's eyes.

You can't tell which word or sentence can make you so much more points.

After writing all the test papers, Qi Lei reviewed all the test papers again, making sure that there was not even a single punctuation mark wrong, so he was relieved.

Punctuation marks are also points!

After doing all this, there is still more than half an hour left, so I will habitually care about the next door.

I saw that Xu Qian had already answered all the questions including the composition and was checking.

Qi Lei glanced at the title of her composition - "My Secret".

I can't help but shine in front of my eyes, it's very novel!

Without further hesitation, stand up and hand in the paper.

Whether it is the invigilator or Xu Qian, they have long been used to this.

Xu Qian even wondered if this guy fell asleep and dragged on for two hours?

He glared at Qi Lei viciously, with an attitude of hating iron but not steel.

And the invigilator didn't have any hope for this very special poor student.

After taking the test paper and looking at it, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, repeating in his heart, "It's a pity for this child!"

The invigilator's name is Li Yanhong, she is a teacher of No. [-] Middle School and High School, and she teaches Chinese, so she can probably tell Qi Lei's level with a quick scan.

Except for the composition, after reading the previous part, it is estimated that Qi Lei can get 100 points for the 50 points.

This level is simply outrageous.

Feel free to turn to the composition, "My Motherland".

The topic is still unremarkable, even a bit clichéd.

It was almost predictable that Qi Lei lost half of his impression points.

In fact, it's normal. As soon as the volume is issued, she knows that many good students will fall into the pit of this year's composition.

This is an obvious question trap. My motherland is not new, and many candidates will rely on it.

This year's essay questions, I don't know how many good students have to die, let alone poor students like Qi Lei.

Scanning down, I found that there is also a subtitle: "If miracles have a color, it must be Chinese red!"


Li Yanhong groaned softly, causing the examinees below to look sideways, wondering what was wrong with the invigilator.

On the other hand, Li Yanhong had a look of surprise on her face. This subtitle is a bit interesting.

"If a miracle has a color, it must be Chinese red." From a professional point of view, this is a mimetic sentence.

Do miracles have color?of course not.

Miracle is an adjective, not a specific thing, how can it have a color?

However, this examinee said that miracles have colors, and gave the answer - "Chinese red".

From the point of view of the sentence, that is, the color of the miracle is Chinese red.

However, this sentence has to be interpreted in reverse: the color of China is a miracle!China is a miracle!

This sentence is refreshing, even a little surprising.

Li Yanhong applauded secretly, it was just a subtitle, and the topic was already mentioned, and the slightly clichéd title "My Motherland" was no longer ordinary, and suddenly sublimated.

"Not bad!"

Li Yanhong said that this question is worth at least 10 points.

Looking down again, he was startled again.


She found a second surprise, and she became more energetic. She originally thought it was a narrative.

He moved his body, leaned against the podium, and watched the following with a hint of expectation.

Then, Li Yanhong was completely dumbfounded.


Chapter 5 My Dad

〖"My Homeland"〗

〖——If a miracle has a color, it must be Chinese red. 〗

〖5000 years ago, we fought against floods like the ancient Egyptians;〗

〖4000 years ago, we played with bronze ware like the ancient Babylonians;〗

〖3000 years ago, we thought about philosophy like the Greeks;〗

〖2000 years ago, we fought as bravely as the Romans;〗

〖1000 years ago, we were as rich as the Arabs;〗

〖And now, we are competing with the Americans! 〗

〖For 5000 years, we have been watching the rise and demise of opponents one after another at the world's poker table. 〗

〖If miracles had a color, what color would it be? 〗

〖I said, it must be China Red! 〗


"Hiss!!!" Li Yanhong gasped, shocked inexplicably.

Although she had expected something, Li Yanhong found that she had underestimated the composition.

sure!This beginning is so shocking!

Impatiently looking down, "This..." Li Yanhong was shocked again.

"Is argumentative essay?"

At the beginning of reading the style, she thought it was prose, but after reading it all the way, the examinee actually wrote an argumentative essay in prose sentence structure.

The three elements of an argumentative essay, argument, evidence, and demonstration, are all kneaded in prose.

First of all, "China Red, the miracle color!" This is the argument.

Then, the arguments composed of beautiful prose styles came into view.

〖Chinese civilization is one of the five civilizations that independently cultivated food crops. 〗

〖Chinese civilization is one of the four civilizations that independently domesticated livestock. 〗

〖The Chinese civilization is one of the 17 civilizations with independent languages. 〗

〖Chinese civilization is also one of the earliest civilizations to use iron. 〗

〖Foreigners say that China is rising!And we said, no, we are revival! 〗

〖Because, on the world stage, we have dominated for thousands of years, and now, we have only been absent for 100 years. 〗

Looking further down, in order to prove that the unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation has existed since ancient times, the article writes like this——

〖China has never lacked miracles, and the Chinese are never afraid of danger! 〗

〖Because, whenever disaster strikes...〗

〖Hunan people will say, "If the Chinese fruit is to perish, unless all Hunan people die!"〗

〖Shaanxi people will say, "The battle between the two wolves and Hu'er is shaking, why should a good man live and die for the country?"〗

〖Sichuan people will say, "If you don't retreat from foreign enemies, you will never return to Sichuan!"〗

〖Henan people will say, "If the country is broken like this, why should I regret it?"〗

〖People in the south of the Yangtze River will say, "Send a message to passers-by not to cover your nose, the fragrance of the living is not as good as that of the dead!"〗

〖Hebei people also said, "There are many generous and tragic people in Yanzhao."〗

〖The people of Guangdong and Guangxi even said, "Drinking ice for ten years, it is difficult to cool the blood!"〗

〖Northeast man will say, "Why do you swear to death? Fight to do your duty!"〗

〖This is our China, the world is full of people who don't want to be slaves! 〗

〖This is us Chinese, carrying the indomitable and loyal soul of the nation on the backbone of our journey! 〗


〖We were once trampled upon by the iron hooves of alien races;〗

〖We were once smashed by imperialist cannons;〗

〖We were enslaved by the invaders;〗

〖We were once abandoned by the whole world! ! ! 〗

〖However, we have never given up on China, and we have never forgotten the teachings of our ancestors. 〗

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