The No. [-] Middle School is located in the east of Shangbei City, next door is the Korean Middle School, which is called Chao High School by Shangbei people.

And Qi Lei's house, just outside the south wall of Chao High School, is the family room of the grain depot.The kind of long row of bungalows, separated from each other in an old style.

Qi Lei was born there and spent his infancy, childhood and youth there.

In later generations, as Qi Lei went to university, went to other places to study and work, and Qi's father and Qi mother were laid off, and retired, the family also moved out of the old house, and they did not go back for ten years.

Qi Lei searched for memories, returned to the familiar alley again, stood in front of the old iron gate, but was full of emotion in his heart.

In my previous life, I hated this old and crowded home, and I just wanted to escape, dreaming of having a more spacious and bright new home in the city of high-rise buildings.

However, a few years later, the family tried their best and were covered in bruises. When they finally got the new house of their dreams, they found that the small courtyard with only two rooms covered with vines was the most peaceful and tranquil harbor.

It's just... never going back.

Unlocking the door lock, Qi Lei pushed the door open and entered.

Sure enough, the lush vines came into view, reflecting mottled light and shadow in the sun.

There are also red brick paved floors and self-built kitchenettes.

Qi Lei stepped on it, he liked to jump for joy from the bottom of his heart.

In the novels of later generations, when the protagonist is reborn, the first thing he thinks about is how to make a fortune and become rich.

When it's Qi Lei's turn, of course he also wants to live a better life and have more wealth, so he will take action.

But he felt that was not all.

Isn't it more worth looking forward to when a person goes back to the past years, sees those people and things, relives the beauty, and regains the old dreams?

Youthful time!Flower season rainy season ah!No amount of wealth or status can be exchanged for that.

He doesn't want to live again in the second life, but at the age of 40 or [-], he wants to reminisce about his youth and lick his regrets.

Enjoying everything around me, pushing the door open and entering the house, everything seems no longer so strange.

Get into the small bedroom that belongs to him as usual, and take a horizontal shot of the whole person on the single bed.

What came into my eyes was the desk, the stack of "Slam Dunk" and "Yu Yu Hakusho" on the desk...

The picture of Vivian Chow and Ekin Cheng on the wall...

That row of acoustic guitars...

That dazzling midday sun...


Qi Lei jumped up from the bed with a growl, hummed, straddled the desk, dug out ninety percent new chemistry textbooks, and started his great career of making up for it.

The exam starts at 01:30 in the afternoon, and it is just eleven o'clock now, and there are another two and a half hours available.

As for Qi's father and Qi's mother... Going to work, even if it is the important moment of the son's high school entrance examination, he will not come back at noon.

At this point in time, Qi Lei was completely disappointed, and they didn't expect him to get any good results in the exam.

And although chemistry has two volumes less than physics, there are quite a lot of things to copy down.

Qi Lei never let go of formulas, theorems, reaction equations, table of elements, atomic weights.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen, copy them all to deepen your impression.

It took an hour to finish copying two textbooks, which was much slower than physics, and I used sheet after sheet of manuscript paper.

However, Qi Lei didn't feel tired at all.

Compared with the nine-to-nine and busy work of adults, the hard work in the student days is almost the same as playing.

Just as he was swimming in the ocean of knowledge, he heard the courtyard door bang and was kicked open. Two teenagers who were about the same age as Qi Lei walked in swaggeringly.

"Son! Dad is here to see you!"

Qi Lei froze for a moment, but he didn't dare to look up, but he imagined the appearance of the two of them in his heart.

One, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, was as thin as a telegraph pole.

The other, with a bright third-generation elite pinned to his waist, looks like a turtle.

When the two teenagers came to Qi Lei's window and looked in through the half-open window, Qi Lei spoke.

"Put things down, and... get out!"

The two froze for a moment, terrified.

It's not that Qi Lei's words are rude, but... Fuck!This guy is working hard?

Tang Yi glanced at Wu Ning beside him in horror, and Wu Ning also glanced at him in horror.

Tang Yi: "Are you... reading a book?"

Wu Ning: " seems like chemistry?"

Tang Yi: "Because of what?"

Wu Ning: "Are you stimulated by some chick?"

Tang Yi: "Isn't that a bit late?"

Wu Ning: "Is it late?"

Tang Yi: "Late!"

Qi Lei broke out, "Say it again, put the things down, and get out immediately!"


Tang Yi and Wu Ning responded obediently, handed a bag of buns into the window respectfully, and walked out with their heads bowed.

Tang Yi still didn't forget to remind, "Eat while it's hot, don't get tired."

Wu Ning said: "Brother Lei, wait for me after the exam! I ran to you when I left the exam room, but people said you left early."

Before closing the door, Wu Ning asked again, "Also, who is that short-haired guy in your exam room? He looks pretty good, and I fell in love with you."


Qi Lei slapped the table and jumped up, but in the shadow of the window where the two of them couldn't see, tears were streaming down his face.

Wu Ning immediately turned back, "What's the matter? Brother Lei has already inquired? What's the girl's name? Which school?"

Qi Lei suppressed his emotions, and said, "I bet on a composition topic "My so-and-so", believe it or not, get out!"

Wu Ning: "..."

"Crack! Brother is talking about girls with you. What composition questions are you talking about? Besides, do you have the nerve to bet on the questions at the bottom of your level?"

Shaking his arms and walking away resentfully, "If you don't help me, brother will do it yourself."

Looking at the backs of the two, Qi Lei burst into tears again.

Tang Yi and Wu Ning, his two best brothers, have been playing since childhood.

Let them go, not because the three of them part ways in the future and turn against each other, but because Qi Lei is not ready to reunite with them.

Ten years later, the three brothers were all successful in their studies, and they made an appointment to venture into the damned society.

However, an accident took the lives of the two brothers at the same time.

Ten years later, it was Qi Lei who buried them with his own hands, and cried like a child at their funeral.

But now, Qi Lei didn't know what to say to them.

Is it to warn Tang Yi, don't let our dad engage in the firecracker business?

Still scolding Wu Ning, "Why are you going abroad? I haven't seen you for several years!"

Or tell them, "Without you, my buddies can't do well, it's embarrassing."

He sat down and continued to copy the book.Tears were still flowing during this time, and he grabbed the steamed stuffed bun and swallowed desperately.

In this life, they are not only required to live, but also to live better than the previous life.

In this life, you must not be ashamed!

Well, thinking about everything is useless, the first problem is the senior high school entrance examination.

At ten o'clock, Qi Lei came out of the house on time and went straight to No. [-] Middle School.

At [-]:[-], carrying two big feet, I entered the examination room on time.

Xu Qian from the next door has already arrived. There are Chinese textbooks spread out on the desk, her two arms hang down under the desk, and she leans her pointed chin against the desk to read.

Seeing Qi Lei coming in, a pair of big eyes followed Qi Lei's trajectory all the way, very playful.

Before Qi Lei sat down, he slapped a paw on Xu Qian's table, "Brother never owes favors to anyone in his life, especially favors from beautiful women."

Xu Qian raised her eyebrows, but there was no reason to refuse.

He pulled out his arm neatly and began to unpack the wrapper.

"Then it's really cheap for you to pay back your favor. You sent your aunt away with a popsicle?"

How can Qi Lei say that she is no more than a little girl?

He grinned, "Okay, one is not enough, I have no problem eating it for the rest of my life."

"Get lost!" Xu Qian rolled her eyes again, "Forget about being beautiful."

Qi Lei just giggled and stopped talking.

This kind of ambiguous joke, to the point, if you talk too much, you are playing hooligans.

And Xu Qian's little heart was beating wildly. No boy had ever made such a joke with her.Want to die you! ?

You know, the little girls in 98 are still very naive!

After a while, before the invigilator arrived, Qi Lei approached Xu Qian who was biting on a popsicle stick again, and whispered: "Please help, I'm really not good at it."

"Hehe." Xu Qian sneered, "How can you not be good at that? That's too bad!"

Subconsciously grabbed Qi Lei's shoulder, with a mature expression, "Brother, give up!"

After finishing speaking, he retracted his hand like an electric shock.She was surprised, how could she act like this, she had never done this before.

Besides, he was still an enemy in the morning, and after two exams, he became a brother?

This boy is poisonous!Xu Qian told herself so.

Waving his hands in disgust, "Go, go, stay away from your aunt."

Qi Lei didn't move, "That's settled, help!"

"Okay, okay, go back, go back, good boy!"

Qi Lei smiled knowingly, it's done!

Chapter 4

At 01:30 in the afternoon, the language test officially began.

Qi Lei followed the method of the comprehensive test, first looking for the meeting and sending sub-questions, then stretching his neck to call for an airdrop, before the invigilator loses patience.

After finally filling in the blanks, choices and judgments, I skipped reading comprehension and reciting texts later, and turned directly to the composition questions on the last page.

As expected...

"Write a composition of more than 600 words on the topic of "My..."

Looking at the composition questions, Qi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time couldn't help but feel uneasy.

In his previous life, he got a high score in composition because of his grandfather's illness. In this life, can he still write that kind of expression of true feelings?

Maybe, after all, the level of diction he learned in junior high school is incomparable to the level of writing he wrote every day in his later generations.

But is it possible to surpass future generations and get higher scores?

It can only be said that the possibility is unlikely.

Because looking at the composition questions, Qi Lei actually had a different feeling from his previous life.

This topic... is not easy, there are pitfalls!

At first glance, "My...", many people's first reaction is: my father, my teacher, my classmates, my kitten, my childhood and so on.

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