Staring blankly at Qi Lei's back, the invigilator didn't react for a moment.


He wouldn't know that he was cheating, would he?Can you still do something like this...

But he smiled speechlessly.

There are not many children who understand things like this in junior high school. This kid is obviously good. He is so calm and discerning at the age of fifteen or sixteen.Judging from her experience of teaching for more than 20 years, it is indeed good.

Well, the invigilator turned his face faster than the book.And... She obviously didn't know that later generations called this - emotional intelligence.



(1) Here, Longjiang Province is Heilongjiang Province, and Shangbei No. [-] Middle School is Wuchang City No. [-] Middle School.

Chapter 2 Every minute counts

After leaving the examination room, Qi Lei went straight outside the school.

Although he attended No. [-] Middle School, No. [-] Middle School is not far from Qi Lei's home, so he is very familiar with the surrounding area.

In my impression, there are many bookstores outside No. [-] Middle School.

I found a random one, and when I entered the door, I asked, "Boss, do you have any junior high school physics and chemistry textbooks?"

"Yes!" The bookstore owner nodded.

There are often students who haven't finished their semester, either half of their textbooks are missing, or they don't know where to throw them. Most of them are boys, so bookstores also sell textbooks.

It's just that it's not genuine, but it's more expensive than the genuine one, and it's all secretly printed by small workshops. The quality is average, but it makes a lot of money.

After pointing to Qi Lei, the boss was waiting in front of the counter to collect the money.

That's the best thing about being a student business. You don't need a service attitude, let alone marketing. As long as you come to ask, [-]% of them will buy it.

However, the boss waited for a long time, not only the business was not completed, but no one was seen.I'm still wondering, what's going on with this kid?

Went out of the counter to look for Qi Lei, only to see him sitting on the ground, holding "Physics Volume One" in one hand, and copying formulas with the other hand using his knee as a table.

"Hey!!" The boss was very annoyed. In this year, there is no bookstore where you can browse for unlimited time.

He snatched it over, "Buy it or not? Who am I going to sell it to?" His tone was not kind, very vicious.

If it were another child, he would definitely feel guilty and run away in despair, but Qi Lei didn't change his face.

"I'm sorry, Uncle! I'm a candidate for the third grade of junior high school. I haven't memorized some knowledge points clearly. Why don't I take the exam? I'm anxious, so I just..."

The boss hesitated, and then teased, "Candidates? Candidates, you can't take my new textbook and flip through it here?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Qi Lei had a very good attitude, "You see, I am very careful, I am afraid that I will get worn out by you."

The boss subconsciously looked down and saw that there was indeed no crease, and he felt a little more relaxed.

Before he could speak, Qi Lei gagged again.

"Why don't you think this is okay? I don't have enough money, can you let me use it first? I'm really in a hurry! I brought money this afternoon and bought this book."

Speaking of this, no matter how hard-hearted the boss is, he can't be tough.

Besides, in this day and age, people are very simple.

Glancing at Qi Lei, he didn't seem to be a child from a rich family, and he looked anxious, but the boss felt a little sorry, why am I embarrassing a child?

I said in my heart, forget it, it’s not easy to blame, if the exam is delayed, it will be a matter of a lifetime.

Handed the textbook back to Qi Lei, "Look, look! Just pay attention."

Didn't mention spending money to buy that stubble.

Qi Lei took the book, still smiling comfortably, and said: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble!"

The boss waved his hand generously, turned around and left.

Immediately, Qi Lei was left alone in front of the bookshelf, with a smile on his lips, he glanced at the clock on the wall.

He came out more than 20 minutes after the exam started, and now there is still an hour and a half before the end of the mathematics comprehensive exam, plus a 20-minute break between exams, that is to say, he has nearly two hours to spend here.

Qi Lei's strategy is as follows:

Completely abandon mathematics, and turn in the papers for the next subject of politics and Chinese in the afternoon as soon as possible, and use the time saved on tomorrow's science.

Although no matter how crowded it is, it is still not enough, but it should be possible to memorize the physical and chemical formulas, which will be more or less useful.

As for why not spend time on politics and Chinese...

Because it's not worth it!

High scores in politics and Chinese are purely based on rote memorization. If you have the energy to memorize the next text, how many formulas are enough to memorize?

Moreover, the memorization of the text may not necessarily take the test, but the formula must be used.

The second advantage of a middle-aged soul is knowing how to plan time.

two hours...

Qi Lei thought, he should be able to copy the physics formulas of the three years of junior high school.After finishing the politics exam, I copied the chemistry exam when I got home.

And the boss didn't expect...

"I didn't remember a few formulas" and you just sat there for two hours?What's more, he took a peek during the period, and the kid actually changed to the second volume of physics.

Regret the boss, why not ask for his money!

But finally endured.

It wasn't until the next subject was about to start, with only 5 minutes left, that Qi Lei closed "Chemistry Textbook Volume [-]" and prepared to leave.

At this moment, he not only copied all the junior high school physics formulas and theorems, but also started the first volume of chemistry.

The bookstore owner also heaved a long sigh of relief, this wave of losses!

However, since I agreed to it, there is nothing to say, and I would like to remind you a few words before I send you off.

"Don't take the drafts you copied away, they won't be allowed in the exam room. Come on, I wish you a good high school exam!"

Qi Lei smiled, and thanked him as he walked, "It's okay, the next test is politics, and the physics formula does not violate the rules."

"Gah!?" The boss was taken aback, "Isn't it Li Zong (1)?"

Qi Lei looked innocent, "Tomorrow morning, it's still early."


The boss didn't show his waist, the exam tomorrow?You have an exam tomorrow, what are you doing here today?This unlucky boy!


Back at the examination room, the preparatory bell has not been rang, and the invigilator is not there. The candidates are either waiting in their seats for the start of the examination, or they have not returned yet.

When passing by the irascible girl with short hair, Qi Lei naturally raised his hands when he met those unkind eyes, "Hello, auntie!"

"Pfft!" The girl broke her skills in an instant, staring at Qi Lei wanting to be both angry and laughing, "No, who is your aunt?"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "That's a girl, you don't want to!"

The girl was completely speechless, "Student, tell me, is 'girl' a normal person's name? That's what my dad calls it!"

Qi Lei wanted to laugh, there was no way to chat today, any more chat would take advantage of her.

"Okay, so what should it be called?"

As he spoke, he used to stretch out his right hand like an adult, "My name is Qi Lei, I'm from No. [-] Middle School, what's my name?"

The girl was dumbfounded, this set of greetings and self-introduction is very smooth!But we're not good at shaking hands at our age, are we?

With big eyes blinking, he stared blankly at Qi Lei, imitating his tone: "My name is Xu Qian, from No. [-] Middle School, nice to meet you! But...don't be so old-fashioned, right?"

In fact, after Qi Lei stretched out his hand, he also realized that something was wrong, he didn't control it well, and consciously brought it into the workplace.

But it can't be taken back anymore. In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Qi Lei immediately looked disappointed when Xu Qian's words fell, "Look, why don't you give me a chance? I haven't touched the hands of a beautiful girl yet!"

"Fuck you!" Xu Qian smiled and scolded to cover up her shyness, and naturally labeled Qi Lei as "quite funny" and "a bit special".

At this time, the invigilator entered the examination room stepping on the preparatory bell, and the first thing he saw was Qi Lei's position.

And Qi Lei also retracted his arm logically, ready to start the exam.

I just laughed secretly in my heart, little girl!Still can't handle you?Copying your two questions again this time, it won't be blocked and stared at again, right?

It's just that Xu her name so familiar?Subconsciously looking at the old desk, "Farewell, Xu Qian!" came into view.

Qi Lei immediately opened his mouth wide, and stared blankly at the neighbor, what a coincidence!

I just don't know which licking dog was the original owner of this desk?

The soul of gossip started to burn, but just in time for the invigilator to send the test paper to him, he pretended to be serious and reprimanded: "This classmate, don't look, she doesn't have an answer on her face."


There was a burst of laughter in the examination room, no matter how thick-skinned Qi Lei was, he was a little embarrassed.

Knowing that the invigilator is beating him, telling him to look more honestly during the exam.



There is only one political paper, with a total score of 40 points and a time of one hour.

But don't look at the low scores. If you really want to get a high score according to the standard answers, you have to memorize a whole six volumes of political textbooks.

Not to mention, in 98, the high school entrance examination in Harbin was to choose one of politics and history.

In other words, for these 40 points, you have to memorize politics and history.It is simply inhumane.

But for Qi Lei, fortunately, the test is politics rather than history.

As far as the exact time and historical significance of those characters and events in the historical volume, it can drive people crazy, and there is no difference if one word is wrong.

Politics is different. Although there are standard answers, there is one thing that is particularly good about politics, that is, it can be deceived.

As long as the central idea is grasped and the core content is written out, the rest is the four basic principles, the core competitiveness of socialism, and Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought. Oita.

Moreover, after getting the test paper, Qi Lei found that he was not as pessimistic as he expected.

Many questions require rote memorization for junior high school students, but for a person in his 30s who has passed the postgraduate entrance examination, it is like common sense in life.

Just like a fill-in-the-blank question, "(??) is the fundamental political system of our country."

If you don’t study this seriously, you must fill in “(socialism) is the fundamental political system of our country.”

But Qi Lei knew at a glance that (the people's congress system) is the fundamental political system of our country!

Another example, "multi-party cooperation plus political consultation", the three mountains are: imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism.

Our party's ruling philosophy is: serve the people wholeheartedly, establish the party for the public and govern for the people, etc.

For a junior high school student, this is a knowledge point that needs to be memorized, but for him, it is something that he knows by heart.

In the end, Qi Lei answered quite a few political papers based on his own knowledge.There were some questions that I really couldn't figure out, and while the invigilator was not paying attention, I took a few peeks at the next door.

In this regard, although Xu Qian found out, she still just pretended not to see it and concentrated on doing her own paper.

Half an hour later, half an hour before the papers were closed, Qi Lei was the first to hand in the papers as usual.

It still attracted Xu Qian and the invigilator to look sideways, and both of them couldn't help sighing that he was a good boy, but his mind was not on his studies.

The invigilator habitually flipped through Qi Lei's papers, and found that he was much better than the previous subject.

At's full.


(1) The local name, physical chemistry comprehensive volume, is not the traditional comprehensive.

Chapter 3 Done

After finishing the two subjects in the morning, Qi Lei went home directly.

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