Rebirth: Years Like Water Flee Author: Cang Shanyue


A scarred middle-aged soul goes back in time, embracing the mottled sunshine of 98 years.

Suddenly discovered that it turned out that the youth was just right at that time, and the years were fragrant.It turns out that making mistakes is called growth, and youth can fly like this...

Author's custom label hot blood easy rebirth

start sailing

Chapter 1 I am your aunt

In 1998, Longjiang Province, Shangbei No. 1 Middle School (17), NO.[-] examination room.

Qi Lei stared out of the window blankly, his eyes passed through the verdant poplar forest, and fixed on a door-front room outside the school - "Trend Video Store".

There was a vaguely penetrating singing voice that poured into the eardrums.

Carefully identify, it is Jacky Cheung's "A Thousand Reasons to Sad"

"It's so trendy!"

With a stiff neck, he retracted his gaze, and a desk in front of him came into view.

Well, this desk is even more powerful, pure solid wood without splicing, put a brand on it and put it in the high-end furniture city, the table alone is worth a thousand or eight hundred.

It's just a bit old, the paint has faded, and the mathematical formulas, lyrics, and famous quotes left behind by countless "God Men" are piled up together.

In the meantime, there is also a crooked confession of true feelings——

〖Farewell, Xu Qian! 〗

Crack!20 years ago, Qi Lei would feel very refreshed.But now, like the majority of netizens, he will say, "Licking the dog, you will end up with nothing!"

His eyes moved away from the desk and scanned everything in the classroom.

The plywood blackboard with a broken corner is as old as the desk.

The "hygienic corner" covered with white tablecloths, the cracked and aged green paint on the wooden lattice windows...

There are also youthful faces passing by in a hurry, returning to their respective places, so serious and flying.

Of course, the neatly written characters on the blackboard are even more terrifying——

〖1998 Shangbei Junior High School Entrance Examination, Exam Room No. 17〗


Qi Lei looked at "Farewell, Xu Qian", then looked at the NO.17 examination room, "It must be fake!"

Finally, he fixed his gaze on a young girl with short hair at the next table.



It took the short-haired girl a long time to realize that it was her who was called next door.

Turning his head and glaring at Qi Lei, apart from seven points of anger, at least three points of disgust, he said, "I'm sick!"

In the north, people of the same age cannot be called "girls", that is what the elders call the younger generation.


Qi Lei is also the boss who is not happy about it, this kid... looks quite strange, why is his temper so big?

Be patient, "Girl, don't get me wrong! Uncle just wanted to ask..."

Before she finished speaking, the girl exploded on the spot, "I'm still your aunt! You fool!"

Qi Lei was defeated, turned his head, stared at "Xu Qian" on the desk and his own pair of white and tender hands, gradually lost his expression, and stopped probing.

But he began to be inexplicably excited and excited.

The current situation...

Speaking of literature and art, it was a man who went back in time with exhaustion and unwillingness at the wasted age of nearly 40 years old.

To put it bluntly, it is - 〖Reborn! 〗

From the greasy old man in 2021, back to the summer 23 years ago.

Whether it's a gift from God or an accident under the overlapping of time and space, Qi Lei is all worthy of joy.

The only regret is that there may be some deviations in the time of crossing.

Why is it the senior high school entrance examination?

In Qi Lei's previous life as a student, it was not good at all.

Especially in junior high school, he was not the kind of sensible child who was eager to learn, and his mind was not focused on studying at all, resulting in a mess of grades.

The high school entrance examination can be described as tragic. With a total score of 600, he scored less than 200 points in the exam, um, a few points.

Still count the sports with 20 points.

Not to mention missing out on key high schools, Pugao didn't even want him, so he could only go to a vocational high school to dawdle.

Although the prodigal son turned around when he was in vocational high school, he began to focus on his studies, but it was too late.

Slow step by step, the teaching quality and learning atmosphere of the vocational high school, as well as the limitations of the college entrance examination major, made him have no chance to stand on the same starting line as the children of the same age.

Qi Lei went from a vocational high school to an eighteenth college, and from a junior college to a university.

Then from the fluttering major to the fluttering major postgraduate.

From graduating from graduate school to getting a job, making a living, and getting married, every step was extremely difficult.

If others put in 10 points of effort, he will have to spend 20 points of hard work.

But who is to blame?The cause you planted by yourself will reap the hard fruit for half your life.

Qi Lei fantasized more than once that if he could work harder at that time, he would be able to do better in the senior high school entrance examination, even if he could not get into a key high school and only went to general high school, then the next 20 years would be completely different.

At least in the college entrance examination, you can have better grades and more choices.

But what the hell did you put me in the exam room for the high school entrance examination?

We didn't know what Newton said 20 years ago, and 20 years later, we almost forgot who he was, so how can we test it?

Is it possible to go to a vocational high school to learn how to lay tables and serve dishes after heavy work?

After complaining for a while, Qi Lei began to calm down. The middle-aged soul gave him the composure far surpassing that of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

After thinking about it, it doesn't seem that bad, at least it is much better than it was more than 20 years ago.

First of all, God bless, he still remembers the composition topic of the senior high school entrance examination - "My..."

Qi Lei's grandfather was diagnosed with colon cancer before the senior high school entrance examination and had just had an operation. Fortunately, the operation was successful. The whole family experienced a process of life and death, from great sadness to great joy.

Qi Lei was deeply touched by this, so he wrote "My Grandpa" in his composition for the senior high school entrance examination.

Because of personal experience, and because Qi Lei has a little talent for writing, that composition became the only bright spot in Qi Lei's high school entrance examination.

Out of 50 points, he scored 40 points, which is still fresh in his memory.

Secondly, in his previous life, he scored less than 200 points in Chinese, English, comprehensive mathematics, comprehensive science, plus a political subject, and the 40 points for composition were removed...

5 homework, only 200 points!

This is no longer something that can be explained by poor grades, it is a score that can only be obtained by the possession of a weak spirit.

Even if it is repeated again, it will be stronger than before, right?

In the end, in order to gain more confidence in finding a job and gain more self-confidence in society, the later generations of him studied English hard during college and graduate school, and passed the TOEFL.Even if there is a little difference from junior high school English, it should not be too different.

So to sum it up, getting a score of more than 100 in the test should be harder than getting into a key high school.

His requirements are not high, just pass the Pugao line.If you think about it again, there may be a glimmer of hope for the score line of bargaining students in key high schools.

Of course, it's very slim, so don't have too many illusions.

However, as a person who has been there, he knows that if a young man in a small town, especially in the north, does not have a "niucha father", schooling is almost the only way out.

The senior high school entrance examination is the first watershed in life.

Vocational high school, regular high school, and key high school, the gap between the three is like a world, even if there is even the slightest possibility, it is worth fighting for.

Thinking of this, Qi Lei became serious and looked at the exam time on the side of the blackboard.

There are two days in total. The first session this morning is mathematics synthesis, the second session is politics, and the afternoon session is Chinese.

Tomorrow morning there will only be a comprehensive science course, and English in the afternoon.

There are five exams in two days. Considering the adjustment of the candidates' status, the time is not loose.For Qi Lei, it was even more urgent.

Moreover, at this moment, the invigilator had already entered the arena with a large pile of exam papers, and Qi Lei's first test after his rebirth officially started, without any buffer at all.


Comprehensive mathematics, that is, comprehensive algebra and geometry, two hours.

After getting the test paper, Qi Lei first copied his name, school, and test number according to the test admission ticket pasted on the corner of the table.

Immediately start answering questions, well, it is said to be answering questions, but in fact it is to find which question is related to him.

After all, it has been more than 20 years, and the reborn student has almost forgotten, let alone a scumbag, or a scumbag in the liberal arts... and a scumbag in business management who does not take the math exam for the postgraduate entrance examination!Well, even if the exam is in vain, for him, the postgraduate entrance exam was more than ten years ago!Even if it is not difficult for junior high school mathematics, it is basically full of strangers.

However, Qi Lei still carefully reviewed each fill-in-the-blank, judgment and multiple-choice questions.

Because some questions can still be answered, for example, they can be deduced from high school and university knowledge.

Although the knowledge of high school and university is still vague to Qi Lei, at least he has studied it seriously, and if he has some impressions, it will come in handy now.

In addition to these, there are some that simply give sub-questions.

No matter how scumbag he is, he always knows the "Pythagorean Theorem", right? Can the "quadratic equation in one yuan" still be solved?There are also "equal operations", "exchanging elements", and "eliminating elements", all of which can be solved.

Try to get sub-questions as much as possible to ensure that no points will be lost due to mistakes.

It's just that there are not many such questions after all, Qi Lei quickly checked most of the test papers except for the big ones, and there were only a dozen or so questions, and the rest really couldn't do it.

But it doesn't matter, the exam has only started for about ten minutes at this time, all the candidates are thinking hard, only Qi Lei slowly stretches his neck...

Glanced at the next door with a pair of 8.0 eyes, the female classmate who looks amazing but has a temper.

There is no way, 1 more point is 1 point, even if it is copied.

Not to mention, even though there was only one person sitting at the two-person desk, and there was an aisle between them, Qi Lei still caught a lot of glimpses, until he was discovered by a female classmate.

Because of the previous unhappiness, Qi Lei had a bad impression, the short-haired girl immediately gave Qi Lei a vicious look, and even blocked the test paper tightly with her snow-white forearm.

"True white!" Qi Lei praised secretly.

It really doesn't matter whether a 16-year-old man or a 36-year-old man likes a 16-year-old girl!

Smile apologetically at the short-haired girl and stop offending.

The advantage of a middle-aged soul is to be measured, but the invigilator in front of him swallowed the warning that was already on his lips.

In fact, she had already discovered that Qi Lei was not honest.But unless it is absolutely necessary, they will not give a warning, let alone exercise the right of invigilation to expel candidates.

After all, these children don't understand, but she knows what the senior high school entrance examination means to students.

That means that educational resources are no longer fair, and that a good school is a good starting point.

Qi Lei didn't have to copy anymore, he scanned the test paper, and filled in more than half of it except for the major questions, but he just didn't know whether it was right or wrong.

But I also understand that it's over!

Fill in the remaining fill-in-the-blank, multiple-choice, and true-false questions, and then... hand in the paper.

Yes, it is meaningless to give up on big questions and not even try.

When he stood up, the short-haired girl cast a surprised look, "He... handed in the paper?"

The invigilator also frowned slightly, "Don't even bother copying? Just give up?" He couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

As an old teacher, there is nothing wrong with poor students. I am afraid that students will give up by themselves. Those who hand in papers in 20 minutes like this are not as good as those who dare to copy. After all, they still know the importance of a little more.

However, Qi Lei's following actions surprised the invigilator even more.

I saw him handing the test paper in front of him, then showing a very sunny smile, standing still, nodding his head slightly, without any affectation or perfunctory: "I have caused you trouble."

After speaking, he strode away from the examination room.

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