Why is it so cool?

In the end, before she was happy for a while, Guo Lihua looked at the transcribed grades and found it unpleasant.

Just over 50 points in mathematics?If you try harder, even if you get the same score as the comprehensive test, won't my mother save thousands of dollars! ?

The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became, so he raised his hand and slapped Qi Lei, "You prodigal son! What did you do so early!? What did you do so early!?"

While hitting, Guo Lihua's eyes turned red, "What did you do early..."

Crying and crying, but laughing again.

Qi Guojun took a good look at his son who was laughing and shrinking his neck from the beating, his eyes were also a little red.



Chapter 28 Angry Xu Naive

The other two.

Tang Xiaoyi slapped the mahogany tea table at home, he had never been so stubborn in front of Tang Chenggang.

"Old Tang, just say what you want? Just say whether your son is good or not, and it's over!"

Tang Yi's score is 473. Although it is definitely a small bargaining life, this score is still much better than his usual.

In Tang Chenggang's view, it is not surprising that it is not surprising to spend a lot of money in the early 400s.

Regarding Tang Xiaoyi's arrogance, Comrade Tang did not take it as an offense for the first time, and grinned widely, showing his back molars.

"Okay! Count yourself as a kid!!"

"According to what we said before, your father will pay according to the bargain price, and the rest..." With a big hand wave, "It's all yours!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Xiaoyi curled his lips: "Cut, what's your money?"

With a shake of his hand, he left.

"I'll look at the stone, maybe it's being beaten!"

Tang Chenggang was still wondering, what happened to this kid recently?He has lost interest in money.In the past, I had nothing else to do but stare at his pocket.

But when he heard that his son was going to the stone, he was shocked immediately.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Greeted Cui Yumin, "Walk, walk, go, Shishi must have been beaten."


Tang Xiaoyi was elated, but Wu Xiaojian was not so lucky.

Wu Lianshan blew his beard and stared, "Don't you think about it!? It's only 460? I'll embarrass you if I say it!"

Wu Xiaojian's performance was out of order, and he was out of standard.

It's just that Wu Ning was still thinking about it while being scolded, did I perform well?How do you get this point?

It's just a bit hasty in the composition, but it's impossible for us to write a low score in that composition, right?What's going on?


When Tang Chenggang and Cui Yumin arrived at Qi's house, they saw Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua sitting there in a daze, while Qi Lei was rubbing his arms full of grievances.

Cui Yumin's heart skipped a beat, is this over?

Hastily winked at Tang Yi, pulled Qi Lei away, and left the adults here to comfort him.

The two little thieves came back to Qi Lei's house, and before closing the door, Tang Yi glanced at the godmother with extremely complicated expressions.

Then he turned back to Qi Lei and asked, "Have you been beaten?"

Qi Lei said in a muffled voice, "Yeah!"

He is going to die unjustly, he will be beaten if he fails the exam, and he will be beaten if he does well in the exam. It's really hard to be a son!

Tang Yi: "How many points?"

Qi Lei: "454"

Tang Yi, "Oh, you should be beaten..."

After finishing speaking, he widened his eyes and let out a sharp cry: "454!?"

As a result, Tang Chenggang in the outer room was no less angry than Tang Xiaoyi, and a loud roar resounded all around.

"Good news! 454!!? The stone is promising!"

The sound of beating and cursing at the old Yang's house next door stopped suddenly, 454?Pausing for a moment, it was even faster.

Yang Daqiang: "I'll beat you to death, you bastard!!"

Old Mrs. Yang: "Hit! Mom will hold you down."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Tang Xiaoyi cried out for Yang Jinwei, what a pity!

After a while, Wu Ning followed Wu Lianshan and Dong Xiuhua dejectedly.

The three pairs of parents gathered together and murmured, Wu Ning went through the same process as Tang Xiaoyi when he entered the room.

Ask Tang Xiaoyi first, "How many points?"

Tang Yi: "473."

"Oh, that's not high, just 10 points more than me."

Looking at Qi Lei, "Have you been beaten?"


"How much is the test?"


"454!? Are you bragging!?"

It was so loud that the outside room could hear it.

Wu Lianshan shouted loudly: "Wu Ning, what the hell are you calling!? How dare you call that bear in the exam?"

Wu Xiaojian shrank his neck, feeling very wronged, my score is higher than the stone!

At the same time, Xu Qian was in pajamas, curled up on her sofa staring at the phone in a daze, and her mood was even more entangled to death.

To fight or not to fight?

In her hand, there is the latest issue of "Longjiang Provincial Youth Daily", which publishes a composition with a perfect score in the senior high school entrance examination-"My Motherland".

The article is majestic and majestic, even a girl like her would be blood spurted after reading it.

Although her composition was well written, in front of this composition, Xu Qian was still very convinced, it was really good.

However, the name of the author of the composition is Qi Lei, which made Xu Qian unable to bear it.

Why are you called Qi Lei! ?How dare you call Qi Lei! ?

Did he write it?How can it be?

How can that naive ghost write such an imposing article?impossible!Absolutely impossible!

But what if it was?

Xu Qian was very conflicted, she wanted to find out about this matter immediately, but at the same time she didn't want to call Qi Lei.

Yes, five or six days have passed since that childish ghost put the phone number in her hand and ran away, and Xu Qian hasn't called once.

Why?Why did you let this girl take the initiative to call you?Do your Spring and Autumn Dreams!

So whether to fight or not?Do you want to fight?

Biting his lips, he lingered for a long time, and finally told himself that this girl is just curious, so it's okay to ask, right?

Yes, just to ask, throw away his phone after this call.

Just this time!


Qi Guojun and his wife finally recovered from the embarrassment of being agitated and speechless, and they sat in the small hall with Tang and Wu couples, talking about the key issues of the children.

You know, before this kind of topic, Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua couldn't talk about it at all, because Qi Lei didn't live up to it.

But now, he can finally feel proud and speak loudly.

Suddenly, the phone rang quickly.

Guo Lihua yelled about the first-hand information she got from Teacher Liu, "This year's questions are difficult, and the key line and bargaining line will be lowered. The three children should be fine."

At the same time, I discussed with Cui Yumin about going grocery shopping and cooking dinner for everyone in the evening.

When the phone rang, he subconsciously glanced at the caller ID.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, he picked it up casually, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

There was obviously a pause on the phone, and a voice came after a few breaths, "Excuse me... is this Qi Lei's house? I'm looking for Qi Lei."

Guo Lihua was taken aback again, "Girl?"

Suspiciously put down the microphone, went to the next door and called Qi Lei over.

Qi Lei was still wondering, who called him?Mom's eyes are gone.

Pick up the phone, "Hello?"

Xu Qian on the other end of the phone was so annoyed, didn't she say that it's okay to call during the day?Why did the parents pick it up?

Hearing Qi Lei's voice, he lowered his voice in a complaining tone, "Why is it your mother?"

"Ahem." Qi Lei didn't choke to death.

Scanning the picture in the small hall, six parents and two bad friends stared at him in unison.

Righteous words: "This classmate, my mother has better ears and a stronger temper, so don't talk about her old man behind her back."

Xu Qian understood in seconds, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I won't do it next time!"

As a result, Qi Lei was immediately slapped.

Guo Lihua pointed at Qi Lei viciously, "You were waiting!".

"No, it's okay, classmate, right? You talk, Auntie doesn't bother you."

It's a pity that the words were in place, but the people didn't move.

However, the six adults also reduced their attention to this side and chatted with each other.

Qi Lei bared his teeth and smiled, returning to normal, "Tell me, I can't hear you, what do you want from me?"

Only then did Xu Qian feel relieved, as if she had done something wrong.In fact, she doesn't seem to have done anything wrong, right?

"Did you check your score? How did you do?"

Qi Lei, "I passed the exam..." hesitated for a moment, "I didn't do well in the exam, I'm so miserable!"

Xu Qian, "Tch, never let people down."

He said again, "Ask you something."


"What did you write in the composition for the high school entrance examination?"

This time it was Qi Lei's turn to be stunned, "Why are you asking this?"

"Anyone else asked?"

"My head teacher."

"Oh, that's normal. I understand your class teacher's complicated mood."

"Don't talk nonsense! What's going on?"

"There is an article "My Motherland" in the Youth Daily, signed by Qi Lei."

After finishing speaking, Xu Qian stomped viciously again.

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