"If I were your class teacher, I would be lucky. What if this Qi Lei is Qi Lei from my class? What a face?"

"How about it? Are you envious? The name is also Qi Lei, and his composition can be published in the provincial newspaper!"

As for Qi Lei, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! My motherland - if a miracle has a color, it must be Chinese red. Oh, don't talk nonsense! Give this girl a good time, is it you!?"

Qi Lei let out a long breath, "If there is no accident, it should be... right?"

"Cut!" Xu Qian snorted, "I'm serious, right?"

Qi Lei thought about it seriously, he should not just show weakness blindly, but should show some advantages appropriately.

For example, my article is well written.

Finally, Xu Qian solemnly answered, "Yes!"

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then, "Goodbye!"

There was a loud click, followed by a beeping busy tone.

"Bastard, it's unreasonable!" Xu Qian threw the Youth Daily far away, "How could it be you!?"



Chapter 29 Homecoming and Boasting Without Limits

Here Qi Lei hung up the phone slowly and rubbed his ears.

When he looked up, he saw eight pairs of eyes looking directly at him, and the room was eerily quiet.

Seeing this, Qi Lei raised his neck, "What are you looking at? Isn't he handsome again?"

"Cut~~?" Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian shook their arms, "Show some face, it's quite expensive!"

The adults were not in the mood to listen to his nonsense, Guo Lihua tentatively asked, "Who is it?"

Qi Lei, "Student."

Guo Lihua, "A female classmate?"

Qi Lei was speechless, "Mom, do you need to ask if the phone you answered is a female classmate?"

"Ahem." Guo Lihua cleared her throat, "Mom, what do you mean, why does the female classmate care about you so much? Just after checking the score, the call came?"

"Also, what am I listening to... Youth Daily? What's wrong with Youth Daily?"

Qi Lei didn't want to talk about the composition anymore, he was afraid that there would be too many surprises today and his mother wouldn't be able to get used to it.

Perfunctory: "Before I told her to borrow the Youth Daily."

After speaking, he ran away as if fleeing.

But the six parents didn't show any intention of stopping, Guo Lihua was a little at a loss, the more he thought about it, the more he felt wrong.

Seeing that the three little ones had already returned to the house, he said to everyone: "Stone doesn't know how to talk about friends, does he?"

There was a little panic in his tone, and Qi Guojun frowned when he heard it.

"No, no! It's impossible for a stone to fall in love early."

The term "puppy love" is equivalent to heinous in this era, and parents fear it like a tiger.

Just look at Yang Jinwei next door and you'll know the danger, the boss!

Everyone's good mood sank because of a phone call.

Only Dong Xiuhua, who was the closest to the phone, looked suspicious at the caller ID.

"This number... why is it a little familiar?"



In the afternoon, Guo Lihua really prepared a large table of dishes.

It's a pity that the three brothers ran on time at four o'clock, but they didn't catch anyone.

The angry three pairs of parents jumped, Guo Lihua recalled Qi Lei's recent whereabouts, he was not at home every night, and he was even more convinced that he must have a puppy love.

It's just that there is no evidence yet, and it's not easy to make trouble. I have to observe secretly for a while.

On Monday the next day, the parents went to work as usual, and the three brothers also went out after nine o'clock.

Today is back to school day, and it is also the last time I walk into the school gate in the third year of junior high school.

Many students who leave today may never come back for the rest of their lives.

The third brother’s home is not far from No. [-] Middle School. When you get out of the alley, you will find the Traffic Bureau. After crossing a road and then through the development zone, you will find No. [-] Middle School.

It was only 10 minutes away, so the three of them didn't ride their bikes and went to school on their legs.

On the way, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian were both talking about yesterday's incident.

Tang Xiaoyi said that he almost couldn't hold back, and confessed to Old Tang the brother's awesome feat.I really want to see Old Tang's jaw drop in shock, preferably with tears in his eyes.

Wu Xiaojian also agreed, he was scolded the worst yesterday, and he also had the urge to join Wu's father.

"Old Wu's stingy temper, there is no cure! Why don't you just spend some money on him? See if he feels sorry for him? Brother still doesn't need him!"

Clutching Qi Lei's arm, "Brother Shitou, it's up to you whether you can hold your head high and make a comeback with Old Wu!"

"You have to be a good long-term worker for the people in the spirit of eating less and working more!"

"Get lost!" Qi Lei laughed and scolded, did he really consider himself the owner of Lao Cai?

Talking and laughing all the way, blinking into the school.

Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian are in class two, Qi Lei is in class five, and the three are separated.

Before leaving, Qi Lei reminded cheaply, "Don't forget, bet!"



The two of them who were quite awkward were petrified in an instant, and the whole person was not well.


From the moment I entered the school, countless memories flooded my mind.

For example, the poplar forest on the right, the old classroom next to the forest, is the place where Qi Lei stayed for two years in the first and second grades of junior high school.

There is no heating in winter, and the stove must be lit.

The boys are scrambling for the job just to keep the keys to the classroom in their hands, and to be able to look after the stove and walk around the classroom in class.

The second classroom on this row to the west has a shoe print on the ceiling.It was the summer of the first year of junior high school, Qi Lei stepped on the mud on the playground, and kicked high when entering the house, as a result, his shoe stuck to the ceiling.

Another example is the big playground.There is dirt on sunny days, and mud on rainy days.

Qi Lei won the first place in the 1500-meter race there, and also played against the No. 8 school team 0:[-].

She was also chased by a group of her little sisters all over the playground because of bullying her deskmate.

On the opposite side of the playground, that is, by the east wall, from right to left are: the gun tower, the military restricted area and the Guangmingding.

There are men's toilets, dormitories for boarding students and women's toilets.

Then, there are basketball courts, the main road of the campus lined with willow trees, and the main building running through the east and west of the main road.

Qi Lei remembered that behind the main building was a row of dense lilac trees, which was the gathering place for the "smoky children" of senior students, and it was also a secret garden where ignorant boys and girls secretly held hands.

The lilac flowers are very fragrant, and the clove leaves are...very bitter.

Similarly, in the boiler room and water room behind the main building, there is an uncle guard who is more fierce than the aunt in charge of the dormitory. Every time he goes to fetch water, he has to look at his face.

He still remembered that the large playground in winter was a vast expanse of whiteness, and every evening self-study, the director of the teaching department, nicknamed "Old Crane", would wander around the playground with his hands behind his back wrapped in a military coat.

Seeing the flames of cigarette butts, or boys and girls acting suspiciously, they immediately rushed to catch them.

The only regret is that he only stayed in this campus for three years, which has carried almost all the beauty of his student days.

In high school, the second middle school that I used to take for granted has become an unreachable existence.

If I remember correctly, this back-to-school day in the previous life was the last time Qi Lei stepped into the gate of No. [-] Middle School.

After more than 20 years, he never came back.

As soon as I entered the classroom, it was full of familiar and unfamiliar figures.Some Qi Lei can still remember, but some can no longer be called by name.

As for my original seat, I don't have to look for it, and I can't remember it.

I casually found a familiar classmate and sat down next to each other, chatting with each other about grades, summer vacation arrangements, and my possible future.

Gradually, Qi Lei found that the atmosphere today was a bit weird.

In the past, those good students who were at the top of the class didn't seem to attract so much attention, and everyone leaned towards him consciously or unconsciously.

There are two main reasons:

One is that there are well-informed people who are concerned about his English performance.

This year's No. [-] Middle School has four perfect scores in English, and Qi Lei's name is among them. It's like a bolt from the blue.

Second, it's the juvenile newspaper.

A classmate held a juvenile newspaper, ran up to Qi Lei, and asked doubts.

It can be roughly divided into two groups:

One is, "Look, this Qi Lei has the same name as you!"

The other faction doesn't care about 21, "Qi Lei, you are too good, full marks for composition! Awesome!"

The little kid's thoughts are all written on his face.

Qi Lei couldn't help but find it funny, this place is exactly the opposite of the philistines of adults.

People with the same name as Qi Lei probably don't have any bad intentions, and they are even good buddies and sisters who get along well with him.

Seeing that the Qi Lei in the Youth Daily and the Qi Lei they knew were not of the same breed, they made fun of it.

And those who start boasting are really not good people.Knowing Qi Lei's level, he is still acting strangely like this, his mind is very gloomy!

Regarding this, Qi Lei was too lazy to waste words with the little brat, and replied all the time: "What kind of bullshit is this with lightning, invincible and smokey Xueba composition!? It's so fucking strong and invincible!"

When the little friends heard it, "Yeah! Xueba, this word is simply used, quite domineering." Naturally, they would no longer associate it with Qi Lei.

On the contrary, a group of students, no matter good students or bad students, gathered together at this time and began to study the "My Motherland".

Bad students watch the excitement and focus on the passionate rhetoric; while good students pay attention to grammar and hope to be inspired by it.

Qi Lei also enjoyed it, bluffing: "Fuck, this grandson is so stupid! What kind of brains are you? Can't compare!"

Win the support of all the brats.



Chapter 30

After a while, head teacher Liu Zhuofu entered the classroom, and the students also fell silent.

There is no opening statement, let alone a summary after the exam, all of which have lost their meaning.

Today's back-to-school has only two purposes:

One, graduation photos.

Second, according to each student's grades and intentions, the class teacher will make a record for the development of branch schools and other work in the future.

Well, in fact, these two things can be regarded as one thing.

Shangbei No. [-] Middle School is one of the best middle schools in the city. Except for some of the school districts, most of the students are borrowed from the towns below and other school districts.

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