In their eyes, at this age, no matter how much money Qi Lei earns, no matter how sensible and obedient he is, it is far less precious than No.1 in the exam.

Given a choice, they would choose the latter without hesitation.

In the previous life, Qi Lei's 16-year-old made his parents very disappointed, even hopeless.

In this life, as a son, he wanted to make up for it.

As soon as the wall clock on the wall passed 55:[-], there was no sound in the small living room of Qi's family.

Guo Lihua turned off the TV, and Qi Guojun sat on the sofa, his hands crossed together unconsciously.The thumb is exerting force, and I don't know what it is rubbing.

In the room, only the chirping of cicadas outside the window and the ticking of the wall clock can be heard.

Qi Lei couldn't take it anymore, he forced out a smile, "Dad, why don't I go out first? I'm afraid of shame."

Turning to Guo Lihua, "Mom, have the heads of our brooms been hidden? I won't be doing it for a while!"

However, it wasn't funny at all, Qi's father and Qi's mother just gave him a cold look and didn't speak.

Qi Lei immediately shut up.

And Qi Guojun looked at his son's clumsy and ridiculous look of trying to ease the atmosphere, and it was a bit uncomfortable.

With a long sigh, "Hey!"

Still the same sentence, "What did you do early?"



Chapter 27 Parents Are Unreliable

Before ten o'clock, Qi Guojun moved his body, and he had to clarify some things with the child.


"Here, Dad, tell me."

Qi Guojun sorted out his language, "I discussed with your mother about your schooling before."


"Didn't you say that you did well in the exam? Can you get 300 points?"


"Your mother and I think so, listen."


"I don't want to spend that unreasonable money on borrowing the key points for you. I don't think you are the material for studying."


"Don't worry about it. With your grades, it doesn't mean anything if you perform better once in a while. You can go to any school you can go to. Dad doesn't expect much from you, just a diploma is enough."


Seeing that Qi Lei's expression changed, Qi Guojun hurriedly said: "It's not that Dad doesn't care about you, nor is it that our family can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars. This is what your mother and I thought about. You are not a learning material. Spending that unjust money, it’s better for the two of us to work harder, use the savings at home to do something, save a little more capital for you, and you’ll have everything. Don’t you think so?”

Qi Lei, "..."

I really wanted to say in my heart, Dad, I still have help, I can try to struggle.

But, forget it, anyway, I didn't intend to ask them to pay for the borrowed money.I still don't believe it, how can I still be tied up and not allowed to go to school after borrowing the tuition fee in front of them?

And Qi Guojun kept looking at Qi Lei, afraid that there was something strange about him.

He was mainly afraid that Tang Yi and Wu Ning would definitely be the key points, but Qi Lei couldn't make it, and Qi Lei felt uncomfortable.

Seeing that he didn't speak, he hurriedly said, "Dad is also thinking about the long-term."


Qi Lei responded in a muffled voice, expressionless.

Without saying anything, "Dad, why don't we watch it again, what if we pass the exam?"

As a result, Guo Lihua became anxious.

She was always quick-tempered, Qi Lei was neither yin nor yang, she even thought that Qi Lei was not happy, and insisted on focusing on the key points with Tang Yi and Wu Ning!

"You child, why can't you listen to what you say? No one in Pugao wants your grades! Want to focus? Find a relationship and add a student fee. It's not worth thirty or forty thousand?"

"You know [-] to [-], how many years will your dad and I have to save?"

Qi Lei was a little confused, what did I not say?Sure enough, no mother in the Northeast is unreasonable!

But Qi's father was afraid that his daughter-in-law would speak too deeply and hurt Qi Lei's self-esteem.

Persuaded, "Say a few words less, isn't it okay for the child to say nothing?"

"Shut up!" Guo Lihua opened fire, covering the audience, "Use you as a good guy? You are used to Shitou's ugly appearance today!"

Lord Qi: "..."

"Qi Guojun, let me tell you!" Guo Lihua had already started to jump, "This matter cannot be left to him! It's settled like this, wherever he can go, I won't give him a penny!"

Although it was an angry word, it was cruel enough.

Qi Guojun had no choice but to glance at the wall clock, and immediately found a savior, "Noisy, why are you so noisy? It's past ten o'clock!"

Quickly picked up the phone on the coffee table and dialed the inquiry number.

Following the voice prompt, he entered Qi Lei's test number.

Then hands-free, not daring to breathe.

And Guo Lihua, who was running wild, also stopped in an instant, and kept pointing at Qi Lei's nose and cursing, like petrification.

Having said that, she is still very concerned about how she will pass the exam.

Finally, the result of the family's longing came over the phone.

Candidate: Qi Lei

Exam number: 199804511019

Comprehensive mathematics: 53 points

Physical Chemistry Comprehensive: 97 points

Language: 104 points

English: 150 points

Politics: 30 points

Sports: 20 points

Total score: 454 points!


Guo Lihua: "..."

Lord Qi: "..."

The room was eerily quiet, not even the sound of breathing.

As long as the old spring sofa is seated, it will never break, and at this time, it has lost the courage to restless.

After a full minute of silence, Guo Lihua suddenly realized, "Did you enter the wrong test number?"

Qi Guojun immediately blamed himself, "I will check again!"

Picking up the phone, put it back again, "That's right! It's Qi Lei, that's right."

What he heard clearly was the examinee: Qi Lei.

Guo Lihua was also taken aback, and then asked: "What's the total score?"

Qi Guojun, "It seems... more than 400?"

Guo Lihua exploded again, "Here!" She grabbed the phone and dialed it again.

How can it be?There must be a mistake. Can her son score more than 400 in the exam?Not that breed!

This time I also made enough preparations, took out the pen and paper, and took notes while listening.

Then, with a total score of 454, English is actually a perfect score!

That's right!Guo Lihua petrified again, this time another half a minute passed.

Start it suddenly, hang up the inquiry phone, and then immediately pick it up and dial a number.

The busy sound of waiting sounded, and Guo Lihua's hand holding the pen was trembling, and he was scribbling circles on the scoring paper.The eyes are constantly changing, no one can tell what kind of turmoil she is going through in her heart!


Finally, someone on the other side answered.

" it Teacher Liu? I'm Qi Lei's mother."


"Yes! Have you seen Qi Lei's grades? Hey, he's really worked hard recently, especially in English and science."


"That's not true. I haven't seen him memorize Chinese questions."


"Ms. Liu, I want to ask, what is the bargaining line of our No. [-] Middle School this year?"


"That's right! We don't have extravagant expectations for his achievement key line, as long as we can negotiate the price line, we will be satisfied."


"Yes...but the children have passed the exam, so the money has to be spent anyway."


"Really? Is the question so difficult this year?...It's okay, it's okay, even if we go to borrow and read, we will recognize it. The gap between the key points and the general high school is still too big."


"Okay! Then don't bother Mr. Liu, goodbye."


After hanging up the phone, Guo Lihua still had difficulty breathing!Said to the expectant Qi Guojun: "Mr. Liu said that this year's exam questions are difficult, and the small bargaining price may be around 450 points. It is not certain yet. But the chances of the stone's score being small enough to bargain are very high!"

Qi Guojun slapped his thigh fiercely, "Go!! Don't talk about small bargains, big bargains are also worth it!"

Staring at Qi Lei, "Son, put your heart in your stomach! Dad will pay you the money, and you will be the focus of the money!"

Qi Lei: "..."

You parents... don't you blush?Is it appropriate to change so quickly?

However, I was also surprised in my heart, why is it so high?

In his estimation, there is not much difference between the English score and the actual score.

He estimated 140, which is actually a perfect score. It seems that during the English test, the grammar review before the test and the caution in the test played a role.No wonder Mr. Luo wanted to call him.

The comprehensive score was higher than he estimated, with a full score of 120, he actually got 97!

For Chinese, he thought it would be 40 points for the composition, 30 points for the basic questions, and 70 points for the extra one.Unexpectedly, there are 104!

As for mathematics and politics, although the mathematics score is only over 50, it is already very good.You know, but I haven't reviewed it at all!

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Yang Daqiang's angry voice resounding all around.

"Little bastard, I'll beat you to death, you prodigal bastard! You got more than 200 points in the court? I'll discount your legs!"

Well, Yang Jinwei suffered again.

well!Qi Lei sighed, the gap in life is a bit big!

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