There must be a purpose for taking out such a large list.

Regarding this, Qi Lei was also very frank, "Price! No matter cheap socks or branded socks, we all need a real base price."

"Huh." Zhou Tao was silent again.

After thinking about it, the owner of the restaurant borrowed a calculator and pressed it for a long time.

Finally, "The previous price, I will give you another 15%."

"Okay!" Qi Lei agreed without thinking.

It was Zhou Tao's turn to be stunned, "You...don't bargain anymore?"

Qi Lei bared his teeth and said with a smile: "I believe this must be my sister's lowest price."

Zhou Tao was speechless, nonsense!Let your bear thing drained dry.

She reported really very low.Anyway, regardless of how much money I, Zhou Tao, earn, she can guarantee this price, and no one in the entire underground mall can give it.

Of course, there are other reasons why the profit is so large.

Wholesalers like them, the quantity they get from the manufacturer also determines the ex-factory price given by the manufacturer.

That is to say, the more you get, the greater the discount the manufacturer will give, especially for branded products.

For cheap socks, there is not much room for manufacturers to make profit.It is branded goods, because her shopkeeper sells cheap goods, the quantity of branded goods is not much, and the price is higher.

Now with Qi Lei's guarantee, she can strive for greater profit margins on branded goods.

The reason why he was astonished was because of Qi Lei's performance.

I have repeatedly emphasized before that the original price given to him was the reserve price, and he still lost money.

But now that he has let so much at once, if it were an ordinary person, he would have been very angry and thought he had been fooled.

But he...he didn't even lift his eyelids, what the hell is this?

"Are you not angry at all?"

"What are you angry about?"

"Before I said it was the reserve price, are you not angry? Are you afraid that what I am quoting now is not the reserve price?"

"Oh." Qi Lei reflected, and grinned, "It's business, whoever is serious will lose."

Zhou Tao: "..."

"Convince!" Thumbs up Qi Lei, "From today on, I will obey you!"

Qi Lei stretched out his hand, "Then... happy cooperation."

At this point, Qi Lei also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, the deal is over!

He was really afraid that the previous price was Zhou Tao's reserve price, and he would lose money and take a big risk.

The reason why he did this and used a large order of more than 3 pairs in two months to strive for a lower price was not because Qi Lei was greedy and seeking greater profit margins, but to plan ahead.

As I said before, this kind of drainage and sales routine will have to be learned sooner or later.

What to do then?This is the problem that the three brothers have to face, and they must be prepared in advance.

And this marketing method is nothing more than three aspects:

Channels, drainage capabilities, and major profitable products.

What he is doing now is to secure the channel.

With this large order of more than 3 yuan, no one who sells socks in Shangbei has a better purchase price than him.

The end result is that he has more room to operate than others.Whether it is a price war or something in the future, he will have a bottom line.

It can only be said that although it is just a small socks business, it is not simply buying and selling.


Back in the store with Zhou Tao, Zhou Tao, who was very happy at first, was in a bad mood after being asked a word by the clerk.

"Sister, are you done? Didn't you let this kid fool you?"

Zhou Tao: "..."

Well, this time the little brother is more domineering, and after changing his tactics, Zhou Tao made people eat him to death again.

"Go to work, you haven't been deducted from your salary this month, have you?"

After sending the clerk away, Zhou Tao and Qi Lei first signed a simple guarantee agreement, and then Zhou Tao didn't waste any time, and immediately distributed the goods to Qi Lei, and asked the clerk to help him move to the shipping point on the ground.

When the clerk saw the price, he slammed his lips in regret.

The boss is stupid again?



Chapter 26

It was the same driver as last time.

Seeing that it was Qi Lei who came to pick up the goods again, it was logical for him to give him a ride back to Shangbei.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Shangbei, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian came to pick up the car, the three brothers didn't bother with Grandpa Qi Lei, and went directly to the night market.

As usual, it was past ten o'clock, and I returned home sweaty, but I didn't eat dinner at home again.

On July [-]st, Qi Lei answered two calls during the day.

One was called by the class teacher Liu Zhuofu.

As soon as it was Qi Lei who answered the phone, he immediately asked what was written in the composition for the senior high school entrance examination.

Qi Lei answered truthfully, "My Motherland"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for three seconds, and a sentence popped up, "Where did you copy it?"

Qi Lei frowned, and found that things were not that simple.

After pondering for a while, "Ms. Liu, you know me well. Am I that kind of person? Copy it for me with your eyes on your face, and I won't copy it!"

Liu Zhuofu, "Well, indeed, you don't even bother to copy."


Qi Lei choked, I told you about ethics, but you talked about habits with me, and we couldn't talk together anymore.

"I really didn't copy it!"

"What are you writing, tell me about it."

After Qi Lei recounted the general content, the other end of the phone fell silent again.

"You really wrote this stuff? Why don't I believe it so much?"

Qi Lei said seriously, "Mr. Liu, the conscience of heaven and earth! I didn't learn anything in the third year of junior high school, so I studied your Chinese seriously."

"You make it up again! Study hard and give me ten points in the exam?"

Qi Lei: "I have accumulated a lot of money, and I haven't done it yet!"

"..." Liu Zhuofu said, "By the way, there is one more thing. Do you know who in our class wrote the composition "My Dad"?"

Qi Lei looked confused, "I don't know."

"Then hang up!"


The second call was from English teacher Luo Yan.

The female teacher was much gentler than the male teacher. First she asked Qi Lei what he was doing during the summer vacation and where he planned to go. After a long detour, he finally got to the point:

"Who copied your English paper?"

"Hey... eh!?" Qi Lei became impatient, "Luo is beautiful, even if he is good-looking, you can't talk nonsense, I will sue you for slander!"

puff!Teacher Xiao Luo laughed out loud.

She has a very good temper, and usually gets along with her classmates in class, but Qi Lei never thought that she would say "beautiful, how handsome is she?"

Is that how the bastards in Class [-] nicknamed her?

Then he teased, "Unlucky boy, you sue! Tell you the business is less sloppy, and say, did you copy it?"

Qi Lei was about to cry, he guessed that his English score was not low, which made Teacher Luo suspicious.

Howled: "The conscience of heaven and earth! We didn't learn anything in the third year of junior high school, and we just memorized your English. You still say that about me?"

Luo Yan became angry, "Speak well! You only got ten points in the monthly exam for memorizing English?"

Qi Lei, "I have accumulated a lot of money, and I haven't done it yet!"

"..." Luo Yan fell silent, and she was much more rigorous than Liu, when a sentence in English suddenly popped up.

As soon as Qi Lei heard it, he knew it was a writing question in the English paper, and without hesitation for a second, he spoke out his answer in fluent English.

Hearing this, Luo Yan was taken aback for a while, "You really study hard?"


"That's fine." Luo Yan felt relieved, "As long as it's not copied."

After finishing speaking, I hung up the phone.

Qi Lei couldn't figure it out, do all of you teachers hate it so much?Can't you speak clearly?


In the next few days, the three brothers will do what they do during the day, and set up a stall at night, and the sales will vary.

When it is more, it is more than 400, and when it is less, it is about [-]. The average is also very impressive.

During this period, Tang Yi and Wu Ning also gradually adapted to the daily life of setting up a stall. They no longer covered themselves with baseball caps and big sunglasses, and began to meet people openly.

The two of them also thought it over clearly, buddy, this is not shameful, buddy, this is awesome!

Which classmate friend can spend the money he earns?Don't you all reach out to take care of your family's needs?Even Tang Xiaoyi is much tougher to spend money now, and his heart is beautiful.

It's strange to say that so far, no familiar classmates have recognized the three brothers.

It may be that the fire under the black lights of the night market cannot be seen clearly, or it may not be thought about there at all.

Qi Lei is okay, he was a little bit transparent in school.But Tang Yi and Wu Ning are both celebrities, and they know more or less about the family situation.

Let them set up a street stall?Not too possible.Even if it looks familiar, no one dares to recognize it.

July [-]th, which is the tenth day after the high school entrance examination, happened to be Sunday.

Originally, Guo Lihua was going to be on duty at work today, so at least she had to report for it.But he deliberately found someone to change shifts, and stayed at home early in the morning.

The other two are similar, Tang Chenggang didn't go to the factory today, Wu Lianshan and Dong Xiuhua also pushed back all the social gatherings, and they all stayed at home, ready to fight!

Well, today is the day when the senior high school entrance examination results are released.

In the Harbin area, at 7:5 am on July 10th, a telephone check was launched.

Don't look at the group of parents who seem to have nothing to say after the exam, in fact, they are already scratching like cats in their hearts, and we will see the outcome today.

Even if Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua had known earlier, Qi Lei's appalling results were not worth waiting for.

But... what if?There is more or less a fluke in my heart.

The atmosphere of the three houses was a bit depressing, and the brothers did not dare to breathe when they were at home.

To be honest, Qi Lei was also nervous at this moment.

For the score, he already had a rough estimate, but he was still nervous.

Although in the eyes of many people, studies are not a necessary means for a reborn person to advance in life.But Qi Lei doesn't think so, the campus time is the most precious youthful memory for anyone.

After reliving his life, he didn't want to miss even the slightest bit.

What's more, the academic problem means more to the parents than to Qi Lei himself.

Chinese parents wish they could devote their whole life to their children.

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