Wu Xiaojian imagined the scene of hugging Tang Yi in front of the whole class, and couldn't help shivering, crying: "Brother will still be in No. [-] Middle School in the future!"

The focus shifted from selling stalls to betting.

At about 04:30, Qi Lei gave an order, and the three brothers rushed towards the night market with arrogance.

But before departure, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian went home at the same time.

When they came out, both of them were wearing baseball caps, and they also took out the big sunglasses of Father Tang and Father Wu, and put on a high-necked jacket, covering them tightly.

Tang Yi let out a long breath, "It's much more practical!"

Qi Lei is also speechless, it will be dark in a while, wearing big sunglasses, are you going to see a ghost?Besides, people in summer are not afraid of getting prickly heat?

I don't bother to pay attention to them, the three of them each have a bicycle, and the equipment on the rear seat rack is spread out. (Tang Yi brought out a white bed sheet and some cardboard from fruit boxes from home.)

First go to Grandpa Qi Lei to get the socks, then go straight to the night market.


Different from the night markets in later generations that mainly focus on snacks and delicacies, in the 90s, morning markets and night markets were also the main places for the circulation of daily necessities in northern cities and towns, playing a vital role in life.

For the north, which is always half a beat behind the south, supermarkets are still a new thing.In this day and age, you have to go to the grain and oil store to buy rice and noodles, the market and morning market to buy meat and vegetables, and the first choice to buy some daily necessities is the night market.

Only for more formal shopping, or when you need expensive goods, do you go to the mall for consumption.

Going to the night market is also the most frequent leisure activity for urban residents in summer.

Therefore, in addition to not selling houses, not selling refrigerators and color TVs, you can find any products you need here.

Shangbei Night Market is located on the southern section of Wenhua Road, from the intersection of Sandao Street to the east gate of the textile factory.

As long as the off-duty time is past, both sides of the road will be filled with vendors, which is a spectacular sight.

It was already past five o'clock when Qi Lei and the others arrived at the night market, and some vendors also began to push carts into the market.

In this regard, Qi Lei did not compete with the adults for the best stall positions, but found a relatively good one with not too many people.

Pick up two bricks on the side of the road, set aside a space, and count it as your own.

There are no fixed stalls in the night market, it just depends on who comes early to occupy the early ones.

Except for the section just entering the night market, there are also good stalls in the middle section, and there are very few disputes in other places over grabbing space, after all, the place is big.

Under normal circumstances, after a while, there will be joint law enforcement (the predecessor of urban management) to collect booth fees, 5 yuan for a family.

At that time, I will give you a number to prove that this place is yours tonight, so there is no conflict.

And ever since entering the night market, Tang Yi and Wu Ning have become quails again, timid and unable to let go.All he knew was that he was following Qi Lei, and he didn't even talk much.

Qi Lei doesn't care either, everything is difficult at the beginning, and it takes a process.

If he hadn't been reborn as Erpilian, he might not be as good as the two of them!

Put the cardboard on the ground, and put a layer of white cloth on it, and you can place the goods.

Tang Yi and Wu Ning finally found a chance to make a move. They held their coat collars with one hand, standing tall, and took out the sock bag with the other hand. Qi Lei posed in front alone.

Halfway through, Tang Xiaoyi finally couldn't stand the oppressive atmosphere, and leaned into Qi Lei's ear, "Brother Shitou, why don't we go back? It's too much!"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "Are you admitting defeat?"

Tang Yi nodded, "Admit defeat! Brother treats you to a summer vacation, okay?"

Qi Lei quit, and said with a smirk: "No, hug and kiss."

Tang Yi was speechless, "Think about it, it's a summer vacation night!"

"No! Just hug and kiss."

"Day you!" Tang Xiaoyi was defeated, his teeth were about to be gritted, "You wait!"

I had to go back and continue to pick out my socks like a thief.

Yes, be a thief!

For a child of this age, earning clean money from a stall is tantamount to being a thief.

The self-esteem that has no place to rest, and the anxiety of leaving the protection of adults for the first time, are on your heart.

The hands and feet are numb, and the lips are wooden. If there was no betting agreement, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian would have fled long ago.

After a while, vendors came from left and right.

Coincidentally, there is also a lady selling socks on the left, but she is a professional.

It's a two-wheeled flat car, one and a half meters long, with a flat top, and small grids for displaying goods.There are also simple small shelves on the tablet, which can also hang goods.

In addition to socks, there are other small commodities, which are very convenient to sell along the street, or stop and use as stalls.

When Tang Yi saw it, he couldn't help grinning and complaining to Wu Xiaojian, "He is returning to the army, and we are Tubalu!"

Let him say that, Wu Ning is even more ashamed.



Chapter 19 Sense of Superiority

The regular army aunt next door also noticed the "peer" next door as soon as she came.

I was still very nervous at first, how could it be so unlucky that two sock sellers got together.

If colleagues are enemies, it will definitely have an impact on sales.

After observing for a while intentionally or unintentionally, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and came to the conclusion that the three stunned young men are not a threat!

I don't know anything, and I still sell socks?

The aunt has her own set of business rules. Socks are things that no one can see when you wear them in your shoes. Who knows if you show your heels or have a big hole in the top of your toes?

Under normal circumstances, it is rare for people to go to the night market because of their torn socks. They just stroll around, look at other gadgets, and finally take a pair or two back with them.

Therefore, the goods selling socks are complete.

Not only the variety of socks must be complete, but also the others.

Hair rope nail clippers, card hair towels and other daily necessities, the more things you have, the more you can attract customers.

So, look at auntie's car, there are all kinds of Linlin, dozens of hundreds of commodities, this is what doing business looks like!

If you look at the next door, the aunt has counted, there are only five kinds of cheap goods in large categories, but there are a lot of messy high-end goods, but they are expensive, who are you selling?

She also has high-end socks here, which are for show, and even if they are sold out, they won't be able to sell a pair or two.

These days, the common people are poor, and there are still a few rich people.Brand-name socks costing more than ten or twenty yuan are good, but they are reluctant to wear them, and naturally they sell few.

After buying the goods next door, and buying the three children, it is even more disgusting.

These days, if you don't study hard, there are too many bears who think you can make a living anywhere.And these three are definitely the worst mix!

Think about it, at a young age, with plenty of strength and good looks, wouldn't it be better to do something than set up a stall here?

To put it bluntly, it is worthless and nothing!

The aunt complained that others were worthless, but she didn't realize that she was also a sock seller.

However, this is the concept of their generation.

Young people, they have to be enterprising, they have to go out, and if they stay in this crappy place like Shangbei, if they don't study and make progress, they are useless.

Moreover, the aunt also found a sense of superiority from the three brothers!

Xin said, fortunately, my kid is sensible and knows how to study.If she was like these three, would she die of worry?

The more I think about it, the happier I feel, the weather is really nice today, and there must be a lot of people in the night market.With these three silly boys here to compare, the business will definitely be good.

Don't look at her small stall, the morning market, night market, plus the usual street stalls, can earn more than 1000 yuan a month!

In his heart, he didn't look down on Qi Lei and the three of them, but he didn't show it at all, this is the tact of adults.

Looking for an opportunity, he took the initiative to talk to Qi Lei, "Young man, you are making so many socks at once, who are you going to sell them to?"

While busy with work, Qi Lei replied with a smile, "Sell it slowly, but it's definitely not as good as your old man! Teach us more."

The aunt was happy, "Is there anything that can't be sold, whoever you want to buy?"

"That's right." Qi Lei climbed along the pole, "Ma'am, tell us, can you make money selling this thing?"

The aunt frowned, "What kind of money do you earn? Ten or eight yuan is a big deal! It's not that the aunt said you, you are all young, why don't you go to the prison? You can't earn any money after working so hard here!"

After finishing speaking, he also knew that these words could not persuade the three bears, so he thought to himself, if you want to grab the business, just grab the business, anyway, you won’t be able to grab much!

Changing the subject, "I don't think you are very old, why don't you study?"

Qi Lei replied, "Isn't this a third-year junior high school graduate?"


It's clear in my heart, I won't read it in the third year of junior high school?Nothing, nothing!

Just catching up with a group of teenagers passing by the stall, the aunt's eyes lit up and she called out to one of them, "Dazhi! Dazhi! Come here!"

It was a tall and thin teenager who didn't want to talk to her.But he couldn't hold back her screaming, so he had to whisper a few words with his classmates, and leaned closer.

With a sullen head and a reluctance on his face, "Mom..."

"Hey!" The aunt was very unwilling, "What's wrong? Did your mother embarrass you?"

Pulling the boy, Qi Lei and the others introduced, "This is my son Song Dazhi, who is in the second year of No. [-] Middle School. His studies are very good! You know the No. [-] Middle School? Both middle and high schools are good, the key point! Most people enter the middle school. don't go."

Qi Lei pretended not to understand what the aunt meant, and greeted with a smile.

As for Tang Yi and Wu Ning, they were also speechless and raised their collars higher.

Damn, what are you afraid of, you ran into a No. [-] middle school before opening.

But Song Dazhi had no choice but to say hello to Qi Lei and the other three due to his mother's lust.It's just a little strange in my heart, these three people... look so familiar?

But I just thought about it, and hurriedly said, "Mom, my classmates are still waiting for me!"

The aunt froze, "If you have fun, you will know how to play! If you have time to read more books, what will you do if you don't study hard?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the three of Qi Lei, the meaning was obvious, if you don't study, you have to be like them.

"Go, go home early!"

"Oh!" Song Dazhi ran away in response, not wanting to stay for a second.

Back to the classmates, several playmates kept staring there, "Is that your mother?"

Song Dazhi nodded reluctantly, "Yes."

The classmate didn't say anything, but turned his attention to Qi Lei, "Isn't that Qi Lei from Class [-] and [-]? Why are you here?"

Song Dazhi took a good look, "Really? I don't know much about it."

He really didn't know Qi Lei very well, he had only heard of it.

Another classmate also said, "The two behind him look like Brother Tang and Brother Ning?"

Song Dazhi was speechless when he saw it, "Impossible! Are you blind?" He didn't want to stay longer, "Who cares, let's go and play ball!"

After speaking, he took his classmates and left.

Tang Yi, Wu Ning and Qi Lei are not the same, in No. [-] Middle School they are the man of the hour, big animals.The powerful and powerful in the family are the existences that ordinary students like them need to look up to.

Can you come to this street stall?What are you talking about?

The son left, but the aunt didn't care that the son looked down on her career at all, and thought it was quite good.

Just know it's embarrassing!

If you know it's shameful, you have to study hard, so that you won't be like these three bears in the future, doing the same job as old ladies.

Gradually, the number of people in the night market began to increase, bustling with each other, rubbing shoulders with each other.

While greeting the business, the aunt did not forget to stare at Qi Lei.

Colleagues, pay more attention.

In just a short time, she has already opened her business and made two sales, which cost seven or eight yuan.

As for the side, not so lucky.

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