Does Tang Xiaoyi lack the 600 yuan?What he lacks is enjoyment!

Anyway, it made him quite happy today.Although he didn't do it himself, Qi Lei's control of the place is just like his control of the place, and the fun is over.

Tang Yi was very excited and suddenly found something interesting, but Wu Ning was very calm.

Of course, his blood was surging, and he was also thinking about it secretly, but...

"Stone, more than 1000 pairs of socks, when will they be sold?"

In a word, Tang Yi woke up too, and his face changed, "It's really a bit much, I can't sell them all in one summer vacation!"

This is a cruel reality.

Although Qi Lei got a low price that ordinary traders might not be able to get, it seemed that he had an advantage at the starting point.But still the same sentence, socks can't be sold much at street stalls.

Even though it's a necessity, everyone wears it, and anyone needs several pairs of socks throughout the summer, they're in high demand.

However, there are many people who can't stand this business!

There are sock stalls all over the night market, no matter how big the demand is, there are not many on average.Otherwise, it would not be possible to see dozens of pairs or dozens of pairs of business everywhere in the wholesale city.

Regarding the worries of the two, Qi Lei smiled lightly, "Don't worry, if it's sold out, let's sell it at a low price!"

"Low price?" The two were puzzled, "How low?"

Qi Lei gave an approximate price, but both of them were blown up.

Tang Yi jumped up angrily, "No way! I've carried it all the way back, so I just sell it for free? How about playing?"

Wu Ning also said: "Shitou, do you know how to do business? What are you planning?"

The price Qi Lei said was very low, and there was almost no trick.

What he meant was that, except for cotton ball socks, which sell for 2.5 yuan per pair, the rest sell for five yuan for three pairs.

What is this concept?

The purchase price of the socks is 2 yuan, and each pair earns 5 cents.

For the other four categories, the lowest is 1.2 yuan/pair, and the highest is 1.4 yuan/pair.If you sell three pairs for five yuan, the average profit is only 3 cents.

Of course, this did not include the travel expenses for the three of them to the provincial capital, the shipping fees for socks, and the daily stall fees at the night market.

Counting all the miscellaneous and miscellaneous things, and counting it based on the cost of a pair of socks with a dime off, there is only room for [-] cents left.

Two cents! !Santa Claus?Big delivery?

Wu Ning was a little impatient, he couldn't let Qi Lei do this, "Shitou, have you done any calculation?"

"Your price is indeed low, and you must sell more than others. But think about it, even if others sell 30 pairs a day, you are three times their price, no! 100 pairs!"

"You sell 100 pairs a day and you only earn 20 yuan. What are you trying to do?"

20 yuan, 600 a month, the three brothers worked hard to reach Shangbei's average salary.

Lao Tzu is the son of a director, but he is also a rich man, so why do you do charity with me?

Under Wu Ning's questioning, Tang Yi was also full of contempt, "You still haven't learned the essence of Old Tang! That's not how business is done, so go ahead and let it go. Wu Xiaojian and I decide this matter."

While talking, he and Wu Ning turned their backs on customers, left Qi Lei behind, and began to discuss a reasonable price.

Qi Lei didn't stop it, it's a good thing, the two of them have changed from resisting to death at the beginning to actively participating now, this change is the most important.

Moreover, as a reborn person, going back to selling socks more than 20 years ago is obviously an embarrassment to the reborn person.

But Qi Lei doesn't think so, he has no capital, and he doesn't know the stocks and lottery tickets for future generations, so he can only accumulate from the basics.

Everything you do is paid for by labor, and there is no shame in it.

The other two really started to pay attention and studied it carefully, only to realize that the knowledge in it is really not simple.

That is to set a relatively low price to win more sales, but not too low to ensure profit margins.

In the end, the two brothers finally decided to set the purchase price of 2 yuan socks at 10 yuan for three pairs, and the other four pairs for 4 yuan for [-] pairs.

In this way, each pair of socks can guarantee a profit of over one yuan, and it must be cheaper than others.

Wu Ning carefully calculated the total profit of selling all the socks, "Hey, if you sell more than 1000 pairs, you can earn more than 1000!"

He raised his eyebrows at Qi Lei provocatively, "How is it? Brother, you know how to use your brain!"

Tang Yi also took advantage of the situation and pointed at Qi Lei's head, "He can't do it, he has raised chickens in his head."

Qi Lei looked at the two with a half-smile, and suddenly said: "How about we make a bet? First try my method, if it proves that mine is better than yours, then I will win."

"Cut!" Wu Xiaojian snorted, "How bad is that? It's as if we are bullying you. If you gamble, you gamble, and if you lose, please stay overnight!"

Talk about bullying, but if you really have the opportunity to bully, you are not polite at all.

And Bao Ye is no stranger no matter what age, but Shangbei in [-] did not have the Internet, and Bao Ye only went to the computer room to play stand-alone.

Qi Lei didn't have much interest in this, five yuan including night fee, isn't that cheap?

Rolling his eyes, "Isn't it interesting to keep a lot of nights? If you want to play, play with the big ones."

"After getting the results in the high school entrance examination, don't I have to go back to school? If I lose, when I go back to school, I will call Little Liu in front of my head teacher."

"If you lose, hug and kiss each other when taking graduation photos."



The two brothers were a little confused, "Fuck! Do you want to play so big?"

However, after thinking about it, I'm afraid of you?Anyway, it's not us who lose!

The two were almost at the same time, "It's a deal!"


Well, Qi Lei led the two bastards into the ditch.

Your mind is on winning or losing. If you were a serious businessman, who would let you try that unreliable price?still bet?Making money comes first.



Chapter 18 Declaring War on the Night Market

The freight bus is much faster than the big green leather, and there are not so many stops on the road.

The three brothers fulfilled their promise and helped the driver unload the goods all the way. After more than two hours, they returned to Shangbei before 6 o'clock.

The driver was also nice, the three children helped a lot on the road, and Qi Lei was sweet-talking.When I heard that they were going to get off the car, I ran a little longer and sent them to the intersection.

The three of them didn't go home, but carried two big bags of socks to Qi Lei's grandfather's house.

Qi Lei's grandfather, grandma and Qi Lei's third uncle Qi Guodong lived together in a separate small courtyard of the bungalow.

When the three brothers entered the yard, the third uncle was not at home, and Grandma Qi was watering the flowers.

Seeing three children come in with a big package, they were still curious, "What?"

The three of them said in no hurry, they just opened their mouths to eat.

I just ate two buns in the morning, and my heart was already attached to my back.

Grandma Qi just acted like a fool for a whole day, and it happened that the old couple had just finished eating, so they hurried to the kitchen to heat up the meal, and started to add another dish.

Grandpa Qi Lei was listening to the radio in the room, knowing that it was Qi Lei, he walked out with his hands behind his back.

With an arrogant look on his face, Pi Tou asked forcefully, "Why didn't you come yesterday? Didn't you just finish the exam the day before yesterday?"

Qi Haiting was only 30 years old before Qi Guojun, and Qi Guojun was only 30 years old before Qi Lei, so even though Qi Lei is only sixteen, the old man is over 70 years old.

After being retired for more than ten years, he is becoming more and more like an old child, and it is okay if things don't go his way.

Especially when the grandson came to see him one day later, he was full of displeasure.

Of course, another reason is that Qi Haiting has married three wives and had eleven children, but his relationship with him as a father is very tense.

Except for the youngest Qi Guodong who was by his side, even the eldest son Qi Guojun had some complaints about his father.

Therefore, as the old man gets older, he becomes more lonely, and Qi Lei prefers him even more, and he will get upset if he doesn't see him for a few days.

Regarding the old man's anger, Qi Lei naturally had to coax him well.Two months after the operation, he is the oldest in the family!

After finally coaxing her well and making her happy, this brought out the business.

He bluffed and said that the three of them wanted to do something big during the summer vacation, and they were going to set up a stall in the night market. They didn't want their family to know about it for the time being, and asked the old man to keep it a secret.

When Grandpa Qi heard this, he slapped his thigh fiercely, "Okay! Grandpa supports you!"

"Why don't you study well? You can be promising if you don't study well. That's what gentlemen should do! This is called responsibility!"

The three brothers immediately gave Qi Jian a thumbs up, "This old revolutionary has a high level of consciousness!"

When Grandpa Qi heard it, he was immediately overjoyed, "That's right! I think back then..."

Come on, let's start to mention what happened to him back then.

The so-called second-generation relatives are like this, not to mention selling socks, even if the grandson sells him, the old man is willing.

Take a look at your grandson, whatever you want.

"Good thing! Grandpa firmly supports it. Is there enough money? Grandpa will give you some more?"

Qi Lei quickly shook his head, "No need! That's enough, the three of us have lucky money."

"Okay!" The old man became even happier when he heard that, pointing at Qi Lei and staring at his eyes, "My eldest grandson must be more promising than his father!"

If Qi Guojun can die of anger here, I will be aggrieved enough to live, are you still a real father?

After eating at the grandfather's house, the three brothers stayed for a while, chatting with the old man and the old lady for a while, but Qi Lei's third uncle didn't come back, and they didn't go home until after eight o'clock.

Parents have long been used to the three children not seeing anyone for a day.

In this day and age, children are freed, especially during the winter and summer vacations, when they can't catch a shadow for a few days, they start to worry.

After I came back and asked, I felt more at ease after having dinner at the old man's place.

Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun didn't even ask where they were going during the day, they saw Qi Lei slumped on the bed, told him to wash his face before going to bed, and went back to the house to watch TV.

It's just that after a while, Guo Lihua went out, went to Tang Yi's house to watch a TV series, and spent the night at Tang's house.

And Wu Lianshan and Tang Chenggang came to Qi Lei's house, three old men in their 40s, each holding a bottle of Harbin beer, chatting while guarding the central five sets.

It was only then that Qi Lei remembered that it was the World Cup in France.

However, the three old men are destined to be disappointed.Whether it is the Netherlands that Papa Wu likes, or the Italy that Papa Qi and Papa believe in, they will all fall into the sand.

Because victory... belongs to France, to Zizou.

Tang Yi and Wu Ning also collapsed on the bed as soon as they got home.

However, neither of them could fall asleep.

It was a tiring day, but it was also a magical day, a feat for 16-year-olds.

Tang Yi was even thinking, if old Tang knew about his brother's feat today, would he have to spend another thousand oceans?

Wu Xiaojian is thinking about how to spend the money he earns. After buying the Walkman, is there still enough to change to a pair of sneakers.

Well, forget about the sneakers, it is more reliable to wear fashionable brand-name casual clothes.Going to high school, there must be many beautiful new classmates.

The next day, the three brothers all slept until noon by coincidence, and they were listless when they got together in the afternoon, as if they hadn't woken up.

There are few words, and even Italy beat Norway last night and advanced to the quarterfinals.

In fact, the three brothers didn't look at anyone, and all their thoughts were on tonight.

It's time to sell socks!

Thinking of meeting Zhenzhang tonight, Tang Yi and Wu Ning were a little bit apprehensive.

After all, I'm only sixteen, the boss is my second child's age, and I'm not a reborn bum like Qi Lei, so I can't be calm and composed.

In this regard, Qi Lei can handle it with just one sentence.

Hugging the guitar, she looked at the two jokingly, "Why don't you two just throw in the towel, and it's not shameful to kiss each other."

"Grandma!" Tang Xiaoyi exploded immediately, "You are not ashamed! Brother is ashamed!"

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