Letting Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian watch outside, Qi Lei entered Miss Sister's shop for the fourth time.

Seeing that it was Qi Lei again, Zhou Tao lost her temper completely, and greeted him dumbfoundedly, "Why did you go for so long this time?"

Qi Lei replied with a smile, "My mother's stock is almost ready."

Zhou Tao remained calm, in fact, he had guessed it a long time ago.After such a long time, it must have been selected elsewhere.It's just a pity, if it's all purchased from her, it will be good.

But it doesn't matter, the underground business is too good, not bad for dozens of pairs.

He said bluntly, "What? These two items are missing? Is the price my sister gave you really?"

"Yeah!" Qi Lei nodded, approving.

"However, my mother asked me to ask again, if the quantity is larger, can it be cheaper?"

When Zhou Tao heard this, she became a little unhappy again, "I am an ordinary old customer who only gives this price, but it is already the lowest price."

"Yeah!" Qi Lei still nodded cutely, "I told my mother about it. But my mother said that there are more people in my house, let me ask a few more to see if there are any less."

"How many more?" Zhou Taoxin said, "This kid didn't just run away from my family?"

However, the price she gave was really not high.

Displeased: "How much can your family approve? It's already very low."

Qi Lei stretched out two fingers, "So many."

Zhou Tao, "Twenty pairs?"

Qi Lei, "Two hundred pairs."

"How many?"

Zhou Tao was a little confused, "Two hundred pairs? Total?"

Qi Lei, "The same two hundred pairs."


"That...that's quite a lot..."

I have to say that Zhou Tao was a little surprised, there are really not many customers who go with such a large number of customers.Especially Qi Lei's little notebook, it's not just these two things that he memorized.

I felt a little regretful immediately, why didn't I have something to do with this bear?This is a really big order, no matter how good the business is, you can't miss it.It's a pity that it's too late. It's estimated that everyone has purchased almost the same.

After thinking about it, she called a salesperson to take over her customers first, and called Qi Lei aside, "Brother, do you really want to buy so many in your house?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Really!"

Zhou Tao immediately bowed his head and pondered, showing a big smile: "How about this, you go back and tell the adults at home that this order is considered as a friend, and if the sister doesn't earn your money, I will give you 1.5 or 2.2, which is already the base price of the sister. "

"Next time you come to my sister's place, I will pay you this price!"

Qi Lei hurriedly expressed his thanks, "Thank you, Miss Xiaotao!"

"That...that...that..." He hesitated to speak.

Zhou Tao knew at a glance that the child had something else on his mind, and asked, "What's the matter? Just say something if you have something to say, and be polite with your sister?"

"All right!"

Qi Lei compromised, took out his small notebook again, and pointed out the categories circled on it to Zhou Tao one by one.

"This, this, and this, how much is it?"

Zhou Tao was shocked, so there were more than two categories?

"These, your mother hasn't ordered them yet?"

Qi Lei: "Hmm! Not sure."

"Two hundred pairs?"

"Well! Both are two hundred."


Zhou Tao was overjoyed, so it's not too late?

This is a great buyer!

It completely overturned her impression of going to Qi Lei. She was an unlucky child before, but now she looks like a lucky boy.

Qi Lei ordered a total of 5 categories and 1000 pairs.

In addition, the book also marked some high-end products of the brand.

This kind of socks is very expensive, it is impossible to ask for two hundred pairs, even if Qi Lei wanted it, Zhou Tao didn't give him that much.

The ones that usually sell less, and the wholesale ones are also less, are just for appearance.

Qi Lei also only wanted three or five pairs, but he wanted a lot of types, almost covering all the high-end items in Zhou Tao's place.

In short, the miscellaneous things are added together, and the young lady did a rough calculation. Even if there is a little discount, the purchase price will be nearly 2000 yuan.

Two thousand!This was in 2000, and despite her frequent visits, her daily turnover was only more than [-] yuan.

Thinking that there is an old mother behind her, plus Xiongzhi not only asked her family...

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he had a calculation in his heart, and immediately became extremely enthusiastic, and he never let go of Qi Lei's arm.

"Brother! Your family is from out of town, right? Oh, it's a crime to go out to Harbin!"

"How about it, brother! My sister sees that it's not easy for you to come here. For the two types of quotations, I will give you a loss price of one yuan or two yuan. Don't worry about the rest, I will definitely let you!"

"Can you see it?"

The two kinds of goods with wholesale prices of 1.8 and 2.5 have been cut to 1.2 and 2 yuan.

After listening to Zhou Tao's quotations for several other categories, Qi Lei thought to himself, this price is acceptable.

Gradually put away the naivety, "Okay!"

When Zhou Tao heard this, she was overjoyed immediately, and it seemed that there was hope for this big deal.

"My brother is young and quite open-minded. Go ahead and discuss it with your mother. My sister will wait for your letter."

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei said, "There's no need to discuss it, let's settle the score!"

"..." Zhou Tao was stunned for a moment, "Forget it, what account is it for?"

Seeing Qi Lei take out a large amount of hundred-yuan bills from his pocket, "These five kinds, 200 pairs of each, total 1400.8 yuan."

"Another 28 kinds, 5 pairs of the same, with a total price of 734 yuan."

"The total payment is 2134.8 yuan. Sis, please do the calculation again to see if it is correct."




Not only Xiao Zhou Tao, but also the customers in the store were silent, all looking over here.

First staring at the stack of banknotes in Qi Lei's hand, and then at Qi Lei's immature face, all were dazed.

Buy more than 2000 goods at once?still a child?

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old children, with crew cut hair and T-shirts one size larger, are so incongruous among the philistine businessmen in the store.

However, the reality is so magical, Qi Lei held a huge sum of more than 2000 yuan in his hand, and sharply reported the quantity and price of the goods.

Shocked, the whole room was stunned, doubting life.

Zhou Tao, who was in the focus, was even more frustrated.

Yes, although she is still young, she has gone through all kinds of trials and hardships to build this socks wholesale point from scratch, from losing money to an underground wholesale city.

No matter how many years old businessmen think they are, they may not have such business acumen as hers, but today, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child was caught off guard.

Calculating the accounts in a daze, calling the clerk to order and pack the goods, I still can't believe that this is a child.

But Qi Lei didn't care what she thought, he grinned and showed his small white teeth, "Then what, sister, please wipe it off!"

"Huh? Oh!" Zhou Tao came back to his senses, "Okay! 2134 yuan 8, it's normal to wipe a zero. Just give me 2134, and I don't want eight cents."

In the end, Qi Lei smiled with the ability to see the back molars, "I mean to wipe 34 yuan and 8, will you give two thousand and one line?"

"..." Zhou Tao couldn't hold back his anger again, "No way!!"

"Then 2108? Make it auspicious!"

Zhou Tao: "..."



Chapter 17

Zhou Tao is completely speechless, is it auspicious?How could it be auspicious to meet such a bear thing?

Until the end, she watched Qi Lei and the other two teenagers awkwardly carrying more than 1000 pairs of socks out of the store.

After all, I still couldn't hold back, "Then what... Where's your mother?"

Well, until now, Zhou Tao still doesn't believe that he was defeated by a child.

Seeing Qi Lei and the other two children turn around coolly, they all showed bright smiles, "Goodbye, Miss Xiaotao, I will come to your house next time!"

In Zhou Tao's eyes, it was undoubtedly the winner's show off, and she was so angry that she wanted to bite someone.

Pointing at Qi Lei, he gritted his teeth viciously, "Little bastard! You wait for the next time!"

The dissatisfaction and shame were beyond words.

After finishing speaking, I couldn't accept it, so I laughed out loud, "There is a car to Shangbei from Exit B2."



If the "kind female boss" didn't point out the maze, Qi Lei really wouldn't know that he could take the freight bus directly from the underground wholesale city.

This is a unique product of the 90s. It only pulls goods and does not sit in people, and even the windows are sealed.

Specially depart from various wholesale markets in the provincial capital, and ship Life Department to all parts of Longjiang.

For this era of underdeveloped transportation, it plays a more important role in short-distance transportation than logistics.

Under normal circumstances, the owner of the goods loads the goods on the car, and people can easily take the train or passenger bus to leave, and then pick up the goods at the destination.

When the three of Qi Lei arrived with their socks, they were already about to start the car.

The driver glanced at it, asked for ten yuan, and told Qi Lei that he could go back to Shangbei to pick up the goods.

At this time, Qi Lei once again used his simple-mouthed, sweet-skinned and thick-skinned skills to hitch a ride.

Originally, the driver didn't want to cause this trouble, but there weren't many goods to be pulled today, and the partner who was following the car didn't come because he had something to do, so he simply charged the three of them another ten yuan.

And it was agreed that if there is any need to unload the goods on the road, let the three brothers help.


There is no seat on this kind of freight bus, and the three brothers are squeezed into the cargo pile, curled up by a corner against the softer bulk.

Although it is uncomfortable, it is definitely better than squeezing the big green skin.

Until the bus wobbled away, Tang Yi and Wu Ning hadn't recovered from their senses, and both felt unreal.

It's not unreal, it's both exciting and a little unbelievable.

"Oh go! Who did you learn from Shishi? You're so awesome!" Tang Yi bluffed.

As a result, Qi Lei said, "Follow your father, your father is even more of a thief than me!"

"Really?" Tang Yi pursed his lips and recalled it carefully, "It makes sense, Old Tang is really not a good person."

The three of them laughed and found pleasure in running on their father.

After laughing, Qi Lei talked about the business, and said to Tang Yi: "Today's spending is too much, the extra 600 will count as your shares, and you will pay more at that time."

Tang Yi shook his hands violently, "It's everyone's fault, what's the big deal?"

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