Turning around, he waved his hand, "Work hard!"

Zhang Yang on the other side was still puzzled, "What are you doing? I haven't finished talking yet!"

Reluctantly put down the phone, rolled his eyes, "Grandpa? Grandpa! My second aunt asked me to go to his house to play. Shall I go?"


"It's okay to go. Then there is no money! Would you like to sponsor me?"


Here Tang Yi and Wu Ning asked, "Don't you call Zhang Yang out?" They also know Zhang Yang very well, they are the children of Aunt Qi Lei's family, four months younger than Qi Lei, and live in the provincial capital.And it's close to where you want to go, the street is opposite the end of the street.Every summer vacation, that guy would go to Shangbei to live for ten days and half a month, in order to show the sense of superiority of the big city people.

For example, the three brothers are still listening to Andy Lau and Ekin Cheng, but they are already listening to Ren Xianqi and Fan Xiaoxuan...

The three brothers still babbled and sang love songs, but they played Luo Baiji's alternative style.

"Called out to be a coolie...you can come up with ideas or something." Tang Xiaoyi strongly recommended, that guy has a thick skin, and he must be useful.

In the end, Qi Lei reprimanded him with a single sentence. "What are you calling him for? Making fun of you two selling socks?"

The two immediately shut up and followed Qi Lei obediently.

Qi Lei really doesn't want to see Zhang Yang now, nothing else.Later generations saw too much, the two lived in a community, a unit, and met almost every day.


As for the so-called "underground shopping mall", people in Laoha City and surrounding counties and cities know it, and it refers specifically to the underground of Fenden Road.

These were the first batch of underground wholesale cities in Harbin City, which were rebuilt from civil air defense fortifications in the [-]s.Is cheap, affordable, synonymous with fashion.

Of course, this is in the hearts of ordinary people. The real trend and fashion must be Qiulin and Songlei...

When Qi Lei was young, every time Guo Lihua came to the provincial capital, he had to take him for a stroll underground.Qi Lei can find new clothes to wear every time, so he is very impressed.

Pull on two oil bottles and go straight to Struggle Road.

Until standing in the underground shopping mall, Tang Yi and Wu Ning were stupid again, what are they going to do next?

And what happened next, the two of them were completely in admiration for Qi Lei.

I didn't see it before, this guy definitely has the potential to be a profiteer!



Chapter 15

I really didn't know before, how could Qi Lei be such a thief?

This guy is definitely a profiteer!

He first ran all over the underground shopping mall, and went to all the wholesale outlets selling socks to learn about the market.

In the eyes of the two brothers, there is no need for that at all!

In [-], although the commodity economy was very mature, relatively speaking, it was still relatively scarce.

Especially in a small place like Shangbei, there are only a few types of socks that can be accepted by ordinary people.

There are three styles that are the most recommended in summer: low waist socks, ball socks, women's long and short stockings and so on.

There are also three materials: nylon, cotton and polyester.

There are still three types left: quality, color, and style.

There are only so few things in total, why do you run around all over?

But Qi Lei, no, he didn't miss any of them, and took a notebook to write down the prices, styles, and quality of each family clearly.

After running for more than three hours, the tired Tang Yi and Wu Ning could barely move.

In the end, Qi Lei delineated several wholesale outlets as alternatives, and began to inquire one by one.

Moreover, the way of asking the price of this product is also very strange, which makes people speechless.

The first one I went to, the boss was a young lady, very arrogant, seeing Qi Lei dressed as a student, he didn't even want to talk to you.

There is no way, let alone nine years, the old underground will still be so bullish ten years later.Merchants don't worry about business at all. If the business is good, they have to queue up to enter the store, otherwise the store will not be crowded.

It was already noon, and the store was still overcrowded. Some came from out of town to buy wholesale, and some wandered around to buy at random.

Qi Lei finally got a free moment, posted it next to the young lady, pointed to a few categories in the book, and went straight to the topic.

"How much are these nylon socks and these ball socks?"

The young lady is very impatient, why don't you just bring the samples and ask?

Looking down, "Huh!?"

I saw that the book was densely packed with words, and finally saw the two types that Qi Lei was referring to, so he casually quoted a retail price: "Two yuan four, three yuan five."

The attitude is not good, but the price quoted is not expensive.These two kinds of socks can be sold at a retail price of 3 to 5 yuan in Shangbei, which is considered a fair price in the wholesale city.


Qi Lei Mengmeng replied, without raising his head, he was still studying the book, turned around and left.

"Hey!?" The young lady was annoyed, "Who's unlucky child, what kind of trouble is it if you don't buy it?"

And Qi Lei just pretended not to hear, under Tang Yi's and Wu Ning's blank eyes, he walked out of the shop and walked around.I didn't do anything and went back, still holding the notebook.

"What's the wholesale price of this... this...?"

It is still the wholesale price of those two types just now.

When the young lady saw it, it was him again?My heart said, is this child sick?

However, the price quoted just now is indeed the retail price.

No nonsense, "Wholesale 1 yuan [-], [-] yuan [-]."

Nylon socks are 6 cents cheaper, and cotton ball socks are a whole yuan cheaper.

"Oh." Qi Lei went out again sullenly.

The little sister wanted to rush up and scratch his face, and said viciously, "Who's a bear? You don't look like a man at all!"

It means that Qi Lei's work is too boring and not convenient.

And Qi Lei was still the same, as if he wasn't talking about him, he kept walking away.

He walked around outside again, and after about ten minutes, he came back again.

"This... this... if there are more batches..."

Before I finished speaking, the young lady was really in a hurry.

She didn't even eat during her busy schedule, so how could she have time to deal with a brat?

He yelled loudly: "Are you going to buy it or not?"

Qi Lei blinked his big eyes, "I don't know if I will buy it or not...you have to ask the price first!"

The lady was so angry, "Get out! I don't have time to talk to you!"

In this era, there is only such a service attitude, whether you like it or not!

Qi Lei was not reconciled, "Sister, don't be angry, my mother asked me to ask because she couldn't leave there. I don't understand either, I will ask whatever she asked me to ask!"

The young lady glared, "No, why are there so many troubles when you buy goods in your house? Is the whole family dispatched!?"

It caused a room full of customers to laugh secretly, and it is indeed rare to bring children to buy goods.

And Qi Lei is still that annoyingly cute.

"I can't help it! My mother brings in so many things that she is too busy."

The little sister is convinced, the little brat has no face and no skin, and he can't say anything, and he can't beat him.

It seems that if you don't entertain this child, you can't do business.

Gritting his teeth, "If there's anything you don't understand, ask!"

Qi Lei was overjoyed, "My mother asked me to ask, if there are more batches, what price will it be?"

"How many batches?" The young lady raised her brows, how many more batches can you give?

Socks, after all, cannot be sold in large quantities. Longjiang Province is not a big wholesale place like Guangdong and Zhejiang, but retailers in the province come here to buy goods.

Most of them are small merchants and hawkers who set up street stalls. Five pairs or ten pairs of a category are considered wholesale.Take it back and sell it first, for fear of smashing it in your hands.

You know, summer goods have to be sold for more than half a year after the season, and they will be sold in the next year, and the styles will become outdated again.

So it's very troublesome, despite so many customers, excluding retail, wholesale purchases are also purchased in dozens or dozens of pairs.

Looking at Qi Lei, he said: "If you buy more than [-] pairs, you can still get [-] cents cheaper."

No matter how cheap it is, it is the unit price of 1.7 and 2.4.

"Oh." Qi Lei left without turning his head this time, but smiled sweetly, "Then I'll go back and tell my mother, thank you sister!"

When the young lady relaxes, it's time to leave!

And the resentment in his heart was smoothed out bit by bit by Qi Lei, he calmed down, "Go ahead, call me Sister Zhou or Sister Xiaotao when you come back next time."

Watching Qi Lei go out, he didn't take it seriously and continued to do her business.

Here Qi Lei came out of the store, Tang Yi looked at Qi Lei suspiciously, "You go back and forth, what about running around?"

Wu Ning also scorned, "This moji! Go in and ask for a price, buy it if you want it, if you don't buy it, you'll lose it, what's the fuss?"

The two brothers have been watching outside the door for a long time, this guy seems to be sick.

But Qi Lei smiled coldly, "Oh, how can it be so simple? You are a bear with no hair, she can kill you!"

Wu Ning: "Crap!"

Qi Lei didn't bother to talk to him, "If you don't believe me, go try it yourself and meet here later."

After finishing speaking, I started running to the second store, still going in and out, going in and out.After tossing and turning several times, I asked the reserve price.

It was already an hour later when we returned to Zhou Tao's shop.I saw Wu Ning and Tang Yi gnashing their teeth with resentment on their faces.

They were really obedient and went to try it themselves.

Falsely claiming that the school team buys soccer socks uniformly, the category is the same as what Qi Lei asked, and they only need fifty pairs if they open their mouths.

As a result, the young lady saw that she was a young boy, she raised her eyelids, and the price was quite a bit higher than Qi Lei's, almost catching up with the retail price.

The two brothers didn't believe in evil, so they went to another store, and they were almost the same.It seems that the two children are easy to fool, and they are not low.

The angry brothers sulked for a long time here, "Grandma's! Nothing good!"

Tang Yi: "You have big breasts, why aren't you a good person?"

Regarding this, Qi Lei just shook his head silently, how can this society be understood by students?Far more complicated than they imagined.



Chapter 16

How can society, especially business matters, be as simple as the two little ones imagined?

Everyone has only one purpose, and that is to turn the money in your pocket into money in my pocket.

No one is here to do charity. As long as it is reasonable and legal, any method can be used to take advantage of any weakness.

To put it bluntly, no matter the buyer or the seller, the home or the next home, the most essential relationship is the opponent!

Opponents do not distinguish between good and bad, honest and treacherous.

You hope that the business is honest, and it is normal for the business to think you are a child and easy to fool.

Besides, how do you know that honesty is not a weapon for others to deal with you?

"Look at me!"

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