Finally corrected!

Qi Lei also opened his arms, ending their "underground love affair".Although this underground love seems not as beautiful as it was said at the beginning, just being sneaky is not enjoyable at all.

If the next moment the two embrace each other under the witness of the media all over the world, and have another romantic long kiss, it will definitely be the sweetest moment in 2007.

It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes, just when that moment was about to happen, a figure flew past behind Xu Xiaoqian and the others, taking the first step to throw Qi Lei into his arms.

"Boss! Boss, you have come out! I miss you so much!!"

Wendy cut off her beard very quickly.

"My bonus! Can you finally return it to me!?"

Xu Xiaoqian stood there stunned, Qi Lei also had a black thread on his forehead, and made the netizens who watched the live broadcast extremely happy.

"Hahahahaha! As expected of Wendy, you did a great job!"


"Hahahaha!! Poor Wendy, she only cares about her bonus."


"What a warm and romantic moment, it has become Wendy's live treasure show."

Not being able to embrace Xu Xiaoqian at the most solemn moment has also become one of Qi Lei's regrets in his youth.

But it also achieved another classic moment. After Wendy recovered her bonus that had been detained for a whole year, Qi Lei faced the attention of the American media and the world, and said with a bright smile:

"I love America, I love great freedom and great power!"





That bright smile and shocking slogan became one of the most classic covers of Time Magazine.


On the afternoon of the 18th, Sanshi North America Headquarters.

It was still sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon. This is Seattle.

Qi Lei and Paulson stood side by side in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, admiring the charm of Seattle in the rain.

In fact, Paulson doesn't like such small sentiments very much. He is old and more pragmatic.However, it seems that Qi Lei likes it very much, and it is rare to accompany him.

"Are you going back to China tomorrow? I think you should stay for a few more days. Many people want to see you."

Qi Lei shook his head, "I want to go home!"

Then he sneered, "Everyone has made money and has become the beneficiary of this crisis, so what's the difference between seeing and not seeing?"

"Oh!" Paulson was speechless, "You are the biggest winner, okay? No, you, China, are the biggest winner!"

Paulson is not exaggerating. In this financial doomsday, no less than the Great Depression in the 30s, many people took the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Take Paulson as an example. His personal wealth has grown from more than 100 billion US dollars to more than 700 billion US dollars in just six months, and Desheng has also benefited a lot.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that the real winners this time are Sanshi and China Capital.

First of all, during Qi Lei’s half a year in custody, under the leadership of Wu Ning and Xu Qian, Sanshi acquired the bankrupt Intel and Texas Instruments with only 1000 billion US dollars, and completed the layout covering the entire chip digital processor field. .

It took only US$200 billion to take over the development rights of lithium mines in Africa, South America and Europe from a number of European and North American resource companies, becoming the world's largest supplier of lithium mines and mastering the lifeline of raw materials for the global battery industry.

And this is only a small part. Under the leadership of the Chinese government, Chinese capital, from state-owned to private, took the opportunity to start a buying, buying, buying model, and completed technological upgrading in many cutting-edge industries, or simply formed a monopoly.

They make more money than Americans, and they're even crazier.

So the question is, has China not been affected by the crisis?Won't American politicians and capital who have always regarded China as a threat stop it?

This brings us to two other great feats that the Chinese have accomplished through this crisis.

First of all, I have to say that the United States is still the United States. This disaster comparable to the Great Depression era is not enough to destroy the United States, and the hegemony of the dollar still exists.This has allowed the United States to use financial means to transfer the crisis to the world and share the losses equally.

As I said before, every economic crisis in the United States is a process of cutting global leeks. The Fed will use a series of methods such as raising interest rates to bring money from all over the world back to the United States to offset economic disasters such as inflation.

This time is no exception. Europe, East Asia, and South America are still American leek gardens.

Only China, not only has not been cut off, but has grown against the trend.

This is the same as Qi Lei's previous life. China uses infrastructure, stock markets, and property markets to lock in capital and prevent economic recession caused by capital overseas.

The consequence is that the stock market has since entered a downturn, while the real estate market, which has just been restricted by control, has suffered a lot like a wild horse.

But this time...

First of all, the semiconductor industry has played a leading role. Major manufacturers represented by Sanshi, BOE, SMIC, BYD, TCL, and Coslight have played a leading role.

Then, Microsoft, Apple, Motorola and other mobile phone electronics companies are fully transferring the inertia brought about by China.

Secondly, the export trend of clothing, agricultural and food enterprises, and high-end agricultural products has not disappeared.

Under the influence of many positive factors, not only did there not appear to be a disaster of capital outflow, but due to factors such as preparation in advance, the immediate introduction of investment attraction policies, increased investment in favorable industries, etc., led to a large number of funds that originally returned to the United States to choose again. China hedges.

Remember when Qi Lei returned to China a year ago, what did Mrs. Chang go to him for the first time?It is for this crisis layout that he started.


Chapter 636 be continued (final chapter)

The domestic layout is only one of the feats, and the other feat, although not economically beneficial, is actually more important in the long run.

That is, even if the United States can survive such a big crisis, it will have to go through a bloody capital reshuffle.

If people like Paulson can make a profit, someone must be unlucky.For example, CDS companies such as Lehman Brothers and New Century Financial have closed down one after another, and a large number of farmers in Texas have gone bankrupt.

And under Qi Lei's deliberate action, this time he was warned in advance, and the capital harvested by wielding a big knife is either an ally with an interest relationship with Sanshi or pro-China capital.

In fact, before 08, the United States was the beneficiary of the Sino-Milan trade. It was a situation where China earned more and the United States earned more.

So at this point in time, the anti-China situation is not as severe as in later generations.But now, anti-China forces have suffered heavy losses in the crisis, and pro-China capital has grown stronger.

Once out, once in, the impact is so far-reaching that even Qi Lei finds it difficult to evaluate the world from the perspective of a reborn person.

Even if China cannot take advantage of this crisis to accelerate its rise, the external pressure it will suffer in the future will be greatly reduced, and it will have a longer time to grow in a low profile.

It is precisely because of these reasons that Paulson said, "You are the biggest winners, won't you be numb!"

"Qi!" Paulson said ambiguously, "You are a terrible ally!"

Qi Lei scoffed at this and gave Paulson an equity contract.

Paulson took a look, "Well, you are the cutest ally!"

In the contract, Paulson not only returned the three-stone shares he had cashed out at a low price, but also gave him a sum of lithium mining business.Although not much, it was enough for Paulson to secretly enjoy himself.

Just like Qi Lei's generosity?

"Oh, that's right!" Paulson remembered something, "On the day you were arrested by Adams, Koch called me to see someone."

Qi Lei raised his brows, thought for a while, "Hey brother he met?"

Paulson, "I said you can guess it right away! Yes, he met Xiao Hei."

Qi Lei sighed, "Koch is a ruthless character!"

As soon as he was caught, he could tell from the clues that it was related to the general election.What's even more frightening is that he knows the relationship between Qi Lei, Paulson and Little Hei.

This person is much stronger than Sharp and Adams.

It's a pity that he is just a powerful egoist.

In this regard, Qi Lei is not surprised at all. Many people may ask, is there really no patriots in the United States?Are there any patriots who do not value money, do not value profit, and are dedicated to the country?


However, with Adams and Sharp as the boundary, it is unlikely that there will be upwards, and there will be a lot of downwards.

There is an old saying in China that what crops grow in what land, they are different from us.

"Very good!" Qi Lei said with a smile: "In this way, with the support of the Koch family, it is basically a foregone conclusion for Little Black Brother to win the election."

Paulson nodded, smiling more calmly.Everything is going in a good direction, isn't it?

Looking at the time, "Okay, I'll see you off tomorrow."

While talking, Paulson walked out the door, but stopped halfway, "By the way, I have another question."

Qi Lei looked at him, "What's the problem?"

Paulson turned around, "I thought about it, if I don't tell Adams the price of the phone, will your situation be very troublesome?"

Qi Lei laughed when he heard it, "That's why I asked you that time, if you told Bill the price."

"And your answer..."

Paulson, "..."

After standing there for a long time, he suddenly grinned, "Look, we are the most tacit partners, hahahaha!"

Qi Lei nodded, "Never disappoints!"


Paulson laughed and left, cursing inwardly, "This bastard is too dirty!"


The next day, Qi Lei took the chartered flight of China Eastern Airlines and returned to China.

At the airport, there were a lot of people picking up the plane, which made Qi Lei feel a lot of pressure, but also heaved a long sigh of relief.

"came back!"


Lao Qin really approved a piece of land for Qi Lei next to the west gate of Beiguang, and built a small building on the second floor, and Qi Lei was sent there as soon as he got off the plane.

Not to mention, it's quite like that. It's next to Studio No. [-] and the Young Eagle Building, surrounded by green trees and planted with flowers and plants.

It is said that the decoration was done by Master Tuo himself, and the design and construction were done according to the preferences of the "mentor".

This made it hard for Qi Lei not to like it, and had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​returning to his hometown to farm.

Discuss with Xu Xiaoqian, "Children can be born anywhere, why don't we fulfill our wish of teaching first?"

Of course Xu Xiaoqian is fine, she also likes it here.

It's just that Xu Xiaoqian is not stupid, teasing Lao Qin, "Old Uncle Bei has the most eyes, leaving the stone here, how convenient it is for him to call!"

Old Qin blushed, "This girl, you wronged your old uncle Bei, didn't you?"

Well, a little guilty.

And Xiaoer liked the new house very much when she saw it, "Save me a room!"


Going back to his hometown during the Chinese New Year, Qi Lei proposed to Xu Xiaoqian under the witness of the old man, Qi's father, Qi's mother, Xu Wenliang and Zhang Nan.

There is no vigorous and unique marriage proposal ceremony, Xu Xiaoqian requested it herself.

From meeting to getting to know each other, from liking each other to growing together, from trivial matters in Shangbei No. [-] Middle School to the changes in the international stage, Xu Xiaoqian said that it was the most romantic journey, and no embellishments were needed.

Although Qi Lei is not reconciled, he pays attention to the sense of ritual.Besides, marrying such one in two lifetimes is something to be grand, right?

However, after thinking about it all night, maybe Xu Xiaoqian is right.Because recalling every moment with Xu Xiaoqian, I found it was sweet.

that's nice!

There is really no need for retouching.


Years later, Qi Lei returned to Sanshi and announced the new management regulations of Sanshi Group, the rotation system of the board of directors, three years as a stage, and everyone takes turns to be the boss.

Yes, he did not fully retire.

People, their thoughts are always changing. For example, now, he can't just flick his shoulders and say, "I quit, just keep an eye on it!"

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