Qi Lei's voice was extremely clear, "You are the key that connects everything, the excuse that allows everyone to carve up the United States with peace of mind!"

"That's why Koch agreed to your plan."

With a bang, Adams slammed back onto the sofa, his face was already pale.

At this moment, all the beliefs in his heart...




He understood why Qi Lei didn't let him make that call, because he was just a chess piece.

A chess piece that Qi Lei has locked since that envelope three years ago—everyone's chess piece!

Chess pieces are not qualified to question chess players.

He suddenly felt funny in his heart, he thought he was very good, Qi Lei's opponent, he thought he had already defeated Qi Lei.

But it wasn't until this moment that Adams realized that every step he took was designed by Qi Lei.

What's even more ridiculous is that if it wasn't for Qi Lei's step-by-step inducement, and he didn't take the initiative to expose ARM, he wouldn't even know where to start.

He sat up slowly, unbuttoned his suit, and took out a pistol from his waist.

Click, loaded, pointed fiercely at Qi Lei's head, growled coldly, "I'm going to kill you!"

His eyes were round and his facial features were ferocious: "Son of a bitch! You haven't won yet, so I can kill you right now!"

"Aren't you afraid of me pulling the trigger!? Are you not afraid of death!?"

Qi Lei...

Qi Lei was very calm, surprisingly calm.

"Scared, but not afraid now!"

"You!!" Adams' muzzle moved forward, and it was already on Qi Lei's forehead.

"Damn it, I swear, I'm going to pull the trigger!"

Qi Lei, "Put it away, in fact, you are no different from Paulson and Koch."


I saw Qi Lei chuckled lightly, looked up and moved the muzzle of the gun aside, playing with the envelope in his hand, "It's just a businessman who packs selfishness, greed, and self-interest."

Throwing the envelope in front of Adams, "Put it away too, this is what you need most, isn't it?"

Adams stared at the envelope, stunned for a long time and suddenly sat back down.

Well, he lost, lost outright!

At this moment, Adams knew that he would never win against Qi Lei.

Because until now he didn't understand that the damn envelope was not only a prop to provoke him, but also the last sliver of life Qi Lei left for him, a wall to block bullets.

Yes, a plane ticket to China, that is the only way for Adams to survive, Qi Lei prepared it for him three years ago.

Adams only felt cold in the back of his heart one after another, Qi Lei is too scary!

No matter what the final outcome is, whoever advances and who retreats from the boss and the capitalists, the fate of his pawn is already doomed.

In fact, Adams is not only the key to connecting everything, but also the unlucky guy who bears all the responsibilities in the end.

That is the final destination of the chess pieces.

Suddenly, Qi Lei's voice sounded again, Adams raised his head and met his firm and pure eyes.

"You, are not a patriot. I have seen, not like you."


Chapter 635 Winner

After the storm, Qi Lei is still Qi Lei, and three stones are still three stones.

Palace B needs the resources of three stones, Wall Street needs this cash cow, and Koch can also take the opportunity to catch the express train and go smoothly.

Everything will be back to the way it was before, even more harmonious than before.

Adams, who caused Qi Lei to be wronged, naturally became a punching bag for the media, public opinion, and politics.

At that time, the United States needs a scapegoat.

And Adams really didn't have the courage to pull the trigger at this time, Qi Lei already knew himself better than himself, he didn't have the courage to burn everything together.

Ultimately, Adams left the house dispirited and took the envelope with him.

A week later, Intel suddenly filed for bankruptcy protection in a California court, causing a sensation throughout the United States.

However, the drama has only just begun.

Just as Qi Lei predicted, AMD and Texas Instruments also announced to enter the bankruptcy protection process.

And the powerful United States was indifferent and did not choose to rescue.

Adams also received Bill's call as scheduled, and Qi Lei had already told him that Microsoft would no longer support EDN's actions, let alone pay another penny.

Then came Apple, Motorola.

Back in the day, Adams would have yelled at these treacherous bastards.But now, he understood, all understood.

The footsteps of the economic crisis have already rumbled, and people in the situation are beginning to notice it.

At this time, do you choose to continue to follow EDN closely and dream of taking down Qi Lei, or choose plan B to build a factory in China?Or simply transfer all the family business to China?

After all, the US has Wall Street as its arch-enemy, and China has promised them loans.This is undoubtedly good news and can help them survive the severe winter.


This step, Qi Lei also counted, or in other words, "Plan B" was originally facilitated by Qi Lei.

In the days that followed, there were more and more news about the semiconductor industry, the stock market, and the CDS market.

Adams watched the news every day and became numb, because the future that Qi Lei said was being fulfilled one by one.

That day he sat until late at night, looking at the dimly lit New York, and called Baker, "Where is it?"

Baker, "at home! What's the matter? I'm going over now."

Adams, "No need! Pack up, we're going to China for a business trip."

Baker, "China? Now?"

Adams, "Now!"

Baker, "How long?"

"long time."

Baker laughed, "Yes, maybe we can still find the teacher, I heard that he works in a university in China."

Adams, "..." There was a long silence, "You will see him."

The next day, Adams and Baker boarded the business class of China Eastern Airlines to Beijing.After this trip, he would never be able to return to the land he once thought he loved.

The only regret left in my heart is that Adams still has a question.

Looking back on the long talk with Qi Lei that day, Adams found that there was still a problem that had not been solved.

That is, no matter from Koch's order or Qi Lei's situation, it seems that there is no need for him to be detained by himself.

Now it seems that he took the initiative to get in.

Moreover, even if he didn't get in, it wouldn't have any impact on the whole plan.

Then why is he?

Adams wants to know the answer. What secrets does he have?

And the answer to this question, Adams did not wait long.

Following the mysterious disappearance of Adams and the irreversible crisis in the CDS market, the US official's attitude towards Sanshi's issue and Qi Lei also quickly reversed.

Palace B even stated in public that Qi Lei's investigation was a mistake, and the source of the mistake was EDN.

Public opinion became active again, and voices of support for Qi Lei once again rose.

Just when public opinion began to criticize and the situation began to reverse, in the next general election, Xiao Heige, the most competitive candidate of the MZ Party, suddenly announced in his campaign speech that if he was elected, he would immediately correct his criticism of Sanshi Company. False accusation, release Qi Lei.

His slogan is: let mate.2 return to this free country, let Qi Lei continue to lead the world's technological revolution.

This decision has become the key to Xiao Heige's victory in next year's general election.

At this time, Adams, who was already in China and had obtained political asylum status, didn't fall asleep for several nights, and got himself drunk.

"This guy! After setting up such a big game, he still has the heart to stand for that black man!?"

Adams was completely convinced, he and Qi Lei were not on the same level.

Many years later, when Adams told Qi Lei what he thought at the time, Qi Lei just smiled and shook his head.

"In terms of strategic thinking, I'm actually not much better than you or Sharpe. The real reason lies in the difference in strategic responsibility."

Adams didn't understand, "Strategic responsibility?"

Qi Lei, "Yes! You and Sharp, it's your job to view confrontation. That's your job. Even if you lose, it's okay. The United States can afford such a failure. To put it bluntly, you are standing on the side of the [-] million U.S. Human shoulders are working."

"But I'm different. My country and I must go all out for every attack and move forward!"

"Because we cannot afford to lose, we are charging forward with the expectations of more than one billion Chinese on our shoulders!"

Adams didn't understand, standing on the shoulder and carrying it on the shoulder, shouldn't the former be easier and have a better chance of winning?

And this answer, until more than 40 years later, Adams did not understand the meaning of it.

That time, Adams defeated Qi Lei, because he himself became the one who carried it on his shoulders.



Qi Lei originally planned to be imprisoned for a longer period of time, and it doesn't matter if he goes out again after Little Black Brother ascends the throne.

However, the GH Party quit.

You know, Qi Lei was a powerful supporter of the GH Party on the surface, but he was used by a black man from the MZ Party to gain so many political resources, it's a hell of a thing.

Therefore, since August, members of the GH party have been calling for the release of Qi Lei.

But Qi Lei didn't go out. Although the MZ party judge in the Seattle court insisted on saying that Qi Lei's case was a big mistake (cooperating with Xiao Heige's election), he just refused to let him go.

One more day of isolation, one more day of benefits.

In the end, the GH Party really had no choice, and thought of a wild way, and forcibly transferred the Qi Lei case and the investigation of Sanshi Company from the Seattle State Court to the Federal Court.

On December 12th, the day the case was handed over, even before the formalities were completed, Palace B couldn't wait to announce the termination of the investigation of Qi Lei's case and immediately restore Qi Lei's personal freedom.

As for Qi Lei, he made the little black brother hype for a long time, plus the little black brother had the upper hand in the previous life, if he can't win next year's general election, then go home and coax the children.

"Then I... go out?"

The lobbyist from Palace B who came to lobby heard this, and heaved a long sigh of relief. You are about to go out, and you have never seen anything like this!

The whole world was expecting him to go out early, but he himself was not in a hurry.

12 month 18 number.

In front of Qi Lei's home in Seattle, surrounded by reporters.

Just yesterday afternoon, the Federal Court formally revoked all charges against Qi Lei, Sanshi, Changning, and Meisi with immediate effect.

So early in the morning, Qi Lei's home was surrounded by friends from the media who came to witness this important news.

At [-]:[-], accompanied by lawyer Lin Wanxiao, Qi Lei opened the door and left the house where freedom had been restricted for half a year.

The moment the door was opened, Qi Lei's eyes did not linger too much on the reporter.

I saw Xu Xiaoqian in a dashing business attire, beside Tang Xiaoyi in a well-tailored suit, Wu Xiaojian who was wiping his glasses full of mastery, Xiao'er who couldn't wake up, and Zhao Wei with a bright smile.

The six people walked towards each other at the same time, and Xu Xiaoqian opened her arms generously, ready to give her lover a big hug in front of the camera.

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