Like Adams just now, he leaned back on the sofa in a leisurely manner, "The return of the semiconductor industry center to the East is, yes, final, final!"



Chapter 634 You are the key!

From Intel, AMD, Texas Instruments in trouble because of the failure of the mobile phone business...

Until ARM monopolizes mobile phone chips, causing a second blow...

Then Qi Lei was detained and took the opportunity to manipulate the stock market for the final kill...

Adams was already shocked by this, but this is not over yet!

Qi Lei's goal is not limited to the semiconductor industry at all, he wants to drag down the CDS market in the United States.

60 trillion!

60 trillion, which is enough to cause devastating damage to the United States.

At this moment, Adams's head was buzzing, going crazy.He didn't know if what Qi Lei said was true, if it was true, then he...he was too terrifying, he was simply a devil, the son of Satan, born to destroy the world.

As everyone knows, the reality is much scarier than Adams imagined.

You must know that in Qi Lei's original time and space, the subprime mortgage crisis was only caused by the default of more than 1000 billion credit swaps between Lehman Brothers and New Century Finance, which led to the two companies filing for bankruptcy protection.

The US government decisively adopted the nationalization mechanism, which will keep the stability of the CDS market.

But even so, it destroyed the credit system of subprime loans and caused the subprime mortgage crisis.

But this time and another time and space are completely two concepts.

How can the U.S. government block the 3000 billion hole! ?Coupled with the collapse of Silicon Valley, the two superimposed, this is no longer a problem of the subprime mortgage crisis, a systemic economic crisis is a foregone conclusion.

That situation will be countless times more tragic than the original time and space.

Adams was stunned. Just a few minutes ago, he was still standing in the winner's position and mocking Qi Lei. He couldn't figure out why he suddenly became like this?

He glared fiercely at Qi Lei, "No! What you said is wrong!"

He found the loophole in Qi Lei's words, "If what you said is true, then you dare not say it at all, and you dare not stay in the United States. Everyone will kill you demon, you belong to all Americans enemy!"

"Ha!" Adams laughed hysterically, laughing loudly for his own wisdom, and was ecstatic that he was able to catch Qi Lei's flaws.

"Are you bluffing me!? How dare you say it?"

fake!Everything is fake!

"Hehe." Qi Lei smiled contemptuously.

Watching Adams tease playfully, "Being called a devil by a devil, should I take it as a compliment?"

Adams: "You..."

Qi Lei, "Besides, logically speaking, you should have seen a demon, right? Why do I feel that you have forgotten what a demon looks like?"

Adams was out of breath, "That's what you look like! I swear, it's what you look like."

Qi Lei shook his head, "Let me tell you what a demon looks like!"

Suddenly leaned towards Adams and whispered in his ear, as if it was a low howl from hell.

"Do you know what Paulson is doing?"

Adams's heart tightened, "You, what are you talking about?"

What returned to him was still Qi Lei's indifferent smile.

(Time went back half a year ago, when ARM privately announced the transfer to China, Paulson discovered everything. His first reaction was not to inform Desheng, but to go to Qi Lei.)

(Paulson: "Qi, it's time for a showdown, tell me, who does ARM belong to?")

(Qi Lei: "It doesn't really matter who you belong to, what matters is what happens next!")

Yes, what will happen next, what will happen to America in a systemic economic crisis.

At this time, Qi Lei did not rush to give Adams an answer, but threw another blockbuster.

"Do you know what the politicians in Palace B, Washington, and the capital behind them are doing?"

"Do you know what the three major grain merchants who are closely related to me are doing?"


Adams was really going crazy, he vaguely guessed something.

Yes, Adams was not really stupid, but the successive blows made him lose his ability to think.

At this moment, he is like an ignorant child in front of Qi Lei.

opponent?He is not worthy!

Lips trembling, Adams wanted to say something, but couldn't utter a single word.

He could only look at Qi Lei blankly, because he already knew what those people Qi Lei said were doing.

And Qi Lei, "Forget it, let me tell you!"

"In the past six months, Desheng sold all its marginal assets in the shortest time, and at the same time cashed out tens of billions of dollars from the stock market."

"That Mr. Paulson who you think betrayed me, he also exchanged tens of billions of personal assets into cash flow."

"Pillow, Ge, Wait, Dan!"


Qi Lei: "The three major grain merchants are desperately shorting the prices of cows, pastures, and milk in the United States while withdrawing funds."

"On the one hand, it is digging graves for farmers who have borrowed loans from Changning, and on the other hand, it is taking the opportunity to let soybean products seize the milk market."

"And the United States you trust, the politicians in Washington, and the capital behind them are all doing the same thing."

"It's the same thing as Paulson and the three major grain merchants."

"That is……"

Qi Lei's voice sounded extremely harsh to Adams, as if it wanted to tear his eardrums and shatter his brain.

"That's holding a lot of rice bills, waiting for the end to come soon!"

In Adams' eyes, Qi Lei's eyebrows were ferocious, and his words were heartbreaking:

"This is your America!"

"That's why after every crisis, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

"This is the capital game under the doomsday carnival."

Looking at Adams who could no longer think, the corners of Qi Lei's mouth rose, "You think I dare not? Do you think I will die here?"

"You are wrong! I have bought a pass and can leave anytime."

Adams closed his eyes in pain, but Qi Lei didn't seem to want to let him go, and threw the last straw that broke the camel's back.

(Walk back in time to the grove where Paulson and Koch met four months ago.)

(Koch, "So Mr. Paulson, you already know what I'm going to ask?")

(Paulson, "Don't know! But I know what I'm going to say.")

(Koch, "Go on!")

Qi Lei, "Do you know... what your beloved Mr. Koch is doing?"

Adams looked up suddenly, his eyes bloodshot.

At this moment, Qi Lei was no longer the only demon in his eyes, as if countless phantoms of demons stood side by side with Qi Lei.

Even though Adams was unwilling to believe Qi Lei's words, even though he still had a little chance, Adams knew that what Qi Lei said was true.

That's something Paulson can do, and that's the ugly face Washington politicians and capitalists should have.

As for Koch, countless pasts also flashed in Adams' mind.

(Koch: "Adam, there are not many young people like you who have America at heart.")

("Adam, please trust me as an old man!")

("I will give you my full support!")

Is it all fake?Is Koch also the devil in the carnival?

Adams raised his head and looked at Qi Lei again.

Do not!He doesn't believe it.

"Qi!" Adams' voice became hoarse, he was no longer hysterical, and he had no strength, but the last bit of luck made him still cling to his poor dignity.

"No, Qi, I don't believe what you say! Anyway, I believe that Mr. Koch is a true patriot, and he is not like everyone else!"

Qi Lei watched Adams not answer, and gave him time to perform to his heart's content.

"Qi, you're lying! It's illogical!" The voice grew louder, "If Mr. Koch is also your accomplice, why did he authorize me to target you!? He has no reason to do so."

"Yes, this is the crux of the problem!" Adams seemed to have found a breakthrough again: "When I leave this room, I will definitely expose your lie immediately."

"No, I'm going to expose you now!"

While talking, Adams took out his cell phone and dialed it skillfully.

That was Koch's number, and he wanted to ask Koch himself if what Qi Lei said was true.

It's a pity that he slowly took the phone away from his ear with one hand, and hung up when Koch said "Hi, Adam!" from the opposite side.

Adams was anxious, "What are you doing!?"

Qi Lei, "Save you."

Adams, "No, you're afraid! You're afraid I'll expose you. Yes, it must be!"

What returned to him was Qi Lei's pitiful smile.

After pondering for a moment, Qi Lei took a deep breath, "You're right!"

Adams, "Right what!?"

Qi Lei, "Maybe Mr. Koch is really a patriot."

"Actually, in terms of safeguarding the interests of the United States, there are many people like Koch, and they are unwilling to follow a Chinese to push the United States into the abyss."

"So, they need a reason, an excuse. Since there is no way to recover, they have to follow the reason of God. So that their desires, greed and selfishness can override morality and righteousness with peace of mind."

Looking at Adams, "You are a famous teacher, so you should understand this truth."


There was a long silence, "So... you created a false impression? Make the economic crisis irreversible. In this way, they can start making deals with the devil and start harvesting wealth with peace of mind?"

Qi Lei, "Wrong!"


I saw him slowly pointing to Adams, "It's you! You gave them this reason, you made it all happen!"

"It's you, you are the key!"

Adams, "..." the hairs stood on end.

Qi Lei, "It was you who were completely irritated because of an envelope. In the United States where everyone loves Qi Lei, you are the only rebel."

(Three years ago, Qi Lei brought the envelope to meet Adams, completely turning a conspirator into a reckless man.)

"It's also you who transformed the pricing of Sanshi mobile phones into an alliance between EDN and Silicon Valley."

(Two years ago, Paulson priced the three-stone phone to Adams, and Adams used it to complete the alliance with Silicon Valley.)

"You were the first to bite the bait Paulson threw—ARM."

(The time went back to half a year ago, when Paulson went berserk after drinking and revealed who was the real owner of ARM. That was the key to detonating everything, and it was Qi Lei's only flaw.)

"It's you again, infinitely magnifying a matter that no one wants to care about in front of Koch, so that Paulson and Koch can reach a consensus, and it also contributed to the action against the three stones."

"It's still you who convinced Intel in Silicon Valley and detained me in Sanshi Building who shouldn't be there."

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