Life is short and time is precious.Except for him, Qi Lei, everyone's youth is precious, and Qi Lei couldn't bear to let them miss something.

And the first unlucky guy who was chosen to watch the house was Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei was so scared that he didn't fall asleep for several nights, "Is such a big stall thrown to me?"

To this, Wu Ning's answer was not polite at all, "Isn't this the easiest one? A dog on a leash can do it!"

He was blocked by Zhao Wei's old punch, "Get lost!"

With a long sigh, "It seems that Qin Ruo and I have to postpone the wedding date again."

Well, Brother Weizi is also in a hurry to have a baby.

This incident made Qi Lei feel a little strange, and on a whim, he wrote a novella - "Rebirth Diary" under the pseudonym "Crazy Child" in the small building in Beiguang.

At the beginning of the novel, the story of two waves of people who have no intersection at all is written:


〖He and she are classmates. 〗

〖He is not handsome, but he is very righteous.His parents died unexpectedly, and he and his sister depended on each other for life, but went astray and got acquainted with gangsters in society. 〗

〖She is beautiful and from a wealthy family, but timid and introverted, but fell in love with him who is not handsome. 〗

〖They have a crush on each other, but like many junior high school students who are ignorant, they gradually forget it over time. 〗

〖Later he dropped out of school and went to work in a fireworks factory. 〗

〖And she also went to the police academy by mistake and entered the criminal police team. 〗

〖Many years later, the elder sister who raised him was bullied. He angrily chose to use violence to control violence, and stabbed her with a knife. 〗

〖He thought the man was dead, so he ran away, and was eventually hidden in the warehouse by friends from the fireworks factory. 〗

〖And it was she who had just graduated from the police academy who was chasing him. 〗

〖The reunion of the two was in that gunpowder warehouse. He was at a loss, let alone accepting such a reunion. 〗

〖She couldn't understand why the former him became like this, but her duty made her have to take him back to accept legal sanctions. 〗

〖During the confrontation, she pulled out her gun and pointed it at him, and the loyal Kuguan brothers were also willing to be his hostages. 〗

〖Then, the "gun" rang! 〗

〖Already timid and at a loss, she completely forgot that this is a gunpowder warehouse. 〗

〖At the moment when the explosion sounded, he desperately pushed the warehouse manager and the frightened her out of the warehouse and pressed him under him. 〗


〖Xiao Qi, Xiao Wu, and Xiao Tang are brothers who grew up together. 〗

〖Their childhood was heartless, rich and happy. Although Xiao Qi was a little weak in his studies, he worked hard and successfully graduated from graduate school. 〗

〖If there is no accident, everyone will have a perfect life and be full of longing. 〗

〖Unfortunately, the accident came after all. 〗

〖The three academically successful brothers gathered in the fireworks factory that Xiao Tang had just inherited. 〗

〖Xiao Tang is bragging pervertedly, "You two don't struggle anymore, brother has already shown his ambitions, so why don't you just follow him to eat hot food and drink spicy food?"〗

〖Before I finished speaking, a loud noise destroyed all the beauty. 〗

〖The explosion started in the powder magazine.Because the warehouse was empty and there was only a small amount of powdered medicine, it was not serious at all, but then it accidentally caused a bigger explosion in the powder charging workshop. 〗

〖In the end, only three people survived, Xiao Qi, him and her. 〗

〖Xiao Qi hates them, they ruined everything, took away his two best brothers, let Xiao Wu and Xiao Tang's parents die overnight, and destroyed more than 100 families. 〗

〖For this reason, the three families left the small town where they had lived for many years and went to other places. 〗

〖I only heard that the man was sentenced to seven years for causing minor injuries, and the woman was even expelled from the police force. 〗

〖Xiao Qi hates, he thinks those two people should be shot, and pay for his brother's life. 〗


〖He survived and spent several months in the hospital before being sent to prison. It is said that the person he injured did not die, and the injury was not even serious. 〗

〖However, he also heard that only three people survived from the fireworks factory, so he felt that he was being rebellious. 〗

〖He shouldn't be hiding there, there are all his friends and brothers, even the dead Boss Xiao Tang never disliked him. 〗

〖He blamed himself, he wanted to atone for his sin. 〗

〖Thus, when his sister came to visit him and asked him to reform and get out early, his only wish was to ask his sister to help him see the living people. 〗

〖My sister understood him and agreed, and this observation lasted for more than ten years. 〗


〖She was scared, so she insisted that she didn't fire the shot. 〗

〖Because of this, and the explosion destroyed all evidence, she was only expelled. 〗

〖But afterwards, she also fell into deep self-blame. Since then, she has used her own life to atone for her sins. 〗

〖34 lives and 34 families receive a sum of money every year, which is her poor little apology. 〗

〖Xiao Qi, Xiao Wu, and Xiao Tang's family will receive an inexplicable remittance every Spring Festival, and a woman from their hometown will visit and bring various special products from their hometown. 〗

〖In the first year, Xiao Qi shut that woman out. 〗

〖In the second year, it was still the same. 〗

〖She didn't come to visit, she came to stab again. 〗

〖In the third year, Xiao Qi suddenly found that he couldn't wait anymore, he was tired.He told the woman not to come, just leave it at that. 〗

〖In the fourth year, the woman still came, and Xiao Qi let her into the house and asked her to talk about the things in her hometown and the changes. 〗

〖In the fifth year, the woman was ill and came a few days late. Not only Xiao Qi and his family were silently looking forward to seeing her. 〗

〖From hatred to hatred, to relying on each other in the cold winter, people are so strange sometimes. 〗

〖In the sixth year, the woman brought her brother and he was released from prison. 〗

〖The four families ate a meal together, weeping bitterly, smiling and blessing. 〗

〖When we parted, Xiao Qi gave the siblings a remittance slip, hoping that they could help find the person who sent the remittance. 〗

〖In the seventh year, when the siblings came again, they brought another woman with them. 〗

〖The woman dared not say who she was or what she did, but just quietly stayed behind her siblings. 〗

〖Until the time of parting, the woman suddenly knelt in front of the Wu family and the Tang family and wept bitterly, crying that she really hadn't fired that shot. 〗

〖At that time, Xiao Qi's mind went blank, but Father Tang and Father Wu just silently helped the woman up and sent her out of the house silently. 〗

〖Since then, the woman has not come again.The siblings said she did not dare to come, she had no face to come. 〗

〖Papa Tang comforted, "Come on, it's over..."〗

〖Until the 11th year of No.[-], Xiao Qi received his and her wedding invitation. 〗

〖The three families returned to the small town, where 34 families were reunited at the wedding scene. 〗

〖Only then did Xiao Qi realize that he and she have been making atonement for the past 11 years.From taking care of the elderly to feeding orphans, they supported 34 families. 〗

〖He and she are the children and parents of 34 families! 〗

〖Like Xiao Qi, everyone has gone through the process from hatred to numbness, to dependence, and to dependence. 〗

〖On that day, the three living people, and the 34 families who lost their loved ones, were in a wedding—rebirth. 〗


People think that this is a story about redemption and rebirth, forgiveness and dependence.

But at the end of the story, Qi Lei presented a reversal.

〖Eleven years later, the small town government rebuilt and rebuilt the original site of the fireworks factory. People dug up a rusty police gun in the ruins, and none of the bullets in the clip were fired, proving that what she said was true . 〗

〖The cause of the explosion was re-determined as follows: A certain worker in the powder charging workshop operated illegally and caused the explosion. 〗

〖Xiao Qi was not relieved or happy when he got the news, he was in a daze for a long time, and called his siblings. 〗

〖"I told you not to send the money a long time ago?"〗

〖"But people have to come on time, there is no negotiation!"〗

This bad story made Tang Xiaoyi very toothache, pointing at Qi Lei and yelling, "Your uncle! You are still a human being just kidding about your brother!"

"Why write me and Wu Xiaojian to death?"

From Tang Xiaoyi's point of view, Qi Lei was just making fun of his own people.

The names of the people are all people around, and the story is inspired by the incident that the prodigal father insisted on opening a fireworks factory a few years ago.

Regarding this, Qi Lei smiled without saying a word, and Tang Xiaoyi even saw a trace of relief in it?

"Crack! Are you so relieved?"


On the opening day of Sanshi Supermarket, the streets were empty.

Everyone flocked to the big square of Sanshi Supermarket, because that day Qi Lei prepared a big delivery of more than one billion RMB in supplies.

Even if you don't rush to deliver eggs or soybean oil, there is still a lottery.

The first prize is a small car, which is popular these days.

In addition, there are cultural performances, who wants to miss it?

Lao Qin also fulfilled his promise. Schools, factories, enterprises and institutions had half a day off that day, and they all went to watch the performance.

Then, disaster struck as expected...

Immediately, Zhao Wei, the rotating chairman, ordered that Sanshi Supermarket be transformed into a disaster relief center on the spot, and all the materials in stock were transformed into disaster relief supplies.

The Sanshi supermarket chain, which invested tens of billions of dollars, only existed for half a day before declaring bankruptcy.

No one regrets that the $100 billion was wasted, because he saved countless lives.

Many years later, Sanshi restarted the supermarket chain project at the request of the Sichuan people.Since then, at least there, no supermarket enterprise can compete with Sanshi.

People are grateful in their own way.


Fleeting years are colorful, and the earth is bright.

Qi Lei didn't know how to achieve that goal, what is the standard.

I only know that the time is passing by the fingertips, with a trace of tenderness.

In daily newspapers and online news, you can often see:

The government has introduced a new housing price suppression policy, and what effect has it achieved.

What technological breakthroughs has XX company achieved.

The Olympic Games is approaching again, and the enthusiasm and gentleness of the Chinese people are moving the world.


In the not-too-distant future, a future even longer than the time when Qi Lei was reborn, no matter what time and space it is, whether with him or without him, people will see Sheng Shirong with light in their eyes and dreams in their hearts. posture.


He has not changed anything, time has its own trajectory and error correction, China is still the same China, and the future can be expected!

However, Qi Lei felt that he had been here, he had worked hard, and he had no complaints or regrets.


The summer sun is still mottled, and the disaster relief on TV is still in full swing.

It's just that compared to the original, it's a little less sad, and a little more bloody and passionate!

Just like the 5000-year Chinese civilization, it has never bowed its head in the face of disasters!

pretty good.

At this time, Qi Lei will make a loving breakfast for Xu Xiaoqian, watch her finish eating reluctantly, and send her out to attend the class of Mrs. Chang.

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