The clinic is located at the intersection of the street, and it is the most stylish and solemn two-story building on the entire street.

Turn right from the street corner and walk out of the town, and you will enter the large slums that you crossed on the road when you came here.

But on the inner side, which is only one street away, that is, turn left from the intersection, it is the large white wall.

The white wall encloses the inside of the town into a circle, and then divides it into many pieces.

Inside the large circle and the small circle surrounded by white walls is a small piece of high or low, neat structure and bright exterior walls. At this time, the well-lit houses are like a series of single-family villas.The building of the resource recovery company that Ren Zhong had been to before was located in this area.

The location of the clinic is very particular.

As the only doctor in the huge Xinghuo Town, Sun Miao is not worried about business.

It doesn't matter whether you are poor or rich, if you need medical treatment, who else can you turn to if you don't turn to him?

Therefore, Sun Miao is definitely not short of money, but he opened his clinic at the intersection of slums and high-end areas, and endured the strange living environment of heaven on the left and hell on the right, which is self-evident.

Of course, it is also possible that Sun Miao really has a special hobby that only barren and poor people can satisfy him, and he is a complete pervert.

That would be terrifying, and Ren Zhong had nothing to do with him, so he could only try to think in a good direction first.

He had no choice. He had tested it before. Without any medical assistance, even if he had a good rest, he could only live for another five days due to his illness.

As a short-lived ghost that can be resurrected, he is not afraid of being used as a guinea pig by a strange doctor.

"Doctor Sun, please open the door. I know you are inside."

At this moment, the severe pain in the advanced stage of lymphoma suddenly flared up again, Ren Zhong covered his neck, forced to speak in a calm tone, and spoke again.

But my throat still trembled uncontrollably, it hurt too much.

This was just the beginning, after a few seconds, the excruciating pain broke out.

Belly and brain attacks at the same time, it's like someone with a power drill drilled holes in both the brain and the stomach.

Moments later, fine beads of sweat gushed out from every pore on his body.

Ren Zhong subconsciously hummed in a low voice, leaning his back against the door of the clinic, slipped limply and sat down.

The responsibility of becoming a good doctor after a long illness is very clear.

If I am in the hospital at this time, and there are painkillers or anesthetics to relieve the severe pain, then maybe I can live a few more days.

But not.

In order to break through the blockade of Crystal Wings, he performed excessive and vigorous exercise after this round of resurrection, which actually consumed a lot of his body.

If I don't get timely treatment and no pain relief means, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive tonight.

Severe illness would trigger shock, and then lead him to a peaceful death.

This seems cruel, but it is actually the body's self-protection mechanism.

It is better to greet the end of life calmly than to cry and struggle for a long time in the torment that is worse than death, and then die miserably.

Shock death is essentially the gift of liberation left by the great law of natural selection evolution to human beings.

"Isn't it annoying! If I say I'm not here, I'm not here, why are you..."

The door finally opened.

Chapter 9 quack doctor Sun Miao, freshman

Ren Zhong opened his eyes in a daze.

The shadowy white lights.

Dozens of black mosquitoes and flies flew up and down around the white light, banging their heads against the light from time to time, and the beep sounded one after another.

Looking down, the walls are white and light green.

All kinds of unrecognizable instruments were piled up in a haphazard manner.

The corners were littered with packaging cartons and empty glassware.

A man wearing a vest with holes, thin arms and legs, pale and bloodless skin, half-length hair messed up like a chicken coop, the sticky strands of hair glowing with oil, was facing the burden, leaning over and doing something, It made a bang bang bang.

He also wears a wrist watch on his left wrist, but unlike the simple sports bracelet with heavy responsibility, it has an integrated circular dial and a watch strap with Kevlar fiber structure, which does not look like a class.

Ren Zhong thought to himself that this sloppy and unique old man should be Dr. Sun Miao.

Feeling his body carefully, Ren Zhong found that his pain had completely disappeared at this time, and he didn't feel any pain left.

In the past, although he would relieve the severe pain every time, in fact, he would feel obvious discomfort all over his body.

I'm healed?

So fast?

How to cure?

I actually missed the opportunity to witness the scientific achievements of the Nobel Prize in medicine because of my coma!

Ren Zhong was both happy and angry, and quickly looked around himself, only to find a small needle eye in the vein of his arm, and there was no other wound.

The room also doesn't look like it has a Gamma Knife device.

Forget it, I'm probably cured anyway, and that's all that matters.

Although a definite answer has not yet been obtained, the brilliance of hope has filled the hearts of the terminally ill patient with a heavy responsibility after an unknown number of years and three and a half months.

I should...maybe...probably survive.

He had no idea what treatment method Dr. Sun had used for him, and he was both surprised and full of emotion.

After his resurrection, he had imagined the medical level of the new world countless times, and with a mentality full of expectations and infinite longing, he used his own scientific outlook to infer what the treatment methods that would save him would be.

Up to now, all his guesses seem to have become as ridiculous as the farmer thinks that the emperor uses a gold hoe to farm the land.

"Doctor Sun, thank you."

Ren reopened his mouth.

The man in front turned back suddenly.

Square face, beard, fingernail-sized waxy ice eye mucus...

The man was more of a butcher than a doctor, but too thin.

He walked back in three steps at a time, with his eyes wide open and his hips akimbo, "Thank you for the hammer. Damn, you're awake. If you don't wake up 10 minutes later, I will throw you on the street. Don't blame me when you die."

Ren Zhong: "No, I...I want to thank you for saving your life."

"Don't thank me! I'm afraid of being thanked the most in my life. Thank you are worthless! You have to give money! You are so poor that you dare to see a doctor with only [-] cents on your body? Why don't you go to heaven if you are so sick?"

Ren Zhong: "..."

This life is in the wrong era.

If this guy lives in the 21st century, he must be the one who scolds the market.

Dr. Sun threw another cardboard box, "Okay, don't put it on me and pretend to be crazy. This is the bill. You can see for yourself what medicine I gave you, and then get out. By the way, remember to give me the IOU. Write it down, you have to write it by hand! Don’t make it look like it’s recorded in a watch, as poor as you are, a temporary watch has no binding force on you at all.”

Ren Zhong picked up the box, which contained a palm-sized brown glass bottle and a machine-typed note.

There are no words on the glass bottle, and I don't know what it is for.

Ren Zhong picked up the note.

[One nerve blocker - 1 yuan. 】

[A bottle of nutritional cream - 1 yuan. 】

[Abnormal cell phagocytosis injection - 100 yuan (cost price for blood loss)]

"I'll tell you briefly after reading it. You already have cancer, and you don't need these drugs at all. For example, this nerve blocker is usually used for pain relief for those who are seriously injured, deceiving neurotransmitters to block discomfort. I feel it. But your body and organs are too diseased to give you pain relief. Understand? Do you have any opinion on the cost of this contribution point?"

"No comment."

"Very good, let's talk about the nutrient cream. It's in the bottle. When you get out of here, remember to take a bite after every meal and finish it in two days. Your body is a battlefield at all, and it is riddled with holes. The next thing is abnormal Phagocytosis will survive in your body for two days to clean up the cancer cells that have spread out. This process consumes a lot of energy, and you are too weak to hold on, so you must supplement nutrition. You don’t have to pay for this little fee. ..."

"No comment."

"Yo, I'll be rushing to answer. Finally, let's talk about the abnormal cell phagocytosis. I'm convinced. These days, someone can actually delay the treatment of a broken cancer until the end stage. I don't know if your brain is sick or alive. I'm tired of it, and I don't know if I should praise you for your life or call you stupid. Most people's cancer cells multiply to such an extent that grass can grow on their graves. But you are still alive! Originally a bionic nano-robot The small problems that can be solved are dragged like this? Tell me, what are you drawing? Are you shaking? It’s fun to be in pain?”

Ren Zhong could only smile awkwardly.

what can I say?

Can I tell you, as far as the little problems you said in your mouth, in my time, the god of death knocked on the door?

The generation gap is too deep to talk about this topic.

"Numbering, love to death, anyway, I only save you once. The [-]-point cost of this medicine is a bit expensive, but do you have any objection?"


"Calculated together, the total is 102, but you only have 101.2 cents, and I deducted it, but you still owe me [-] contribution points."

"I'll try to pay it back. Give me an IOU!"


Ren Zhong wrote a piece of paper and handed it over.

Reusable simplified characters.

He wasn't worried about the language barrier, because the "Miaoshouhuichun" brand was also written in simplified Chinese, but the words were written crookedly, as if a schoolboy had drawn peach charms by ghosts.

Sun Miao took it, glanced at it, and raised her eyebrows, "Yo, I can't see that your poor handwriting is beautiful."

"Don't dare to take it, in short, thank you."

"I said don't thank you! I've finished what I have to explain. If there's nothing else to do, get out, I'm going to sleep at some point."

As Dr. Sun said, he waved his hands to order the eviction, and continued to mutter in a low voice, "Damn, it made me take out all the stuff at the bottom of the box. I have to replenish the goods later. I really don't want to deal with those crazy people again." .”

Hearing this, Ren Zhong pricked up his ears.

Element awareness.

There is a group of neuroses that Sun Miao doesn't want to deal with?

There is no doubt that it must be the producer of Abnormal Cell Phagocytosis, who has mastered advanced biotechnology.

Is it from the town?Or outside?

Why does Sun Miao think they are crazy and want to avoid them?

"Why haven't you got out yet? I reminded you that the automatic defense system will be on as soon as I lie down in my sleeping cabin. It's nothing if you are swept to death, don't hurt me Nothing to return! Get out! Get out of here!"

Over there, Sun Miao had opened a two-meter-long capsule-shaped alloy structure like a rice cooker, lay down in it, and glared at Ren Zhong angrily.

Ren Zhong quickly left.

Continue element awareness.

Metal sleeping pods?Automatic defense system?

Is there any danger in this world while sleeping?from outside?

This by the way explains why the barrens go to the concentration sleeping pods at night.

Walking out of the rejuvenating hands, Ren Zhong looked at his watch, and there were only 10 minutes left before the time agreed with Zheng Tian, ​​so he hurriedly walked towards the center of the town.

While walking on the road, he opened the brown bottle and dug out two pieces of nutritional paste with a texture similar to black sesame balls with his fingers.

After the food entered the abdomen, I felt a little warmth, and my tired body suddenly became much more energetic.

Ren Zhong's footsteps are brisk, and he strides forward.

He looked up at the bright twin moons in the sky.

One big, one small, one slow, one fast, one silver and one white.

Silver is bright and white is warm.

Shallow clouds drift slowly in the night sky, like a fairyland picture scroll.

For a long time, this was the first time Ren Zhong felt that the night sky was so beautiful.

Finally, I survived.

Ren Zhong clenched his fists slightly.

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