Thank you, Dr. Sun.

You are a good person.

Chapter 10 The Night Watchman and the Strange Sleep

"Hey hey hey..."



"Damn, I can't sleep."

"No, no, I have to hypnotize myself. One sheep, two sheep... one dumpling, two dumplings..."

"Ouch! I still can't control myself! The cancerous cells that iteratively multiply in the human body to this extent! Damn, I never dreamed that I could still get this thing after leaving that broken place."

"Look at what luck I've had, tsk tsk, developed, developed!"

"Gan, no. I still have to sleep."

"One bowl of dumplings, two bowls..."

Ren Zhong didn't know that after he left, there was a long, long, dark laughter in Sun Miao's sleeping cabin.


In the reception hall on the ground floor of the town house, Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian met the mayor of Xinghuo Town.

The mayor's name was Mada Fu, he was short and stout, with a wrinkled face, and his long, silver and black hair was combed into a neat big back.

At this moment, Madha Fu was looking at Ren Zhong with a serious expression, with three words of impatience written on his face.


"Heavy duty."


"23 is old."

"Why are you coming to Xinghuo Town?"

Ren Zhong thought for a while, "Employment."

Madhafu's brows furrowed even tighter, "With all due respect, you are not an official citizen. If you are only traveling or resting in Spark Town, I have nothing to say. But if you want to work or even live here for a long time, then I advise you best. This heart is dead."

Ren Zhong glanced at Zheng Tian next to him, and asked Madhafu tentatively, "Is it because of the census?"

"Of course. The number of temporary deserters in the town has already been oversized. It is impossible for you to get the status of a full citizen within three months. Out of a responsible attitude towards you, I suggest you make plans and leave early to avoid getting the time. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you are out of luck."

Ren nodded, "I know."

"That's good. I have registered your identity. Now you have the status of a temporary town resident of Spark Town, but the order is the last, you should understand what this means."

"Thank you mayor."


Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian walked out of the town house side by side.

Zheng Tian glanced at her watch and said, "It's almost the legal sleep time. We have to hurry to the centralized sleeping cabin. You just arrived, and you are not familiar with the place. I will take you there. I have already reserved a sleeping cabin for you in advance. But I didn't apply for you to rent an official watch. If you want to rent it, you can do it yourself tomorrow."

Ren nodded, "Thank you."

Zheng Tian came up and blinked again, with an innocent look, and said, "You're welcome. We're friends, it's right to help you a little."

I have to admit that her cute baby face and the naive expression on her face at this time are extremely deceptive.

Ren Zhong nodded with a more silly and sweet expression than her, "Well, you have a heart. We are friends."

"Okay. Let's go."

Zheng Tian pulled up the heavy arm and pushed him forward quickly, going in the direction that the people at the bottom were going.

The two of them touched each other, and Ren Zhong's movements seemed a little stiff.

Zheng Tian seems to be carefree, but in fact, she is quietly observing the state of heavy responsibility.

Oh, I'm still shy, actually a junior brother.

It looks a little awkward and has a heavy responsibility, but there is no wave in the heart.

He only thought to himself that if he had a choice, he actually didn't want to deal with Zheng Tian's team anymore.

Everyone has only known each other for less than half a day, and they are still far from being friends.There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

What's more, he has seen Zheng Tian's cold-blooded side, and now he feels more and more that Zheng Tian is a dangerous woman.

Continue to mess with this person, always have the feeling of scheming with a tiger.

It's a pity that I really just arrived, and no one can rely on it.

Rather than relying on other people who are more unfamiliar and who don't know the details, it is better to keep in touch with Zheng Tian's team and get familiar with the environment before seeking others.

The centralized sleeping cabin is located under the corner of the high wall in the outer circle of the town, which is a flat square.

In the center of the square, 25 cuboids are neatly piled up, shaped like a large coffin.

The side of the cuboid is folded up with a Z-shaped steel ladder.

Each cuboid is 20 meters high, divided into ten layers, each layer is two meters high.

There are ten elongated rooms on each floor.

Ren Zhong followed Zheng Tian to the fifth floor of one of the cuboids, took two more steps to the balcony, and entered the room next to the steel ladder.

Inside, the ten iron-framed beds are arranged on the left and right sides, and the distance between them is extremely narrow, only one meter.There are five beds with a width of 1.2 meters on one side, connected end to end.

"This is my bed. Han Yu and the others followed my bed and fell asleep now." Zheng Tian patted the flat bed on the left side of the room, then pointed to the opposite side, "That's you Yes. We wash and wash in our own house. You don't have a house yet, so you can take it tonight, and think of a way tomorrow to go to bed earlier. "


Zheng Tian greeted again, lay down on her bed first, and then slapped the wall with her palm.

A square hole opened in the wall with a click, which looked like a dark grid.

She raised her hand and reached in, took out a watch from it, put on her right hand, and then lay down on her back, no longer paying attention.

The watch she took out had an alloy wire on it, one end was tied to the dial, and the other end was connected to the open compartment, which looked exactly like an anti-theft chain in a mobile phone store.

Ren Zhong calmly looked at the watch on Zheng Tian's right hand for a while.

He looked around again and saw that every other sleeping person in the room had such a watch on their right hand.

This is probably the rental watch that Zheng Tian and the mother and son mentioned earlier, and I don't know how the function is different from their own.

Got a chance tomorrow to try it out.

Ren Zhong stopped thinking about it, lay down, and pulled the thin quilt from the side.

But he immediately lifted the quilt and threw it aside.

It smells so strong, and I don't know what monsters and ghosts have used this quilt before.

Ren Zhong tossed and turned for a while, but he couldn't fall asleep.

The room has no door.

The moonlight of the two moons scatters on the alloy floor through the door opening, reflecting the reflection, which resembles frost.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Ren Zhong glanced at Zheng Tian across from him.

She closed her eyes slightly, as if she had fallen asleep.

Ren Zhong sighed secretly, this man sleeps really well.If memory serves me, her breathing became even and steady within less than 30 seconds of lying down.

Taking advantage of this rare tranquility, Ren Zhong subconsciously re-analyzed the situation because he was insomnia anyway.

From the beginning of contact with Zheng Tian's team in the evening to the present, after several hours of hard work, his understanding of this new world has continued to deepen at an extremely fast rate.

But he still didn't quite understand why all the people in the town, except those who brought their own sleeping pods, had to focus on this place to sleep.

He was intuitively uneasy.

What's the reason for this?

Don't these people find it inconvenient?

Do you need privacy if you are poor?

Don't they have their own house?

If it is said that it is to squeeze together to exchange feelings, then this reason is too far-fetched.

Is it really dangerous?

The danger is so great that you don't dare to sleep in your own home, so you have to concentrate on this place?

Also, when I stepped on the ladder to go upstairs before, I could see two people at the front and back ends of the balcony on each floor, holding firearms and stretching their necks, looking around nervously, clearly on guard.

Ren Zhong was puzzled by this.

Time passed little by little.

Before I knew it, it was one o'clock in the morning.

He still wasn't asleep.

Suddenly, a dazzling light shone into the doorway.

What followed was a deafening, violent explosion one after another.

"Come on! Prepare to fight!"

Ren Zhong heard a slightly nervous shout from outside the door.

The room he was in was very close to the stairs.

The shouting of the gun-toting guard on this floor seemed close at hand.

"Report to the captain of the night watchman! Three first-level ruin beast night wolves appeared under cabin NO.13! Request support from the mobile team! Request support!"

Immediately afterwards, the dense sound of kinetic energy guns sounded like ten thousand firecrackers.

Ren Zhong's heart beat faster, his face changed greatly, and he suddenly sat up straight from the bed.

He had speculated in Sun Miao Na before, but now it's just to verify his conclusion.

In this world, things do happen when you sleep.

He wanted to go out and check the situation.

But he suddenly found that Zheng Tian, ​​Chen Hanyu, Wen Lei and others were all lying on the bed motionless.

These people's eyes are still closed, their breathing is still steady, and they are unaware of the noise outside, as if they are dead.

There was a fierce battle outside, as if danger was imminent, but there was a strange peace and harmony in the doorless room.

Doesn't this wake up?

Ren Zhong was confused.

Chapter 11 Teenage Troubles

After thinking for a moment, Ren Zhong gradually smoothed his thoughts.

Local "natives" such as Zheng Tian have lived in this environment for many years.

They obviously knew what was going to happen at night before they went to sleep.

That being the case, they can still sleep so soundly, proving that night raids are as common as eating and drinking.

Or to put it another way, even if people are really rushed into the room by those beasts that come and go at night, and people die in their sleep, it should be normal as the sun always rises.

Everyone else was sleeping soundly, and I couldn't be too panicked.

As a first-timer, he had to be gregarious.

Therefore, despite being uneasy in his heart, Ren Zhong did not go out to inquire about the situation in the end. He just sat on the bed, clenched his fists tightly, pressing on his thighs, maintaining a posture that he could get up and run at any time, and looked inward with vigilant eyes from time to time. On the side is a large window that is square and square, and sometimes I look at the door.

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