Once the Ruins Beast really appeared, Ren Zhong didn't plan to sit and wait for death in a foolish way. It was more important to live than to hide himself, so he had to run first as a respect.

Just 2 minutes later, the sound of gunfire and explosions outside became more intensive.

The clanking of boots on the steel ladder also became much more intense.

This is when more night watchmen came to support.

The battle outside seemed to have entered a white-hot state.

Another 30 seconds passed, and the frequency of nearby gunshots and explosions gradually decreased.

Humans should have the upper hand, and Ren Zhong's heart in his throat slowly let go.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots resounded in the direction slightly farther on the other side of the door.

Someone shouted in the distance, it should be the other side.

"Level 13 Ruins of Ruins appeared at the intersection on the left side of cabin NO.[-]! Four of them! Please help! Please help! I can't hold on anymore!"

"Received! Hold on for a while! Hold on for a while! I'll be there soon!"

Near the door, the gun-wielding night watchman who had asked others for help immediately replied loudly.

Listening to his voice, it is a little immature, but also somewhat familiar.

Da-da-da's footsteps came.

A figure with a gun in both hands on his chest crossed the door of Ren Zhong's room, and it was the night watchman who was about to rush to support another place.

After [-] seconds, the black shadow went back and forth, looking into the room very nervously.

By the moonlight, Ren Zhong and the other party stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

After [-] seconds, the man sighed in relief.

"Huh, the way you sit up startled me, I thought it was a lurking Ruin Beast that sneaked into the cabin."

Ren Zhong smiled embarrassedly, and his thoughts changed.

When people see that you are different from ordinary people, do you want to kill people?

His eyes wandered quickly, and finally fell on the good guy who was smoking white smoke from the barrel of the gun on the boy's chest.

Ren Zhong raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, and pointed to the left, "Little brother, aren't you going to support there?"

"Oh yes! See you later!"

The next moment, the boy disappeared.

Anyway, it had been discovered, Ren Zhong quietly got up, stuck his head out from the crack of the door, and saw the back of the young man running quickly with guns in both hands.

Ren Zhong really knew this person, it was the boy of the mother and son whom he had followed and overheard the conversation before.

The boy is under 16 years old.

At this time, his attire was pretty much the same as before, but there was a slight difference. He had an extra gun, and he was wearing a thick vest, which should be a bulletproof tactical vest. Full of magazines.

Ren Zhong remembered that the mother and son discussed that they came early and rented a watch to sleep. I don't know what happened later, which made the teenager become a soldier with a gun.

There was another fire, and guns roared.

Called again.

After 3 minutes, the movement gradually subsided, leaving only sporadic gunshots sounding in the distance from time to time.

The battle finally ended completely after 5 minutes, and the outside world returned to silence.

After a short while, the boy from earlier left and returned, passing through the heavy door again.

Seeing Ren Zhong still sitting there, the young man smiled shyly, "The battle is over, you can sleep in peace."

Ren Zhong also smiled back, "Well, thank you."


After more than ten minutes, Ren Zhong lying on the bed still couldn't fall asleep.

He looked at his watch, it was already 01:30 in the morning, and he thought that he had been seen awake anyway, so instead of wasting time on the bed tossing and turning, he might as well go out and chat with that guy.

The young man looked rather simple and honest. He was not as thoughtful as Zheng Tian, ​​so he couldn't be better off.

Two moons hang high in the sky, and the earth is covered with silver splendor.

25 concentrated sleeping cabins like iron coffins are quietly placed.

When Ren Zhong walked out of the room, the young man had hung the fancy machine gun on his back and was lying on the railing of the steel ladder, looking up boredly, without any sense of urgency.

"Hey, you didn't fall asleep?"

Dazzlingly seeing Ren Zhong approaching, the young man spoke first.

Ren nodded, "I've lost sleep."

The young man opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

It seems that insomnia is an incredible thing in his eyes.

The teenager thought about it again, and said in an incomprehensible tone: "I saw you sitting by the bed just now, not wearing a rented watch. Now you are wearing a temporary watch on your left hand? Do you mean you didn't rent it?"

Ren Zhong pondered the other party's words in reverse, and after thinking a little, decided not to hide, "Yes, I didn't rent a watch."

"If you don't rent a watch, you can't use the hypnosis function, but you should also go to sleep at zero o'clock."

Ren Zhong's thoughts turned quickly, and he began to analyze more of the essence of the world through the words of the young man.

But he didn't answer slowly, instead he asked: "Aren't you awake too?"

The boy did not doubt his presence, and replied, "I'm different from you. I helped others to be a night watchman today. I took medicine and adjusted my biological clock."

Ren Zhong hummed, "I slept during the day yesterday, and my biological clock isn't quite right."

The young man suddenly realized, "Oh! That's no wonder. But there are very few people like you now. I heard that there were no medicines in ancient times, and some night watchmen used willpower to hard adjust the biological clock. But this is not good, I suggest you tomorrow. Or rent a watch for hypnosis. First, you can live the same pace of life as everyone else, and second, you can earn contribution points. Third, you should know that if the biological clock is reversed for too long, you will die suddenly. "

Ren Zhong: "Well, thank you for your suggestion. By the way, if you help others to keep watch at night in Xinghuo Town, how much will others give you in general?"

"It's [-], which is more than [-] a night than renting a watch. But the effect of constant vigilance on the body is too bad, and I can't do anything about it. Alas."

"Why?" Ren Zhong asked knowingly.

The young man shook his head melancholy, "I'm almost 16 years old. By the way, sir, you are also from other places, right? What's your plan next? If it really doesn't work, can we find a partner when we leave Xinghuo Town? Let's go together?"

"Okay, but I'll talk about it when the time comes."

Ren Zhong sighed inwardly.

This simple exchange made him feel a little warm in this strange world.

The boy's mother wanted to give him the quota and left the town to die.

The boy agreed with his mouth, but he still had the idea of ​​leaving by himself.

Although the poor and lonely mother and son lived a difficult life, their bodies shone with the brilliance of humanity.

Even if it is as small as a firefly and humble as a weed, there is still light in this world.

The young man seemed to agree with Renzhong, with an untraceable happiness on his face, and he replied: "Yeah!"

The two didn't communicate for a long time, Ren Zhong pretended to yawn, went back to the room and lay down again, closed his eyes and fell asleep, thinking in his heart.

The young man seemed to equate the use of a rented watch with earning contributions.

This is very interesting.

Ren Zhong decided to rent it tomorrow no matter what.

But there are still doubts. Listening to the tone of the young man, it seems that even if there is no watch, he should fall asleep on time at [-]:[-] in the morning, and he should sleep as dead as everyone else.

Could it be that there is an invisible giant biological clock in this world that affects everyone invisibly?

It's so weird.

Chapter 12 Invited to enlist

In the early morning of the next day, at 05:30, Ren Zhong, who had only slept for more than three hours, woke up amidst a burst of noise.

There were voices boiling outside the door one after another.

Every now and then someone walked by talking.

Loud and loud voices, shrill women's scolding, violent quarrels that broke out for unknown reasons...

One group left, another group passed, and there were so many people that they looked like thousands of troops crossing the border.

Shouts like these rang out for a full ten minutes, causing Ren Zhong, who was severely deprived of sleep, to almost hallucinate, thinking that he was sleeping in a vegetable market.

He wanted to jump up and curse, but he didn't.

He only narrowed his eyes slightly, and quietly looked at the low-quality guys passing by the door.

Zheng Tian chose a good place.

No matter whether they are male or female, the people passing by outside the door are all in their prime, full of energy and full of energy. They also carry all kinds of weapons and backpacks, which is completely different from the desolate people at the bottom.

Obviously, most of the people staying in this centralized sleeping cabin are scavengers like Zheng Tian's team.It can walk in the wild during the day, has a certain combat power, and makes a living by hunting market beasts.

Then the security factor of this cabin should be relatively high, and the safety is guaranteed, that is, the quality of sleep is worrying.

Ren Zhong was very angry, but nothing.

It's not that he doesn't want to get up and scold people, it's that he doesn't dare.

Regardless of the loud gongs and drums outside the door, Zheng Tian, ​​Chen Hanyu, Wen Lei and others still slept soundly.

If I jumped out and scolded the street at this time, I would not fit in with the group again.

Finally, after waiting for about half an hour, no one passed by outside the door.

He thought that he could sleep for a while, but he never thought that there would be another bang in his room.

Ren Zhong tilted his head slightly, squinting his eyes to look at the source of the sound.

Good guy!

Wen Lei woke up.

When the big man was wearing full-coverage armor, Ren Zhong still didn't realize how strong he was.

See it now.

Wen Lei is hunched over, his head is deeply hooked, and he rubs his head with a bitter face.

The loud noise just now was caused by the head hitting the ceiling when the giant got up.

After Ren Zhong calculated, Wen Lei's height was at least [-] meters.

"Damn it. I don't know how to fix this broken sleeping cabin."

Wen Lei cursed.

"It's not that you are stupid. Every time you get up, you bump into it, and you don't know how to restrain yourself?"

Ou Youning's voice came from the sharp face and narrow eyes.

Wen Lei: "Never mind your business! You're the only one who talks too much."

The two quarreled.

The burden is unspeakable.

After a while, there was another voice.

Well, the long-armed man Bai Feng also woke up.

Bai Feng is not a good thing either.

Although he didn't join in the boring bickering between Wen Lei, Ou and Ning, he took out a box from under the bed, and took out a whetstone of unknown purpose from the box, and sharpened his nails there, making a sound like a knife The movement made people's teeth twitch.

Ren Zhong warmly greeted Bai Feng's family in his heart.

After a while, Chen Hanyu, who was sleeping diagonally across from Ren Zhong, who was opposite Zheng Tian, ​​suddenly opened his eyes.

In just one second, her eyes changed from being hazy just woken up to being awake.

Then she sat up straight, took out a tablet computer from under the pillow, and read the information.

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