He didn't know how to comment.

If this is the life of human beings in the future, why not turn back the time to 2020.

In that year, 14 billion people had just used the efforts of three generations to completely bring the 5000-year-old country out of the gloom, and completely eliminated extreme poverty on a territory of 960 million square kilometers.

But I don't know how many years later, the double scarcity of spirit and material is still shrouded in the sky over this small town.

Suddenly, the scenery in front of Ren Zhong changed abruptly.

The slums suddenly disappeared, replaced by neat white walls on both sides of the road.

White walls blocked his view.

Going forward for about 1 minute, he saw a tall one-piece alloy building.

The streamlined building lying on the ground has no gaps on the surface, the top half is a transparent top cover, and the bottom half is a metal plate glowing with black light.

There are no traces of rivets and welding on the metal plate, and there are floor-to-ceiling windows every few meters.

At first glance, this building looks like a huge submarine parked on the ground, with a strong sense of technology, just like the set in a sci-fi blockbuster that Ren Zhong has seen.

This huge contrast before and after actually gave him the illusion of time travel that spanned hundreds of years.

The car stopped slowly.

"Here is the place."

Zheng Tian greeted and jumped out of the car first.

Ren Zhong also got out of the car and looked around.

This is a spacious square.

The suspension truck was parked about ten meters in front of the submarine-shaped building, and there were dozens of vehicles, large or small, beside it.

The appearance of these cars is much more serious than Zheng Tian's car.

In the direction where the rear of the truck is aimed, there are three huge platforms.

Two staff members in dark blue tight-fitting work clothes stand behind each platform.

Dozens of people lined up in front of one of the platforms.

People were waiting with their suitcases or bags.

At the front of the line of people was a strong woman in cool clothes.She was flipping things out of her pockets.

The thing slammed on the alloy platform with a bang, and it looked like a pile of ruined beast wreckage.

When she was done pouring, four serpentine robotic arms like shower hoses stretched out from both sides of the platform, tossing over the pile of wreckage at an extremely fast speed, dismantling and classifying them.

After dismantling, checkout, leave, next, simply and neatly.

At the same time, each part on the platform moves to the conveyor belt on the side by itself, and then is sent up at an extremely fast speed, passing through the window opening on the side of the submarine-shaped building, and entering inside.

On the other two platforms, no one was lined up, but the trucks reversed after being called, and several robotic arms pulled things out of the carriage like a group of demons, and then sorted and transported them.

The entire process is extremely efficient with almost no manual operations.

Those blue uniformed staff didn't move from beginning to end, and the purpose of their existence seemed to be just to maintain order.

Seeing this scene, Ren Zhong had to admit that he was very shocked.

The street that I passed by when I came here was like a knife, slicing the world into two distinct halves.

On one side is the wildness full of the atmosphere of the nineteenth century, and on the other side is the civilization of the 22nd century.

It didn't take long for Zheng Tian's team to turn. After the inventory was finished, Ren Zhong followed Zheng Tian's movements and gently touched the watch to a place in front of the platform with the WIFI logo painted on it.

The wristwatch in his hand sounded a bone conduction sound that only he could hear.

"Sell a corpse of a Crystal Wingfly with an integrity of 80%, and get a contribution point of 0.8."

Ren Zhong understands.

Contribution points are the money in this world.

He changed from a pauper with clanging bells to a rich man with eighty cents of money.

Very good, earned the first pot of gold for the freshman.

I just don't know how much purchasing power Bamao has.

He also knew another thing.

Although the cars of Zheng Tian's team look dilapidated and unsightly in the scavengers with cars, compared with those down-and-out scavengers who have no means of transportation at all and can only walk upright in the wild, Zheng Tian, ​​who owns cars, Tian Squad is a well-deserved master.

The scavengers lining up behind one of the platforms, carrying suitcases and backpacks like moving ants, are the real motley crew.

"There is not even a dismantling engineer in the team, and there is no way to completely take out special materials such as chips and save them in time. These miscellaneous troops are really wasteful and waste of resources."

When leaving, Zheng Tian said so disdainfully to those who were still waiting in line.

She seemed to be ridiculing these miscellaneous soldiers, and she seemed to be showing off her strength in front of the heavy responsibility.

By the way, Ren Zhong learned another thing, that tall and plump girl named Chen Hanyu should be the so-called dismantler.

Occupational title is obtained.

Worldview improvement progress +1.

Chapter 8 The Gift of Liberation

"Then, Brother Ren Zhong, let's see you later. You are new here, so you can just stroll around the town. It's a pity that it's too late, and the barren people have to rush to the sleeping cabins to occupy the pits. You can go to the outer city during the day. The other industries in Xinghuo Town are not very good, but the service industry is a must, the price is cheap and the quality is good, and the old man is innocent. As long as [-] contribution point, you are satisfied. "

Zheng Tian said hello, and walked away.

Due to the mayor's temporary errands, he could only see Ren Zhong, the first temporary barren person who entered the town this month, after finishing the work.Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian made an appointment to meet at the gate of the town mansion an hour later.

He just took the opportunity to wander around the town by himself, and he was still thinking about his illness.

He pretended to be a character in front of Zheng Tian, ​​so it was not convenient to talk too much.

The town house is not difficult to find. The tallest lighthouse-shaped building in the center of the town is the one you can see when you look up, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost.

There is really a huge spherical camera suspended in the air at the top of the lighthouse.

The camera that emits a slight red light is spinning at an irregular speed, like a sinister Sauron's magic eye, monitoring the world all the time.


crunch... crunch...

Two white beech signs hung on wires fluttered in the wind, dangling.

On the sign, there are four big characters written in crooked handwriting, "rejuvenating with wonderful hands".

After parting with Zheng Tian, ​​Ren Zhong asked around and came to a street in the slum near the center of the town.

Compared with other shoddy handmade prefabricated houses on the street, the two-story building of the "Miaoshouhuichun" clinic looks clean and tidy, and its shape is much more square, which is on the same level as the prefabricated houses used as offices on the construction site in Ren Zhong's memory.

It was getting dark at this time, but except for the Miaoshou Rejuvenation Clinic on the street, there was no light from the windows of almost all the houses on the street.

There is no street lighting on the street, and it is deserted and deserted, with no ghosts or shadows.

Fortunately, there are two moons, one big and one small, shining at the same time in the sky, but I can barely see things.

A mess of paper scraps, tattered furs and other rubbish are raging freely on the street under the evening wind.

As the wind got stronger, there was another bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang in the depths of the alleyway, which sounded like cans rolling indiscriminately.

With such a beautiful street scene in Iraq, in the era that Ren Zhong remembers, local officials would definitely not pass the performance assessment for building a civilized city, and they would have to go home to grow sweet potatoes.

Along the way, Ren Zhong, wandering around the town, has never stopped observing keenly, trying to discover the details of the times.

There are three types of pedestrians on the street.

One is Zheng Tian's scavenging team, who carry weapons and wear close-fitting clothes that are easy to move, and both men and women have a sturdy look on their faces.

There is also a group of people who mostly wear regular clothes, walk briskly, smile with a smile, and are in a relaxed and comfortable state of mind.These people come and go in different directions, generally in groups of three or two.

The third type, and the most numerous, are the refugees whose mental and physical state they saw when they went to the city.These people flocked to a certain location on the edge of the town like a tide of rivers returning to the sea, and the scene looked a little weird.

Ren Zhong was not in a hurry to stop people to ask where these people were going and what they were doing, he just randomly chose two people from the crowd to follow quietly, eavesdropping on their chat.

This is a man and a woman.

The man is a boy, about fifteen or sixteen years old, like a high school student, with a bit of vitality on his face.

The woman has white hair, dense wrinkles, and age spots all over her face.

The first sentence the two exchanged made Ren Zhong frown sharply.

The young man took the old woman's hand and said in a low voice, "Mom, don't worry, I will find a way."

mom?Is there something wrong with my ears?

Ren Zhong thought he had heard wrong.

The boy is fifteen or sixteen years old, and the old lady looks at least seven or eighty years old.

The age difference between the two is half a century, but she is the boy's mother?

The old woman sighed: "Can I not worry? You will be 16 years old in half a month. But the quota of desolate people in the town is already full. You will definitely not be able to escape the next census. Or you will have to be taken away. Either you have to hide in advance. It's so dangerous outside. Although I have saved enough contribution points to buy you a temporary watch, you don't know anything. Once you go to the wild, you will definitely die in the hands of Ruin Beast. Ugh."

Boy: "I... I'll find a way to go to the barren village. Although it's dangerous there, I can always..."

The old woman: "Don't be stupid, can you find the barren village? Even if you know where the village is, can you walk there?"

Teenager: "I want to find a way to save money, please ask the scavenger team to take me there."

The old woman: "Then teach me how to save it? Do you know how much the scavenger team charges once?"

"I... oh!" The boy fell silent.

After a long time, the old woman sighed: "Okay, anyway, I don't have a good life for a few years. I'll ask the mayor to accommodate me and transfer my quota to you."

The boy said anxiously, "What are you going to do, mom?"

"What should I do? I will die sooner or later. At my age, what is there to be afraid of? Silly child."

There was a benevolent light on the old woman's disheveled face.

"Mom...I..." The boy choked.

"Let's not talk, we have to go faster. We don't have any temporary watches in our hands now. It's going to be late, and we don't have any watches to rent in the centralized sleeping cabin."


The two stopped talking, just walked fast, while Ren Zhong quietly retreated back into the darkness.

He found out three things.

First, 16 years old is a very important node.According to the two, people under the age of 16 are minors, do not occupy the quota of barren people, and can live safely in cities and towns.It is speculated that even if a minor is in the wild, he should not need a watch as an identity certificate, and hunters will not kill them.This is reasonable, which means that the civilization system still gives the new leeks a certain amount of time to grow.

Second, the elimination review mechanism is called the census, and the time will definitely be half a month later, but it will not be too long.

Third, the desolate people in the town basically don't sleep at home, but go to a place called a centralized sleeping cabin.Watches can also be rented there.I don't know what the meaning is at the moment, but there must be a reason.

Then Ren Zhong approached an old man who looked kind and friendly, and asked where the hospital in the town was, but finally learned that there was no hospital in this small town with a total population of at least [-]. There is only one doctor named Sun Miao in the clinic.


dong dong dong.

Ren Zhong took a step forward, walked up to the steps in front of the "Miaoshouhuichun" building, and gently knocked on the door.

"Doctor Sun, are you there?"

An impatient middle-aged voice sounded in the room, "Not here!"

Ren Zhong: "..."

Before coming over, the kind old man who guided the way reminded Ren Zhong to wake up.

The old man said that Dr. Sun Miao had a strange temper, was very moody, and was extremely difficult to deal with.

It seems so now.

But Ren Zhong is not worried that he will not be able to seek medical treatment.

Only from the location chosen by this "Miaoshouhuijuan" clinic, Ren Zhong can see the essence through the appearance.

This person called Sun Miao is likely to be a good person.

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