For the second Titan, and even the third Titan, everyone is working harder and harder. For everyone in the alliance, as long as they have the ability to manufacture enough Titans, they can truly be in the universe from now on. has a place.

In this way, everything is going on in a dense manner, and the size of the battle star on Chen Gang's side is also increasing. At this moment, his size is about the size of more than 100 suns.

However, he is very clear that the volume consumed by the controlled collapse technology is far from enough.

In this way, the second Titan was launched as time went by, and the second Titan was a group doomsday weapon, controlled by Yuntian.

After the completion of the second ship, the third Titan also began to be carried out in Jin Luo Mibu.

After having the second Titan, the Alliance also completely abandoned the conventional warships, because they were no longer needed.

In the past, they may need to use conventional warships to fight, but with the group doomsday, that is, the enemy's shrimp, soldiers and crabs will all be gone.

In this way, with the passage of time, the time has come to 800 years later.

In the past 800 years, the Alliance has launched a total of two Titans, and now the Alliance has a total of three Titans, more than 100 dreadnoughts, and more than 1000 battleships.

Because the materials consumed by the Titans are really astonishing, and all the resources of the Alliance are mined to make only two ships, and the third ship is barely produced by the members of the Alliance collecting around.

According to the current amount of resources in their area, Chen Gang estimates that it will take at least 2000 years if they want to squeeze out a fourth ship.

"Then it's time for us to settle the matter." Thinking of this, looking at the three Titans, Chen Gang knew it was time.

The first to bear the brunt is Bai Wenming. They found Bai Wenming's position as early as 700 years ago, but they were busy surviving at that time.

Different from previous battles, this time the players did not drive thousands of warships to settle accounts with them, but only three people.

I'd rather die than surrender, Yun Tian, ​​I'm the Emperor of the Liver, and I'm still blowing up the game.

Like gods, they traveled tens of thousands of light years through the wormhole to the galaxy where the white civilization was located.

Just like this, standing in the galaxy, watching the battleship sailing in space in the galaxy where Bai Wenming is located, and the flagship Bai that is parked not far away.

This flagship brought them too many bad memories. They met Bai Wenming when they were very weak. Since then, Bai Wenming has been accompanying them like a nightmare.

What they have to do today is to completely shatter this nightmare.

"I don't know why I feel a little emotional now." Looking at everything in front of him, Yun Tian suddenly said.

"Yeah, I used to dream of getting rid of them, but when it comes to such a day, I suddenly feel a little bit reluctant."

"After all, Bai made us."


. . . .

Just when several people were still feeling emotional, inside the egret civilization.

"The leader is not good, an enemy has entered our galaxy." Hearing this, Bai was a little surprised at first, but when he saw the three figures standing in the void in the picture, she understood everything.

"After all, you are all accomplished." In fact, she knew that this day would come after the three civilizations escaped from Xuanwu, but what she didn't expect was that this day would come so soon.

"Remove this wormhole defense barrier." Xu Jiubai said slowly.

"Boss... this..."

"Three ultra-civilized life forms, do you think we have a chance of winning?"

. . . . .

And when the three of them were still struggling, Bai's voice came over, "Since you're here, why don't you come in and sit down."

Hearing Bai's words, the three couldn't help but looked at each other and nodded. The next moment a wormhole appeared in Bai's flagship, and the three of them also entered the interior of Bailu's flagship.

The four of them were a little surprised when they saw the palace-like interior of the flagship.

"I didn't expect the interior of their battleship to be so good."


"Much better than ours."

"What do you know! We are talking about practicality and cost-effectiveness rather than these bells and whistles."

The four of them communicated along the way and soon saw Bai not far away. She was still as beautiful as when they met in Blue Star.

"You're here." Said Bai turned his head and looked at the four of them, but she couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw their faces.

"I thought that Chen Gang would carry out super-evolution after mastering super-level technology." She seemed to think of something as she spoke, "So it turns out that he wants to accomplish that thing, but his path is very risky."

"You called us here just to talk to us?" the game blowing at the moment spoke first.

"Of course not, it's just a little emotion. I have witnessed you from weak to strong in thousands of years, and I have some emotion for a while."

"In the final analysis, we are the ones who have made you, and the contempt for the low-level civilization is the chief culprit of our failure. If we had made up our minds at the beginning and eliminated you at all costs, it might be a different ending today."

"Do you regret that you didn't do this at the beginning?" Yun Tian said suddenly after hearing her words.

"Regret? Maybe..."

"In the end, the universe chose you." Said Bai Wenming and sighed.

For the few people in front of Bai didn't know what to say for a while, if you hate it, they also hate it, because they were the ones who treated Lan Xing as an experimental subject.

But it's hard to say how much I really hate this, after all, I'm afraid there would be no Bai without them.

There have been many battles for thousands of years, and they never want to destroy Bai in battle after battle, especially their flagship.

But now, they appeared here and looked at Bai not far away from them. When they could penetrate the battleship from the inside to the outside with just a wave of their hands, they didn't know whether to attack or not.

"Maybe this is the so-called expressing feelings."

"Mad, I have to say that human emotions are ridiculous."

"If there is no emotion, can we still be called human beings? Human beings have developed to this day because of these special, childish emotions in the eyes of other civilizations."

"I have a proposal."

"Maybe it's possible..."

The game blowing at this moment seems to want to understand something.

"Become our affiliated civilization." Suddenly, the game blows up.

His remarks attracted a few people's incredible eyes.

"We are a subsidiary civilization of Nuwa's civilization."

"The Bai Civilization attached to Nuwa Civilization has been destroyed by us just now, and now we have a new Bai Civilization in front of us."

I laughed for nothing when I heard this, very happy and helpless.

They vaguely remember when they were creating human civilization. . .

"All allies, the data of the new civilization of the experimental planet we created is here. If there is no objection, then we can invest the seeds of civilization."

"Fuxi, there is no problem."

"Nuwa civilization has no objection."

. . . . .

"Bai Wenming has objections. The emotional system of the new living body is extremely weak, and they are very likely to lose their emotions in the future."

"Rejected! The emotional system is meaningless. This thing will only reduce the development speed and upper limit of civilization."

"However, the 11 rounds of experiments without the emotional system all ended in failure, so I request the No. 12 round to add the emotional system."

"Although I don't know what the final result of adding the emotional system will be, but I can be sure that if we don't add this system, we will probably end in failure like the previous experiment."

"This is not logical. The results we obtained in previous experiments were genetic problems, and the problem genes have been optimized."

"Entering a super civilization itself is not logical. Since small changes have been proven to be unworkable, then we will make a big overall change."

. . . . .

Recalling everything back then, Bai Wenming didn't know what she should say for a while.

The original decision created the current human beings and saved the current self.

Perhaps this is the so-called cause and effect.

. . . . . .

Compared with Bai Wenming, the players of the original civilization who had killed Cheng Yaojin halfway were not so polite.

"The leader is bad! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Seeing the white number suddenly appearing in the original civilization stronghold, Yuan Chu was also taken aback.

"Why is she here?"

The commander who talked about the original civilization was a little surprised, but when he saw the three figures floating in the void beside Bai Hao, he understood everything.


Although he knew the next result, he was not one to sit still.

"Attention all warships! Enter an emergency battle state."

Seeing tens of thousands of warships from the original civilization flying out of the sky, Yun Tian took the lead.

With a wave of his hand, a huge wormhole appeared in the next moment. Through the entrance of the wormhole, a white sphere could be vaguely seen. This sphere is very strange. Originally, it should be the energy emitting a strong light. ball.

But in fact, there is only a little bit of black fluid on its surface.

Immediately after, the sphere flew out and shattered, and huge energy directly swept across the entire star field.

There were tens of thousands of warships in the original civilization, and only 30 aircraft carriers were left alone in space.

"What!" Seeing this scene, both Bai and Yuan Chu were stunned.

What technology is this!

What a weapon!

In just an instant, all ships below the flagship level were cleared.

Immediately afterwards, two thick beams of light shot out at the Jihad, the flagship of the original civilization.

Before the original civilization could react, they saw that their shields were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, followed by the armor, and then the structure.

In less than 5 minutes, under the bombardment of two doomsday weapons, the originally unstoppable Jihad also turned into cosmic fireworks.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai's eyes were amazed.

"What level of warship is this! Judgment Day..." She repeated the name that the game blew out, feeling a little familiar.

"I remembered! This is the weapon of doom!" At this moment, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Titan Battleship!"

They got blueprints for the Titan battleship!

Thinking of this, Bai is also a little inconceivable.

Because according to the data, didn't the Titan battleship disappear long ago in the long history of the universe?

really. . . .

The universe chose you. . .

Looking at everything in front of him, Bai Wenming didn't know what to say for a while.

She knew that this civilization might become the real overlord in the universe in the future.

The Titan battleship, the flagship of civilization that once suppressed an era, is still unrivaled.

"If there are enough Titan battleships."

"Perhaps they can really successfully manufacture Battle Star, if that time really comes."

"With the Titan battleship and the neutron battle star, they will become the absolute overlords in the universe!"

Thinking of this, a trace of bitterness flashed across Bai's face.

"Emotional system..."

"Because it joined it... who created a new era of the overlord of the universe, whoever says this will believe it."

"But she has to believe it when the facts are in front of her eyes."

. . . . . .

After solving the distant civilization in this way, several people left with Bai Wenming.

After returning to the stronghold, the game blew up and several people contacted Chen Gang with Bai.

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