Chapter 376 The end of the whole play

After finishing the call with Chen Gang, all five of them looked at each other.

"I never expected that I would still mess around with you in the end." Yun Tian glanced at the game and said blowingly.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you would help me persuade the commander to let Bai join us in the end."

"You must be crazy." Looking at several people, Bai suddenly said.

"Crazy? Maybe, but isn't this the best ending for you?"


"Okay, don't be emotional, don't forget the conditions that the commander said at that time." At this moment, I, Gandi, couldn't help reminding.

Hearing that I am the Gan Emperor, everyone couldn't help but look at Bai, "Are you sure your technique is reliable?"

"Don't worry, with my technology and the Titan manufacturing technology you have mastered, we will definitely succeed."

"I hope... If it really succeeds, then the promotion to the seed battle star will be smoother." Said the game blows and looked at Bai, "And this is also very important for you, if you fail, Commander You must know exactly what to do."

Bai nodded at this.

Just after such a discussion, several people took the white number together and embarked on the journey.

. . . .

"I have to say, Bai, the interior decoration of your flagship is really..." Although it was the second time to set foot here, the few people were very moved when they saw the palace-like interior in front of them.

"Does your civilization care so much about the interior decoration of the flagship?" Gandi asked curiously, thinking of something.

Bai just shook his head at this, "Our view on the interior decoration of the ship is as simple and practical as yours."

"There is no way to decorate it like this. After all, we have so many civilizations under our hands, and they spread our myths. As a myth, you must have a decent palace no matter what."

"So we will make the interior of the White House like this, and act as a heavenly palace or temple in the eyes of other worshiping civilizations. Simply put, it is to ensure our sense of mystery and holiness."

"After all, in every civilization, we may have one or two so-called pioneers. The prophets let them see the gods. It is more compelling in such a palace."

"It's not convincing at all if you follow the decoration of your battleship."

The few people here also nodded when they heard this, because they have done such things before and went to low-level civilizations to pretend to be gods.

In this way, several people chatted while sailing, and after passing through several wormholes, the abnormal energy fluctuations in the distance attracted the attention of several people.

I saw a huge turtle resting next to a certain star in this galaxy.

"I found it." Seeing Xuanwu's figure, Bai was also overjoyed.

"I have to be convinced, you can find it so quickly in such a big universe." Looking at Xuanwu Yuntian in the distance, he was also a little surprised.

"What's the matter? After all, Hydra is my home. I know most of the galaxies here very well. Ever since I learned that Xuanwu came here a hundred years ago, I have been paying attention to its whereabouts.

There are a total of 140 seven super stars in our entire galaxy, and the starry sky behemoth needs huge energy consumption every day, so these super stars are naturally its favorite, just follow the coordinates of these super stars all the way to find it. found it. "

Hearing what Bai said, several people nodded thoughtfully, "I always feel that you have discovered that our commander devoured the planet."

Bai nodded at this, "I didn't find out at first, but I found out not long after we were beaten away by Xuanwu, so what if we found out at that time, according to your productivity, we estimate that you have at least one There are dozens of dreadnoughts, and the Blue Star is very likely to be completely controlled."

"So we dare to go up and basically die."

. . . .

Just like this, Xuanwu also woke up while the few people were still chatting, and it was a little strange to see the original white.


"it's me."

"I'm curious, why did you ask you to come to me on your own initiative?"

"Kill you and transform your body into a battleship."

Hearing this, Xuanwu was stunned for a moment and then began to laugh loudly, "Hahahaha... Are you crazy or am I crazy? Kill me? Are you worthy? Do you think you Nuwa and others? Besides, even if Nuwa wants to It's not that easy to kill me."

"is it?"

Just when Xuan Wu was about to say something, the game blew up, Yun Tian, ​​I am the Emperor of the Liver and Ning Die Bu Yi flew out of Bai's flagship.

"It's you!"

Obviously Xuanwu recognized them.

"So that's the case. It turns out that I have entered the super-order, no wonder I dare to trouble me, but what can I do if I enter the super-order? Do you think that entering the super-order can defeat me? Naive!"

As he spoke, he saw waves of visible energy fluctuations all over Xuanwu's body spreading around.

"Blocked space?"

"That's right! Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving! I want to see how much strength you have when you enter the super-level for the first time!" Xuanwu said, spraying energy from Xuanwu's mouth towards several people.

At the same time, Bai Lu's energy shield opened.

But at this moment, with a wave of Yuntian's hand, several huge wormholes appeared behind him, and then the beam of the flagship gun shot out from it, aiming at Xuanwu.

The other two began to gather energy, and the doomsday weapon began to charge.

On the other hand, he would rather die than submit, just like Yun Tian, ​​directly mobilized Blue Star's main cannon to start bombarding Xuanwu.

"Yuntian turned on the celestial transmitter, and the other brothers turned on the energy-absorbing device and hung it up."


The next moment Xuanwu felt the huge energy fluctuations from the other party and suddenly felt bad.

"This is?" Looking at the two energy balls not far away, it always felt familiar.

"The instrument of aurora? It's not like... the day of judgment! Yes, it should be the day of judgment! Doomsday weapon!" It was shocked when it saw this thing.

"Titan Battleship! How could they have the technology of Titan Battleship."

And at this moment, he noticed the changes in his body, which was being surrounded by an invisible energy.

"Flagship-level energy absorbing device, this amount..." The next moment, a huge mushroom figure appeared in its mind.

Could it be. . . .Moloch!

He is too familiar with this Titan. It was the first and last time this Titan appeared during the Great War of the Century.

At the beginning, this Titan relied on its own strength to fight against the two enemy Titans, Angel and Orobas, and it was also called the strongest Titan because of it.

But since that battle, the ancient times have been lonely, and Titan has also disappeared in the long river of time in the universe.

Xuanwu didn't expect that when it appeared again, it would appear in front of his eyes in such a way.

Thinking of this, it didn't dare to think too much, and immediately prepared to turn around and run away.

But how could Bai let him get what he wanted, as soon as the flagship-level space interference device was turned on, the flagship-level rebound would be put on it.

At this moment, Xuanwu understood, why they brought the white horn, the main purpose of bringing it was to prevent themselves from escaping.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Xuanwu cursed secretly, and then saw countless energy balls appearing beside it, and immediately blasted towards the white number.

"I'd like to see how many rounds of attacks your white number can block." Xuanwu roared.

"I also want to know how strong your attack is." The next moment, Yun Tian appeared on the huge shield in front of the Egret, blocking Xuan Wu's attack.

Immediately afterwards, at this moment, two thick silver-white beams shot directly at Xuanwu.

"Roar!" Huge energy exploded around Xuanwu, and at this moment Xuanwu also cried out in pain.

"Damn it! It's so hard!" At this moment, looking at the Xuanwu trio who had suffered two doomsday rounds and only suffered a little injury, they were also a little surprised.

"Yuntian, you cover Baihao, and Baihao caught this dead bastard to death, Gandi and the three of us who would rather die than surrender!" Seeing Xuanwu's amazing defense game blowing up, I know that this will be a long-lasting game. war.

But Moloch is the least afraid of protracted warfare.

Because of its energy absorption bonus, it can continue to consume with others while maintaining full output.

In this way, a few people fought together and made a group.

"My energy in the game is almost enough, and I can play Doomsday at any time." Feeling that my energy has recovered a lot during the battle, I am the Emperor of the Liver and said to the game.

"OK, mine is almost done, I'd rather die than surrender to cover us, we're sending it two doomsday rounds!" Said Game Blowing and I'm the Liver Emperor immediately started the second round of doomsday salvo.

In this way, while fighting with them, they absorb the energy of Xuanwu. As long as the energy is absorbed enough to release the doomsday, they will immediately launch two shots.

Compared with the more and more courageous players who are fighting more and more bravely at the moment, Xuanwu can be as frustrated as they can fight. Originally, Titans fight with pain and absorb energy. The more they fight, the more energy they fight. Will they still be able to send themselves two doomsday rounds?

But he can, the more he hits, the less he hits, the bigger his body becomes.

Bai insisted on sternly arresting him when he wanted to escape.

"Unexpectedly...unexpectedly, I, Xuanwu I, the wise man, would die so aggrieved in the end!"

At this moment, looking at the tattered armor Xuanwu on his body, he knew that he was finished, but this was really aggrieved.

Forcibly consumed by them.

Although his attacks can cause damage to the Titans, these Titans of theirs are known as the toughest Titans. The armor value and shield value are scary. The most helpless thing is that the attack and support capabilities are not weak.

After all, it was known as the strongest Titan in the last era. How could this be possible without something.

In this way, Xuanwu also ushered in his own loneliness amidst all kinds of unwillingness and roaring.

The corpse of Xuanwu was brought back, and then the players began to transform Xuanwu. The powerful recovery ability and hard shell of the starry sky behemoth are the best natural defenses of the battleship. Combining Bai's biological transformation technology and the players' Titan manufacturing technology combined in the uprising.

About five years later, the Xuanwu was officially launched.

At present, the players have a total of three Titans, a Xuanwu, which is also as powerful as a Titan, plus a Blue Star.

At this moment, they already have five super-level civilized combat units.

So Chen Gang also knew it was time to get down to business.

"The system shields all fluctuations and starts planetary collapse!"

Chen Gang is about to start making battle stars.

In this way, when the planetary collapse technology started, everyone watched as the huge planet not far away began to shrink inward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the high temperature generated by the collapse technology also caused the temperature of the entire planet to rise sharply.

It didn't take long for the huge planet to become a huge and shrinking sun.

This situation lasted for about 11 months, until the last month, as the first special fluctuations were perceived by the players, everyone knew that the moment of life and death of the alliance had come.

They only need to stick to it for a month, and the battle star can be formed.

About two days later, as the first space wormhole appeared, the next moment the flagship of the Apocalypse civilization appeared in this galaxy.

"Create a battle star privately!" He said without saying a word and was ready to attack. The next moment, a beam of light flashed past the Apocalypse and was pierced before it could react.

"What's wrong, why is a civilization that hasn't even reached a super level come here to pretend to be B?" Looking at the destroyed flagship game of Apocalypse civilization, he curled his lips.

At this moment, dozens of wormholes appeared.

Several civilizations that did not reach the super-level appeared.

"Let's not doomsday and directly bombard their flagship with the flagship cannon. If their boat is cloudy, remember to use doomsday to clear the field."

. . . .

With the passage of time, this galaxy has also become a cosmic battlefield, and countless high-level civilizations flock here.

Because Battle Star is something they absolutely do not allow to appear in this universe.

However, due to the fact that the strength of the Titans was too strong, countless civilizations were sent back.

In this way, time passed day by day under the resistance of the players.

"Nine days until No.20..."

Following the violent energy fluctuations in the sky, ten figures appeared in the void.

Here are the ten super civilizations of Virgo.

"Bai, I didn't expect you to betray us." At this moment, looking at the injured Bai Nuwa Wenming said in the distance.

"Sometimes I have no choice, life or death is just a thought."

"So what now? How would you choose now? Continue to stand on their side or..."

Hearing the words of Nvwa's civilization, Bai was silent, and for a long time she aimed the fort at Nvwa.

"I hope I can bet this time." Bai said softly.

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