"So that's it! So, is there a way for the system to hide this special wave frequency?"

"It can be hidden, but I can't hide the wave frequency emitted by the neutron battle star in the final stage."

"The final stage?"

"That's right, there will be a special wave frequency that lasts for about a month in the final stage, and I can't hide this wave frequency."

"This wave frequency is enough to travel a long distance in one month, and it will attract a large number of super civilizations."

"If the host can solve this problem, then you can successfully create the first neutron battle star."

Hearing this, Chen Gang couldn't help frowning.

This is easy to say, but Chen Gang knows it is also difficult.

Although no matter how fast this wave frequency is, it can only spread to one-twelfth of the universe in a month, and the ultra-level civilization that can be attracted is limited.

But as long as the super civilization knows your exact coordinates, it can reach you within 10 minutes.

Chen Gang also clearly understands the strength of super civilization.

After all, he only experienced it on Xuanwu not long ago.

It's the kind of dismantling your dreadnought like dismantling a toy, making a big movie in one wave.

At that time, it is estimated that this wave frequency will be emitted, not only Xuanwu will come, but even other super-level civilizations will come, and then they will share the same hatred.

What do I rely on to block it?

At this moment, four words appeared in his mind.

"Titan Battleship!"

"If it's it..." Thinking of this, Chen Gang already had an idea in his mind.

So a new round of development started, this time he wanted to get the Titan battleship no matter what price he paid!

Thinking of this, Chen Gang also started his layout, not only for resources, but also for the entire galaxy. Chen Gang also began to transform all the planets.

Although the defense of the galaxy is still very small in front of the flagship of civilization no matter how extreme you build it, but for Chen Gang, anything that can provide strength blessings is necessary for him to get.

Compared to the last time when they were in a hurry to retrieve the blueprint of the Titan battleship, Chen Gang and the others were not in a hurry this time.

The battle with Zerg and Virgo continues.

This is also a good thing for him, and the internal friction between the two sides will also make him a lot less stressed when making neutron battle stars in the future.

. . . . .

And so about 200 years later. . .At this moment, he would rather die than surrender and has successfully mastered Blue Star.

And also because he has fully mastered Blue Star and because of him, the alliance's research on condensed matter weapons has also reached the extreme.

After mastering this technology, Chen Gang can enter the super civilization at any time.

And strictly speaking, the current Blue Star civilization is already a super-level civilization, and then under Chen Gang's hint, the players also began to transform Blue Star.

They installed countless main cannons on Blue Star, and began to search for hidden galaxies in the Hydra supergalaxy cluster, and began to create hoopoe balls among multiple galaxies to form a multi-galaxy energy transmission connection for Blue Star Provide enough energy.

In this way, more than 500 years have passed.

Over the years, players have lost count of how many resources they have mined and how many civilizations they have destroyed.

They only know that since a few years ago, the entire alliance has entered an era of endless large-scale construction, and a large number of dreadnoughts and plunderers have been manufactured.

So far, the number of dreadnought ships in their hands has reached nearly [-], while the number of plunderers has reached an astonishing [-].

According to their calculations, they have no problem at all with so many troops sweeping the original, but Chen Gang is still collecting resources wantonly, but compared to before, Chen Gang has not built warships in the past 100 years.

Instead, start storing resources.

Of course, they also knew what Chen Gang was going to do.

Finally, 200 years later, about 1000 years after the last war between the three civilizations, Chen Gang finally sent his fleet to the area where the Titan blueprint was located.

During this period, Chen Gang also learned that the war between the Zerg and Virgo alliances that lasted for hundreds of years has ended.

The civilizations of both sides suffered heavy losses, and the Zerg did not succeed in regaining the Virgo Alliance.

At this moment, Chen Gang's battle star has also changed his appearance, and his size has also increased hundreds of times compared to before.

The manufacture of a neutron war star requires a lot of preparatory work. First, the star needs to be compressed in hyperspace at least five times, because only in this way can such a star meet the minimum standard for a controlled collapse.

After reaching the standard, all you need to do is to increase its volume as much as possible, because only in this way can a neutron battle star of sufficient size be produced.

During the compression process, there will be a lot of loss. If there is not enough volume and enough materials, it may not be impossible for you to get a battle star that is only as big as a football field.

Because in order to increase its size as much as possible, the forts of the battle star are useless. Chen Gang who should be unloaded has been unloaded. It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Gang's battle star has no combat power at this moment.

In this way, this huge planet is still wandering in the universe and devouring the surrounding stars, and the fleet sent by Chen Gang on the other side has also successfully obtained the blueprint of the Titan battleship.

Because both sides suffered heavy losses at the end of the war, and Virgo was always watching the Zerg closely, so many troops sent by the Zerg were blocked.

Only some of them come here.

Although the number reached 70 million, most of them were low-level bugs. There were only more than 100 of the second-tier empress, and three of the third-tier empress.

However, it was annihilated with the cooperation of the dreadnought and Ningdibuyi who had mastered the blue star.

Although the alliance lost most of its troops in this battle, it didn't matter to Chen Gang anymore, because he got the most important things.

Immediately after getting back the blueprint of the Titan battleship, Chen Gang started the manufacture of the Titan battleship, and also began to announce his crazy plan to everyone.

A hundred years later, the first Titan ship was finally launched.

Moloch is a giant battleship with a length of about 14 kilometers. Its huge size covers the sky and the sun. Compared with it, the dreadnoughts that players thought were very big in the past are like small chickens.

The whole body of this battleship is painted in black and brown, and its overall shape looks like a huge mushroom.

Although the appearance is a bit awkward, its strength is beyond doubt.

Chapter 374 Evolutionary Super-Order Lifeform

Titan-class warships are fundamentally different from all the warships they have seen before. First of all, whether it is armor shields or firepower, they have reached a qualitative leap.

First of all, in terms of firepower, it is basically equivalent to the firepower of Bai Wenming's civilization flagship. As for the armor defense, it is even higher than Bai Wenming's Bai Hao.

The main reason is that Chen Gang and the others had obtained some full-resistance equipment with derivative technology reaching 13 before, although he had used some of them on the battleship when he first came out of the battleship.

Later, he was given a sudden by Xuanwu, and since that time, Chen Gang has kept these equipments to no avail.

And then the fearless came out, he himself wanted to use the fearless, but unfortunately the fearless is a shield ship so it can't be used.

But now his remaining all-anti-equipment added up to arm dozens of Titans is still no problem.

Of course, as the top technological battleship of the last cosmic era, the Titan-class battleship can be more powerful than that.

In addition to these things, the Titan battleship can also be equipped with a powerful weapon, the Doomsday Weapon.

There are many types of doomsday weapons. The first is the damage-type doomsday weapon. This weapon is different from Bai Wenming's mothership main gun.

First of all, it is divided into single doomsday weapon and group doomsday weapon. A single doomsday weapon is aimed at a single target and can cause terrible damage to a single target.

The group doomsday weapon is different. Although the group doomsday weapon basically does not cause much damage to warships at the flagship level of civilization, the blow to warships below the flagship level is devastating.

Because the power of the doomsday weapon is too great, the energy consumed when it is activated naturally is also terrifying, and because of the particularity of the attack-type doomsday weapon, a Titan can only be equipped with one.

You can choose a suitable doomsday weapon to install according to the situation, and once installed, it will not be removed.

Of course, in addition to the doomsday weapon, Titan can also install a very useful thing, the phenomenon generator, which consumes a lot of energy to activate like the doomsday weapon.

This weapon utilizes Moloch's massive radar sensing arrays to warp the space of the galaxy and affect all surrounding ships.

Can greatly increase and decrease the capabilities of certain aspects of the ship.

For example, by interfering with the energy systems of these ships, the self-recovery speed of warships is greatly affected.

It is possible that your battleship with suitable equipment can achieve perpetual movement after many systems are activated, but because the energy recovery speed of the disturbed warship is reduced, the original perpetual movement loses this ability.

Such a change has a great impact on the direction of the entire battle situation.

Just imagine when you find that your battleship has run out of energy, then you will be dead.

Of course, this weapon is effective against all warships in the entire galaxy, not just enemy warships.

Speaking of this, I have to mention another special technology of this Titan, the energy absorption technology.

Moloch can increase the absorption capacity of the energy absorbing device, and when using this device, it will ignore its own energy, that is to say, even if your energy is exhausted, you can activate this device, and quickly recover yourself by absorbing the energy of the enemy warship energy.

Such electronic warfare equipment actually didn't play a big role when it came to super-flag warfare, so Chen Gang basically didn't use these warships in the later stage.

Take Bai Wenming's flagship as an example. Its own energy is huge. Even if you bring tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of electronic warfare cruisers to absorb such energy reserves, it may be fine for ten days and a half months. .

Therefore, these electronic warfare equipment can play a negligible role in the super-flag warfare stage and are naturally eliminated.

But now it is different. The Titan-class battleship has brought this technology to the extreme, and the flagship-level energy-absorbing device can absorb an astonishing amount.

And it also has a bonus in this regard, which instantly increases the absorption amount by several times. Such an increase makes even the flagship of civilization stay in Bengbu after being sucked for a period of time.

With this technology, it is self-evident how powerful it will be when paired with a phenomenon generator and a doomsday weapon.

Of course, Chen Gang can also understand its power. After all, this is a battleship that suppressed an era. How could this be possible without something.

"Now Baihe Yuanchu doesn't have to be afraid at all. If he really meets Bai Wenming's flagship, he won't be afraid of the Boom Titan at all. Except for the fact that he is not afraid of Boom, the main gun will not lose against Doom himself."

"And if the war really starts, I won't confront you stupidly. I will send you the doomsday at the beginning, and then absorb the energy. After absorbing enough energy for you, I will directly turn on the weather generator and continue to absorb your energy." Can you fight me like this?"

"And don't forget, this is just the beginning. I have also mastered the technology of super-level civilization." Thinking of this, Chen Gang felt that he could start to act.

It's time to collect Bai and Yuanchu.

"Red queen, contact the game to blow it up and ask him to perform super-evolution first." Chen Gang said.

"Good host."

. . . .

"Let me perform super-evolution first?" Hearing what Hong Hou said at this moment, the game blows up is a bit inconceivable.

"I thought this titan was created by the commander to super-evolve himself."

"The carrier of the commander's super-evolution is still under development, and you will know about it in the future." After talking about the red, he remembered something and said.

"The commander said that our first Titan uses a single-body doomsday weapon, which is mainly aimed at the enemy's civilization flagship. Simply put, the single-body combat capability is relatively strong. If you want a Titan with group combat capabilities, then you can Wait for the next Titan to launch."

"According to estimates, according to our current collection volume, the second Titan battleship should be launched in 300 years."

Hearing the game blowing up here, he thought for a while and said: "Only a single player, I have long been tired of this Bai Wenming's flagship, so I will use a single player Titan. When I have a chance, I will blast her."

After hearing the red here, he nodded and took the game away.

And until the super-evolution started, at this moment the game blows up and it is understood why Chen Gang told them to try to protect their own bodies.

Because of the super-evolution, only the blue star retains the body to fit, but the clone does not have such a fit ability.

Therefore, only the original blue star can successfully super-evolve.

As for why it is the Blue Stars, the reason is very simple. After all, the Blue Stars were previously the life created by these advanced civilizations to study the technology of super civilizations, and their existence itself is for this technology.

Therefore, after the genetic optimization of these civilizations, the Blue Stars have this ability.

After the transformation was completed, the game blowing at this moment slowly closed his eyes and began to feel the changes in his body.

At this moment, he felt that he was no longer an ordinary person. He could clearly feel the state of Tai Tan at this moment, just as he usually felt the state of his body.

And one's own consciousness can rely on Titan's sensing array to easily know the situation tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of light years away.

Apart from these, the game who thought of something blows off his battleship, and then slowly floats into the air under the gaze of the Red Queen, passing through the light curtain of the space station into the universe.

In this way, he exposed himself to the extreme environment and high radiation environment of the universe, but nothing happened to him.

He suddenly waved his hand, a wormhole appeared and stepped out, and the next moment his body appeared in a planet.

Continuing to wave his hand, a huge wormhole of tens of meters reappeared beside him. The next moment a thick beam of light shot out from the wormhole, and then the planet began to disintegrate under the action of huge energy.

"Is this the power of super civilization?" Standing in space at this moment, he was shocked to see all the games he created exploded.

"With this kind of power, it's not an exaggeration for me to say that I am a god."

. . . .

Chapter 375 It's time to settle

And at this moment, the news of the game blowing up the advanced super life form naturally also boosted the morale of the alliance members.

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