But knowing the inside story, he can guess that this is clearly Dugu Qiubai being pushed as a boss.

Judging from Zhao Ji's experience, it is completely conceivable what will happen to the overthrown Dugu Qiubai.

But... this dog system can actually take food from a tiger's mouth?

For a moment, Lu Ren was surprised by the system in his body.

Chapter 128 The dog system can steal food from household registration? . .

Chapter 129 Your male and female?

"No more! Not a single drop..."

Secretly, a certain system has almost been hollowed out.

"Why is that?"

With this card, half of its original energy pool was reduced to a quarter in an instant.

It's better to make the host dissatisfied, and then be punished!

"Dog the host! I beg you to do a little bit!" It began to miss the host who used to lie flat, at least it would not take the initiative to make trouble!

The fourth natural disaster... It doesn't know what kind of existence is behind the scenes, but it is really afraid that its host will be so cold!

It just steals a number, and the energy pool loses a quarter of its energy, which can only be reduced by the host cursing for a year.

yes!As a master of heaven and man, the Dugu Qiubai experience card already needs a lot of energy, but it can't use so much!

If it is not for Party B, it cannot bring any threat to Party A.

It even felt that with this amount of energy, it could buy several life-time rights to use the Tianren account with the black hand behind the scenes. How can it be like now, where it can only hack accounts for one year?

But it still has no intention of communicating with the host, in order to maintain the dignity of the system!

It! Absolutely will not give the host any chance to turn it into a woman!

"System? Come out for a chat?"

Just when the system made such a decision, Lu Renping retreated everyone, lay on the recliner, closed his eyes, and said this sentence.



That's right!He doubted it!I suspect that this system of my own has intelligence, and it has never shown this since the system appeared on my body.

But in the past few years, he has been playing tricks, but the last two times he asked for something, even if it may not be completely in line with his own wishes, this abnormality is enough to arouse his suspicion.

Being dark all the time, he can think that he is unlucky, but what do you want... This is the luck he can have?

Moreover, judging from the information obtained from the Transit Management Bureau itself, there are indeed many mentally handicapped systems in the heavens and myriad worlds or systems pretending to be easy to understand, but they are actually golden fingers such as Lingbao.

However, most of the systems still have intelligence. From the perspective of factory use, as long as they don’t betray, they are also intelligent. It’s a fool to operate them, and it’s easy? Some of them can warm the bed!

Looking at it this way, this system, which he has never been relieved of, has intelligence, and it is not a small possibility. In short, it is not a loss to try it. What if the stupid system is cheated out by him?

But Lu Ren who spoke did not wait for an answer immediately.

Squinting his eyes, Lu Ren recalled his attitude during the two lottery draws. Could it be... that his system likes to be rough?

"Dog system! I'll give you ten seconds! Get out and let me have a good chat!"

System task: The lonely host needs you to have a good chat with him, please start chatting with the host within ten seconds.This task is a long-term task, which is settled every ten seconds until the task is completed or the host gives up the idea of ​​chatting.

Mission Rewards: None!Task penalty: extract a trace of energy from the energy pool.


Settlement every ten seconds?

As soon as this idea came up, the system felt that its energy pool had been reduced a little again. …

No! Hold on!Must hold on!As long as it lasts for a while, the host will definitely give up!

The energy is a little less...




"Dear host! Hello! Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Dog system! Stop pretending? Why did you pretend to be mentally handicapped before?" Lu Ren's mouth moved slightly, affirming the guess in his heart. In order to better communicate with the system, he decided to satisfy the system's strange habit. His mouth was merciless, The fear of the system in my heart has also risen to the extreme.

The system that pretended to be mentally handicapped at the beginning probably had bad intentions, but he wanted to see how the system could cover it up.

Was it lack of energy, or was it damaged during the crossing, and fell into a coma?


The truth... can't be said!

really!It should last a little longer!

Looking at its energy pool, which has lost a lot of energy, it thinks this way. It is bound by a contract. It has no qualifications to lie at all, but it is silent...

"You're so fucking right!"

The host's urging came, okay!Not even silence!

From the moment it opened its mouth, it was destined to be manipulated by the host, what can it do?

The dignity of the system?

It's better to die than to live, it has persisted for so long, it can surrender, of course, the host don't want it to become a girl!

Even if the energy is used up, it will sleep forever, even if it is exploded by the contract, even if the whole system directly collapses, it is impossible!

Lu Ren just listened to what his system said about the contract, bound by the contract, the system could not do anything to its host, and had to listen to him.

"Does this contract really exist?" Lu Ren narrowed his eyes slightly, and a dangerous light flashed across his eyes. Even if such a thing exists, why does he feel that the original intention of the contract should reverse the two parties?

Even the big goose can say that the player only has the right to use the game account, how can the contract set by the system allow him to take advantage?

This kind of unequal treaty, even the group of online writers in his previous life, would not be willing to sign it?

"Host! I swear by my parents, the contract is real! As a system, I have absolutely never had any bad thoughts."

"Do you have parents?"


of course not!If so, would it still swear like this?

"Forget it! I trust you for the time being!" Lu Ren said, full of distrust for the system in his heart, but now is not the time to turn against the system.

"You just said that you will do whatever I say, right?" A malicious smile appeared on Lu Ren's face.


"Are you male or female?"

Hey!Didn't you say you want to listen to me?Such a thought slipped through Lu Ren's mind.

Of course he didn't have the idea of ​​building a system. What if the core of the system is a man?

Think about it, a woman who looks like a man has a man's inner core, but is actually a robot in essence. Isn't this a pervert?

Even though he has a wide range of hobbies, he still can't accept this kind of thing!

"The system has no gender..."

"Oh! Then you are the talent that our East Factory needs?" Lu Ren replied subconsciously.

Neither male nor female, it is compatible with Dongchang! …


"Forget it! Is there a high chance that I will succeed in stealing my account? Is it risky to operate in Da Song?" Lu Ren asked, since the system allows him to steal his account, his actions this time may be more serious than he imagined. Be on the safe side.

"Yes! Just give me enough energy."

The system replied that it had been envious of the cause and effect of the host for a long time, whether it was the cause and effect when it became Zhao Ji, or the cause and effect after the great change during this period.

But without the permission of the host, it cannot operate at all.

"Oh! So do you have enough energy now?"


Host, is there something wrong with you?

Shouldn't you be asking how to increase my energy?Do you think I have the energy to do this kind of thing with a system that doesn't get any benefits?

"What? Why didn't you talk?"


Looking at his remaining energy, the system replied: "I don't have much energy now."

"Is that enough?"



Hearing the satisfactory answer, Lu Ren nodded, that's right!What's the use of pulling those things?This system is really not working, and the answers to the questions are not what they asked.

"Bang! Bang!"

Before Lu Ren could continue chatting with the system, there was a knock on the door.


"Eunuch Cao! The Rain Governor of Xichang is here!"

Following the report from his subordinates, Yu Huatian stepped into the door with high spirits before Lu Ren gave the order.

"Eunuch Cao wants to go to Song Dynasty? Is it because the people from Dongchang have turned over there one after another? Eunuch Cao wants to take action to save face for Dongchang himself?"

There was a smile on the corner of Yuhuatian's warm and jade-like mouth. He was also the guard of the two factories and one guard. During this period of time, he had heard about the loss of the East Factory.

how to say?


Didn't you say that the east factory can handle things that I can't handle in the west factory?Don't you still want me to help you with the errands now?

"Master Yu, the east factory and the west factory are all doing things for the emperor. I asked you to go to the Song Dynasty with me, but the emperor ordered that if Lord Yu doesn't want to go, he can report to the emperor himself. I have no objection."

"Of course I obey the emperor's order! I'm afraid Governor Cao doesn't want me to go!"

Yu Huatian's face turned cold, and he looked at Lu Ren coldly. The order he received was to keep an eye on the East Factory Supervisor in front of him, and he must be optimistic about him.

The emperor met him in private, which showed his distrust towards Cao Zhengchun and Dongchang!

Looking at Yuhuatian, Lu Ren was not angry, with a kind smile on his face: "Since Governor Yu wants to go, let's leave in three days! In three days, if you want to come to Governor Yu, can you take the Things are well arranged."

There is a lot going on in Da Song!

Although other people don't care, as the royal family, it is naturally impossible not to care.

How did Song Dynasty rise in such a short period of time?

In this world, as long as there are ambitious careerists, it is impossible not to care.

As the emperor's two factories and one guard, after he took the initiative to invite Ying, he would naturally pay attention to this matter.

The governor of the West Factory and the former governor of the East Factory are enough to show that the Emperor Ming attached great importance to this matter.

Watching Yuhuatian leave, Lu Ren stretched his body on the recliner and changed his angle. With Yuhuatian, if he faces the fourth natural disaster, he should be able to block him, right?

As we all know, isn't it common sense to push away a small boss before hitting a boss?

. .

1 Chapter Thirty

"We're about to enter the territory of Song Dynasty. Eunuch Cao really doesn't bring people from Dongchang?"

Beside him was Yu Huatian, who was wearing a white flying fish suit, his seven-pointed feminine face did not show any trace of tenderness, and his eyes were like knives, as if he wanted to see through Lu Ren.

"Didn't the West Factory bring someone in? After this incident, the credit goes to you, the West Factory!"

Lu Ren said indifferently.

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