After entering the new mission world, the guy with glasses revealed his identity as a semi-guidancer, and told everyone that he can only lower the difficulty by defrauding others, so that he can survive without giving the identity of the captain of the Zhongzhou team to others...

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as uncovering his old background.

"So! This man is telling the truth, isn't he? You are the guide, Brother Zhang Jie?"

Among this wave of newcomers, the only person with good quality spoke like this.

The spearhead was aimed at him when he came up, even after Lu Renjie told the four-eyed entrapment of his teammates, it was the same.

"You guys have thought it through! In the last mission, all the group destruction was done by this person!" Lu Renjie's eyes were slightly cold, and after saying this, he left the team.

If the newcomer doesn't trust him, why not let him protect the newcomer?

It's enough for him to save face by not killing people!

And... that newcomer... has a problem!

If I remember correctly, neither Four Eyes nor him mentioned the name Zhang Jie...

With the existence of these two people, this wave of newcomers might be wiped out...

With such a conclusion in his mind, Lu Renjie stayed away from the team, waiting for the murderer to start his attack.

He is a warrior, what is he afraid of?

Lu Renjie, who snatched a gun from a certain room, didn't panic at all.

After Lu Renjie left, Four Eyes chatted happily with the new traveler, but secretly they had their own schemes.

"System! If I take the lead in destroying the group this time and make the plot conform to the original again, how complete will it be?" Four Eyes walked out from the previous blow, and asked his own strength. system.

"It has been verified that the completion rate of the host's restoration of the plot is at most 20%, and it cannot be higher!"

"Why!" His four eyes were red, he was about to lose his mind completely, is his golden finger useless?He still can't find the reason.


"System! I want to submit my reasoning results!" Another traverser secretly said to his system. His system is called the truth exploration system, which took him through the space of the Lord God. As long as he can explore the secrets in the space of the Lord God , or the secrets in various horror worlds, he will be able to get corresponding rewards.

Every two days, he has an opportunity to submit his reasoning results, and as long as the accuracy reaches more than 90%, he will be rewarded.

It was also because he was confident that he would be rewarded immediately that he joined forces with the Four Eyes so simply to expel Zhang Jie, the team's highest combat power.

"System! You listen to my reasoning results!"

"The one who just left is the infinitely terrifying Zhang Jie! It's Zhang Jie who is on his second mission. In the last mission, because of the four eyes beside him, the group was destroyed and he felt resentful. Now the four eyes have exposed the secret. I want revenge even more! This is the reason why Zhang Jie’s teammate team was destroyed in the second mission! After that, Zhang Jie tasted the sweetness of cheating his teammates. Secret! Is my reasoning right? Give me the reward!"

"Inference error! Insufficient accuracy, no reward!"


What is wrong?A certain traveler fell into deep thought. He felt that his reasoning should be more accurate. Maybe he only needed to modify it a little to get the reward.

"It is recommended that the host start from the mission world! Then explore the secrets of the main god's space a little bit!"

Mission world?

He has never seen this movie!He still thinks it would be easier to reason about Zhang Jie.


Lu Renjie, who didn't know about this, was watching all this in secret. Even though the murderer had already made a move, he had no intention of stopping it. Wait a minute!

He still needs to look at the hole cards of these two traversers!

He didn't believe that the main god wouldn't notice that the two traversers had entered the space of the main god.


Is the main god he met really the main god of infinite terror?

Lu Renjie deeply doubts this. You must know that Infinite Horror, as the ancestor of Infinite Stream, is very popular, but his own world is not so popular with travelers because he often goes to horror movies.

Travelers who enter here are also more inclined to break the situation with force.

And now?

Not to mention the high frequency of one traverser in a mission world, do the two traversers seem to break the situation with their strength?

Under the constant pressure of death, they all showed panic on their faces.

In the dark, Lu Ren looked at all this and fell into deep thought. The problem of the main god's space seems to be not as simple as killing him back after a year...

. .

Chapter 128 The dog system can steal food from household registration?

In the world of comprehensive martial arts, Lu Ren in this world is also in trouble.

"Brother! Why do you want me to provoke Zhu Shishi and say that you can cooperate with such soft words?"

Cao Shaoqin covered his left and right faces at the same time, and looked at Lu Ren, puzzled.

Stretching out his hand to pat Cao Shaoqin's shoulder, Lu Ren said, "I've wronged you! This slap, bear with it! I'm not giving in, but for another purpose!"

What did he ask Cao Shaoqin to do?

Lu Ren just asked Cao Shaoqin to talk to Zhu Wushi.

"Shenhou! My brother said, we don't really have any deep hatred. We are all Ming people. When the country is in peril, what can't we let go?"

"Shenhou! My brother said, there are people you like, and if you don't get them, you have to learn to let go and learn to be fulfilled."

"Shenhou! My brother said that true love is not possession, but fulfillment! It's not yours, it's not yours after all! Just like Daming's throne, as long as Shenhou thinks about it, Dongchang and Shenhou can't win it. "

"Shenhou! My brother said, twisted melons are not sweet! You are not number one in the world, and secondly, you are not the emperor, and you don't have enough strength to twist."


This is the first slap!

"Shenhou! Although you gave me a slap, I still want to say something! You have imprisoned him for 20 years, but you haven't won his heart, so why send people to arrest him? He already has children !"


This is the second slap!

Hearing Cao Shaoqin's description of the situation at that time, Lu Ren couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth: "Didn't I say that it is enough for you to convey my words well? What are you doing with the last sentence?"

"It's not big brother, you said, as long as it can stimulate him?"

"Brother! We are the emperor's people after all. Those words may not reach the emperor... Although I know that you are just using this kind of words to provoke Zhu Wushi, the emperor may not think so. Maybe he really deserves it. would think we were ignoring Zhu to détente."

"Shaoqin, don't you think that elder brother really needs to ease the relationship with Zhu Wu?" Lu Ren asked back.

Wouldn't it be true that someone is going to persecute Zhu Wushi now?

What picture?

Of course, he is willing to ease the relationship, but Zhu Wushi is definitely not willing!

After all, Eunuch Cao is the No. 1 proof that Zhu Wushi likes to be a man. He let Cao Shaoqin go there just to stimulate Zhu Wushi to work harder, before he takes over his body.

Regardless of martial arts or status, it would be the best if he could take advantage of the time when he left the capital to directly rebel, unseat the little emperor, and become emperor himself.

What?Zhu Wushi, who was tricked by him, could not sit on the throne even if he rebelled?

What are you thinking!

When the time comes to directly take his eighty or ninety wives and concubines and make them all pregnant, won't this rumor be broken?

Zhu Wushi, who loves Suxin deeply, will not break the situation in this way, but Lu Ren, who will occupy Zhu Wushi's body in the future, will still be afraid of this?

If it weren't for the threat of the fourth natural disaster, he, Lu Ren, would have made all the officials beg him to have fewer children, believe it or not?

What?Or did some ministers who dissatisfied him suspect or even spread rumors?

Who doubts?Who spread the rumor? …

Are you welcome to visit me in your backyard?

Nothing interesting, just want to see how your family treats guests.

In short, Lu Ren tried his best to let him be taller when he occupied Zhu's body.

"Shaoqin! During the time I'm away, if Zhu ignores any changes, you can cooperate and help stop the troops of Xichang and Jinyiwei!"

[To be honest, I have been using reading books recently to follow up, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres. Both Android and Apple can be used. 】

"What?" Cao Shaoqin was taken aback, looking at Lu Ren with a strange expression. If he hadn't been sure that this was his elder brother, he would have wondered if it was a fake.

How can it be?

Big Brother and Zhu Wushi have been fighting for a lifetime, did they give up just when they had some advantages?

In other words, the elder brother became Zhu Wushi's spy in Dongchang?

"At that time! Zhu Wushi will definitely not be able to tolerate Dongchang! No! It should be said that I and you cannot be tolerated. You must either escape from the capital, or bow your head and be arrested. You must not resist until I come back!" Lu Ren continued to give instructions.

He wants to leave the capital, and he came out of the dark space. During this period of time, his strength has made breakthroughs. He is only one step away from the realm called heaven and man in this world. Although he is still one star, he is still very close. Weak, but it should be enough in this world.

He was going to go and see for himself, and he didn't want to waste time, but the attack speed of the group of fourth natural disasters was too fast.

The last time I entered the dark space was three months ago, but the Transit Management Bureau has not appeared yet, but the people of the fourth natural disaster have basically wiped out Liao and Jin, and even Mongolia is hustle and bustle.

yes!These armies are fierce!

But no matter how fierce you can't bear it, others can't kill it, you can't kill it!

Moreover, with the development of this matter, problems on Da Song's side have been discovered in other fairly normal places.

The imperial family of the Ming Dynasty, the Great Sui Dynasty, the Great Yuan Dynasty...

The whole world knew that there was a group of strange people over there, but they couldn't imagine the seriousness of the matter. They didn't have the concept of the fourth natural disaster, and they just thought that Da Song had built a super army.

The combat power is very strong, and the anti-reconnaissance ability is very strong. All the spies are folded in, and they can't detect any information...

But so what?

The big deal is that the Song Dynasty will unify the world!Are people different or are they people?Are Jianghu sects different from Jianghu sects?

Except for the major royal families, as well as the nobles and ministers who are loyal to the royal family, no one else cares too much about this matter. Maybe they are still rejoicing that the foreign race was killed?

"Brother! Are you really going to Da Song? According to reports from Dongchang's spies, Prince Taiping went there in person, but he never came back. I'm worried about you..." Cao Shaoqin was a little worried.

"I have to go!" Lu Ren was silent for a while, then said!

The fourth natural disaster is developing too fast!The scope is getting wider and wider!There are more and more people!He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to wait for the management bureau to come, and, with his system, even if he broke Cao Zhengchun's body, he would have a good chance of turning into Zhu Wushi and coming back.

At that time, they will directly declare war on the group of fourth natural disasters in the name of the entire Ming Dynasty, to see if they can make things bigger and attract the attention of the Chuanguan Bureau.

If the system can't keep him... he can only take the risk of revealing his identity as a law enforcement officer and attract the power of the management bureau. …

Lu Ren frowned. If it wasn't a last resort, he wouldn't want to do this. Even though he had some plans in mind, at that time, there would inevitably be many things that could not stand the scrutiny of the management bureau.

"Huh... good! Brother! I don't persuade you! But are you sure you don't want me to be your helper?"


No need!

Lu Ren's eyes flickered, and he ordered: "Just stimulate Zhu Wushi a little bit more, so that he can't help rebelling! Now that Prince Taiping's son went to Da Song to investigate but disappeared, Nan Wang's greatest help, Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, went to Da Song Looking for Dugu and seeking defeat, he never returned, although King Ning has soldiers and horses, but it is far inferior to Zhu ignoring the secrets grasped by Hulong Villa to control the generals from all walks of life."

"Just stop Jinyiwei and Xichang when the time comes! I'll take Yuhuatian away! Zhu Wushi's chances of success are very high!" Lu Ren ordered indifferently.

"Hiss! Brother! If Zhu ignores the mutiny, Daming will be in chaos!"

"If it's messed up, I'll clean it up!" Lu Ren rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Only when Zhu Wushi's status is high enough, when he occupies Zhu Wushi's body, can he deal with the situation on Da Song's side more smoothly. Letting Zhu ignore the rebellion now saves him the time to operate. Every bit of time is the development time of the fourth natural disaster expansion, which cannot be wasted.

Looking at the timing on his system, the development time of the fourth natural disaster is already enough, and he can draw another card.

"System! Draw a card! If you don't draw a warrior at the level of Heaven and Man this time, see if I will scold you!"


The system interface changed wildly, flickering constantly, and then, in Lu Ren's eyes, an ordinary old man card appeared in front of Lu Ren.

It is indeed very ordinary, just like every plant and tree in the world, all the sharpness seems to be put away, if it weren't for the bald bird beside him and the four words on the card, no one would have guessed the identity of the old man .

Actually... really pulled it out?

Lu Ren's face is weird, no!Logically, shouldn't this person have been reduced to an npc?

But he knew that earlier, an extremely terrifying sword intent appeared outside the city of Xiangyang in the Great Song Dynasty, full of desolation and unwillingness.

Other warriors who sensed it might think that Dugu Qiubai encountered a great enemy, which is why Ye Gucheng went to find Dugu Qiubai.

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